By Leo Tavares

Genesis 1:1 opens the Biblical account of creation. I will demonstrate how the number 37 and its reflection (73) are coded in the mathematics of Genesis 1:1. I will also demonstrate how Genesis 1:1 displays a natural geometry that is eternally linked to the value 373 as a geometric "Snowflake" (with 373 being the concatenation of 37 and 73). Furthermore, I will reveal the proper understanding of a specific geometric identity that is often abused by proponents of English numerology. I will do so through what I have appropriately termed "GEOMETRIC EXEGESIS". This will all come together to confirm the Biblical truth of creation, through the universal science of mathematics/geometry.


There are some who think that the hidden mathematics of the Bible was intended for the purpose of reaching a large audience and to ultimately convert unbelievers in this secular age. While it is true that Biblical Numerics is a powerful tool for defending the divine origin of the Bible, it was never intended to reach a large audience, or else it would never have been HIDDEN in the first place. Rather, it is there for those diligent seekers who are willing to seek out the hidden things of God, while being guided by principles of mathematical logic (as the codes are mathematical in nature). In fact, when we read the Gospels, we see how this is in accord with the very personality of Christ, who taught his followers in PARABLES. Those who pondered the hidden messages behind these parables would unlock the deeper truths contained within them (through the God-given gift of wisdom). So it is with the science of Biblical Numerics.

Biblical Numerics is rooted in the ancient practice of the Biblical languages (Hebrew in the Old Testament and Greek in the New Testament), whereby each letter of the alphabet also serves as a specific number. Thus, every Hebrew/Greek word in the Bible has a specific numerical value (by simply adding up the letter values of a given Hebrew/Greek word in the Bible). In other words, Biblical Hebrew/Greek are ALPHANUMERIC languages. This is an important point to keep in mind, as it is the exact opposite of English numerology, which has no historical ties to alphanumerics.

There are two systems of Biblical Numerics that unite to form an amazing array of mathematical codes that I have found not only in the most fundamental passages of scripture, but even the most fundamental structure of creation itself (see here: Quantum Gematria). These two logical systems are known as the STANDARD system and the ORDINAL system. The Standard system is the historical system of Biblical Gematria while the Ordinal system simply assigns the natural order of integers to the natural order of the Biblical alphabets (Hebrew/Greek). Here are the Standard values of the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet (Hebrew reads from right to left, but the letters are displayed here from left to right):

Here are the Ordinal values of the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet:

Over the years, I have noticed that the most common error committed by "Biblical Numericists" is cherry picking, whereby they scan through a large body of numbers that they have assigned value to and then choose the numbers they want in order to fit some pattern. Unfortunately, this then brings the entire science of Biblical Numerics into disrepute. Particularly egregious is when they arbitrarily switch between variant spellings of words/names when convenient. My discoveries are the exact opposite, as over 99% of my work is rooted in 7 key numbers, which I call "The Seven Numerical Wonders Of Biblical Numerics". The first 3 numbers represent the fundamental numbers of creation and the last 4 represent the canonical values of "Jesus Christ" (the Ordinal Hebrew/Greek values and the Standard Hebrew/Greek values) …


37 - 73 - 19 - 115 - 205 - 754 - 2368

As far as I know, I am the only researcher in Biblical Gematria who has limited over 99% of their work to such a small set of numbers, which only serves to demonstrate the significance of my findings. When you have hundreds or even thousands of different values to choose from, then it becomes virtually impossible to distinguish APPARENT design from ACTUAL design. This is a serious problem for proponents of English numerology. Aside from the fact that English has no historical ties to alphanumerics, if we allow for English numerology, then we now have THOUSANDS of more words, phrases and sentences to choose from (to create virtually any pattern we want).


