
Chapters 35-38

Chapter 35 - WWI

Interactions - effects of WWI on areas outside of Europe – East Asia, Pacific, Africa and Southwest Asia

  • Changes in warfare: total war, home front, role of colonies
  • Global consequences of WWI - globalization of diplomacy and conflict; global balance of power; reduction of European influence; and the formation of the League of Nations, etc.

Economic/technology – role of economics and technology in WWI, including rapid industrialization

  • Impact of WWI and the Russian Revolution on the economy

Demography/environment – impact of WWI and the Russian revolution on demography and the environment: migrations; changes in birthrates and death rates

Social structures/gender structures – impact of WWI and the Russian Revolution on social structures: social reform, social revolution, changing family structures);

  • Changing gender roles because of WWI and the Russian revolution

Cultural and intellectual developments – Impact of WWI and the Russian Revolution on art and culture

States function and structures – Causes of WWI - nationalism, militarism, technology, alliance system, etc.

  • Major battles (Somme, Verdun, Gallipoli, Marne) and their significance,
  • Political transformations in warfare: propaganda, government repression and resulting from the war
  • Impact on soldiers, civilians, governments, colonies, victors and losers
  • New forces of revolution and other sources of political innovations - Russian socialist revolution

Understand the roles of the following: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, England, France, Russia, United States, Japan, Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Togoland, Triple Alliance, Triple Entente, Central Powers, Black Hand,

Terms to understand: Fourteen Points, October Revolution, Treaty of Brest Litovsk, Treaty of Versailles, self-determination, pan-Slavism, dreadnoughts, “place in the sun”, No-man’s-land, Twenty-one Demands, February Revolution, October Revolution, Bolsheviks, Lusitania, Great Easter Rebellion, League of Nations, Franco-Prussian War, propaganda, draft, bedouin, mandate

People to know: Alfred von Schlieffen, Woodrow Wilson, Lenin, Francis Ferdinand, Gavrilo Princip, Nicholas II, Mustapha Kemal, Ibn Ali Hussain, T. E. Lawrence

Chapter 36

Interactions – Impact of WWI on world – development of international organizations and their impact on the global framework – increasing reduction of European influence, role of League of Nation, new balance of power

  • Continuing impact of WWI on Africa, Middle East and Asia – change of lands and power;
  • Examine the effects of Colonialism and Neo-Colonialism in Africa and Latin America

Economic/technology – Analyze the impact of the Great Depression – causes, responses and implications, rise of communism and socialism, effects on US, Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America

  • New scientific developments in psychology, physics, and photography

Demography/environment – Impact of WWI, the Great Depression, formation of Soviet Russia etc. on the environment and demography: migrations, changes in birthrates and death rates; new forms of urbanization and industrialization, etc.

Social structures/gender structures - changing gender roles: family structures and the rise of feminism;

  • Changing social structures - peasant protest; international Marxism, Africa’s new elite
  • Growing influence of socialist thought on gender and social structures

Cultural and intellectual developments – impact of WWI on cultures, including those outside of Europe – expressionists, cubists, Dadaists, surrealists, new literature

States function and structures – Political transformations resulting from the wars, including areas outside of Europe – and new expectations (especially for colonies in Africa, Middle East and Asia)

  • New patterns of nationalism like totalitarianism and fascism in Italy, Germany, Soviet Russia, China, and Japan; independence movements in India, and Africa; authoritarian regimes in Latin America: Mexico, Peru, Brazil, and Nicaragua

Understand the roles of the following in the Interwar Years: Weimar Republic, National Socialist German Workers’ Party, Chinese Communist Party, Guomindang, APRA, United Fruit Company, nationalism

Terms to understand: Lost Generation, psychoanalysis, International style, Black Thursday, Great Depression, economic nationalism, New Deal, New Economic Policy, Russian Civil War, Five-Year Plans, collectivization, fascism, Kristallnacht, anti-Semitism, Nuremberg Laws, May Fourth Movement, Long March, India Act, Satyagraha, Mukden incident, Pan-Africanism, Africa for Africans, “Dollar Diplomacy”, “Good Neighbor Policy”, neocolonialism

People to know: Edgar Degas, Pablo Picasso, Walter Gropius, Paul Gauguin, Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, John Maynard Keynes, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, V.I. Lenin , Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Paul von Hindenburg, Mao Zedong, Jiang Jieshi, Sun Yat-sen, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Mohandas Gandhi, Jomo Kenyatta, Marcus Garvey, José Carlos Mariátegui, Victor Raúl Haya de la Torre, Diego Rivera, Getúlio Dornelles Vargas, Augusto César Sandino, Anastacio Somoza, Lázaro Cárdenas

Chapter 37 - WWII

Interactions - Examine the role played by the international organizations (League of Nations, United Nations, NATO, etc), and their impact on the global framework: globalization of diplomacy and conflict; global balance of power; reduction of European influence; etc.)

