Reading List
An ever growing list of books and publications within my collection and which have contributed to my knowledge and research.
100 Year of the Mines Rescue Service - Rhondda. 2018, Malcolm Davies
Accident at Knockshinnoch Castle Colliery, 07 Sept 1950, Official Report. Sir Andrew Bryan
A Brief history of colliery rescue work in the Rhondda Valley. Typewritten document, 1948. Owen V Reynolds
A Century of Struggle. 1989, National Union of Mineworkers
A Few Recollections of an old Lambeth Factory and its Vicinity, 1959, Robert Henry Davies (Extract written by A B Clifford)
A History of Coal Mining in Great Britain. 1882, Robert Galloway (Reprint dated 1969)
A Joint Colliery Rescue-Station. 1901. M. H. Habershon [paper presented to the Midland Institute of Mining, Civil, and Mechanical Engineers, March 30 1901 - part of Transactions of the Institute of Mining Engineers, Vol XXI, 1900-01]
A Manual on Mines Rescue, Safety and Gas Detection. 1985. J Strang & P MacKenzie-Wood (Australia)
Ambassador for Oil, the life and times of John, First Baron Cadman. 1960. John Rowland
A Pitman's Notebook. The Diary of Edward Smith. Houghton Colliery Viewer 1749. 1970, T Robertson
Auchengeich Colliery Disaster (1959), A Brief Summary of the court of enquiry. 1959. Scottish NUM
Beneath Flanders Fields, The Tunnellers's War 1914-18, 2007, Peter Barton, Peter Doyle and Johan Vandewalle
Birdsong. Fictional account of Offensive Tunnelling in France. 1994. Sebastian Faulks
Blood on Coal. The 1926 General Strike and Miners' Lockout in the Forest of Dean. 1999, Ralph Anstis
Blood on the Coal. A history of Woodhorn Colliery. Mike Kirkup
Breathing Apparatus and other Industrial Safety Appliances. Siebe, Gorman & Co
Breathing in Irrespirable Atmospheres. 1948. Robert H Davis
British Coalmining Industry. National Coal Board
British Orders, Decorations and Medals. 1973, Donald Hall
Clay Cross Calamaties. 1994, Terry Judge
Coal Mine Disasters in the Modern Era c. 1900-1980. 2017, Brian Elliott
Coal Mines Rescue and Fire Fighting, 1956, JD Jenkins; JW Waltham and JC Mitcheson
Coal Miner Digger. Hunter Valley (Australia) Coal Miners at The Great War. 2001, David H. Dial
Coalmining. A Handbook of the History of Coalmining Gallery Salford Museum of Mining. 1981, Geoff Preece
Coal Mining. 2000, Geoffrey Hayes
Coal Mining, An Elementary Text Book, 2nd Edition, 1894. Robert Peel
Coal Mining, An Elementary Text Book, 20th Edition, 1921, Robert Peel & Daniel Burns
Coal Mining A Technological Chronology 1700 - 1950, 1991. Alan Hill
Colliery Explosions and Recovery Work. A text book for candidates for the First Class Managers and Under-managers certificates. 1927, JW Whitaker
Colliery Guardian. 1955
Colliery Guardian, 1966
Disaster at Tynewydd, 2nd Edition. An account of a Rhondda mine disaster in 1877. 1992, Ken Llewellyn
Draeger's Rescue Apparatus catalogue. 1909, Draegerwerk, Lubeck
Drager. Company brochure and history, 2010, Drager
Dragons can be Defeated, A complete record of the George Medal's progress from 1940 to 1983. 1984, D. V. Henderson
Duty is ours (Events are Gods). Mines rescue work. 1995, Eric J Sharrod
Education, Training and Rescue in the Cannock Chase Coalfield. 2006, J Sunley & M Davies
Elementary Coal Mining Designed to meet the requirements of students attending classes on coal mining. 3rd Edition. 1912, George L Kerr
Emergency Preparedness and Mines Rescue. 1998, Mines Rescue Board, NSW
Experimental Gallery for Testing Life-Saving Apparatus. 1901. W. E. Garforth. [paper presented to the Midland Institute of Mining, Civil, and Mechanical Engineers, November 19,1901 - part of Transactions of the Institute of Mining Engineers, Vol XXII, 1902-02]
Explosion at Bedwas Colliery, Monmouthshire, Facsimile copy - Report on the causes of and circumstances etc.10 October 1952. 1953, T.A. Jones, H M Inspector of Mines
Extinguishing an Oil-Well fire in Mexico, and the part played therein by self-contained breathing-apparatus. Transactions IME, Vol LXIII 1921-1922, (Facsimile copy). 1922, Arthur Bernard Clifford