"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"

Standard Hebrew value = 2701

The 73rd Triangle = 2701 counters

The Standard Hebrew numerical value of Genesis 1:1 (the first verse of the Bible and the very foundation of Biblical Numerics) = The 73rd Triangular number, which are a specific family of numbers that form perfect Triangles. Every third Triangle has a "G-base" (or "Generator Base"), whereby the tip of this "G-base" touches the centroid counter of the Triangle. The Genesis 1:1 Triangle (T73) is one of these Triangles with this property. Some proponents of English numerology, who employ the Standard/Ordinal system of Biblical Gematria to the English alphabet, claim that the G-base of the Genesis 1:1 Triangle validates their made up system of English numerology, since the G-base of T73 = The Standard value of "Jesus Christ" in English (925):


  G-base = 925

Standard English "JESUS CHRIST" = 925

Does this point to the validity of English numerology? No, it doesn't at all. The reason I can say this is because anyone can take a few related English words (or related Chinese words for that matter) and plug them into virtually any geometric template to make it say nearly anything they want. Reasonable people will understand that coincidences happen. If you deny this fact, then you would be forced to believe all sorts of contradictory and even HERETICAL ideas. For example, using the very same English system, I can turn the Genesis 1:1 Triangle into a "validation" of Islam. The Genesis 1:1 Triangle (T73) accommodates a Hexagram of 937 counters, which itself has a Perimeter of 144 counters:


HEXAGRAM = 937 counters

Standard English "PROPHET MUHAMMAD" = 937

PERIMETER of Hexagram of 937 counters = 144

Ordinal English "IN THE NAME OF ALLAH" = 144

PERIMETER of total Triangle = 216

Ordinal English "THERE IS NO GOD BUT ALLAH" = 216

Notice that this is arguably an even BETTER result than the example of the English value of Jesus Christ that is offered by proponents of English numerology. Note also that Islam teaches Allah revealed the original Torah to Moses. So if the English value of Jesus Christ in the G-base of T73 validates the made up system of English numerology (which has no historical ties to alphanumerics), then why isn't this presentation that I just highlighted ALSO a validation of Islam? 

I have seen some proponents of English numerology try and extend the "evidence" of 925 by arguing that 925 × 73 = The 73rd Tetrahedron. The problem with this argument is that it is essentially a restatement of the fact that 925 is the G-base of T73, as EVERY G-base yields the Tetrahedral version of its accommodating Triangle (when multiplied by the Triangular order). Quite frankly, the fact of the matter is that English numerology is nonsense. It is absurd to think that God would produce a code that can be similarly produced with RANDOM identities, which is precisely the point! Using English numerology, anyone can play with virtually any geometric template and eventually make it say nearly anything they want. It is utterly meaningless and does not pass the test of coded design.

We see that geometry is not immune to cherry picking, as it can easily be manipulated to say nearly anything you want (if you play with it long enough). However, if you think this discredits the science of Biblical Numerics as a whole (authentic Biblical Numerics, not made up "English Gematria"), then you are sadly mistaken. For the most powerful proof of Biblical Numerics comes not from geometry, but from my discovery of "The Prime Code Of Genesis 1:1", which is utterly indestructible and is completely immune to any charge of cherry picking. It involves a series of 5 steps that tie the natural order of PRIME NUMBERS (as well as the decimal expansion of Pi) to the PRIME FACTORS of Genesis 1:1 (37 × 73). In fact, it is proof that the 7 individual word values of Genesis 1:1, which introduces the Biblical creation account, were CHOSEN by a Supreme Mathematician.

As you go through these 5 steps, keep in mind that Ivan Panin, the father of modern Biblical Numerics, showed that Genesis 1:1 was coded with the Prime number 37 through the phenomenon of word value combinations. Although much of Panin's work was faulty, he was the first to highlight the deep connection between Genesis 1:1 and the Prime number 37. What he showed was that there was an excessive number of word value combinations in Genesis 1:1 that are multiples of 37. Peter Bluer did a mathematical analysis on this fact in his book "373 The Proof Set In Stone", which shows that the number of word value combinations in Genesis 1:1 that are multiples of 37 is way beyond what would be expected by random chance alone. You can also read more about this amazing feature of Genesis 1:1 in my article entitled "Prime Star Of Genesis 1:1". With this in mind, here's a quick look at the 5 steps of "The Prime Code Of Genesis 1:1":

STEP #1 shows how the Triple Repdigits (111 to 999) are connected to the fundamental number 37, which I call "The Triple Repdigit Cipher Of 37". Notice that each of the Triple Repdigits are PALINDROMIC (they read the same from left to right or right to left). This is an important point, as all 5 steps of "The Prime Code Of Genesis 1:1" are linked together through the phenomenon of mirror reflections:


