Edward Medal Recipients

The following data is compiled from various sources, most notably the LONDON GAZETTE and the book "Heroic Endeavour"

 by Major (Ret'd) D.V. Henderson. G.M. (ISBN 0 903754 39 8)

The list only shows recipients who were engaged in mining activities at the time of their heroic deed. Recipients who exchanged their medal for a George Cross are indicated with "GC"



Aaron, Mine Boy, Kimberley Diamond Mine S.A., 2nd Class, 29th January 1909

Akers, John Thomas, Deputy, Hedley Pit, Bronze, 29th September 1930

Allport, Ernest, Deputy, Bentley Colliery, Silver, 29th November 1931 GC

Artis, Joseph, Sinker, Water Haigh Colliery, 2nd Class, 17th November 1910

Aspinall, Henry, Deputy, Hickleton Main Colliery, Bronze, 25th October 1922

Asquith, Percy, Sinker, Water Haigh Colliery, 2nd Class, 17th November 1910

Austin, John William, Timberman, Hylton Colliery, Bronze, 30th March 1947

Baird, David, Overman, Cowdenbeath Colliery, 1st Class, 20th January 1917

Baker, John Thomas, Pony Driver, South Garesfield Colliery, Bronze, 17th May 1929 GC

Baker, Pailing, Manager, Harriseahead Colliery, Bronze, 10th March 1924

Ball, William, Shiftman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Bangley, Leonard William, Miner, Kakamega Gold Mine Kenya, Bronze, 21st January 1936

Banks, Thomas, Under-Manager, Moresby Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Barker, Theodore George, Assistant Manager, Kusture Colliery Bihar India, Bronze, 20th October 1937

Barnard, Isaac, Miner, Wesselton Mine, Kimberley S.A., Silver, 25th September 1919

Barnard, John, Miner, Wesselton Mine, Kimberley S.A., Silver, 25th September 1919

Barnes, James Brack, Miner, Kimberley Diamond Mine S.A., 1st Class, 29th January 1909

Baster, Norman, Colliery Agent, South Kirkby Colliery, Bronze, 22nd August 1935 GC

Batty, John, Overman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Beaman, George William, Collier, South Kirkby Colliery, Bronze, 22nd August 1935 GC

Benn, Daniel, Rope Splicer, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 10th May 1910

Bennett, Rowland, Manager, Hanley Deep Colliery, Bronze, 17th January 1935

Bennetts, Harry, Winze Sinker, Randfontein South Gold Mine S.A., 1st Class, 31st December 1909

Bennie, Thomas Dalziel, Miner, Fauldhead Colliery, Bronze, 22nd May 1953

Benton, Henry, Collier, Cadeby Main Colliery, 2nd Class, 27th October 1908

Beresford, James, Deputy, Coppice Colliery, Bronze, 1st November 1922

Bhikam Sirdar, Tub Filling Contractor, Tikak Colliery Assam India, Bronze, 25th February 1926

Bhudu Kol, Timber Carpenter, Gorangdih Colliery India, Bronze, 3rd March 1917

Bideshi Kol, Sirdar, Gorangdih Colliery India, Silver, 3rd March 1917

Birch, William, Collier, Coleorton Mine, 2nd Class, 14th December 1910

Birkett, Thomas, Collier, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Birnie, Samuel, Deputy, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Bishop, Douglas H Osmond, Manager, Langwith Colliery, Bronze, 5th February 1934

Blackburn, Sydney, Shotfirer, Barnsley Main Colliery, Bronze, 7th May 1947 GC

Blair, Robert Richmond, Engineer & Asst Manager, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Blakemore, Arthur Torr, Miner, Kimberley Diamond Mine S.A., 1st Class, 29th January 1909

Bobbett, Arthur, Under-Manager, Six Bells Colliery, Bronze, 21st October 1948

Booker, David Noel, Ripper, Littleton Colliery, Bronze, 14th May 1937 GC

Booker, Samuel, Ripper, Littleton Colliery, Bronze, 14th May 1937 GC

Booth, James Frederick, Surveyor, Old Ford Pit Co. Durham, 2nd Class, 31st October 1911

Booth, Wilby, Signalman, North Gawber Colliery, Bronze, 2nd June 1917

Bowen, John Thomas, Under-Manager, Llwynpia Colliery, Bronze, 25th January 1932

Boyle, John, Chargeman, Cowdenbeath Colliery, 1st Class, 20th January 1917

Bradley, Frank, Main Road Examiner, Arthur & Edward Mine F.o.Dean, Silver, 30th June 1949

