By Leo Tavares

We will now look at the final section of this two-part study on the book of Revelation, which highlights what I call "The Hexagon Of Jesus Christ". Before reading Part 2, it is recommended that Part 1 be read first. This will give the reader a better understanding of the full significance behind the findings laid out here. In the end, no honest observer will be able to deny the converging mathematical evidence that I have uncovered.


The book of Revelation, the final book of the Bible, reveals that there are 24 Elders around the throne of God. The number 24 is the ONLY number where the sum of the squares up to a given number yields a square number (see here: Cannonball Problem). The square number that is produced happens to be the 70th square:

(1^2) + (2^2) + (3^2) + (4^2) + (5^2) + 

(6^2) + (7^2) + (8^2) + (9^2) + (10^2) +

(11^2) + (12^2) + (13^2) + (14^2) + (15^2) +

(16^2) + (17^2) + (18^2) + (19^2) + (20^2) +

(21^2) + (22^2) + (23^2) + (24^2) =


Again, this is the ONLY place (besides the trivial 1^2 = 1^2) where the sum of the squares up to a given number yields a square number. In the entire infinite family of numbers, this happens nowhere else. Thus, it is surely significant that the book of Revelation records 24 Elders around the throne of the One True God:

• There are 24 Elders around the throne of God

• The number 24 is the ONLY number that forms a perfect square number (through adding the consecutive squares up to a given number)

The sum of the squares up to 24 yields the 70th square. The book of Revelation records that there are 24 Elders and 4 Living Creatures around the throne of God:

 • 24 Elders around the throne

 • 4 Living Creatures around the throne

The Standard Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" = 754. Therefore, we have the following perfection: The SQUARE ROOT of 24 = 4 followed by a decimal point and the 70th digit after the decimal point begins the FIRST instance of the sequence 754 in the SQUARE ROOT of 24 … 






The COMPOSITE ORDER of 754 = 620 and the 754th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 910 (the Composite numbers can be referenced here: Composite Numbers). Amazingly, I found that the sum of the SQUARES of the first 70 decimal digits in the SQUARE ROOT of 24 (after the decimal point) = 2284 = (620 + 754 + 910)!


   1) 8^2 = 64

   2) 9^2 = 81

   3) 8^2 = 64

   4) 9^2 = 81

   5) 7^2 = 49

   6) 9^2 = 81

   7) 4^2 = 16

   8) 8^2 = 64

   9) 5^2 = 25

   10) 5^2 = 25

   11) 6^2 = 36

   12) 6^2 = 36

   13) 3^2 = 9

   14) 5^2 = 25

   15) 6^2 = 36

   16) 1^2 = 1

   17) 9^2 = 81

   18) 6^2 = 36

   19) 3^2 = 9

   20) 9^2 = 81

   21) 4^2 = 16

   22) 5^2 = 25

   23) 6^2 = 36

   24) 8^2 = 64

   25) 1^2 = 1

   26) 4^2 = 16

   27) 9^2 = 81

   28) 4^2 = 16

   29) 1^2 = 1

   30) 1^2 = 1

   31) 7^2 = 49

   32) 8^2 = 64

   33) 2^2 = 4

   34) 7^2 = 49

   35) 8^2 = 64

   36) 3^2 = 9

   37) 9^2 = 81

   38) 3^2 = 9

   39) 1^2 = 1

   40) 8^2 = 64

   41) 9^2 = 81

   42) 4^2 = 16

   43) 9^2 = 81

   44) 6^2 = 36

   45) 1^2 = 1

   46) 3^2 = 9

   47) 1^2 = 1

   48) 3^2 = 9

   49) 3^2 = 9

   50) 4^2 = 16

   51) 0^2 = 0

   52) 2^2 = 4

   53) 5^2 = 25

   54) 6^2 = 36

   55) 8^2 = 64

   56) 6^2 = 36

   57) 5^2 = 25

   58) 3^2 = 9

   59) 8^2 = 64

   60) 5^2 = 25

   61) 1^2 = 1

   62) 3^2 = 9

   63) 4^2 = 16

   64) 5^2 = 25

   65) 0^2 = 0

   66) 1^2 = 1

   67) 9^2 = 81

   68) 2^2 = 4

   69) 0^2 = 0

   70) 7^2 = 49

SQUARE SUM = 620 + 754 + 910



Keep in mind that 754 is the ONLY number, in the entire infinite family of numbers, that produces 2284 (by adding any given Composite number with its Composite order and the Composite number indexed to it).

