cosplay - Levi Ackerman


- Shingeki no Kyojin / 进击的巨人 -

Most of my friends know me as a Cosplayer will stick to a character for long time, few years, just with different outfits. After Hyuuga Neiji, Kuchiki Rukia, Edward Elric, Himura Kenshin, Misao Makimachi, this time will be Levi Ackerman from Shingeki no Kyojin. Lets start view back my Cosplay history of Levi Heichou.



Previously my friend tried to lure me into this series - Shingeki no Kyojin, but I was too busy so I did not take any action. Until they wanted to release the Anime and there were a lot of fans were discussing about it, I stumble across a “Sammo Hung” titan which had triggered my interest, until I was curious on “where are these titans from, are they human?”, there I had started to flip through the Manga, slowly fall into the “trap”, there was where I started to love this series, later “fall in love” with Levi Heichou *cough*, what I called “digging own grave”.

之前友人想诱惑本人开始看这部漫画,但是因为太忙所以没有多加理会。然后就在这部作品推出动画时大家都在热论,无意间看到了“洪金宝”巨人,挑起了一点的兴趣。过后就是“巨人是如何来的?”让本人开始看。。。 因为好奇,殊不知就掉进了陷阱,开始了对这部作品的迷恋,到对兵长的痴恋。

My first debut of Levi Heichou was at Comic Fiesta 2013, Malaysia biggest and oldest ACG event. I had failed in the makeup, 3DMG was really bad crafted, this Cosplay really was a disaster.

正式开始出兵长COSPLAY是在2013年的COMIC FIESTA,初开始还掌握不到他的妆容,立体机动装置也做得超烂,感觉就是不堪回首。

The friend who tried to lure me into the series knew I Cosplayed Levi Heichou, invited me to join her group photoshoot. Weiss was a very passionate in organizing the photoshoot, find the best team members, looked for the best location, photographer. It was our first time meeting and to know each other, but everything worked well and we really enjoyed it. We had became friends afterwards.


The shoot was organized on early 2014. Photographers Wai Leong and Shutter Ryhs are very skillful, We had created a lot nice shots.

外拍安排在2014年年头。当时的摄影师Wai Leong & Shutter Rhys的拍摄技术超强,拍到了很多超有型的照片。

Also unprepared-ly taken some fan-service shots, honestly I felt uncomfortable when this photo had been revealed to public by my friend, but now I’m already able to face this with ease. Undeniable when it has been revealed, a lot of fujoshis were asking for more, but unfortunately (fortunately) we only have this shot, because I had ran away after this shot and tried my best to avoid it (I was really stunned when this shot took place)… Because it gave me strange feelings. It was not others fault, as myself was not ready to step out of my comfort zone.

也在毫无防备下拍了fan service照片,当初此照片被友人公开时有点不自在,但是现在已经可以坦然面对。无可否认这题材的照片激起很多腐女们“give me more”的要求,但是可惜(还好)就只有这张,因为当时被吓到了开始逃跑回避(当时拍摄时本人真的愣住了)。。。 因为感觉很怪

After they officially released Levi’s kaiden - Choice with no Regrets, I had organized the photoshoot this time, looked for friends who willing to take up the other characters. Even there were some unhappy incidents on booking the venue for shooting, but still everything run as planned. The shoot was smooth, but we did not reveal much photos as haven’t touch up.


The group had attended an event in Penang, did a mini photoshoot as well.

I had sprained my ankle before the event, my right leg was swollen from feet to knee, so there was limitation on poses. Then my friends had an idea - Kabe-don, I was too naive and thought it is a food, anyway I had been Kabe-don in the end… oh well


当时因为扭伤了脚(从脚板肿到膝盖),pose那方面有点限制。然后又被友人们要求Kabe-don。。。 当她们在说Kabe-don时我还以为是食物。。。 最后还是被Kabe-don了。。。 我的天

In short time, they officially released the Anime version, with different outfit. I did not hesitate to make the new outfit and debuted on Comic Fiesta 2014. Thanks to the photographer for the photo!!


一些在COMIC FIESTA 2014拍摄的照片,谢谢摄影师的照片!

In this year, most of the friend no longer Cosplaying the same series, but we had fun mingle around and had a lot of group photos!


And had been invited by another Cosplayer to join her as partner for her photoshoot. The photographers with excellent skill, Micho Teh and Waninoko, had given us a lot fantastic shots.

过后又有不认识的COSPLAYER来询问,可以合作出外景吗?本人答应了。这次外景的摄影师Micho Teh和Waninoko也是超强,也拍到了很多的美照。

Noticed that I did not really give Levi any fighting pose, did some practice and selfie, this pose looks good, hahaha.


After debuted existing outfits he has (skipped some anyway), here came the time to think “what other outfit I can Cosplay?”, it was the time there had a very famous fanart, design of the outfit was chosen by a lot Cosplayer, including me. This outfit was ordered from Taobao, a little disappointed as the tail was too short compare to the original artwork, and there has no split from the middle, made it lacked of “flowy” feel.


From the 1st photoshoot until now, had been “attacked” by friends and tried to “push” me into BL for quite some time (to be exact, it started since I Cosplayed Edward from FMA). I already gave up on defending… it is FANART anyway, so I just did something different, “FANART idea”.


Of course there still has some serious and in-character photoshooting (taken at VAX event, 2015).


Had been invited to be guest at Cosmart to share the experience on changes/ revolution of local ACG events.


After that, as usual, debut new outfit at different evens.


Following the Manga, continue to make new outfits… outfit Levi wore during chapter “Uprising Arc”, did not have much nice photo at event, did some selfie to record down this Cosplay.

跟着漫画的进度,继续出新的版本。。。以下版本出席了COMIC FIESTA 2015, 只是没有拍到几张好看的照片,所以以自拍的方式记录下来。

Slowly we moved into year 2016, was very busy so basically did not attend any event, not mistakenly the FIRST event in 2016 was Cosplay Ball - BALLARE, which was organized by my friend, Cheryl Teh. It was really a good event and experience to me, where everybody danced!!

I was wondering which outfit to use for this occasion, tried to custom make another outfit designed by fans but failed to negotiate with the tailor so had gave up that idea, bought a normal Tuxedo instead. Turned out no bad!

不知不觉已经迈入2016年,根本忙得没有时间出席活动,没有记错的话第一场出席的活动是友人举办的COSPLAY BALL- BALLARE。当时还犹豫要用那一套衣服,因为都不怎么适合场合,原本想定做另外一套FANART版本,但是与卖家谈得不和谐,就放弃了。就干脆订购一套普通燕尾服。。。 效果也不错。


Time passed, now is already year end of 2016, time for the biggest event again, debuted another new outfit for Levi.


We are moving into 2017 soon, not sure will continue to debut any new outfit… or retire… really have no idea since I have been so long (not really long) into Cosplay.

即将踏入新的一年-2017年,不知道以后还会不会继续出更新的版本。。。 还是退休。。。 本人也不知道。。。

Thank you to all my friends who walked with me for this long, Cosplayers, helpers who had worked together as well as photographers, really thank you to all Levi fans who chosen to take my photo or took photo with me, really thank you to everybody!! To let me have a lot good memories!!
