event COMIC FIESTA 2015


- The Mines Convention Center -

I had been there for 2 days, but only really attended the event for Day 2, as I had personal appointment outside on Day 1, I left around 12PM noon after had a short met up with 1 of my friend and collected my entrance pass. And I stucked in about 1 hour jam in parking level (if you know the reason, you know)

Day 2

Cosplayed as Levi again in Up-rising Arc version outfit. Didn't really take much photo, only some friend had some selfies with me.

Ya, I'm getting lazy and lazier, haha. There was where the feeling want to retire from Cosplay had been started.

Friend had snap a photo when I'm trying to rest, really felt the tiredness from work.

My friend passed me a sunglasses to take an OOC shoot, ahaha