111 (1 + 1 + 1 = 3 and 3 × 37 = 111)
222 (2 + 2 + 2 = 6 and 6 × 37 = 222)
333 (3 + 3 + 3 = 9 and 9 × 37 = 333)
444 (4 + 4 + 4 = 12 and 12 × 37 = 444)
555 (5 + 5 + 5 = 15 and 15 × 37 = 555)
666 (6 + 6 + 6 = 18 and 18 × 37 = 666)
777 (7 + 7 + 7 = 21 and 21 × 37 = 777)
888 (8 + 8 + 8 = 24 and 24 × 37 = 888)
999 (9 + 9 + 9 = 27 and 27 × 37 = 999)

STEP #2 involves an absolutely mind-blowing phenomenon I discovered, which involves indexing the natural order of PRIME NUMBERS with the Triple Repdigits. I have coined this specific find "The Triple Repdigit Code Of 37073". Keep in mind that there is no mathematical reason whatsoever for this union between the Triple Repdigits and the Primes to point to 37/73. The Prime numbers can be verified here: Prime Numbers


111th Prime = 607
222nd Prime = 1399
333rd Prime = 2239
444th Prime = 3119
555th Prime = 4019
666th Prime = 4973
777th Prime = 5903
888th Prime = 6907
999th Prime = 7907

TOTAL SUM = 37073

STEP #3 shows how the Triple Repdigits point right back to 37/73 yet again. Unbelievably, the sum of the "Pi Positions" of the Triple Repdigits (the first time each of them appear in the decimal expansion of Pi, after the decimal point) points to the exact same value we just saw (37073). I call this "The Pi Code Of 37073". Pi = The ratio between the circumference/diameter of a circle and yields an infinite sequence of non-cyclic digits. The "Pi Positions" of each of the Triple Repdigits can be verified here: Pi Position Calculator

THE Pi CODE OF 37073

111 = 153
222 = 1735
333 = 1698
444 = 2707
555 = 177
666 = 2440
777 = 1589
888 = 4751
999 = 762

TOTAL Pi SUM= 16012

16012 + 21061 = 37073

STEP #4 ties all of this to the mathematics of Genesis 1:1. For the very same phenomenon of PRIME INDEXING, when applied to the 7 numerical word values of Genesis 1:1, points to 37/73 yet again, which are the very PRIME FACTORS of Genesis 1:1 itself. Understand that the only way to represent Genesis 1:1 as a product of two numbers (besides 2701 × 1) is 37 × 73. I call this miracle "The Prime Index Code Of Genesis 1:1". Here are the PRIME NUMBERS indexed to the 7 Standard word values that make up Genesis 1:1 …


913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 = 37 × 73

913th Prime = 7127
203rd Prime = 1237
86th Prime = 443
401st Prime = 2749
395th Prime = 2711
407th Prime = 2797
296th Prime = 1949

2161 + 1612 = 3773

GENESIS 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73
2701 + 1072 = 3773

STEP #5 is the icing on the cake. We just saw how the Primes indexed to the Genesis 1:1 word values = The 2161st Prime and how 2161 points back to the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors through the phenomenon of MIRROR REFLECTIONS (2161 + 1612 = 3773). Amazingly, the number 2161 itself is the EXACT average between the sum of the mirror reflections of the first 37 integers (1279) and the sum of the mirror reflections of the first 73 integers (3043). I have appropriately coined this particular find "The Mirror Code Of 2161":


Sum of MIRRORS of first 37 integers = 1279
Sum of MIRRORS of first 73 integers = 3043

2161 - 882 = 1279
2161 + 882 = 3043

These 5 simple steps combine to form what is easily the most powerful proof of the science of Biblical Numerics that I have ever seen. They also lead beautifully into a large array of more discoveries I made in the first 19 Fibonacci numbers and the first 37 atomic elements of nature. This is all explained in my article "Quantum Gematria". Similarly to that of the 5 steps we just saw in "The Prime Code Of Genesis 1:1", they are completely immune to the charge of cherry picking as well, as they are rooted in the strict Hebrew/Greek numerical values of "Jesus Christ", which all converge on a Hexagon/Hexagram template (with Genesis 1:1 itself being the 37th Hexagonal number).