Brown, David, Overman, Burngrange Shale Mine, Bronze, 10th January 1947 GC

Brown, John Borland, Manager, Bellbird Colliery N.S.W. Australia, Bronze, 1st September 1923

Buckley, Thomas, Deputy, Hedley Pit. Co. Durham, Bronze, 29th September 1930

Burton, Archibald, Collier, Burley Pit, Apedale, Bronze, 12th November 1927

Butterfield, Henry, Fireman, Ponthenry Colliery, Bronze, 10th July 1928

Cairns, John, Collier, Townhead Iron Ore Mine, 2nd Class, 13th March 1913

Calladine, Thomas, Deputy, Holmewood Colliery, Bronze, 22 - 26th September 1920

Campbell, Joseph, Fireman, Swinhill Colliery, 1st Class, 7th February 1913

Campbell, William, Deputy, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Cannon, Thomas, Chargeman, Water Haigh Colliery, 1st Class, 17th November 1910

Cannon, William, Deputy, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Cartwright, Archer, Under-Manager, Russell Hall Colliery, 2nd Class, 17th April 1910

Chambers, John Edwin, Manager, Cadeby Main Colliery, 2nd Class, 9th July 1912

Chandler, Francis, Deputy, Hoyland Silkstone Colliery, 1st Class, 23rd November 1907

Chardin, Geoffrey Walter, Engineer, Ashanti Gold Mine W.Africa, Bronze, 29th May 1923

Charlton, John Daniel, Deputy, Hylton Colliery, Bronze, 30th March 1947 GC

Chatterton, Thomas, Collier, Lodge Mill Colliery, 2nd Class, 28th January 1913

Chidley, Joseph Thomas, Miner, Bulthy Mine, Bronze, 27th April 1921

Christie, George Shearer, Manager, Cowdenbeath Colliery, 1st Class, 20th January 1917

Clarke, Azariah (Ezra), Overman, Holditch Colliery, Bronze, 2nd July 1937 GC

Clayton, Joseph Samuel, Ripper, Pooley Hall Colliery, Silver, 12th July 1945

Clifford, Walter, Miner, Hamstead Colliery, 1st Class, 4th March 1908

Coco, ,Mine Boy, Kimberley Diamond Mine S.A., 2nd Class, 29th January 1909

Coleman, George, Ambulance Man, North Celynen Colliery, Silver, 8th March 1926

Collingwood, James, Collier, Frickley Colliery, Bronze, 12th December 1923

Cook, Joseph, Miner, Blackhouse Colliery, 2nd Class, 31st January 1914

Cooper, Albert Henry, Under-Manager, Markham No. 2 Colliery, 2nd Class, 8th January 1913

Cordey, John George, Miner, North Celynen Colliery, Bronze, 8th March 1926

Cordy, Frederick Raymond, Collier, Llwympia Colliery, Bronze, 25th January 1932

Coulthard, James, Deputy, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Cowan, Joseph, Pitman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Cox, Philip, Deputy, Hedley Pit, Bronze, 29th September 1930

Craig, Bert, Miner, Nixon's Navigation Colliery, Silver, 14th November 1922 GC

Cranswick, James, Miner, Hamstead Colliery, 1st Class, 4th March 1908

Crofts, Samuel, Deputy, Bretby Colliery, Bronze, 11th September 1929

Crummack, Harry, Chargeman Filler, Barnsley Main Colliery, Bronze, 7th May 1947

Cullen, Walter, Miner, Loanhead Colliery, 2nd Class, 21st April 1911

Cummings, Peter, Colliery Blacksmith, Giffnock Colliery, Bronze, 10th March 1918

Dando, Edwin Arthur, Doctor, Russell Hall Colliery, 2nd Class, 17th April 1910

Darker, Richard Edward, Pony Driver & Haulage Hand, Bentley Colliery, Bronze, 20th November 1931 GC

Dart, John, Deputy, Hedley Pit, Bronze, 29th September 1930

Davies, Edmund, Fireman, Darran Colliery, 2nd Class, 29th October 1909

Davies, John Cyril, Under-Manager, Bullcroft Main Colliery, Silver, 11th June 1947

Davies, Kenneth Leslie, Deputy, Dillwyn No. 1 Mine, Bronze, 29th December 1958

Davies, Joseph, Miner, Bendigo Gold Mine Australia, 1st Class, 16th July 1909

Dawson, Albert Henry Fowler, Miner, Hickleton Main Colliery, Bronze, 25th October 1922

Devenport, Christopher, Miner, Harton Colliery, 2nd Class, 27th April 1916

Devine, David, Deputy, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Dickson, William, Miner, Glencoe Colliery S.A., 1st Class, 13th February 1908