Genesis 1:1 is the foundation of Biblical Numerics and the PRIME FACTORS of Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73. The mathematical signature of “Jesus Christ” is deeply connected to 37. Therefore, the following mathematical sum is significant indeed:

   754 + (373 + 3773) = 70^2

We have the following mathematical fact as well (a running sum of Composite numbers can be referenced here:

   754 + 70th PRIME NUMBER = Sum of first 37 COMPOSITE NUMBERS (1103)

Recall also how the Ordinal Hebrew value of “Jesus Christ” (115) = The 37th number that is the product of two PRIME NUMBERS (see here: and the Standard Hebrew value of “Jesus Christ” (754) = The 37th number that is the sum of two distinct SQUARE NUMBERS in two ways (see here:

Tad Gallion discovered an amazing pattern that links the entire infinite sequence of Prime/Composite numbers to the number 24, which he has coined the “Prime Hexagon”. It is entirely formed by following a precise Prime/Composite pattern. For an explanation of the logic behind its formation, see here: Prime Hexagon

Prime numbers are essentially the numerical “building blocks” of Composite numbers. The “Prime Hexagon” contains all Prime/Composite numbers within itself (the number 1 is excluded, as it is neither Prime or Composite and divides every number). Remarkably, the “Prime Hexagon” is founded on 24 Triangles and ALL Prime/Composite numbers cycle through these 24 Triangles. Hence, the number 24 is UNIQUELY connected to the infinite sequence of natural numbers (which are divided into Prime/Composite numbers). Here are the first 24 numbers that fill the 24 Triangles within the “Prime Hexagon”:

Notice that the Prime Hexagon is rooted in GEOMETRY (it is rooted in 24 Triangles, with the Triangle itself being the very first Polygonal shape). This Prime Hexagon actually serves as a GEOMETRIC UNITY between the infinite series of Prime numbers and the infinite series of Centered Polygonal numbers (Centered Polygonal numbers are specific numbers that form perfect Polygonal shapes). This is due to the following mathematical fact: ALL Prime numbers that are Centered Polygonal numbers appear on a symmetric Triangular pattern within the Prime Hexagon (without a single exception!):


Given that ALL Prime numbers with Centered Polygonal symmetry appear on this Triangular pattern within the Prime Hexagon (without a single exception), I am referring to this Triangular pattern as the “Prime Polygonal Portals”. Keep in mind that there are an infinite number of Prime numbers and an infinite number of Centered Polygonal numbers (the Prime numbers can be referenced here: Prime Numbers and the Centered Polygonal numbers can be referenced here: Centered Polygonal Numbers). What's more, the Prime Hexagon itself is inherently GEOMETRIC (being founded on 24 Triangles that encompass the entire infinite series of Prime/Composite numbers).

Not only does the “Prime Hexagon” serve as a perfectly symmetric union between Prime numbers and Centered Polygonal numbers, I will show how it ties in with the patterns we saw that link the mathematical signature of “Jesus Christ” (754) with “The 24/70 Square Code”.

The number 24 is UNIQUELY connected to the infinite series of Prime/Composite numbers (through the logical sequence forming the 24 Triangles of the Prime Hexagon). The number 24 is the ONLY number where the sum of the SQUARES up to a given number yields a SQUARE (70^2) and the SQUARE ROOT of 24 is encoded with the Standard Hebrew value of “Jesus Christ” (754). Therefore, it is only fair and just that the sum of the SQUARES of the digits in the 24 numbers that first fill the 24 Triangles of the Prime Hexagon = 754!

Here are the 24 numbers that first fill up the 24 Triangles within the “Prime Hexagon”:

   1) 2

   2) 3

   3) 4

   4) 5

   5) 6

   6) 7

   7) 8

   8) 9

   9) 10

   10) 11

   11) 12

   12) 13

   13) 14

   14) 15

   15) 16

   16) 17

   17) 18

   18) 19

   19) 26

   20) 27

   21) 32

   22) 33

   23) 50

   24) 51

Here are the SQUARES of their digits:

   1) 2^2 = 4

   2) 3^2 = 9

   3) 4^2 = 16

   4) 5^2 = 25

   5) 6^2 = 36

   6) 7^2 = 49

   7) 8^2 = 64

   8) 9^2 = 81

   9) 1^2 + 0^2 = 1

   10) 1^2 + 1^2 = 2

   11) 1^2 + 2^2 = 5

   12) 1^2 + 3^2 = 10

   13) 1^2 + 4^2 = 17

   14) 1^2 + 5^2 = 26

   15) 1^2 + 6^2 = 37

   16) 1^2 + 7^2 = 50

   17) 1^2 + 8^2 = 65

   18) 1^2 + 9^2 = 82

   19) 2^2 + 6^2 = 40

   20) 2^2 + 7^2 = 53

   21) 3^2 + 2^2 = 13

   22) 3^2 + 3^2 = 18

   23) 5^2 + 0^2 = 25

   24) 5^2 + 1^2 = 26


Am I justified in adding the SQUARED DIGITS of these 24 numbers? Most definitely! In fact, I would argue that mathematical truth DEMANDS that we sum the SQUARED DIGITS of the first 24 numbers that fill the 24 Triangles in the Prime Hexagon. For as we saw in Part 1, the SQUARED DIGIT SUM of every single number, in the entire infinite family of numbers, will ALWAYS end up in either the number 1 or a 4-staged cycle between the 24th Prime number (89) and the number 4 (which cycles to infinity). You can verify this yourself with any random number: Keep adding the SQUARED DIGITS of any given number and you will eventually end up with the number 1 or the following 4-staged cycle between the 24th Prime number and the number 4 (without a single exception) ... 

    89 (8^2 + 9^2 = 145)

    145 (1^2 + 4^2 + 5^2 = 42)

    42 (4^2 + 2^2 = 20)

    20 (2^2 + 0^2 = 4)

    4 (4^2 = 16)

    16 (1^2 + 6^2 = 37)

    37 (3^2 + 7^2 = 58)

    58 (5^2 + 8^2 = 89)

    89 (8^2 + 9^2 = 145)

Recall again how 754 itself is linked to SQUARE NUMBERS through the flawless number 37 (754 = The 37th number that is the sum of two distinct SQUARES in two ways). 

The Ordinal Hebrew numerical value of “Jesus Christ” = 115 and the Ordinal Greek numerical value of “Jesus Christ” = 205. Therefore, we have even further perfection:

• The 115th number that is the sum two SQUARES in one or more ways = The 70th Prime number (see here:

• The 70th number that is the sum of two SQUARES in one or more ways = 205 (see here:

We saw how the SQUARED DIGITS of the numbers derived from the 24 Triangles of the Prime Hexagon = 754. Amazingly, the SQUARED DIGITS of 754 (49, 25 and 16) forms a Triangle that culminates in the Ordinal Hebrew value of “Jesus Christ” (115), which is itself the 37th number that is the product of two Primes. Further, the sum of this Triangle with the “Capstone” removed = The Ordinal Greek value of “Jesus Christ” (205). I have coined this discovery “The Vertical Sum Triangle Of Jesus Christ” (notice that every number above the Base is the sum of the two numbers directly beneath it):



 BASE = 7^2 + 5^2 + 4^2

Observe how the symmetry of the Prime Hexagon itself entails the pattern of 24 and 4:

• There are 24 Elders and 4 Living Creatures around the throne of God

• The “Prime Hexagon” consists of 24 Triangles and 4 rows

The Prime Hexagon consists of 24 Triangles, which are divided into 12 STANDING Triangles and 12 INVERTED Triangles. We just saw how it forms precisely 4 rows. Remarkably, these numbers of the Prime Hexagon, which houses a symmetric placement of all Primes that yield Centered Polygonal geometry, actually point to the fundamental nature of the universe: There are precisely 24 Fermions, which are the fundamental particles of the universe (see here: Fermions) and they are divided into 12 particles and 12 corresponding antiparticles. Further, there are precisely 4 fundamental forces of nature: Gravitational Force, Electromagnetic Force, Strong Nuclear Force and Weak Nuclear Force (see here: Fundamental Forces) ... 


   (12 particles + 12 antiparticles)


If you recall from Part 1, each of the 24 fundamental particles of the universe also consists of 4 components (see here: Four-spinors):



The Fibonacci number series is intimately related to the Golden Ratio, which even secular scientists grant is found throughout the natural world. Given how the entire sequence of Prime/Composite numbers can be visually represented with 24 Triangles that cycle to infinity, it is a remarkable fact indeed that the Fibonacci number series contains a Digital Root cycle of 24 digits that repeat to infinity (see here: Fibonacci Digital Root Cycle) …  





       … to infinity

The 24th Prime number = 89. Recall how the reciprocal of the 24th Prime (1/89) actually yields the Fibonacci number series to infinity (see here: The 24th Prime):

    24th PRIME = 89  

1/89 = .01 + .001 + .0002 + .00003 + .000005 + .0000008 + .00000013 … to infinity

As far as I'm aware, I am the first to make the connection between the Fibonacci cycle of 24 and the fact that the reciprocal of the 24th Prime yields the entire Fibonacci number series (and how it all ties in with the 24 foundational Triangles of the “Prime Hexagon”). Clearly, the one who is seated on the throne (encircled by the 24 Elders) is a Supreme Mathematician. It is very likely that he would have imparted this mathematical knowledge to the original head of the human family (Adam). Hence, the ancients divided the day into 24 hours (as we do to this very day).

