event COMIC FIESTA 2011


- KL Convention Centre -

Comic Fiesta Year 2011 was the first year held in KL Convention Hall, which is next to our famous Twin Towers KLCC. This is the 10th years of the event, so I decided to re-Cosplay my FIRST character on year 2002 - Misao Makimachi from Rurouni Kenshin series, completed with wig.

As the venue host didn't expect this event is even stronger and have more visitors compared with PC fairs, to ease the visitors flow/traffic the venue management once locked down the entrance and exit of CF, which made me stucked in ticketing hall doing makeup for others.

2011年的漫画嘉年华是在KL Conventional中心举行,位于双峰塔的隔壁。也是那么多年后第一次在这里举行!!

主办当局使用了2个会场 (Hall 4 & Hall 5),但是出席者还是多的把会场挤得水泄不通,KL Convention的高层还一度的关闭入口以防万一,但是一切都还是有惊无险~

还有一个原本以为会贵到飞天饮食却意外地。。。好便宜,也很好吃 =P

Grab this photo from my friend's album, to keep for sweet memories~

I was so excited for the 10th anniversary of CF, therefore I tried to take as many selfies as possible with the con-goer oldies~~