Report from the APWH Reading in Utah

Okay, now back from the reading.

Will post other rubrics soon.

A post from the APWH Teacher's community:

From Trevor Packer: 2012 AP World History results:

6.85%=5; 1





These may shift slightly as late exams are scored

If you're interested, here's a comparison of this year's scores to the last 2 years.

2010 2011 2012 -

5 = 9.6 9.4 6.85

4 = 15.4 15.9 15.65

3 = 23.8 23.0 30.44

2 = 24.3 25.6 29.55

1 = 26.9 26.2 17.51

Hello all,

I'm a few days behind, have been catching up on sleep and adjusting to the altitude.

So some numbers:

  • 208,000 essay booklets (so x 3 is how many essays total).
  • 115 tables with 9 readers and TLs at each table.
  • 58 tables are on the DBQ for the standard exam (there are several tables on the alternate and the alternate alternate

So I arrived on Thursday the 7th. By that time the Question Leaders and Sample Selectors had worked out the rubric and found samples for the Table Leaders (like me) to teach the rubric to our readers.

So on Friday and Saturday the Table Leaders became one with the standard.

Sunday we began training our tables.

Yesterday, Monday, pretty much all tables went "live" as we say, that is readers reading essays independently.

So the rubrics:


  • Thesis is a fairly low bar (compared to mine) address the question accurately, so the relationship between politics and cricket in South Asia.
  • Understand all documents - normal
  • Evidence - standard as well
  • 3 Groupings
  • 2 POVs
  • 1 Additional Document - but with a decent explanation


  • The students are more and more putting the time frame into the thesis. (Some times this is part of the rubric and sometimes not but I think it helps the student frame the question)
  • MOST understand the 2 areas of the question and connect Africa and Eurasia via trade.
  • Students need to work on periodization and analysis.
  • Few of them are discussing why trade changed and why it stayed the same.


  • Thesis - needs just one comparison about the effects of the Columbian Exchange, and the catch for most of the essay is the effects
  • Most seem to not understand what is meant by “demographic and environmental”, but then some students are trying to compare and contrast all four regions!