(Part 2 of 3)

By Leo Tavares

The Old Testament of the Bible was revealed in Hebrew and the New Testament of the Bible was revealed in Greek. Hebrew and Greek are both ALPHANUMERIC languages. Thus, in the same way that every word in Biblical Hebrew can be represented as a number, every word in Biblical Greek can be represented as a number. Please keep in mind that this is an ancient feature of both the Biblical Hebrew and Greek alphabets. We will now see how the mathematical signature of Jesus Christ is encoded in the decimal expansion of Pi.

Here are the Hebrew/Greek numerical values of "JESUS CHRIST":

Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" (391 + 363) = 754

Greek "JESUS CHRIST" (888 + 1480) = 2368

These two values are united through Pi. Observe that a CIRCLE with a circumference of 2368 has a diameter of 754 (Pi = The ratio between the circumference/diameter of a CIRCLE):

The ratio of 2368/754 actually yields an even CLOSER approximation of Pi than the CLOSEST possible approximation using the first 100 integers (22/7). What's more, I discovered the following amazing fact: The distance between the FIRST appearance of 754 in Pi (at position 1153) and the FIRST appearance of 2368 in Pi (at position 7481) = Genesis 1:1 + John 1:1 (2701 + 3627) ...

7481 - 1153 = 6328

Genesis 1:1 + John 1:1 = 6328

The CENTRAL name of God in Hebrew is "YAHWEH ELOHIM", which has the numerical value of 112. Remarkably, the sum of the first 112 integers = Genesis 1:1 + John 1:1 (2701 + 3627):


(7 × 5 × 4) × (2 × 3 × 6 × 8) = 

The product of 112 and 360 (112 × 360)

Genesis 1:1 + John 1:1 = 6328

6328 = Σ 1-112 = The sum of the first 112 integers

360 = The degrees in a CIRCLE

I also found that the reciprocal of 754 (1/754) yields an infinitely repeating cycle of digits that has a digital sum of 360 (with the sum of the ODD digits yielding exactly HALF of 360 and the sum of the EVEN digits yielding exactly HALF of 360):

1/754 =















     7718832891246684350132625 ...


The two Biblical "Creation Verses" of Genesis1:1/John 1:1 are linked semantically, mathematically AND geometrically. For example, John 1:1 = 3627 and a Plinth of 3627 counters perfectly accommodates Genesis 1:1 as a Triangle (notice also that these are the ONLY two verses in the Bible that begin with the phrase "In the beginning"):


We saw in Part 1 how the values 197 and 712 are encoded in the decimal expansion of Pi (197 = Sum of all PRIMES up to 37 and 712 = Sum of all PRIMES up to 73). The 197th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 252 and the 712th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 862. Now observe the following mathematical perfection:

754 + 360 = 197th + 712th COMPOSITE NUMBERS

There are two primary means of assigning numerical values to the letters of the Hebrew/Greek alphabets (the STANDARD method and the ORDINAL method). The ORDINAL Greek value of "JESUS CHRIST" (87 + 118) = 205. Now observe the following perfection and how it logically corroborates what I just showed:

205 + (197 + 712) = 197th + 712th COMPOSITE NUMBERS

I also found that the sum of the first 205 digits in the SQUARE ROOT OF Pi (after the decimal  point) = 197 + 712 :












SUM OF FIRST 205 DIGITS (after decimal point) = 

197 + 712

The ancients universally understood that there are 360 degrees in a perfect CIRCLE. Twin Prime numbers are Prime number pairs that differ by two (every Twin Prime pair consists of a "Lower Twin Prime" and an "Upper Twin Prime"). Therefore, we have the following perfection where the 360th Lower Twin Prime = The 2368th Prime number (21059), which can be verified here:

 360th Lower Twin Prime = 2368th Prime

Genesis 1:1 is the foundation of Biblical Numerics. Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73 = 2701 and 2701 + 1072 = 3773. Now observe how the 360th Upper Twin Prime encodes the Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 through the very same "Mirror Logic" encoded in Genesis 1:1 itself (the "Upper Twin Primes" can be referenced here:

 360th Upper Twin Prime = 21061

   21061 + 16012 = 37073

Observe the following link between Genesis 1:1/John 1:1 ...

The first appearance of 2701 is immediately FOLLOWED by the 169th decimal digit of Pi (Genesis 1:1 = 2701):









(9 = 169th digit)

The first appearance of 3993 is immediately PRECEDED by the first appearance of 169 (John 1:1 = 39 × 93):



I discovered that the sum of the first 169 decimal digits of Pi (after the decimal point) = The Hebrew numerical signature of "Jesus Christ" (754):








 11174502841027019) = 


The ORDINAL Hebrew value of the divine Old Testament title "Melchizedek, King Of Peace" = 169 and the STANDARD Hebrew value of the divine Old Testament title "Melchizedek, King Of Peace" = 754. Here are the ORDINAL values of the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet (in alphabetic order) ...