By attempting to extend the organic mathematics of the Bible outside of its revealed Hebrew/Greek words, proponents of "English Gematria" are massively INCREASING the potential for cherry picking, as there would be nothing to prohibit the use of ALL the thousands of non-alphanumeric languages on earth as if they were alphanumeric systems. Aside from the fact that the Hebrew/Greek Gematria of the Bible is organic (in that it has ancient historical ties to alphanumerics), it is limited to the revealed Hebrew/Greek words of the Bible, which DECREASES the potential for cherry picking. In the case of the canonical values of "Jesus Christ" (and the overwhelming body of codes linking them to Genesis 1:1, the natural order of Prime/Composite numbers, the Fibonacci series, DNA and even the atomic structure of creation itself), the charge of cherry picking holds no weight. In fact, the Standard Hebrew/Greek values of "JESUS CHRIST" (754 and 2368) gives the UNIQUE identity of Jesus Christ within the alphanumeric nature of the Bible:

- The ONLY person in the Bible (out of over 1,000 unique Biblical names/titles) with a Standard Hebrew or Greek value of 754 is "JESUS CHRIST" (this proper Hebrew form of "Yehoshua HaMashiac" is naturally implied by the Greek translation "Iesous Cristos" throughout the New Testament)
- The ONLY person in the Bible (out of over 1,000 unique Biblical names/titles) with a Standard Hebrew or Greek value of 2368 is "JESUS CHRIST"


We have seen how geometry is not immune to cherry picking and can be abused to say nearly anything you want it to say. Does this mean I am entirely discrediting the study of Biblical Numerics as it relates to geometry? Not at all. However, it shows that we need strict rules to keep us from blurring the lines between APPARENT design and ACTUAL design. Unfortunately, I've never seen any researcher offer such guidelines, which I feel is much needed. This is why I am doing that now. Anyone who presents themselves as an authority in the coded mathematics of the Bible, and yet is not willing to abide by mathematical rules, has no business doing Biblical Numerics in the first place, as Biblical Numerics itself is rooted in (and dependent upon) mathematical rules of logic.

What we need are GUIDING PRINCIPLES that will aide us in the process of distinguishing between an APPARENT geometric code and an ACTUAL geometric code. I have identified three guiding principles by which we can determine whether or not a given set of identities within a given geometric template is truly coded ...

What is meant here by "Natural Geometry" is the NATURAL segmentations within a given geometric template, rather than CONTRIVED (or arbitrary) symmetric configurations. This is an important principle because natural geometries are inherently superior to contrived geometries, as they limit the potential for cherry picking. When we allow for concocting whatever symmetric configurations we desire (as opposed to highlighting the natural segmentations within a given geometric template), then we risk blurring the lines between an apparent geometric code and an actual geometric code.

This principle is important because anyone can take a few related identities, in any language, and plug them into virtually any geometric template to make it say nearly anything they want. This is where the principle of REPEATEDLY self-referencing identities comes in. What's more, these identities cannot be CHERRY PICKED identities, or we again risk blurring the lines between an apparent geometric code and actual geometric code.

This principle is actually how the father of Geometric Gematria (Vernon Jenkins) began this field of study. It involves the phenomenon whereby the natural semantic divisions of a complete phrase/statement correspond to the natural geometric divisions of a specific geometric display. Thus, the union between the phrase/statement and its corresponding geometry becomes a SELF-CONTAINED system that is completely immune to any charge of cherry picking. We see this beautifully in the Genesis 1:1 Triangle, which I will demonstrate later.

An example in Geometric Gematria that abides by these three guiding principles can be seen in my discovery of "The Standard/Ordinal Triangle Of Jesus Christ (T115)" (see here: Geometric Signature). In this particular case, I show REPEATEDLY how the canonical values of "Jesus Christ" are coded in the natural geometry of the 115th Triangle, with 115 being the Ordinal Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (and the 37th Semiprime number). Further, I show how natural geometric divisions within T115 correspond with the natural NAME divisions of "Jesus" and "Christ". These three principles are the hallmark of a genuine geometric code.