Dixon, Thomas, Overman, Hedley Pit, Bronze, 29th September 1930

Donald, Thomas, Pitman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Dorling, George, Miner, Wombwell Main Colliery, Bronze, 11th November 1947

Dryburgh, George, Miner, Lochhead Colliery, 1st Class, 29th December 1907

Dryburgh, James, Miner, Lochhead Colliery, 1st Class, 29th December 1907

Duller, Frank, Miner, Mount Morgan Mine Australia, Bronze, 12th July 1918

Dunbar, Robert, Miner, Cadder Colliery, 2nd Class, 3rd March 1913

Dunlop, James, Master Wasteman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Easton, David, Collier, Hatting Spruit Colliery S.A., 2nd Class, 11th January 1913

Edgelow, Frederick Holcombe, Mining Prospector, Psyche Mine S. Rhodesia, 1st Class, 30th September 1910

Edwards, George, Collier, Bryncethin Colliery, 2nd Class, 22nd July 1911

Elias, ,Mine Boy, Kimberley Diamond Mine S.A., 2nd Class, 29th January 1909

Elliott, Thomas William, Manager, Hucknall Colliery, Bronze, 19th August 1919

Elwick, Vincent, Deputy, Murton Colliery, Silver, 26th October 1924

Erskine, James, Manager, Cowdenbeath Colliery, 1st Class, 29th January 1917

Evans, Henry, Manager, Bwlffa & Merthyr Dare Colliery, 2nd Class, 6th April 1910

Evans, William, Pit Carpenter, Darran Colliery, 2nd Class, 29th October 1909

Evans, Wyndham, Overman, Cilely Colliery, Bronze, 1st June 1930

Everson, Henry, Chief Mechanic, Penalta Colliery, 1st Class, 12th September 1907

Farquharson, Alexander, Miner, Swinhill Colliery, 2nd Class, 7th February 1913

Farrington, Robert, Under Manager, Deep Pit Pilkington's Colliery, Bronze, 26th February 1918

Fearon, John, Shiftman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Ferryman, Thomas, Miner, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Finch, Richard Edward, Manager, Park Lane Colliery, Bronze, 29th January 1919

Fish, William, Chargeman, Hartford Mine, 2nd Class, 19th January 1917

Fisher, George, Deputy, Cadeby Main Colliery, 1st Class, 9th July 1912

Fletcher, Donald, Miner, Creswell Colliery, Bronze, 10th September 1925 GC

Fletcher, Geoffrey, Miner, West Elliott Colliery, Silver, 2nd January 1920

Fogarty, Michael, Miner, Mount Morgan Gold Mine, Bronze, 12th July 1918

Foster, Henry, Collier, Deep Pit Pilkington's Colliery, Bronze, 26th February 1918

Foulds, Daniel, Contractor Stallman, Pye Hill Colliery, 2nd Class, 28th November 1916

Fox, Charles James Brookfield, Doctor, Hedley Pit, 2nd Class, 29th September 1930

Francis, Alfred, Miner, Kimberley Diamond Mine S.A., 1st Class, 29th January 1909

Franklin, Charles Benjamin, Miner, Ireland Colliery Derbyshire, 2nd Class, 28th February 1916

Frazer, Edgar Hamilton, H.M. Inspector of Mines, Bentley Colliery, Silver, 20th November 1931

Gibson, Charles, Draftsman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Gibson, George William, Miner, Greenside Lead Mine, Bronze, 7th July 1952

Ginbey, William, Pitman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Glendinning, Robert, Overman, South Garesfield Colliery, Silver, 17th May 1929

Golledge, Herbert John, Hitcher, Braysdown Colliery, 2nd Class, 26th February 1917

Gough, John Ingram, Stallman, Bretby Colliery, Bronze, 11th September 1929 GC

Graham, Isaac, Shiftman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Graham, John, Overman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Graham, John, Deputy, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Graham, Samuel, Miner, North Celynen Colliery, Bronze, 8th March 1926

Graham, Thomas, Overman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Graham, Wilson, Overman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Green, James, Foreman, Bamfurlong Mine, 1st Class, 23rd December 1911

Gregory, Christopher, Overman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Gregory, Harold, Under-Manager, Ireland Colliery Derbyshire, 2nd Class, 28th February 1916

Griffiths, Alexander, Collier, Graham's Navigation Colliery, 2nd Class, 30th September 1912

