By Leo Tavares

Every number, in the entire infinite family of numbers, ultimately traces back to one of the 9 Positive single digits (through the mathematical feature of “Digital Roots”). I will demonstrate how the 9 Positive single digits (1 through 9) are rooted in the flawless number 37, which is the very number encoded in the mathematics of Genesis 1:1 and the ancient numerical value of Jesus Christ. This will ultimately serve as an eternal testimony, written in mathematical stone, of the reality of God.

The normal term for a human pregnancy is 9 months. The numbers 1 through 9 are the foundation behind the mathematics of the only organism capable of forming a number series (humans). Every Positive number is a multiple of one or more of these 9 single digits. Moreover, the Digital Root of any Positive number can only be one of these 9 single digits. Thus, the Digital Root of any Positive number must fall under the “Headship” of one of the 9 single digits. The “Digital Root” of a given number is derived by simply adding up the digits within that number until we are left with one of the single digits (see here: Digital Roots).

The mathematics of Genesis 1:1 is rooted in the number 37 (see my paper on the “Prime Star Of Genesis 1:1"). Further, the mathematical signature of Jesus Christ is rooted in the number 37 (see my papers on the “Atomic Proof Of Christian Theism” and "Quantum Gematria"). I will now show how the 9 single digits are also eternally linked to the number 37, thereby demonstrating the central importance of the number 37 yet again and its role in “The Womb Of Mathematics”.

When we place the 9 single digits in a 3 × 3 Matrix, we find that ALL the rows, columns and diagonals yield a perfect multiple of 37 through the phenomenon of DIGITAL REFLECTIONS (a feature that is built into the mathematics of Genesis 1:1 itself, which we will see). That is, if we take the digits within the rows/columns/diagonals and extend them to form a Palindrome (numbers that read the same from left to right or right to left), we get a perfect multiple of 37 in each case:

1   2   3
4   5   6
7   8   9


123321 = 3333 × 37
456654 = 12342 × 37
789987 = 21351 × 37


321123 = 8679 × 37
654456 = 17688 × 37
987789 = 26697 × 37


147741 = 3993 × 37
258852 = 6996 × 37
369963 = 9999 × 37


741147 = 20031 × 37
852258 = 23034 × 37
963369 = 26037 × 37


159951 = 4323 × 37
357753 = 9669 × 37


951159 = 25707 × 37
753357 = 20361 × 37

This pattern is clearly not by random chance. The odds of any number being a multiple of 37 is 1 in 37. Therefore, the odds of this feature within the Matrix of 9 single digits being the result of random chance is 1 in 37 × 37 × 37 × 37 × 37 × 37 × 37 × 37 × 37 × 37 × 37 × 37 × 37 × 37 × 37 × 37 (or 1 in 10 to the 25th Power)! This very same phenomenon of “Mirror Logic” is found in the mathematics of the very opening of the Bible (Genesis 1:1), which also happens to be encoded with the number 37.

The Old Testament of the Bible was revealed in Hebrew and the New Testament of the Bible was revealed in Greek. Remarkably, both of these languages are ALPHANUMERIC, which means that every letter in the Hebrew/Greek alphabets is also a number. Hence, every Hebrew word/phrase in the Old Testament has a set numerical value and every Greek word/phrase in the New Testament has a set numerical value (by simply adding up the letter values in a given Hebrew/Greek word or phrase). This numerical system of the Hebrew/Greek alphabets, commonly called "Gematria", is known to be an ancient practice of both Biblical Hebrew and Biblical Greek. In other words, it is not some modern invention and is an inherent feature of the ancient Hebrew/Greek alphabets.

Here are the numerical values of the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet: 

Genesis 1:1, the very opening of the Bible, is the foundation of Biblical Numerics. It reads as follows:

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth

Here are the numerical values of the seven Hebrew words that make up Genesis 1:1 …

913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 =

37 × 73

We saw how the Matrix of 9 single digits is rooted in the number 37 through the feature of Digital Reflections. Thus, it is only fair and just that the only way to produce the numerical value of Genesis 1:1 as a product of two numbers (besides 2701 × 1) is 37 × 73. What's more, 2701 is the first and only Composite number (out of the first 10,000 that have been checked) that yields its Prime Factors when it is added to its Digital Reflection:

Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73 = 2701 and 2701 + 1072 = 3773

In fact, this feature of Digital Reflections in the mathematics of Genesis 1:1 goes even deeper:

• Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73

• 37 = The 12th Prime number and 73 = The 21st Prime number

• 12^2 (12 × 12) = 144 and 21^2 (21 × 21) = 441

The Digital Reflections of Genesis 1:1 hold regardless of what one uses to represent the digits in these Digital Reflections. So long as one uses a base 10 system with a unique character for each of the 10 basic numbers (1 through 9 and the zero), the Digital Reflections will hold regardless. Since all of reality is rooted in mathematics, and mathematics entails geometry, I would argue that it is very likely that God ultimately sees the 10 distinct characters of base 10 mathematics (which he would have revealed to man) with Polygonal geometry. 

