event COMIC FIESTA 2003


- Impiana Hotel, KL -

**I was a helper during that time...giving out AXN water-based tattoo XD

这一年我是委员的小小帮手~~ XD

This year only a 1 day event due to their financial matter, this event is "for fans, by FANS"

Yes, CF is a fan based club...and this was the 2nd year having this event, or, say 2nd time. And all of us are not older than 27 I believe ^^;; and MOST of them are younger than 19 years old.


今年是大会的第二年,二岁了~~~当时相信我们 大家都没有超过27岁的吧?许多的同好都还是19以下~~

I had met some other new friend this year, they were Shin (Gary), Fallen, Rylands. And the whole group of Naruto cosplayers

当时因为我出火影的角色所以认识了很多火影的同好,还有从槟城过来的4兄弟, Gary, Fallen, Rylands, Jin,还有Lastwaltz.

This year I was the helper for the stage setup, due to the backdrop printing had delayed, we only able to start the setup around evening.

When we finished, I have already missed the last train. Sakana allowed me to overnight at her hotel room.

I woke up early the next morning to take the earliest train to go home to take my costume. Then rush back to hotel to prepare, then I lost my specs in the room, haha.

Committee members giving thank you speech before closing

Committee members giving thank you speech before closing

Committee members giving thank you speech before closing

Dance performed by fans after closing speech

LINK TO VIDEO (Credits to Comic Fiesta Founder, Tenkawa)