Links to other sites

The following sites are a useful resource should you require further information. If you discover a broken link or a link refers to your web site and needs updating, please contact me to advise.

For the serious researcher, the following site contains much information and offers the facility to purchase more detail should you require it. - The Coal Mining History Resource Centre.

The National Coal Mining Museum, Caphouse Colliery, Wakefield, UK.

The National Mining Museum of Wales, Big Pit, Blaenafon

The National Mining Museum of Scotland, Newtongrange, Midlothian - Vast resource of information on Scotland's mining history

The Tunnellers Memorial, Givenchy. Site with details of the memorial to William Hackett, VC., and the Tunnellers of the Great War.

Fionn Taylor's site dedicated to the memory of his father in law, a mines rescue member. Masses of information about mines rescue and mining in general

Victoria Cross Online an excellent resource which details not only Victoria Cross awards but also those of the George Cross, George Medal, Albert Medal, Edward Medal, and Empire Gallantry Medals.

Coal Mining Accidents and Deaths index (may require a subscription to

Hamstead Miners Memorial Trust - site dedicated to the vistims of the 1908 disaster. 

The North Staffordshire Coalfield research site

Have a look at the Dutch based Rebreather site - fascinating details about many types of breathing apparatus.

Visit the Durham Miner Project - A scheme run by Durham County Council to train historians to preserve County Durham's Mining Past. See details of the FREE courses being run this year.

The Durham Mining Museum - An excellent site with masses of information

The South Wales Coalfield Collection. An on-line archive of facts and images relating to the South Wales Coal region

Coal Mining in North Staffordshire web site dedicated to the North Staffs area

The Mining History Information Pages

Madeley Local Studies Group information about Madeley Wood Colliery and others in Shropshire, UK

The National Association of Mining History Organisations

The Life Saving Awards Research Society

David Kitching's Industrial History Site with specific references to Poynton Collieries

Do you have a site that ought to be here? If you do, or know of one I have missed or wish to report a broken link, please mail the details to me using the Contact me page