event COMIC FIESTA 2007


- Berjaya Times Square, KL - 

This year was held at Berjaya Times Square, a narrow shop lots alley area behind shops...  The scale was super small and narrow compare to school hall.

But the pros is, it was in shopping mall, there was no issue in find food, we were able to fill our stomach at foodcourt, economic, easy and simple.

 DAY 1

I Was cosplaying Hitokiri Battousai on Day 1

And accompany my friends for their Keroro dance performance, taken the video shot.

Whole day was running around, and my Katana knocked on people randomly because the hall was too small and too crowded to move around freely.


Day 2 was cosplaying Edward Elric from Full Metal Alchemist. My automail was a failure, looks so fragile, and my wig was so messy.

But at least I met with my friends and had fun~

Link to VIDEO