
Ballad of the Mongols

Minyong Yu - Words, Drums, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals

Ike Mladenoff – Words, Bass, Electric Guitar, Vocals


It Starts with Temujin born 1167

His father a powerful warlord

But when he was ten some treacherous men

Poisoned his daddy oh oh

Their allies were gutless they turned on his family

They took young Temujin in a cage

But Temujin was fearless and he also was courageous

And one night he got away


The Mongols ruled from the backs of their horses

They were a mighty war machine

The Hans and the Romans couldn’t compare

To the greatest I’ve ever seen

During the late 12th century

Temujin forged many alliances

By his personal courage and intense loyalty

He won the hearts of the men

Then in the year 1206

He brought all the tribes together

They proclaimed him Ghengis Khan

Universal ruler of them all


The Mongols ruled from the backs of their horses

They were a mighty war machine

The Hans and the Romans couldn’t compare

To the greatest I’ve ever seen

The Mongols were nomads they were awesome with horses

The hunted to practice their archery skills

It was their stirrups that gave such an advantage

When they shot they’d surely kill

They might seem vicious they also had mercy

In amounts equal to their military might

If you surrendered without resistance

Chances are they’d spare you life


The Mongols ruled from the backs of their horses

They were a mighty war machine

The Hans and the Romans couldn’t compare

To the greatest I’ve ever seen

Many people have said bad about the Mongols

But they’re better than their reputation precedes

They were tolerant to other religions

Like Hinduism Buddhism and Christianity

They helped to make trade systems grow

By provided protection on the Silk Road

If you submitted to their rule

They’d let you govern yourselves


The Mongols ruled from the backs of their horses

They were a mighty war machine

The Hans and the Romans couldn’t compare

To the greatest I’ve ever seen

Although Genghis died in 1227

They Mongol empire continued to shine

Now ruled in four separate khanate

The most eastern are by grandson Kublai Khan

Up north by Russia ruled the Golden Horde

Khanate of Chagatai was in between the other three

Over in Persia was Kublai’s bro Hulego

Who ruled the Ilkhanate


The Mongols ruled from the backs of their horses

They were a mighty war machine

The Hans and the Romans couldn’t compare

To the greatest I’ve ever seen

They didn’t back up their paper money

With actual pieces of gold

Soon their economy started to falter

And then they weren’t so bold

Then the plague started to spread

By little vermin in their grain

When the Yuan started to fall

The others couldn’t go on anymore


The Mongols ruled from the backs of their horses

They were a mighty war machine

The Hans and the Romans couldn’t compare

To the greatest I’ve ever seen

After his musical success in World History, Ike has moved on to his own CD.

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