event COMIC FIESTA 2005


- Sri Sedaya, Subang -

This was a 2 days event, I was the PIC for the ticketing, I had planned before hand but things turned out not as what I expected ^__^;; It made the situation become uncontrolled for the visitor flow near the entrance, gomen

And the corridor is kinda small to keep that amount of people waiting in Q.

While inside the hall, I was too busy to get myself update what was happening at other area coz my phone was keep ringing non-stop, I kept running between the front entrance and the back stage *why everybody keep calling me?? T__T*

1st day was cosplaying as young Kenshin during age 13, 14? I know not many people guess it right, they thought I'm only cosplay some random character XD

2nd day, because too many non-comm going into the backstage that made me "is not safe to put the important stuffs over here" that the problem I always keep my eyes on the important stuffs of CF *for ppl know what it means* *cough*

During the time I cosplayed Tetsu, I'm too short untill I don't have any nice photo of this cosplay *goes leech from others* Actually Kitty wants to complete the PMK group, but end up they didn't join in last minute...so... <__<;;

After I changed into Rukia cosplay, a lot people can spot me and ask for photo taking, even some of my friend also...only can spot me in Rukia cosplay XD;;