In order to get a full understanding behind the geometry of Snowflake 373, we need to understand its "Triune" identity, which is most clearly seen in the very passage from which this "Logos Star" is derived. Namely, John 1:1, which identifies Jesus Christ as the "LOGOS" (or the "WORD"). Peter Bluer and Bevan Williams were the first researchers to highlight the mathematics of John 1:1, which is naturally related to Genesis 1:1 (Genesis 1:1 being the "Creation Verse" of the Hebrew Old Testament and John 1:1 being the "Creation Verse" of the Greek New Testament). I eventually did my own analysis on John 1:1. One of the first things I noticed was the fact that John 1:1 consists of 3 semantic divisions with 3 instances of "LOGOS" (1 in each semantic division):

    JOHN 1:1

1) "In the beginning was the WORD (373)"
2) "And the WORD (373) was with God"
3) "And the WORD (373) was God"

We see that the Standard Greek value of the divine title "LOGOS" = 373, which is the concatenation of the Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 (37 and 73). The number 373 is part of the "Snowflake" series, which are a specific family of numbers that form geometric "Snowflakes". In fact, it is the THIRD number in the series (signifying the "Triune" identity of 373 yet again):


Snowflake = 373 counters

  "LOGOS" = 373

Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73

The geometric "Snowflake" of 373 counters is actually tied to the natural Star geometry of the Genesis 1:1 PRIME  FACTORS (37 and 73), which points to the 373rd PRIME NUMBER. This can be seen clearly in my discovery of "The Diamond Prime Code Of 37/73". The numbers 37 and 73 are both Star numbers (numbers that form perfect Hexagrams). Incredibly, just as the Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 concatenate to 373, the "Diamond" counters that are found within Star 37 and Star 73 concatenate to form the 373rd Prime! …


PRIME FACTORS of Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73

373 = CONCATENATION of 37 and 73

DIAMOND counters in Star 37 = 25
DIAMOND counters in Star 73 = 49

CONCATENATION of 25 and 49 = 373rd PRIME (2549)

      25 + 49 = 74

   74th PRIME = 373

This is directly related to my discovery of "The Prime/Composite Balance Of 373". Understand that Prime/Composite numbers are naturally related, as Prime numbers are the numerical "building blocks" of Composite numbers. The Composite numbers can be referenced here: Composite Numbers


    74th PRIME NUMBER = 373
74th Triangular number (T74) = 2775

T74 + 373 = 2701st COMPOSITE NUMBER

2701 = 37 × 73
2701 + 1072 = 3773


I highlighted three guiding principles of Geometric Gematria: The principle of NATURAL geometry, the principle of REPEATEDLY self-referencing identities and the principle of REPEATEDLY self-referencing word or name structures. We are going to see how the encoded geometry of Genesis 1:1 abides by each of these principles, which makes Genesis 1:1 a SELF-CONTAINED system of Geometric Gematria. First, we will begin with a discovery of Vernon Jenkins, where he showed how the Standard Hebrew value of Genesis 1:1 entails a natural semantic division that corresponds with a natural geometric division within the 73rd Triangle (the Triangular numbers can be referenced here: Triangular Numbers):


Genesis 1:1 = Two semantic divisions:

1) "In the beginning God created the heavens" = 1998
2) "And the earth" = 703

  1998 + 703 = T73

The ONLY Triangle that is accommodated inside of T73 (such that its points touch the edges of the Triangle) is an inverted Triangle of 703 counters

       T37 = 703

In my own analysis of Genesis 1:1, I found that this same natural semantic division displays another geometric connection to T73 through its ORDINAL Hebrew values. Remarkably, the Ordinal Hebrew value of its first semantic division = 225 while its second semantic division = 73. The total Ordinal value of Genesis 1:1 = 225 + 73 = 298. Thus, this semantic/geometric union between the Standard/Ordinal values of Genesis 1:1 can be represented SIMULTANEOUSLY as the 298th Triangle, whereby a Plinth of 225 rows accommodates the Standard Genesis 1:1 Triangle (T73), which, as we saw, is geometrically segmented through the very SAME semantic division. I have coined this union "The Standard/Ordinal Triangle Of Genesis 1:1" …