The geometry of Polygonal numbers is essentially formed by connecting a given number of symmetrically placed dots (see here: Polygonal Numbers). There are an infinite number of Polygonal number series (with the Triangle being the first real Polygon with an actual shape). The 9 single digits would be represented as follows:

1 = 1 Dot (forming a Point)
2 = 2 Dots (forming a Line)
3 = 3 Dots (forming a Triangle)
4 = 4 Dots (forming a Square)
5 = 5 Dots (forming a Pentagon)
6 = 6 Dots (forming a Hexagon)
7 = 7 Dots (forming a Heptagon)
8 = 8 Dots (forming an Octagon)
9 = 9 Dots (forming a Nonagon)

Under this Polygonal representation of the 9 single digits, the number 37, for example, would be visually represented as Triangle/Heptagon (3/7) and the number 73 would be visually represented as Heptagon/Triangle (7/3). Notice that this is a UNIVERSAL and ETERNAL representation of the single digits (since mathematics/geometry is universal and eternal). We know that all Polygonal numbers are themselves eternally linked to the number 9 through the following fact: The infinite number series of ANY Polygonal set of numbers ALWAYS yields an infinitely repeating Digital Root cycle of 9 digits.


The Matrix of 9 single digits is rooted in the number 37 through the feature of Digital Reflections. Observe how the Triple Repdigits (111 through 999) yields a perfect symmetry through the flawless number 37:

111 (1 + 1 + 1 = 3 and 3 × 37 = 111)
222 (2 + 2 + 2 = 6 and 6 × 37 = 222)
333 (3 + 3 + 3 = 9 and 9 × 37 = 333)
444 (4 + 4 + 4 = 12 and 12 × 37 = 444)
555 (5 + 5 + 5 = 15 and 15 × 37 = 555)
666 (6 + 6 + 6 = 18 and 18 × 37 = 666)
777 (7 + 7 + 7 = 21 and 21 × 37 = 777)
888 (8 + 8 + 8 = 24 and 24 × 37 = 888)
999 (9 + 9 + 9 = 27 and 27 × 37 = 999)

The phenomenon of "Prime Indexing" represents a subset system of Biblical Numerics that I discovered, which is tied to the alphanumerics of Genesis 1:1. Prime numbers are numbers that are only divisible by the number 1 and themselves (they are essentially the numerical “building blocks” in mathematics and can be referenced here: Prime Numbers). Incredibly, I found that the sum of the Prime numbers indexed to the Triple Repdigits = 37073:

111th Prime = 607
222nd Prime = 1399
333rd Prime = 2239
444th Prime = 3119
555th Prime = 4019
666th Prime = 4973
777th Prime = 5903
888th Prime = 6907
999th Prime = 7907

TOTAL SUM = 37073

Pi = The ratio between the diameter/circumference of a circle and yields an infinite sequence of non-repeating digits. Amazingly, when I added up the place positions of the Triple Repdigits as they first appear in the decimal expansion of Pi (after the decimal point), I found that the result points directly to 37073 through the feature of Digital Reflections (the “Pi Positions” can be verified here: Pi Position Calculator) …


111 = 153
222 = 1735
333 = 1698
444 = 2707
555 = 177
666 = 2440
777 = 1589
888 = 4751
999 = 762

TOTAL SUM = 16012 and 16012 + 21061 =


This points back to the mathematical phenomenon of Digital Reflections in Genesis 1:1 … 

GENESIS 1:1 = 37 × 73 = 2701
2701 + 1072 = 3773

For more on Genesis 1:1, the mathematical signature of Jesus Christ and the Triple Repdigits encoded in Pi, see my three-part study entitled “The Proof Is In The Pi".

