event COMIC FIESTA 2023



After so many years 'retired' from CF committee , out of expectation this year attended CF as crew again.

I was ge-boh with Pea (Mandy Wong) about a month b4 CF, then... tada, I became a - Part-time crew for the 20th CF Museum.

When they said I will have a crew pass, I asked : Won't that be dangerous? If I done anything 38 ppl will think I represent CF *curious*

No, seriously, dun get deceived by my serious face when cosplay, I'm kind of 38 one *cough*

With mixtures of tiredness, ganjiong-ness, blur mode, where-am-i who-am-i mode, this is my responsibility I must do it properly mode, sakit kaki mode, I want to go home mode, I wanna give up mode... But I'm very happy I was involved in this

Kudos to Pea aka Mandy Wong!! Challenges she faced along the way is much worse, but she keep it going. 我把你当神拜!

My original plan was - Be there aorund afternoon, walk any corner I can get to, snap photos, about 2~3 hours then ciao XD

But in the end I spent whole day there, setup on Fri, Sat reached on 9.10am, back around 6.45pm (my legs were going to break if stay any minute longer DX), then Sun reached around 9.05AM, then tear down & FINALLY have dinner with proper food (2 days mainly eat bread & fruits), reached home around 11PM (ah... leg pain, rest in car before head back to home Orz)

It was great to meet back most of the oldies as I most of the time stayed at the MUSEUM area, it was a gather spot for us XXD

And this year I can see the difference CF handle crowd flows, ppl will kept on coming but won't jam-pack like hell, kudos!!

DAY 0 : Setting up

Took some photos while waiting for some tools

Capturing some memorable moment while others were busy doing the setup =D

Before setup...

Time : 8.30PM, the Meseum of CF 20th anniversary are ready for the public!

TIME MACHINE, you are able to view some old photos from previous CF, and the old school forum before Facebook etc

Exclusive tags of CF founders

Some T-shirts

Tickets, booth pass in previous CFs

Some merchandise

Booth pass, volunteer pass in previous CFs


Posters, flyers

Milestones chart

List of contributors of the priceless collections


Was planned to take LRT to event venue coz tried to avoid driving to KL and problem on finding parking.

Last minute changed plan and drove directly to KLCC Convention, arrived around 9.10AM, the parking was kinda empty, hooray!


Managed to took some photos before the gate opened on 9.30AM :P

Our 1st CF was year 2002 at Chinese Assembly Hall, what year was yours?

Mandy aka Pea & Tenkawa (as organizer), me (as attendee)

Since last year made promised to self must selfie with this board whenever I'm attending CF. *ignore my long sour face coz too many ppl walk pass it is hard to take a nice shot >o<

This year the lobby is quite clean and empty, no banners at all 

Live demo from Hong Kong artist

Collaboration of Guardian & Spy x Family

This is good idea for cosplayers, forgot to bring eyeliner? Buy here! Don't have concealer? Buy here! Need make up remover? BUY HERE!!

GIANT floorplan layout, make sure visitors won't get lost

Q awaiting to release into the hall on Day 1, 6.00PM

E-Sport tournament area

Managed to take some photos with some oldies :D


Tankawa jio-ed me to join him to cosplay FMA characters, hope I didn't spoil Edward's image, my age gap with him is TOOOOOOOOOO BIIIIIIIG, which scared me.

I MUST wear specs as my eyesight is getting worse, colour contact lens are purely for decoration purposes ^^;;

Tea time! (Some rare peaceful time of these 2 characters together)

Our lovely Izzu, who volunteered at CF ticketing almost every year, your contributions are much appreciated!!

Tried to take their group photo but I was a little bit too late :P

3PM onward, oldies gathering time!!!

Everyone was so excited to drop by to say "HI" and took some memorable photos =D

Welcome to CF all these years!!

Our 1st CF, what year was yours?

Thank you all volunteers, you all did a good job!! Kudos!!

Generally everything was smooth, eventho I was having difficulty to admit I'm CF crew when there was an attendee asked "Are you CF crew who take care this?" hahaha I dunno why

Only 1 unhappy incident happened before closing, we gathered all volunteers who assisted in Meseum area for a group photo, there was 1 random cosplayer simply joined in, and non of us notice (probably everyone think one of us know this person). We only found out when want to give credits to the volunteers.

This kinda spoiled the mood or watever, mostly the PHOTO. 

I hate this kind of act, for you maybe you feel fun, happy or "no big deal" or "a few seconds thing" and never think about the consequences of your act. For me, your act showed no respect to others. 

I hope all con-goer keep their manners all the time. Cheers!