Haddon, James, Miner, Pye Hill Colliery, 2nd Class, 28th November 1916

Halfpenny, Frank, Miner, Podmore Hall Colliery, Silver, 12th January 1918

Haller, Fred, Deputy, Rossington Main Colliery, Bronze, 8th October 1938 GC

Hamblin, Henry Charles, Collier, Mells Colliery, Bronze, 10th November 1928

Hampson, John, Miner, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Handford, Robert, Collier, Llanbradach Colliery, Bronze, 25th October 1921

Hanlon, John, Miners Agent, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Hardman, John, Miner, Hulton Colliery, 2nd Class, 21st December 1910

Harper, Thomas, Collier, Ackton Hall Colliery, Bronze, 6th May 1918

Harris, Charles J Joseph, Colliery Doctor, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Harrison, Joseph, Deputy, Holmewood Colliery, Bronze, 22-26th September 1920

Hartley, James, Miner, Hulton Colliery, 2nd Class, 21st December 1910

Hatcher, Arthur, Collier, Barnsley Main Colliery, Bronze, 10th October 1922

Havercroft, Percy Roberts, Collier, Waleswood Colliery, 2nd Class, 27th August 1915 GC

Hawthorn, Archbold, Fore-Overman, North Biddick Colliery, Bronze, 12th May 1930

Heathcote, William, Miner, Pye Hill Colliery, 2nd Class, 28th November 1916

van Heerden, Jacobus Lowies, Skipman, Lonely Mine Bulawayo S. Rhodesia, Bronze, 22nd November 1920

Henderson, Robert, Collier, Hatting Spruit Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th January 1913

Henry, George, Pitman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Henry, James, Overman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Henry, William John, Master Shifter, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Hepburn, James, Pitman, Hatting Spruit Colliery, 1st Class, 11th January 1913

Herring, John, Miner, Hulton Colliery, 2nd Class, 21st December 1910

Heslop, George Christopher, Agent & Miner, Loftus Ironstone Mine, Bronze, 17th December 1935 GC

Hewitt, Arthur Bernard, Manager, Markham No. 2 Colliery, 2nd Class, 8th January 1913

Hilliard, Matthew, Overman, Roachburn Colliery, 2nd Class, 28th January 1908

Hilton, John, Miner, Hulton Colliery, 2nd Class, 21st December 1910

Hodges, Isaac, Agent, Water Haigh Mine, 2nd Class, 7th May 1910

Holdway, Frederick, Deputy, Ackton Hall Colliery, Silver, 6th May 1918

Hopwood, James, Miner, Hamstead Colliery, 1st Class, 4th March 1908

Horn, Alfred, Miner, Margaret Iron Mine, Bronze, 22nd July 1918

Hosey, James, Sinking Contractor, Water Haigh Mine, 2nd Class, 7th May 1910

Hoskin, William, Draftsman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Howells, Llewllyn, Miner, Markham Colliery, 2nd Class, 18th May 1912

Howells, Morgan, Miner, Seven Sisters Colliery, 2nd Class, 2nd March 1907

Hudson, Charles William, Miner, Ireland Colliery, 2nd Class, 28th February 1916

Hughes, Arianfryn, Collier, Llwynpia Colliery, Bronze, 25th January 1932

Hughff, Samuel, Hewer, South Garefield Colliery, Bronze, 17th May 1929

Hulley, Harry, Deputy, Cadeby Main Colliery, 1st Class, 9th July 1912

Hulme, Thomas, Manager, Parsonage Colliery, Silver, 23rd January 1941 GC

Humphries, William, Deputy, South Kirkby Colliery, Bronze, 11th February 1922

Hutchinson, John, Overman, Louisa Colliery, Silver, 22nd August 1947 GC

Isaac, ,Mine Boy, Kimberley Diamond Mine S.A., 2nd Class, 29th January 1909

Jackson, Tom, Deputy, Pooley Hall Colliery, Silver, 12th July 1945

Jadu Kol, Timber Carpenter, Gorangdih Colliery Dhanbad India, Bronze, 3rd March 1917

Jameson, Thomas, Agent, Bold Colliery, Bronze, 14th February 1940 GC

Jeffells, William, Collier, North Gawber Colliery, 2nd Class, 2nd June 1917

Jenkins, William, Under-Manager, Newlands Colliery, Silver, 21st September 1944

Johnson, John, Deputy, Newdigate Colliery, Bronze, 29th July 1915

Johnston, James, Overseer, Mohpani Colliery India, Bronze, 7th January 1925 GC

Johnston, Robert, Collier, Hedley Pit, Bronze, 29th September 1930

Jones, Alfred, Sinker, Water Haigh Mine, 2nd Class, 7th May 1910

Jones, Benjamin Littler, Quarry Worker, Llysfaen Quarry, Bronze, 21st May 1938 GC