The ancients universally understood that there are 360 degrees in a perfect CIRCLE (Pi = The ratio between diameter/circumference of CIRCLE). Thus, we have the following perfection where the sum of the squares of the single digits (1 through 9) = The “Pi Position” of 360 = The first instance of the sequence 360 in Pi (after the decimal point):

1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 + 4^2 + 5^2 + 6^2 + 7^2 + 8^2 + 9^2 = “Pi Position” of 360

The normal term for a human pregnancy is 9 months. Remarkably, the reciprocal of the 9th square is actually “pregnant” with the entire infinite family of natural numbers:

1/9^2 = .0 + .01 + .002 + .0003 + .00004 + .000005 + .0000006 … to infinity

The Greek numerical value of “JESUS CHRIST” (888 + 1480) = 2368. There are numerous ways through which the mathematical signature of Jesus Christ is linked to the number 37. For example:

• “Jesus” = 888 = A perfect multiple of 37 (24 × 37)

• “Christ” = 1480 = A perfect multiple of 37 (40 × 37)

• (8 + 8 + 8) + (1 + 4 + 8 + 0) = 37

I showed how the 9 Positive single digits are deeply related to the number 37 when placed in a 3 × 3 Matrix. A Magic Square is a Matrix of numbers whose rows, columns and diagonals all yield the exact same sum (see here: Magic Squares). A Prime Magic Square is a Matrix wherein all the numbers are Prime. The number 1 is the only number that is neither Prime or Composite, as it is the universal divisor (i.e. it divides every number). Incredibly, the very FIRST 3 × 3 Prime Magic Square, with or without the number 1 included, is encoded with the mathematical signature of "Jesus Christ" and has the number 37 at its very CENTER:



ROWS = 111

111 × 8 = 888
"JESUS" = 888


148 × 10 = 1480
"CHRIST" = 1480

(888 + 1480) = "JESUS CHRIST" (2368)

Keep in mind that this is the very FIRST possible 3 × 3 Prime Magic Square (see here: Prime Magic Squares). Moreover, all of these symmetries, which highlight the mathematical signature of "Jesus Christ" (888 + 1480 = 2368), disappear if the number 37 is removed from the CENTER.

Ancient Christian tradition maintains that God entered into human history through the person of Jesus Christ, who was in the womb of Mary for 9 months. We saw how Genesis 1:1 and the Matrix of 9 single digits is rooted in the flawless number 37. Thus, we have the following perfection that involves a pattern of THREE within each step and SEVEN successive steps (highlighting the number 37 yet again), which I have coined "The 3/7 Code Of Jesus Christ":


(123 × 3) + 1 = (10 × 37) = 370
(234 × 3) + 1 = (19 × 37) = 703
(345 × 3) + 1 = (28 × 37) = 1036
(456 × 3) + 1 = (37 × 37) = 1369
(567 × 3) + 1 = (46 × 37) = 1702
(678 × 3) + 1 = (55 × 37) = 2035
(789 × 3) + 1 = (64 × 37) = 2368

Notice that this series runs through a completion of the single digits (1 through 9) and entails a THREE/SEVEN pattern. Furthermore, each of the seven steps yield a perfect multiple of 37 and culminates in the Greek numerical value of “JESUS CHRIST” (2368).


The Triple Repdigits yield a TRIPLE repetition of the 9 single digits. I am now going to demonstrate how all the Triple Repdigit codes I discovered are sealed with the numerical signature of Jesus Christ through a TRIUNE code. The alphanumeric systems of the Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New Testament (the Standard method) are historically related. The Ordinal system of Biblical Numerics simply applies the natural order of integers to the order of the 22 letters in Biblical Hebrew and the order of the 24 letters in Biblical Greek. The Ordinal Greek numerical value of "CHRIST" = 118. This takes us to my discovery of "The Triple Repdigit Code Of Christ (118)": 


The Triple Repdigits = A TRIPLE repetition of the 9 single digits (111 through 999)

The sum of the PRIME NUMBERS indexed to the Triple Repdigits = 37073

Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73
2701 + 1072 = 3773

The sum of the Pi Positions of the Triple Repdigits = 16012

ORDINAL Greek "CHRIST" = 118

THREE joined Triangles of T118 form precisely 21061 counters

21061 + 16012 = 37073

What I just demonstrated is nothing short of geometric proof that ties the Triple Repdigit Prime and Pi codes to the alphanumeric identity of "CHRIST". The joining of three sets of the nth Triangle (united at a center counter) is accommodated by the nth Centered Hexagon. Thus, the 118th term, which we just saw, is accommodated by the 118th Centered Hexagon. In fact, I have uncovered further proof that ties all the Triple Repdigit codes to the numerical signature of Jesus Christ. I present to you: "The Triple Repdigit Triangle Of Jesus Christ (T153)"