We saw in Part 1 how the sum of the PRIMES indexed to the first 144 decimal digits of Pi = The Standard Greek value of “CHRIST” (1480). Thus, we are now faced with the following indestructible fact: The 144th decimal digit of Pi (after the decimal point) is immediately followed by the FIRST occurrence of the sequence 408, which is the sum of the first values that fill up the 24 Triangles in the “PRIME HEXAGON”!

Here are the first 24 numbers that fill the 24 Triangles of the “Prime Hexagon”:

   1) 2

   2) 3

   3) 4

   4) 5

   5) 6

   6) 7

   7) 8

   8) 9

   9) 10

   10) 11

   11) 12

   12) 13

   13) 14

   14) 15

   15) 16

   16) 17

   17) 18

   18) 19

   19) 26

   20) 27

   21) 32

   22) 33

   23) 50

   24) 51


“Pi POSITION” OF 408 FOLLOWS 144th Pi Digit 

(verify here: Pi Position Calculator)

Surely we have not forgotten that the SQUARED DIGITS in these 24 values of the “Prime Hexagon” yield the Standard Hebrew numerical value of “Jesus Christ” (754). Thus, it is only fair and just that the sum of the first 24 decimal digits of Pi (after the decimal point) = The Ordinal Hebrew numerical value of “Jesus Christ” (115) … 

FIRST 24 Pi DIGITS (after decimal point):


    TOTAL SUM = 115

When the SQUARE of Pi is divided by 24, it yields the entire infinite sum of the SQUARES of the reciprocals of even numbers. We are therefore faced with the reality that the entire infinite series of even numbers emanates directly from the divine being of Jesus Christ (the very source of mathematics):

Pi^2/24 = (1/2^2) + (1/4^2) + (1/6^2) + (1/8^2) + (1/10^2) + (1/12^2) … to infinity 

We saw how the Prime Hexagon unlocks an infinite unity between the Prime/Centered Polygonal numbers through the number 24. Another way I realized that the Primes are intimately tied to the number 24 has to do with the Left-Truncatable Primes. A Left-Truncatable Prime is a Prime number where if you keep truncating all the digits in any given Prime from the left side, each successive step yields another Prime number. There are exactly 4260 Left-Truncatable Prime numbers (see here: Truncatable Primes). The remarkable thing is the fact that the HIGHEST possible Left-Truncatable Prime is a 24 digit number. Further, it is the ONLY Left-Truncatable Prime with 24 digits. 

This gives us a shocking result: Out of the entire INFINITE family of Prime numbers, the HIGHEST possible Left-Truncatable Prime yields precisely 24 Prime numbers and is the ONLY Left-Truncatable Prime that yields 24 Prime numbers. Here are the 4260 Left-Truncatable Primes:



As we already saw, the sum of the first 24 numbers that fill the 24 Triangles in the Prime Hexagon is 408. The Prime Hexagon houses a hidden geometry of PRIME NUMBERS (namely, Primes with Centered Polygonal symmetry). Prime numbers are the numerical “building blocks” of Composite numbers. Remarkably, the sum of the first 24 COMPOSITE NUMBERS = The 408th COMPOSITE NUMBER (505). This can be verified here:


The Standard Hebrew numerical value of “Jesus Christ” = 754 and the sum of the first 24 numbers that fill the 24 Triangles of the “Prime Hexagon” = 408. Observe how the sum of these two numbers actually takes us back to the very beginning (through the very same “MIRROR LOGIC” that we saw in the construction of “The Hexagon Of Jesus Christ”):

• Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73 and 2701 + 1072 = 3773

• 754 + 408 = 1162 and 1162 + 2611 = 3773

The Standard Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" = 754 and the Standard Greek value of "Christ" = 1480. This also points back to the Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 through the Genesis 1:1 phenomenon of mirror symmetry:

 754 + 408 = 1162 and 1162 + 2611 = 3773

 1480 - 408 = 1072 and 1072 + 2701 = 3773


The numbers openly highlighted in the book of Revelation points to a higher knowledge of mathematics, which highlights visual symmetries that are inherent in mathematics. Therefore, mathematics itself is rooted in a Supreme Mind (since visual symmetry presupposes vision and vision presupposes conscious awareness). What's more, this body of mathematics, rooted in the cipher of the 24 Elders/4 Living Creatures of the book of Revelation, verifies the identity of this Supreme Mind (in the divine person of Jesus Christ).

 Battalion Of Christ,

   Leo Tavares

Copyright 2024, All rights reserved, Leo Tavares