Jones, George, Fireman, Dublin Main Colliery (Wales), 2nd Class, 5th August 1910

Jones, Gomer, Assistant Examiner, Bwlffa Dare Colliery, 2nd Class, 6th April 1910

Jones, John, Miner, Hatting Spruit Colliery S.A., 1st Class, 13th February 1908

Jones, John, Gold Miner, Witwatersand Gold Mine S.A., 1st Class, 14th January 1909

Jones, Thomas, Collier, Cwm Cynon Colliery, 2nd Class, 19th November 1917

Kelly, Benjamin, Diamond Miner, Kimberley Diamond Mine S.A., 1st Class, 29th January 1909

Kemp, William, Shift Boss, East Pool Mine, 2nd Class, 26th April 1911

Kennedy, James, Roadsman, Earnoch Colliery, 2nd Class, 2nd June 1914

Kenny, John, Hewer, South Garesfield Colliery, Bronze, 17th May 1929

Kent, James, Deputy, Hedley Pit, Bronze, 29th September 1930

King, Richard Henry, Hewer, Hedley Pit, Bronze, 29th September 1930 GC

King, Victor, Deputy, Hedley Pit, Bronze, 29th September 1930

Kipling, James, Under-Manager, Mohpani Colliery India, Bronze, 7th January 1925

Knox, James, Shiftman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Kristo Kamar, Head Sirdar, Tikak Colliery Assam, Bronze, 25th February 1926

Lamb, George Huddleston, Miner, Walter's Mine Canada, 1st Class, 8th January 1907

Laver, George Henry, Under-Manager, Ackton Hall Colliery, Bronze, 6th May 1918

Lawson, Charles William, Under-Manager, Lyons Colliery, 2nd Class, 24th March 1911

Leach, James Joseph, Collier, Markham Colliery, 2nd Class, 18th May 1912

Lee, Walter Holroyd, Collier, Wombwell Main Colliery, Bronze, 11th November 1947 GC

Lees, Joseph, Deputy, Hedley Pit, 2nd Class, 29th September 1930

Lewis, Alwyn, Collier, Cilely Colliery, Bronze, 1st June 1930

Littlewood, James, Collier, Wellington Colliery, 1st Class, 11th May 1910

Lodge, John, Collier, Dunkerton Colliery, 2nd Class, 21st November 1913

Lofthouse, George, Quarryman, Wingate Colliery, 2nd Class, 4th August 1914

Lucas, Joseph, Hewer, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Lyons, Michael, Gold Miner, Mount Morgan Mine Australia, 1st Class, 4th November 1908

McAllister, John, Pitman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

McCabe, John, Drawer, Stanrigg Colliery, Bronze, 9th July 1918 GC

McCafferty, Edward, Shanksman, Cowdenbeath Colliery, 1st Class, 20th January 1917

McDonald, Robert, Fireman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Macfarlane, Thomas, Collier, Loanend Colliery, 2nd Class, 21st April 1911

McKee, Adam, Deputy, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

McKenzie, Edward (Snr), Deputy, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

McKenzie, Edward (Jnr), Pitman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

McKenzie, Hugh, Pitman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

McKenzie, James, Pitman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Maley, Albert, Collier, Hanley Deep Colliery, Bronze, 17th January 1935

Mallinson, Richard, Miner, Greenside Lead Mine, Bronze, 7th July 1952

Manwaring, Thomas George, Haulage Man, Arthur & Edward Mine F.o.Dean, Bronze, 30th June 1949 GC

Markland, William, Miner, Hulton Colliery, 2nd Class, 21st December 1910

Martinus, Diamond Miner, Kimberley Diamond Mine S.A., 2nd Class, 29th January 1909

Mason, George Foster, Hewer, Hedley Pit, Bronze, 29th September 1930

Mason, Joseph, Miner, Hickleton Main Colliery, Bronze, 25th October 1922

Mather, John Thomas, Collier & Delegate, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Mathers, Allison, Pitman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Menzies, Thomas, Diamond Worker, Kimberley Diamond Mine S.A., 1st Class, 29th January 1909

Merritt, Henry, Collier, Old Hednesford Pit Cannock Chase, 1st Class, 14th December 1911

Millar, Andrew, Manager, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Miller, John, Miner, Greenside Lead Mine, Bronze, 7th July 1952

