
Chapters 39-40

Chapter 39

Interactions – Compare the patterns and results of decolonization in Africa and Asia; compare the colonial independence movement and different types of independence struggles with those that occurred earlier.

Economic/technology - Compare legacies of colonialism and patterns of economic development in various areas (Africa and Latin America – Mexico and Argentina)

  • Different proposals (or models) for third world development and the social and political consequences
  • Economic alliances – cartels, trade pacts and regional trading alliances, exploding alliances,
  • Technological changes and their impact on societies and governments

Demography/environment – demographic and environmental impacts from this period, including: rising populations, new forms of birth control, green revolution, increasing environmental degradation, etc.

Social structures/gender structures - Social reform and social revolutions in the post-Cold War world - changing gender roles and family structures; rise of feminism; peasant protests; apartheid

Cultural and intellectual developments – changing cultural and intellectual developments during this time

States function and structures

  • New patterns of nationalism - decolonization; racism (apartheid); genocide (Cambodia, Rwanda, or Kosovo); new nationalisms, including the breakup of the Soviet Union, rise of Israel, etc.
  • Understand the challenges of nationalism in former imperial colonies, especially Africa
  • Compare nationalist ideologies and movements in contrasting European and colonial environments
  • Compare new forces of revolution and other sources of political innovations – international Marxism, democracy movements, religious fundamentalism

Understand the roles of the following during this time period: USSR, United States, CIA, Kenya, Mau Mau, Ghana, Egypt, India, Iran, Iraq, Argentina, Zaire, Israel, Palestine, Pakistan, North Vietnam, South Africa, France, Germany, Russia, Italy, Great Britain, Algeria, Mexico, Argentina, Zaire, Nicaragua, China, Organization of African Unity, African National Congress, Sharpeville massacre, Great Calcutta Killing, Yom Kippur attack, Balfour Declaration, Suez Canal crisis, Iran-Iraq War, Gulf War, Institutional Revolutionary Party

Terms to understand: apartheid, Islamism, Great Leap Forward, Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, Tiananmen Square, Vietnamization, Paris Peace Accords, Descamisados

People to know: Jomo Kenyatta, Kwame Nkrumah, Nelson Mandela, F. W. de Klerk, Patrice Lumumba, Laurent Kabila, Anwar Sadat, Mohandas Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Ayatollah Khomeini, Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, Mobotu Sese Seko, Yitzhak Rabin, Yasser Arafat, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Saddam Hussein, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Ho Chi Minh, Ngo Dinh Diem, Richard Nixon, Lyndon Johnson, Lázaro Cárdenas, Cuauhtemoc Cárdenas, Juan Perón, Eva Perón, Somoza

Chapter 40

Interactions - Growth of international organizations (United Nations, NGOs, etc), their growth, and their impact on the global framework (globalization of diplomacy and conflict, human rights, etc.), global balance of power; and the reduction of European influence, increase in that of the US, and the rise of competing influences

  • New role for non-state actors (e.g. terrorists) and their ability to use other means of combat – guerrilla warfare and terrorist attacks

Economic/technology - Legacies of colonialism and patterns of economic development in various areas (Africa, Asia – Four Tigers, and Latin America – Mexico and Argentina)

  • Different proposals (or models) for third world economic development and the consequences
  • Globalization of technology and commerce – new organizations (WTO), cartels (OPEC), new trading blocs (ASEAN), new multinational corporations and other actors (anti-globalization forces)
  • Major global economic developments – new technology; impact of the Pacific Rim nations;

Demography/environment - Demographic and environmental changes: migrations (external, internal and tourism) implications of their mass movements; changes in birthrates and death rates (explosive population growth and new population control methods); new epidemics (AIDS), means and challenges in controlling epidemics, new forms of urbanization; deforestation; and green/environmental movements.

Social structures/gender structures - Social challenges from inequalities, new models of economic development, forced labor, and human trafficking

  • Changing gender roles – improved conditions and expanded opportunities for women; challenges in certain societies; changes in family structures and gender relations; rise of feminism; dowry deaths,)

Cultural and intellectual developments - Globalization of science and culture: Developments in global cultures and regional reactions, including science and consumer culture

  • Interactions between elite and popular culture and art: Artistic Modernism; internationalization of popular culture
  • Patterns of resistance including religious responses
  • Compare the impacts of Western consumer society on two civilizations outside of Europe
  • Agents of cultural integration: television, computers and Internet; and their impact on society and politics – Americanization or McDonaldization

States function and structures – role of states in sponsoring terrorism

  • Political consequences of new models of economic development

Understand the roles of the following during this time period: USSR, India, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, US, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan

Terms to understand: One-child family rule, McDonaldization, Mujahideen, Warsaw Pact, United Nations, World Trade Organization / WTO, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries / OPEC, ASEAN, the European Union / EU, NGO, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Americanization, Al Qaeda, Biodiversity, Global warming, Red Cross, Greenpeace, “little tigers”, Asian economic crisis

People to Know: Mikhail Gorbachev, Indira Gandhi, Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Osama bin Laden, Mao Zedong, Benazir Bhuto, Rachel Carson,

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