ORDINAL Hebrew "In the beginning God created the heavens" = 225

ORDINAL Hebrew "And the earth" = 73

STANDARD Hebrew Genesis 1:1 = T73

Plinth of 225 rows unites with T73 to form the 298th Triangle

ORDINAL Hebrew Genesis 1:1 = 225 + 73 = 298

Notice that BOTH the Standard and the Ordinal values of Genesis 1:1 yield a semantic/geometric division between "The heavens" and "And the earth". This now leads to my discovery of "The Logos Star Of Heaven/Earth". We saw how John 1:1 (which is the key "LOGOS" passage and is itself tied to Genesis 1:1) = 3 semantic divisions = 3 instances of "LOGOS". Therefore, we have the following perfection, which demonstrates the true meaning that is encoded within Snowflake 373:


  Snowflake = 373 counters
STANDARD Hebrew Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73

Antisnowflake = 151 counters

Genesis 1:1 introduces Biblical creation account of "SIX DAYS" and a "SEVENTH DAY" of rest

  SIX Hexagons within Antisnowflake = 114
CENTER Hexagram within Antisnowflake = 37

   ORDINAL Greek "THE HEAVENS" = 114

         114 + 37 = 151

   151 + (737 + 373 + 737) = 1998

STANDARD Hebrew "In the beginning God created THE HEAVENS" = 1998

Notice the consistent pattern of a semantic division between "The heavens" and "And the earth". As we can see, Snowflake 373 is LITERALLY a miniature version of Genesis 1:1 and is a geometric representation of the creation of "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH". This is the proper "Geometric Exegesis" of Snowflake 373, which can be demonstrated even further in my discovery of "The Reciprocal Cipher Of Heaven/Earth". Incredibly, the 74th Prime = 373 and the reciprocal of 74 (1/74) yields an infinitely repeating cycle of the Ordinal Hebrew value of "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH" (135). Thus, the proper "Geometric Exegesis" of Snowflake 373 quite literally rings through all eternity ...


  74th PRIME = 373


1/74 = .135135135135 ... to INFINITY

Another example of "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH" encoded in the geometry of Genesis 1:1 can be seen in the very Hexagon accommodated by the 73rd Triangle, which I call "The Genesis 1:1 Hexagon Of Heaven/Earth". We saw how T73 accommodates T37 as an inverted Triangle. Therefore, we have even further perfection: The counter sum of the Hexagonal region sectioned off by T37 = The Standard Hebrew value of "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH" (1098) …


Sum of accommodated Genesis 1:1 HEXAGON (when sectioned off by T37) = 1098


913 - (203) - 86 - (401) - 395 - (407) - 296

Sum of EVEN word values:
(203) + (401) + (407) = 1011


The only Genesis 1:1 word values with a central ZERO are the EVEN word values

Sum of Genesis 1:1 word values with zeroes dropped:
913 + (23) + 86 + (41) + 395 + (47) + 296 = 1801

TOTAL HEXAGON accommodated by Genesis 1:1 Triangle = 1801

We see clearly how the encoded geometry of Genesis 1:1, which is the most read statement in the history of mankind (by virtue of the fact that it opens the entire Biblical epic and has been read in thousands of different languages throughout history), abides by the three guiding principles I outlined. This is seen in the language through which it was REVEALED, not translated. The coded mathematics of God is transmitted through his Prophets, not TRANSLATORS of his Prophets.


I showed how Snowflake 373 is a miniature version of Genesis 1:1 and is coded with the same theme (and the same semantic division) of Genesis 1:1. Namely, the creation of "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH". I will now show, through what I have termed "Geometric Exegesis", how the G-base of the Genesis 1:1 Triangle (925) is itself tied to Snowflake 373 and the very same unifying theme. As Biblical students know, exegesis is the science of interpreting scripture IN CONTEXT whereas eisegesis is to read INTO the text (thereby diluting the intended meaning or message). Exegesis is a critical tool in Biblical hermeneutics. So it is with the science of Geometric Gematria.