Mitchell, John, Miner, Bamfurlong Mine, 1st Class, 23rd December 1911

Moodie, Hugh Frederick, Deputy, Bellbird Colliery, Bronze, 1st September 1923

Moore, Albert, Miner, Water Haigh Colliery, 2nd Class, 7th May 1910

Moore, Richard Walker, Mining Engineer, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Morgan, Gwyn, Agent, Askern Main Colliery, Silver, 3rd January 1940

Morris, Arthur, Assistant Timberman, Llanhilleth Mine, Bronze, 23rd March 1917

Morris, Ernest Alfred, Foreman, Ashanti Gold Mine, Bronze, 29th May 1923 GC

Moss, James, Miner, Hulton Colliery, 2nd Class, 21st December 1910

Mubengwa Musonda, Miner, Nkana Mine Northern Rhodesia, Bronze, 1st March 1940

Muir, William Nicol, Inspector of Mines, Hatting Spruit Mine S.A., 1st Class, 13th February 1908

Mulholland, William James, Hewer, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Mwene. (Alias DICK), Miner, Lonely Mine Bulawayo Southern Rhodesia, Bronze, 22nd November 1920

Nancollas, George, Deputy, Hedley Pit, Bronze, 29th September 1930

Nani Khan, Timber Drawer, Mohpani Colliery India, Bronze, 7th January 1925

Nevin, John Joseph, Miner, Margaret Iron Mine, Bronze, 22nd July 1918

Nix, Frank Emery, Deputy, Pilsley No. 3 Pit, Bronze, 18th April 1944 GC

Nurse, Edward, Stallman, Ireland Colliery, 2nd Class, 28th February 1916

Opie, Albert, Shift Boss, East Pool Mine, 1st Class, 26th April 1911

Oswald, Ernest William, Shiftman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Outram. Joseph, Miner, Hamstead Colliery, 2nd Class, 4th March 1908

Owen, Evan, Under-Manager, Darran Colliery, 2nd Class, 29th October 1909

Oxenham, William Thomas, Skipman, Simmer and Jack Mine S.A., 2nd Class, 14th March 1910

Paddock, Robert Edward, Miner, Bulthy Mine, Bronze, 27th April 1921

Padfield, Sydney William, Miner, Tilmanstone Colliery, Bronze, 27th February 1931

Parker, John Henry, Under-Manager, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Parkin, James, Under Manager, Hickleton Main Colliery, Bronze, 25th October 1922

Pattinson, Robert, Deputy, Roachburn Colliery, 2nd Class, 28th January 1908

Pearson, John, Deputy, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Peat, Joseph, Miner, Wood Lane Colliery, 2nd Class, 24th December 1915

Peters, Samuel, Miner, Holmewood Colliery, Bronze, 22-26th September 1920

Pickering, Thomas, Jigger, Deep Pit Pilkington's Colliery, Bronze, 26th February 1918

Pickering, William Henry, Inspector of Mines, Water Haigh Colliery, 1st Class, 7th May 1910

Pickersgill, Herbert, Collier, Water Haigh Colliery, 2nd Class, 17th November 1910

Polley, James Henry, Miner, Hulton Colliery, 2nd Class , 21st December 1910

Pollitt, James, Collier, South Kirkby Colliery, Bronze, 22nd August 1935 GC

Prince, Walter Henry, Contractor, Cadeby Main Colliery, 2nd Class, 9th July 1912

Protheroe, William Richard, Under-Manager, Bwllfa & Merthyr Dare Colliery, 2nd Class, 6th April 1910

Purser, Eli, Miner, Askern Main Colliery, Bronze, 31st May 1917

Purvis, James Sydney, Pit Boy, South Garesfield Colliery, Bronze, 17th May 1929 GC

Quayle, John, Deputy, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Reed, Robert, Under-Manager, Hedley Pit, Bronze, 29th September 1930

Richards, Stephen, Collier, Coppice Colliery, Bronze, 1st November 1922

Richardson, Joseph Graham, Diamond Miner, Kimberley Diamond Mine S.A., 2nd Class, 29th January 1909

Roberts, Hugh, Timberman, Dublin Main Colliery (Wales), 2nd Class, 5th August 1910

Roberts, Robert, Miner, Hulton Colliery, 2nd Class, 21st December 1910

Robinson, Harry, Deputy, Louisa Colliery, Silver, 22nd August 1947 GC

Rosser, Evan, Fireman, Cilely Colliery, Bronze, 1st June 1930

Rothery, John, Under-Manager, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Rothery, John, Overman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Rupai Kol, Miner, Gorangdith Colliery, India, 2nd Class, 3rd March 1917

Russell, Walter, Mine Captain, Adowsena Mine, West Africa, Bronze, 6th November 1941

