Took train and ferry there with bunch of friends, enjoyed our overnight stay on the train.

We booked a hotel room nearby the event venue and all of us squeezed in 1 hotel room for easier to take care each other.

During the time I was having an ankle injury 2 weeks ago, on going with treatments but the method was not effective, so I was having some dificulty on bending my knee and ankle (sprained my ankle and my right leg was swollen from sole of the foot until the knee).

As we planned to cosplay the same series in group, hence we spent some time to do some photoshoot, the best spot was at a hidden staircase. The spot kind of suits us as the settings in the story is underground world. It should be dark and less with sunlight.

Photo by Juin

Photo by Razrig, a famous photographer within Cosplay community.

Photo by photographer - Clonix

My weird sitting posture due to my injured ankle, I can't bend my right ankle DX

Actually was trying to show my friend how to do posing, when I was demonstrating, the photographer told me to hold coz it looks nice, hahaha!!!

Oh... and something funny happended between friends, I was so innocently, didn't know 1 famous things fujoshis excited about - Kabe-don.

SERIOUSLY I THOUGHT IT WAS FOOD and asked my friend "Huh? Hungry alredy? Wanna have lunch?" (And I did start to pack and prepare to go for lunch)

It took my a minute to realized what they were asking about (They asked Farlan to Kabe-don Levi O__o) and I laughed like a maniac!!