Every third Triangular number is able to form a specific Star number through the means of self-intersection (by virtue of the fact that they have centroid counters). The other Triangles, which do not have centroid counters, do not have this property. However, each member of another class of Triangular numbers, the Centered Triangular numbers, are able to form a separate class of Star numbers (as each Centered Triangle has a centroid counter). While the "regular" Triangular numbers are formed by adding successive bases with each term in the series, the Centered Triangular numbers are formed by adding successive borders of counters around its centroid counter (see here: Centered Triangles). Interestingly, the G-base of Genesis 1:1 (925) is one of these classes of Star numbers that are formed through the self-intersection of two Centered Triangles (in this case, the self-intersection of the 22nd Centered Triangular number, which is 694). The important part to point out here is this: This Star of 925 counters perfectly accommodates Snowflake 373


Genesis 1:1 introduces the creation of THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH

G-base of Genesis 1:1 Triangle = 925

Standard Greek "TEMPLE" (Matthew 12:5) = 925

Snowflake 373 = The concatenation of the Genesis 1:1 PRIME FACTORS (37 and 73)

Snowflake 373 is coded with the ORDINAL Greek value of "THE HEAVENS" + "AND THE EARTH" (114 + 37)

Star 925 accommodates Snowflake 373

This represents a proper "Geometric Exegesis" of the Genesis 1:1 G-base (through Biblical alphanumerics). In fact, I can demonstrate this even further through an array of discoveries I have made that tie the G-base of Genesis 1:1 to Snowflake 373. For example, in "The Hexagonal Logos Code", I show how the 115th Prime number (631) forms the very Hexagon that accommodates Snowflake 373. We know that each geometric Snowflake embodies a specific Hexagram. The Hexagram within Snowflake 373 is 377 and this Hexagram sections off 294 counters within the Hexagon that accommodates Snowflake 373:



Snowflake 373 embodies HEXAGRAM of 337 counters

HEXAGON 631 accommodates HEXAGRAM 337 (which sections off 294 counters)

115th PRIME NUMBER = 631


Notice that the canonical values of Jesus Christ are coded in this Hexagon, as well as the flawless number 37. The value that is sectioned off within this Hexagon (294) is the key to unlocking my discovery of "The Logos Triangle Of 294 × 37". How? Very simple. We saw how John 1:1, which is the foundational passage of the "LOGOS" (373), entails a TRIPLE CIPHER. Thus, we have the following perfection: The 37th multiple of 294 yields the very Triangle that accommodates T74 (with 74 corresponding with the PRIME ORDER of 373) and sections off a TRIPLE SET of the Genesis 1:1 Triangle! … 



HEXAGRAM embodied within Snowflake 373 sections off 294 counters within its accommodating HEXAGON

    294 × 37 = T147

147 = 7 × 3 × 7
147 = 37 + 73 + 37

T147 accommodates T74
74th PRIME NUMBER = 373

Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73

T74 sections off TRIPLE SET of Genesis 1:1 Triangles
T74 sections off TRIPLE SET of Genesis 1:1 G-bases


  147 + 741 = PALINDROME = 888
STANDARD Greek "JESUS" = 888

(74 + 47) + (74 + 47) + (74 + 47) = PALINDROME = 363
STANDARD Hebrew "CHRIST" = 363

After I uncovered this unified code between the Genesis 1:1 G-base and Snowflake 373, I did an analysis on the 3-dimensional version of T147. Namely, the 147th Tetrahedron. This led to my discovery of "The 3-D Logos Triangle" (the Tetrahedral numbers can be referenced here: Tetrahedral Numbers):


Each face of TETRAHEDRON = 294 × 37

The 147th Tetrahedron accommodates the 74th Octahedron within it

The 74th Octahedron = 270174 =
The concatenation of 2701 and 74
(verify here: Octahedral Numbers)

      2701 = 37 × 73

Concatenation of 37 and 73 (373)

REMAINDER of Tetrahedron (with 74th Octahedron removed) =
3700 × 73

      3700 + 73 = 3773

Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73
2701 + 1072 = 3773

The 74th Octahedron = 270174 =
The concatenation of 2701 and 74

2701 × 74 =
The concatenation of 1998 and 74 (199874)