ORDINAL Hebrew value of “Melchizedek, King Of Peace” = 169

STANDARD Hebrew value of “Melchizedek, King Of Peace” = 754

Prime/Composite numbers, which are naturally related, are the most fundamental families of numbers in mathematics (the Composite numbers can be referenced here: Composite Numbers). Therefore, we have even further perfection: The Standard Hebrew value of the Biblical title "THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK" = The 754th Composite number (910)


The sum of the first 169 decimal digits of Pi yields the STANDARD Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (754). The number 169 is the 13th square number (13 × 13 = 169). It follows that these 169 Pi digits can be represented as a 13 × 13 Matrix, which I have coined "The 13 × 13 Pi Matrix Of Jesus Christ". The ORDINAL Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (58 + 57) = 115. I found that this 13 × 13 Matrix yields the 115th Prime number (631) when its CROSS value is removed (keep in mind that these 13 × 13 digits, which are the first 169 decimal digits of Pi, yield a total sum of 754):

    The 13 × 13 Pi Matrix














TOTAL SUM (with cross removed) = 

The 115th Prime number


Therefore, we have the following perfection:

• Sum of first 169 decimal digits of Pi = 754 (STANDARD Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" = 754)

• Sum of 13 × 13 Matrix of first 169 decimal digits of Pi (with cross removed) = 115th Prime number (ORDINAL Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" = 115)

The Ordinal Hebrew value of "GOD" (EL) = 13. The number 13 is a Hexagram number, which is a specific family of numbers that form perfect Hexagrams. It follows that the first 169 decimal digits of Pi can be represented geometrically as 13 Stars of 13 (since 13 × 13 = 169). When we tile the precise sequence of the first 169 decimal digits of Pi on 13 Stars of 13 (with each Star tiled the exact same way), we find that the sum of the digits on all the points of the Stars = The Hebrew value of "JESUS" (391) while the remaining Hexagons in each Star = The Hebrew value of "CHRIST" (363):

          STAR POINTS = "JESUS" (391)

          HEXAGONS = "CHRIST" (363)

(391 + 363) = 754

The Fibonacci number series is deeply related to the Golden Ratio, which even secular scientists grant is found throughout the natural world (see here: Golden Ratio). Not only is 169/754 eternally united in the unbreakable sequence of Pi, I found that they are eternally united in the Fibonacci number series through the following identity: The 169th number that is a product of Fibonacci numbers = 754 (see here: Fibonacci Products):


I showed how Genesis 1:1/John 1:1 (the two key "Creation Verses") are tied together in the decimal expansion of Pi. John 1:1 ITSELF is encoded with the value 169 through the phenomenon of DIGITAL REFLECTIONS. Notice also that Genesis 1:1 reveals the Creator while John 1:1 openly reveals the IDENTITY of the Creator (Jesus Christ):

 John 1:1 = 39 × 93

 39 × 93 = (13 + 13 + 13) × (31 + 31 + 31)

 13^2 = 169 and 31^2 = 961

We know the mathematical signature of Jesus Christ (2368) is deeply connected to 37 (as is Genesis 1:1). For example:

 "JESUS" = 888 = A perfect multiple of 37

"CHRIST" = 1480 = A perfect multiple of 37

(8 + 8 + 8) + (1 + 4 + 8 + 0) = 37

I was eventually led to do an analysis on the "Pi Positions" of the first 37 integers (1 through 37). What I found is absolutely stunning. Here are the "Pi Positions" for each of the first 37 integers:

1 = 1

2 = 6

3 = 9

4 = 2

5 = 4

6 = 7

7 = 13

8 = 11

9 = 5

10 = 49

11 = 94

12 = 148

13 = 110

14 = 1

15 = 3

16 = 40

17 = 95

18 = 424

19 = 37

20 = 53

21 = 93

22 = 135

23 = 16

24 = 292

25 = 89

26 = 6

27 = 28

28 = 33

29 = 186

30 = 64

31 = 137

32 = 15

33 = 24

34 = 86

35 = 9

36 = 285

37 = 46

TOTAL SUM = 2368 + (2 × 3 × 6 × 8)

The number 37 is a Hexagram number. Incredibly, when I placed the order of these 37 numbers in the form of a Hexagram, I found that they reveal the Hebrew/Greek mathematical signatures of JESUS CHRIST through a perfect symmetric division. I have coined this amazing find "The Pi Star Of Jesus Christ":


As we can see, the sum of the Hexagon and the Rays yield the Hebrew/Greek mathematical signatures of the Creator. Moreover, notice that at the exact CENTER of this "Pi Star" is the flawless number 37. Recall also how the ratio 2368/754 itself yields the value of Pi.


We have seen how the mathematical signature of Jesus Christ is encoded in the decimal expansion of Pi. In Part 3, we will conclude by showing how the TRIPLE REPDIGITS (111 through 999) are encoded in the decimal expansion of Pi.

Continued in Part 3

Copyright 2024, All rights reserved, Leo Tavares