The sum of the Triple Repdigits (111 through 999) = 4995

The Triple Repdigits are each tied to the fundamental Prime number 37 (through a perfect symmetry)

4995 forms a Trapezium of 37 rows of counters 

This Trapezium accommodates a Triangle of precisely 6786 counters

John 1:34
"And I saw, and bare record that this is the Son of God"

Standard Greek value of John 1:34 = 6786

The total Triangle that is formed = T153


37th + 73rd COMPOSITE NUMBERS = 153

37th number that is the product of THREE Primes = 164
73rd number that is the product of THREE Primes = 292

37th + 73rd TRI-PRIMES = The PERIMETER of T153 (456)

The Pi Position of the FIRST Triple Repdigit (111) = 153

This Triangle, which is accommodated by the sum of the Triple Repdigits (as a Trapezium of 37 rows), unites with the 118th term of THREE joined Triangles to form a geometric proof of the divinity of Jesus Christ. Why do I say this? Here's why: The accommodated Triangle (of 6786 counters) is the precise Triangle that fills the THREE empty positions to form the 118th Centered Hexagon




There are 118 chemical elements that make up the periodic table of elements. Theoretically, there may be more elements higher than 118 that are yet to be discovered. However, not only is this very unlikely, there are also hints that element #118 may represent the final element:

- We know there is a definite limit to the number of potential elements (since atoms can only contain a finite amount of mass)

- Even if elements beyond #118 could exist, scientists acknowledge that we are unlikely to even detect them during our lifetime (as we move higher in the sequence of elements, they become much more difficult to detect)

- The 118th element (Oganesson) actually completes the seventh row of the periodic table (very curious, to say the least)

- The Ordinal Greek value of "CHRIST" = 118 (thus uniting the numerical signature of the divine encoder with the complete table of elements)

- The atomic weight of the 118th element (i.e. Protons + Neutrons) = 294 = Ordinal Greek "LORD JESUS CHRIST"

With all this in mind, I would now like to share a powerful atomic code I have uncovered. We know that there are three fundamental components of the atom. Namely, the Proton, the Neutron and the Electron. Therefore, I present to you: "The Atomic Creation Code (37073)"


There are 118 atomic elements

Ordinal Greek "CHRIST" = 118

The atomic weight of the 118th element = 294

Ordinal Greek "LORD JESUS CHRIST" = 294

The atom consists of THREE fundamental components:

1) Protons
2) Neutrons
3) Electrons

THREE joined Triangles of T118 = 21061 counters

21061 + 16012 = 37073

Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 37 * 73
2701 + 1072 = 3773



The longest recorded sermon by the Apostle Paul is given in Acts 13:16-41. I will now demonstrate a powerful self-referencing code I have uncovered in this key Biblical sermon, which ties back to Psalm 2:7 and reveals the identity of the divine encoder. I present to you: "The Resurrection Triangle Of Jesus Christ (T205)"


Ordinal Hebrew "I AM" = 21

Ordinal Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 115
Ordinal Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 205

T205 = CONCATENATION of 21 and 115

Acts 13:30
"But God raised him from the dead"

Ordinal Greek Acts 13:30 = 294
15 + 9 + 46 + 59 + 68 + 15 + 82 = 294

Ordinal Greek "LORD JESUS CHRIST" = 294

Standard Greek Acts 13:30 = 21 × 115

70 + 9 + 284 + 181 + 821 + 25 + 1025 = 21 × 115

Acts 13:33
"As it is written in the second psalm, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten THEE (205)"

Standard Greek "THEE" = 205

Psalm 2:7
"I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee"

Ordinal Hebrew Psalm 2:7 = 363

58 + 13 + 27 + 26 + 34 + 23 + 26 + 28 + 25 + 34 + 69 = 363

Standard Hebrew "CHRIST" (HaMashiac) = 363


The 73rd Triangle, formed from the Standard numerical value of Genesis 1:1 (2701), is the foundational Triangle in Biblical Numerics. I will now present a powerful geometric code I have discovered in this Triangle that ties BOTH of the Ordinal Hebrew/Greek signatures of Jesus Christ (115/205) with the Standard Hebrew value of "MESSIAH" (and both through a Triple sum geometric code):