Standard Hebrew "In the beginning God created THE HEAVENS" = 1998

  74th PRIME NUMBER = 373

Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73 =

I showed how Snowflake 373 is encoded with a perfect semantic division between Ordinal Greek "THE HEAVENS" and Ordinal Greek "AND THE EARTH", which corresponds with the semantic/geometric division in the Genesis 1:1 Triangle (T73). We also saw how Snowflake 373 is accommodated by a Star variation of 925 counters. During my research into the decimal expansion of Pi, I was able to verify the "Geometric Exegesis" of Snowflake 373 even further through my discovery of "The Pi Code Of Heaven/Earth". 

Pi = The ratio between the circumference/diameter of a Circle and yields an infinite sequence of non-cyclic digits. Incredibly, the sum of the place positions in the decimal expansion of Pi (after the decimal point) that occupy the FIRST appearance of 925 = The Standard Greek value of "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH" (1011). In fact, the ONLY three-digit sequence in Pi that yields a place position sum of 1011 is the very first occurence of 925. I repeat, the ONLY three-digit sequence, in the entire infinite sequence of Pi, that yields a place position sum of 1011 is the first occurence of 925 (verify here: Pi Position Calculator):


Snowflake 373 yields a perfect semantic division of ORDINAL Greek "THE HEAVENS" and "AND THE EARTH"

114 + 37 = 151

Genesis 1:1 Triangle yields a perfect semantic division between "In the beginning God created THE HEAVENS" and "AND THE EARTH"

1998 + 703 = 37 × 73

373 = CONCATENATION of Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors

Centered Star of 925 counters accommodates Snowflake 373

Pi POSITION SUM of the first appearance of 925 = (336 + 337 + 338) = 1011

The ONLY 3-digit sequence in the decimal expansion of Pi (after the decimal point) that yields a place position sum of 1011 is 925


I have demonstrated the proper "Geometric Exegesis" of the Genesis 1:1 G-base, which is tied to Snowflake 373 and the creation theme of "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH". It has nothing to do with any made up system of English numerology, anymore than the fact that 937 (the accommodated Hexagram in the Genesis 1:1 Triangle) having an English value of "Prophet Muhammad" has anything to do with authentic Biblical Gematria. 

I have also uncovered another alphanumeric aspect of the Genesis 1:1 G-base, which is tied to the Standard Greek value of "TEMPLE" (925). You can read more about this here: GEOMETRIC EXEGESIS

Genesis 1:1 itself, which is the very foundation of Biblical Numerics, highlights the eternal union of the 4 canonical values of "Jesus Christ". Here are the 4 canonical values of "Jesus Christ", which I have coined "The Tetra Set Of Jesus Christ":


Ordinal Hebrew "Jesus Christ" = 115
Ordinal Greek "Jesus Christ" = 205
Standard Hebrew "Jesus Christ" = 754
Standard Greek "Jesus Christ" = 2368

Genesis 1:1 = 2701 and the 2701st COMPOSITE NUMBER = 3148 (verify here: Composite Numbers). The 37th number that is the product of 4 PRIME NUMBERS = 294 (verify here: OEIS.org). Therefore, we have the following confirmation through the Genesis 1:1 code of Prime/Composite "pointers", which I call "The Prime/Composite Canonical Code Of Jesus Christ" …


  GENESIS 1:1 = 37 × 73 = 2701

2701st COMPOSITE NUMBER = 3148

37th number that is the product of 4 PRIME NUMBERS = 294

  3148 + 294 = (115 + 205 + 754 + 2368)

   3148 + 294 = THE TETRA SET


We have seen how the Genesis 1:1 G-base, and its relationship to Snowflake 373 (along with an array of corresponding geometries), stands as a mathematical monument to the open meaning of Genesis 1:1, as well as its natural semantic division. This was accomplished through the means of guiding mathematical principles and through what I have coined "Geometric Exegesis". These all unite to form a powerful case for the authentic science of Biblical Numerics. Moreover, this perfect union of self-referencing evidences ultimately serves as a validation of Biblical Theism.

Battalion Of Christ,
Leo Tavares

Copyright 2024, All rights reserved, Leo Tavares