  • WWII - Causes of; differences in causes in Europe vs. Asia; major battles of (Pearl Harbor, Battle of Britain, Normandy invasion, Stalingrad, Midway, Battle of Okinawa, Iwo Jima, Hiroshima and Nagasaki)
  • Compare the consequences of WWII on Europe, Americas, Asia, and Africa
  • How did the Cold War come about?

Economic/technology – role of WWII on the economy and technology - nuclear weaponry

  • Compare high tech warfare with guerrilla warfare

Demography/environment – demographic and environmental impact of WWII - Holocaust

  • Demographic changes - migrations; changes in birthrates and death rates

Social structures/gender structures – social impact of WWII such as labor camps, Holocaust, racism, etc.

  • Impact of WWII on women: role in industrial production, in USSR & as comfort women in East Asia.

Cultural and intellectual developments - Cultural transformations resulting from the wars, racism,

States function and structures – political transformations resulting from the wars: new patterns of nationalism, alliances, resistance movements, settlements, genocide (Holocaust) and their impact

Understand the roles of the following in WWII: Germany, Austria, Italy, England, France, USSR, Spain, United States, Japan, Manchuria, Manchukuo, Ethiopia, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Tripartite Pact, Spanish Civil War, Munich Conference, Warsaw Pact, Wannsee Conference, Auschwitz, Nazi-Soviet Pact, Operation Barbarossa, Yalta Conference, Mukden incident, Hiroshima, United Nations, Guomindang, NATO, COMECON, Marshall Plan, Truman Doctrine

Terms to understand: Rape of Nanjing, Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, Asia for Asians, kamikaze pilots, blitzkrieg, Anschluss, Vichy government, appeasement, cash-and-carry, comfort women, WAVES,

People to know: Jiang Jieshi, Mao Zedong, Adolf Hitler, Francisco Franco, Neville Chamberlain, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, Benito Mussolini

Chapter 38

Interactions - The Cold War – causes of, major events in (Afghanistan, Cuba, Korea, Vietnam, Hungary, etc), impact of, consequences of, etc.

  • Role of international organizations and their impact on the global framework - globalization of diplomacy and conflict (United Nations, NATO, the Non-Aligned Nations, etc.); global balance of power; reduction of European influence; rise of US influence, etc.
  • Compare the impact of the cold war on different nations – Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, etc.
  • What was the goal of the non-aligned movement?

Economic/technology - Globalization of technology – space race, proliferation of nuclear weaponry, etc and the rise of consumerism

  • How were capitalism and communism of the Cold War “reformed”?

Demography/environment - Demographic and environmental changes related to the Cold War -migrations; changes in birthrates and death rates; new forms of urbanization; nuclear contamination; deforestation; green/environmental movements;

Social structures/gender structures - Social reforms and social revolutions - rise of feminism and changing gender roles; the questioning of the traditional order and change in family structures (Western and communist); civil rights movement and the rise of black nationalism; role of peasant protest;

  • Pick two revolutions (Chinese, Cuban) and compare their effects on the roles of women

Cultural and intellectual developments - Globalization of science, art and culture

  • Cultural transformations resulting from the Cold War - art for political purposes – communist propaganda art

States function and structures – New patterns of nationalism in the Cold War: decolonization; racism, genocide; new nationalisms, changes in socialism/communism

  • What were the differences in ideology between the US and the USSR?
  • Analyze the notion of “the West” and “the East” in the context of Cold War ideology?
  • What were the goals of international Marxism?
  • Political transformations resulting from the Cold War – impact on domestic policies and practices
  • Compare the different types of independence struggles
  • Patterns of resistance including religious responses
  • New forces of revolution and other sources of political innovations – civil rights movement
  • Compare two revolutions (Chinese, Cuban) including to earlier revolutions

Understand the roles of the following in the Cold War: USSR, United States, Czechoslovakia, Romania, East Germany, The German Democratic Republic, Yugoslavia, Poland, Baltic states, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Warsaw Treaty Organization, North Korea, Cuba, Afghanistan, North Vietnam, Bay of Pigs, Berlin Wall, European Economic Community

Terms to understand: nonalignment movement, capitalism, communism, superpowers, Cuban missile crisis, Back to Africa, containment, Brezhnev Doctrine, Soviet bloc, Prague Spring, Velvet revolution, Solidarity, Strategic Arms Limitations Talks, perestroika, glasnost, Korean War, revisionists, Paris Peace Accords of 1973, Brown v. Board of Education, Taliban

People to know: Betty Friedan, Marcus Garvey, Simone de Beauvoir, Erich Honecker, Nicolae Ceauescu, Imre Nagy, Nikita Khrushchev, Mikhail Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin, Vladimir Putin, Charles de Gaulle, Alexander Dubcek, Richard Nixon, Ho Chi Minh, Joseph McCarthy, John Kennedy, Muhammad Najibullah

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