THE G 1:1 MESSIAH CODE (115/205)

Genesis 1:1 = T73

T73 accommodates a "Triangulated Star" of 358 counters (i.e. the border of the Inverted Triangle + the accommodated Star)

This sections off THREE equal figures of 115 counters within the Inverted Triangle

Standard Hebrew "MESSIAH" = 358
Ordinal Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 115

Three joined Triangles of T15 forms "Triune Triangles" of 358 counters, which pairs with THREE equal Trapeziums of 205 counters to complete the full "Triune Triangles" accommodated by T73

Standard Hebrew "MESSIAH" = 358
Ordinal Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 205

Isaiah 53:1-2 opens the most famous Messianic prophecy of Jesus Christ in the Bible 


Ordinal Isaiah 53:1 = 358

Ordinal Isaiah 53:2 = 205 + 205 + 205

Standard Isaiah 53:1-2 = 73^2


I submitted the following geometric series to the Online Encyclopedia Of Integer Sequences (OEIS), which was recently approved. This series involves the pairing of Hexagons and Squares of equal sides:


While studying this geometric series, I was able to uncover an amazing Genesis 1:1 code at the 9th term. Note that Genesis 1:1  represents the birth of creation and 9 represents the 9 months of human development in the womb. Therefore, I present to you: "The Gexagon (298)"


Genesis 1:1 (OH) = 298

The pairing of a 9-sided Hexagon with a 9-sided Square = 298 counters

What happens when the other Hexagonal sides are paired with equal-sided Squares (thereby forming a Star-like figure)? I present to you: "The Gexagonal Star (703)"


Genesis 1:1 (SH) = 37 * 73 = T73

"And the earth" (SH) = T37 = 703

The Star figure derived from the Gexagon figure of 298 counters = 703

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (OH) = 298

We see how this geometric pairing unites the Ordinal numeration of Genesis 1:1 with the Standard value of a perfect semantic division within Genesis 1:1. We will now look at the following Cross symmetry, which reveals the other semantic division in Genesis 1:1 (this time in its Ordinal numeration):


Genesis 1:1 (OH) = 298

The Gexagon (the blue counters) = 298

The Cross symmetries (the yellow counters) = 225

"In the beginning God created the heavens" (OH) = 225

The ODD counters within these Cross symmetries reveals the Ordinal Hebrew value of the divine encoder:


The ODD counters within the yellow Crosses yield 115 total counters


Amazingly, the ODD counters within the very Squares that accommodate these Cross symmetries reveal the Ordinal Greek value of the divine encoder. Thus, we have a perfect union here between the Ordinal Hebrew/Greek values of Jesus Christ (115/205):


The ODD counters within the surrounding Squares yield 205 total counters


The Biblical God is TRIUNE (i.e. one in being and three in person). Miraculously, the Triple union of the 9th Star (the very Star that accommodates the Hexagon that is housed within the Gexagon figure) reveals a geometric split between key Genesis 1:1 terms in their Standard Greek New Testament numerations:


Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning GOD created THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH"

The Triple union of the 9th Hexagram yields an OUTLINE of 284 (the red counters) and INTERIOR Hexagrams of 1011 (the blue counters)

"GOD" (SG) = 284

284 + 1011 = 1998 - 703

"In the beginning God created the heavens" (SH) = 1998 and "And the earth" (SH) = 703

The sum of the THREE even word values in Genesis 1:1 = 1011:
203 + 401 + 407 = 1011

"GOD" (SG) = 284 and "GOD" (OG) = 46

What is the exact average of these four values?

(284 + 46 + 1011 + 151) / 4 = 373

Genesis 1:1 = 37 * 73 = 2701
2701 + 1072 = 3773



The 9 Positive single digits are rooted in the number 37 (as is Genesis 1:1 and the alphanumeric signature of Jesus Christ). The Triple Repdigits, which are naturally tied to the 9 Positive single digits, are also tied to the mathematics of Genesis 1:1 and of Jesus Christ. What's more, 9-sided geometry reveals the union of Genesis 1:1 and the numerical signature of the divine encoder. Truly, every number (in the entire infinite family of numbers) proceeds forth from the mind of God.

Battalion Of Christ,

Leo Tavares

Copyright 2024, All rights reserved, Leo Tavares