By Leo Tavares

The phenomenon of mirror symmetry permeates the entire natural world (from the particle/antiparticle symmetry in the subatomic realm to the bilateral symmetry seen throughout the biosphere). Genesis 1:1 introduces the Biblical creation account of the natural world. I will demonstrate how Genesis 1:1 is also coded with the very same phenomenon of mirror symmetry that permeates creation itself (at the Macro level and the Micro level), which is revealed through the mathematical structure of Genesis 1:1 and which I have coined "MIRROR-MATICS". This will serve to validate the ancient Judeo-Christian understanding that the God of the Bible is the God of creation.

There are numerous examples of symmetry within mathematics . These symmetries are not created, but FOUND within mathematics itself. Therefore, God, being the ultimate source of mathematics, created symmetry throughout the natural world.

Genesis 1:1 was revealed in ancient Hebrew, which is an ALPHANUMERIC language. That is, every letter in the Hebrew alphabet is also a specific number. The Jews did not use the digits we use today to form numbers. Rather, they used a numerical system based on the order of the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. Hence, ancient Hebrew has a dual system: An alphabetic system to convey a semantic message and a numerical system to convey a numerical message. This entails that every word/phrase in the ancient Hebrew of the Bible is also a distinct number, which is derived through the sum of the Hebrew letter values in a given word/phrase. This ancient system is known as “Gematria”.

Here are the numerical values of the 22 letters in the Biblical Hebrew alphabet:


I have discovered a fractal-like pattern of self-similarity in Genesis 1:1, which is rooted in the phenomenon of mirrored symmetry. A fractal is a pattern that continues repeating its overall shape as we look deeper and deeper within it (see here: Fractals). The overall mathematical structure of Genesis 1:1 is coded with mirror symmetry, which I call “The MACRO-MIRRORS Of Genesis 1:1”. Likewise, the internal mathematical structure of Genesis 1:1 is coded with mirror symmetry (“The MICRO-MIRRORS Of Genesis 1:1”), which we will look at later. We will first focus our attention on the coded “Macro-Mirrors”.

Here are the numerical values of the seven Hebrew words that make up Genesis 1:1 …

913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 = 37 × 73

Notice that the Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 (37 and 73) are mirror reflections of one another. This is the first sign of the mirror code. Observe that the numerical value of Genesis 1:1 itself points to its Prime Factors through the phenomenon of mirror reflections:

GENESIS 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73
2701 + 1072 = 3773

The only way to produce the numerical value of Genesis 1:1 as a product of two numbers (besides 2701 × 1) is 37 × 73. Further, the numerical value of Genesis 1:1 is the first and only Composite number (out of the first 10,000 that have been checked) that yields its Prime Factors when it is added to its mirror reflection (2701 + 1072 = 3773). In fact, this feature of mirror reflections in Genesis 1:1 goes much deeper. For example, observe the following perfect reflections:

GENESIS 1:1 = 37 × 73
37 = The 12th Prime and 73 = The 21st Prime
12 × 12 = 144 and 21 × 21 = 441

Prime numbers are numbers that are only divisible by 1 and themselves. They are essentially the numerical “building blocks” of mathematics. Hence, they are regarded as the most fundamental family of numbers. I have discovered that the Genesis 1:1 word values themselves are numerical “pointers” to the natural order of Prime numbers. This is one of the greatest proofs for the divine origin of Genesis 1:1. I have coined it “The Prime Index Code Of Genesis 1:1”. Here are the Prime numbers indexed to the seven Hebrew word values of Genesis 1:1 (the Prime numbers can be referenced here: Prime Numbers):


913th Prime = 7127
203rd Prime = 1237
86th Prime = 443
401st Prime = 2749
395th Prime = 2711
407th Prime = 2797
296th Prime = 1949


2161 + 1612 = 3773

Notice how this points right back to the same mirror code of Genesis 1:1 that we saw and how it points again to the PRIME FACTORS of Genesis 1:1 (37 and 73). In fact, I was able to demonstrate this mathematical perfection even further. The sum of the first 37 natural numbers (T37) = 703 and the sum of the first 73 natural numbers (T73) = 2701. Unbelievably, the number of integers between the 703rd PRIME (5303) and the 2701st PRIME (24317) = The 2161st PRIME (19013):

GENESIS 1:1 = 37 × 73
T37 = 703 and T73 = 2701

2161st PRIME (19013) = The number of integers between the 703rd PRIME (5303) and the 2701st PRIME (24317)

