event COMIC FIESTA 2002


- Chinese Assembly Hall / 中华大会堂/雪华堂 -

This was my 1st attended ACG event in Malaysia. I got this news from a local Chinese Manga magazine. I was so happy that actually there will be an ACG event in Malaysia.

I was so excited and looked for character that I can cosplay and some easy-to-make costume. I like Kenshin that time but I was not confident enough to cosplay him, so I chosen Misao instead.

~ We don't know each other during that time, just had the chance to take a photo together. ~

I met a lot of new friends at the event, Kidchan (although I didn't talk to her but only took some photo with her), Sizer, Keitsu, Kemuri, Nuriko, this were the gang that mixed around well at the 1st met XD)

Also this was the 1st time I met Sakana, the event organizer (but I didn't dare to talk to her).



只是根据所得资讯-漫画周刊所刊登的广告,有同人摊位,有绘画比赛 ,有表演,有cosplay.






那个时候根本连摆pose都不会,然后不会耐久。。。摆了几秒就放松了。。。但是还有很多人在狂拍照  O.o


想起来觉得自己根本就像一个白痴 =.=;;

Photo when cosplayers were on stage

Photo when cosplayers were on stage

Photo when cosplayers were on stage

Photo of myself as Misao Makimachi from Rurouni Kenshin

Photo of myself as Misao Makimachi from Rurouni Kenshin

Photo of myself as Misao Makimachi from Rurouni Kenshin

photo with KidChan ^^

photo with tetsu, he was cosplaying Fuma from X, but a lot people mistook him as Kamui XD;;

I like his sword, wow~~ damn big, taller than me O__O

This photo is very precious, although I lost track who is the photographer, but thanks a lot!!

LINK TO VIDEO (Credits to Comic Fiesta Founder, Tenkawa)