Fatal Accident in the South Wales Coalfield. Ray Lawrence
Firedamp - How it can be detected and measured by means of the Flame Safety Lamp. 1936, HMSO
First Aid in Coal Mines, 3rd Edition. St John Ambulance Association
First, Second and Third Report of the Mine Rescue Apparatus Research Committee. 1918-1924 W Walker, H Briggs & J Haldane (Bound copy of the three reports)
'Gainst All Disaster, Gallant Deeds Above & Beyond the Call of Duty. 1986. Allan Stanistreet
Great Pit Disasters. 1973, Helen & Baron Duckham
Gresford. The anatomy of a disaster. 1999, Stanley Williamson
Handbook for Mining Students, Vol. 1, 3rd Edition. Science of Art & Mining
Handbook of Instructions for using the Novox Resuscitation Apparatus. Siebe, Gorman & Co
Heroic Endeavour. A complete register of the Albert, Edward and Empire Gallantry medals and how they were won. 1988, D. V. Henderson
Instructions for use, care and maintenance of The Proto (two hour, Mark IV). Siebe, Gorman & Co
Instructions for use, care and maintenance of The Salvus (half hour, Mark VI). Siebe, Gorman & Co
Knockshinnoch. The Greatest Mines Rescue in History. 2016, Ian McMurdo
Law relating to Safety & Health, The (Vol 1 - Mines of Coal). HMSO
Lest We Forget, A tribute to the miners and their families. 1994, Fred Leigh
Life Saving Awards Research Society Journal, The (No. 34, September 1998). 1998, LSARS
Medal News Yearbook. 1996, James Mcakay
Member for Mexico. A biography of Weetman Pearson first Viscount Cowdray. 1966, Desmond Young
Memoir of the Hartley Colliery Accident 1862. 1912, T. E. Forster
Military Mining 1914-19. 2004, Royal Engineers, Chatham
Mine Gases and Gas Testing. For underground officials and workmen, including an account of colliery explosion. 1913, JW McTrusty
Mine Rescue and First Aid. 1934, J W Waltham
Mines Rescue Work. 1955, R McAdam and D Davidson.
Mine Rescue Work and Organization. 1921, HF Bulman and FP Mills
Mines Rescue - Privatisation to Privatisation: The Full Circle. Facsimile copy - Article in Mining Technology, Vol 78. 1996, B Langdon and G C Harris
Mines, Safety and Rescue in the Somerset Coalfield. 2002, Five Arches
Mining, An International History. 1972, John Temple
Mining Law and Mine Management. A text book for candidates for the First Class Managers and Under-managers certificates. 1927, Alexander Watson
Mining Memories. A portrait of the collieries of North Staffordshire. 1992, Fred Leigh
Modern Mining Practice (Vol 1-5) 1913, Geo Mitcheson Bailes
Most Splendid of Men. Life in a Mining Community 1917-25 - Autobiography. 1981, Harold Brown
Most Valiant of Men. A short history of the North Staffordshire Mines Rescue Service (with signed dedication). 1993, Fred Leigh
North Derbyshire Collieries on old picture postcards. 2001, Alan Bower
Notes on a recent underground fire at Wharncliffe Silkstone Collieries, and the use of rescue apparatus in connection therewith. Paper presented to The Midland Institute of Mining, Civil and Mechanical Engineers, 4 February 1908 (Facsimile copy). 1908, Jonathan Wroe
Notes on recent experience in the practical use of rescue apparatus. Paper read before the Midland Institute of Mining, Civil and Mechanical Engineers. 4 February 1908. Sgt Arthur T Winborn
Nottingham Collieries on old picture postcards. 2000, Angela Franks
Nottinghamshire Miners' Tales. 2001, Angela Franks
One hundred questions and Answers about Coal. 1939, Philip Gee (Publisher)
People at Work - The Miner. Ladybird Easy Reading book. 1965, I & J Havenhand
Pit Ponies. Reprint and revised from 2008. 2016, Mike Kirkup
Pits & Pitmen of Barnsley. 2001, Brian Elliott
Pit-Talk. A Survey of terms used by Miners in the South Midlands. 1970, W Forster
Pit-Yacker. 1962, George Hitchin
Practical Coal Mining for Miners, Volume 1, Second Edition. 1951, E. Mason
Practical Coal-mining, A manual for managers, under-managers, colliery engineers and others. George L Kerr. 1920 (5th edition)
Recent Practice in the use of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus. (facsimile copy). 1921, Lieut. Rex C Smart, MC., RE.