Rylance, Richard, Under-Manager, Maypole Colliery, Bronze, 21st February 1941

Samuels, John Edwards, Coal Cutting Machinist, Gresford Colliery, Bronze, 22nd September 1934

Saunders, Henry, Miner, Graham's Navigation (Merthyr) Colliery, 2nd Class, 30th September 1912

Saunders, Robert Benjamin, Doctor, Tebekwe Mine Southern Rhodesia, Bronze, 4th January 1937 GC

Scawcroft, James, Pitman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Schofield, Albert, Loader, Lodge Mill Colliery, 2nd Class, 28th January 1913

Schofield, Carl Mallinson, Miner, Bold Colliery, Bronze, 14th February 1940 GC

Scott, Andrew, Miner, Cowdenbeath Colliery, 1st Class, 20th January 1917

Scott, Walter Robert, Manager, Hedley Pit, Bronze, 29th September 1930

Sellars, Charles, Deputy, Grimethorpe Colliery, Bronze, 27th April 1918

Shanley, Joseph, Deputy, Louisa Colliery, Silver, 22nd August 1947 GC

Sheldrake, Walter Henry, Deputy, Hedley Pit, Bronze, 29th September 1929

Shields, John, Gold Miner, Mount Morgan Mine Australia, 1st Class, 4th November 1908

Shields, John, Miner, Darngavil Colliery, Bronze, 18th August 1920

Short, James, Miner, Pye Hill Colliery, 2nd Class, 28th November 1916

Silkstone, George Handle, Enginewright, Water Haigh Mine, 1st Class, 7th May 1910

Silkstone, George Handle, Enginewright, Water Haigh Mine, 1st Class BAR, 17th November 1910

Simmonds, Oswald George, Deputy, Arthur & Edward Mine, F.o.Dean, Bronze, 30th June 1949

Simpson, James, Fireman, Glencraig Colliery, Silver, 21st May 1918

Slack, Charles, Miner, Woodland Colliery, 2nd Class, 3rd November 1916

Slater, Samuel, Miner, Russell Hall Colliery, 2nd Class, 17th April 1910

Smith, Albert Edward, Deputy, Dinnington Main Colliery, Bronze, 9th September 1919

Smith, Alfred, Miner, Pye Hill Colliery, 2nd Class, 28th November 1916

Smith, Charles, Collier, Askern Main Colliery, Bronze, 3rd January 1940 GC

Smith, George, Overman, South Kirkby Colliery, Bronze, 11th February 1922

Smith, John, Overman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Smith, Thomas, Miner, Ireland Colliery, 2nd Class, 28th February 1916

Smith, William England, Collier, Frickley Colliery, Bronze, 12th December 1923

Soper, William John, Miner, Cote d'Or Mine West Africa, 2nd Class, 13th September 1909

Soulsby, Oliver, Collier, Bentley Colliery, Bronze, 29th November 1931 GC

Steel, Robert, Manager, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Stephens, Frederick George, Under-Manager, Aberaman Colliery, 2nd Class, 10th September 1915

Stoker, Ralph, Miner, Eppleton Colliery, Bronze, 29th May 1936

Stokes, Thomas, Collier, Askern Main Colliery, Silver, 31st May 1917

Stokes, Thomas, Miner, Old Hednesford Pit, Silver, 14th December 1911

Stoppard, Samuel, Miner, Clay Cross No. 2 Pit, 2nd Class, 8th June 1915

van Straate, Coert Hattingh, Developer, Randfontein Gold Mine South Africa, Bronze, 31st May 1927

Suku Kol, Miner, Gorangdih Colliery India, Bronze, 2nd March 1917

Swinburne, Thomas, Deputy, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Sykes, Frank, Collier, Bentley Colliery, Bronze, 29th November 1931 GC

Tarn, John George, Hewer, Hedley Pit, Bronze, 29th September 1930

Taylor, Andrew, Deputy, Michael Mine, Bronze, 9th September 1967

Taylor, George Henry, Miner, Askern Main Colliery, Silver, 31st May 1917

Taylor, James, Deputy, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Teasdale, Thomas, Miner, Glencoe Colliery South Africa, 1st Class, 13th February 1908

Temperley, Samuel Jarrett, Colliery Surveyor, Bentley Colliery, Silver, 29th November 1931 GC

Thom, Archibald, Junior Manager, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Thomas, ,Mine Boy, Kimberley Diamond Mine S.A., 2nd Class, 29th January 1909

Thomas, Rees, Collier, Castle Colliery, Bronze, 13th January 1922

Thomas, Thomas, Mechanic, Llewellyn Sinking Pit, 2nd Class, 27th April 1913

Thomas, Thomas, Collier, Brynamman Colliery, Bronze, 21st September 1933 GC

Thompson, George, Workman, Markham No. 2 Colliery, 2nd Class, 8th January 1913

Thompson, Matthew, Miner, Askern Main Colliery, Bronze, 3rd January 1940 GC

Thompson, Thomas, Collier, Swinton Common Colliery, 2nd Class, 3rd April, 1913

Thomson, John, Collier, Giffnoch Colliery, Bronze, 10th March 1918

Thorne, John Henry, Miner, Hamstead Colliery, 1st Class, 4th March 1908

Thorne, John Henry, Miner, Wellington Colliery, 1st Class BAR, 11th May 1910

Tomlinson, Albert Henry, Collier, Waleswood Colliery, 2nd Class, 27th August 1915

Tonge, Alfred Joseph, Miner, Hulton Colliery, 2nd Class, 21st December 1910

Turner, Samuel, Manager, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Turner, William Wagner, Doctor, Darran Colliery, 2nd Class, 29th October 1909

Uren, Thomas Henry, Deputy, Hedley Pit, Bronze, 29th September 1930

Venter, Joseph Johannes, Miner, Government Consolidated Mine South Africa, 2nd Class, 19th April 1915

Wagenaar, James, Miner, City Deep Gold Mine South Africa, 2nd Class, 29th October 1913

Walker, Isaiah, Miner, Russell Hall Colliery, 2nd Class, 17th April 1910

Walker, John, Collier, Waleswood Colliery, 2nd Class, 27th August 1915

Walker, William, Miner, Harton Colliery, 2nd Class, 27th April 1916

Walsh, Matthew, Shiftman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Ward, John, Pony Driver, Bentley Colliery, Silver, 29th November 1931

Watts, Frederick, Miner, Hanham Colliery, 1st Class, 29th May 1908

Waugh, William, Deputy, Hedley Pit, Bronze, 29th September 1930

Welsby, John, Miner, Hamstead Colliery, 2nd Class, 4th March 1908

West, Harold, Miner, Holmewood Colliery, Bronze, 22-26th September 1920

Westoe, Wilfrid, Hewer, South Garesfield Colliery, Bronze, 27th October 1923

Whiffen, Cecil Herbert, Miner, Gorngdih Colliery India, Silver, 3rd March 1917

Whillans, John, Deputy, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

White, Thomas James, Miner, Askern Main Colliery, Bronze, 31st May 1917

Whittingham, James, Miner , Hamstead Colliery, 1st Class, 4th March 1908

Willetts, Anthony, Miner, Russell Hall Colliery, 2nd Class, 17th April 1910

Williams, Llewellyn, Miner, Hulton Colliery, 2nd Class, 21st December 1910

Williamson, Herbert, Mechanical Engineer, Cadeby Main Colliery, 2nd Class, 9th July 1912

Wilson, George, Miner, Murton Colliery, Silver, 26th October 1924

Wilson, Harry, Miner, Harriseahead Colliery, Bronze, 10th March 1924 GC

Wilson, John, Deputy, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Wilson, Joseph, Master Shifter, Murton Colliery, Bronze, 19th April 1929

Wilson, Matthew, Deputy, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Winborn, Arthur Thomas, Collier, Markham Colliery, 2nd Class, 18th May 1912

Winch, William Charles, Sgt Instructor.Wath Rescue Station, Cadeby Main Colliery, 2nd Class, 9th July 1912

Wingfield, Edward, Collier, Waleswood Colliery, 2nd Class, 27th August 1915

Wiseman, Laurence, Collier, Grimethorpe Colliery, Bronze, 27th April 1918

Withers, Matthew, Deputy, Annesley Colliery, 2nd Class, 18th August 1913

Woodhouse, Arthur, Miner, Wood Lane Colliery, 2nd Class, 24th December 1915

Wooley, William Downing, Collier, Markham Colliery, 2nd Class, 19th May 1912

Wren, James, Rope Splicer, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Wright, James Armstrong, Gold Miner, Rand Clip Mine South Africa, 2nd Class, 25th April 1911

Yates, Phillip William, Collier, Bentley Colliery, Bronze, 29th November 1931 GC

York, David, Master Shifter, Pelton Colliery, Bronze, 28th June 1932

Young, Fletcher, Pitman, Wellington Colliery, 2nd Class, 11th May 1910

Younger, William, Deputy, Louisa Colliery, Silver, 22nd August 1947 GC


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