Report of H.M. Inspector of Mines, 2 - Northern Division - 1936. T Greenland Davies
Report of H.M. Inspector of Mines, 4 - North Midland Division - 1936. JR Felton
Report on the Explosion at Easington Colliery 29 May 1951, HCW Roberts CBE., MC
Report on the Explosion at the Hartley Bank Colliery, 23 May 1924. Henry Walker. CBE
Rescue Man's Manual.1922, Arthur B Clifford
Rescue Man's Manual, 2nd Edition. 1922, Arthur B Clifford
Rescue Man's Manual, 3rd Edition. 1922, Arthur B Clifford
Rescue & Recovery Bulletin (original). 1913, Siebe, Gorman & Co
Rescue & Recovery Bulletin (Facsimile copy). 1916, Siebe, Gorman & Co
Rescue Station Organization, 1915, Henry Briggs
Ribbons and Medals, 1940, Cpt H Taprell Dorling DSO., RN
Rules for Recovering Coal Mines after Explosions and Fires, 2nd Edition, 1918, W E Garforth
Safety First: In Mining, A book for miners, mine officials and all others interested in mining, 1925, Daniel Davies. M.I.M.E.
South Yorks Area Emergency Scheme for Collieries, 1975, NCB
South Yorkshire Collieries on old picture postcards, 1999, Norman Ellis
South Yorkshire Mining Disasters. Vol. 1, The Nineteenth Century, 2018, Brian Elliott
South Yorkshire Mining Disasters. Vol. 2, The Twentieth Century, 2019, Brian Elliott
South Yorkshire Pits, 2001, Warwick Taylor
Staffordshire Tunnellers of World War One, 2018, The Staffordshire Tunnellers Group
Suggestions for the Organization of Colliery Rescue-Brigades, Transactions of the Institute of Mining Engineers, Vol 37, 8 Feb1909 (Facsimile copy), 1908, Sgt Arthur T Winborn
The 1908 Mining Disaster at Hamstead Colliery, 2008, Anthony Lewis
The Day the Earth Trembled, Account of an amazing escape… by 14 miners at Barnborough Main Colliery 24 April 1942, 1989, Frank Vernon
The Death Pit, The Story of the West Stanley Colliery Explosion 1909, 1969, Eric Forster
The Durham Miners 1919-1960, 1971, W R Garside
The Edward Medal, Citations for Bravery in the Mining Industry (Private publication), 1996, Malcolm Kitchen
The First Rescue Station, The development of a mine rescue organization on the northern district coalfields of NS Wales, 1989, Rhonda Geale
The Hardest work under heaven, the Life & Death of the British Coal Miner, 1984, Michael Pollard
The Hartley Colliery Disaster 1862, 1963, John Elliott McCutcheon
The History and development of the mines rescue service in Britain, Reprint from Colliery Guardian Annual Review August 1975, 1975, J Blunt, General Manager of Rescue Stations, NCB
The Maypole, 1983, John Hannavy and Roy Lewis
The Miners, 1976, Anthony Burton
The Miners in Crisis and War, 1961, R Page Arnot
The Order of Industrial Heroism, Records of the recipients of the Order of Industrial Heroism, 2000, WH Fevyer, JW Wilson & JE Cribb
The Register of the George Cross, (2nd Edition), 1990, BPCC Wheatons (Publisher)
These Poor Hands, The Autobiography of a Miner working in South Wales. 1939, B L Coombes
The Shotfirer's Manual, 1936, E Hart
The South Staffordshire Coalfield, 2005, Nigel A Chapman
The Staffordshire Coal Industry, (Reprint) 1981, A J Taylor
The Support of the Roof at the Coalface (second edition), 1952, NCB
The Tunnellers, 1986, Raymond Hitchcock (Fiction)
The Valley of the Shadow, An account of Britain's worst mining disaster: The Senghenydd Explosion, 2009, John H Brown
The West Riding Miners and Sir William Garforth, 2009, Bryan Fraser
The Wigan Coalfield, 2001, Alan Davis
Thunder Underground, Northumberland Mine Disasters 1815-1865, 2004, Roy Thompson
Training of Officers and Men of the Tunnelling Companies of the RE…, 1920, G F F Eagar
Transactions of the Federated Institution of Mining Engineers, Vol LVIII, 1920
Transactions of Scottish Mining Students Federation, Vol 1, 1930-1931
Transactions of the Institute of Mining Engineers, Vol XLV. 1912-13
Troubled Collieries, 2002, Bernard McCormick
Tunnellers (reprint), The story of the tunnelling companies, Royal Engineers, during the World War, 1936, Cpt W Grant Grieve & Bernard Newman
Tunnelmaster and Arsonist of the Great War: The Norton-Griffiths Story, 2003, Tony Bridgland and Anne Morgan
Victorian Hamstead - Its People, Its Colliery, 1988, Rodger Clive Meachem
War Underground, 1981, Alexander Barrie
Weetman Pearson, First Viscount Cowdray, 1930, J A Spender