2161 + 1612 = 3773

I showed how the Prime numbers indexed to the Genesis 1:1 word values yield the 2161st Prime. I also found that the number 2161 itself is the EXACT average between the sum of the MIRRORS of the first 37 integers (1 through 37) and the sum of the MIRRORS of the first 73 integers (1 through 73). I have coined this “The Mirror Code Of 2161”. The numbers in parentheses represent the running sum:


1 = 1 (1)
2 = 2 (3)
3 = 3 (6)
4 = 4 (10)
5 = 5 (15)
6 = 6 (21)
7 = 7 (28)
8 = 8 (36)
9 = 9 (45)
10 = 01 (46)
11 = 11 (57)
12 = 21 (78)
13 = 31 (109)
14 = 41 (150)
15 = 51 (201)
16 = 61 (262)
17 = 71 (333)
18 = 81 (414)
19 = 91 (505)
20 = 02 (507)
21 = 12 (519)
22 = 22 (541)
23 = 32 (573)
24 = 42 (615)
25 = 52 (667)
26 = 62 (729)
27 = 72 (801)
28 = 82 (883)
29 = 92 (975)
30 = 03 (978)
31 = 13 (991)
32 = 23 (1014)
33 = 33 (1047)
34 = 43 (1090)
35 = 53 (1143)
36 = 63 (1206)
37 = 73 (1279)
38 = 83 (1362)
39 = 93 (1455)
40 = 04 (1459)
41 = 14 (1473)
42 = 24 (1497)
43 = 34 (1531)
44 = 44 (1575)
45 = 54 (1629)
46 = 64 (1693)
47 = 74 (1767)
48 = 84 (1851)
49 = 94 (1945)
50 = 05 (1950)
51 = 15 (1965)
52 = 25 (1990)
53 = 35 (2025)
54 = 45 (2070)
55 = 55 (2125)
56 = 65 (2190)
57 = 75 (2265)
58 = 85 (2350)
59 = 95 (2445)
60 = 06 (2451)
61 = 16 (2467)
62 = 26 (2493)
63 = 36 (2529)
64 = 46 (2575)
65 = 56 (2631)
66 = 66 (2697)
67 = 76 (2773)
68 = 86 (2859)
69 = 96 (2955)
70 = 07 (2962)
71 = 17 (2979)
72 = 27 (3006)
73 = 37 (3043)

Sum of MIRRORS of first 37 integers = 1279
Sum of MIRRORS of first 73 integers = 3043

2161 - 882 = 1279
2161 + 882 = 3043

The Composite numbers are naturally related to the Prime numbers. Every Composite number can be expressed as the product of a unique set of Prime numbers. We saw how Genesis 1:1 is coded with the order of Prime numbers through a perfect mirror reflection. I also found that it points to the order of Composite numbers through a flawless pattern of mirror reflections. How? Genesis 1:1 = The sum of the first 73 Positive integers. The very FIRST time that the compared running sums of the MIRRORED Positive numbers/MIRRORED Composite numbers are a perfect reflection of each other is precisely at the 73rd term. I have coined this “The Genesis 1:1 Mirror Code Of Composite Numbers”. Here are the 73 terms with the running mirror sums in parenthesis (the Composite numbers can be referenced here: Composite Numbers) ...


Bold values on the left = MIRRORS of Positive numbers
Bold values on the right = MIRRORS of Composite numbers

1 = 1 (1) / 4 = 4 (4)
2 = 2 (3) / 6 = 6 (10)
3 = 3 (6) / 8 = 8 (18)
4 = 4 (10) / 9 = 9 (27)
5 = 5 (15) / 10 = 01 (28)
6 = 6 (21) / 12 = 21 (49)
7 = 7 (28) / 14 = 41 (90)
8 = 8 (36) / 15 = 51 (141)
9 = 9 (45) / 16 = 61 (202)
10 = 01 (46) / 18 = 81 (283)
11 = 11 (57) / 20 = 02 (285)
12 = 21 (78) / 21 = 12 (297)
13 = 31 (109) / 22 = 22 (319)
14 = 41 (150) / 24 = 42 (361)
15 = 51 (201) / 25 = 52 (413)
16 = 61 (262) / 26 = 62 (475)
17 = 71 (333) / 27 = 72 (547)
18 = 81 (414) / 28 = 82 (629)
19 = 91 (505) / 30 = 03 (632)
20 = 02 (507) / 32 = 23 (655)
21 = 12 (519) / 33 = 33 (688)
22 = 22 (541) / 34 = 43 (731)
23 = 32 (573) / 35 = 53 (784)
24 = 42 (615) / 36 = 63 (847)
25 = 52 (667) / 38 = 83 (930)
26 = 62 (729) / 39 = 93 (1023)
27 = 72 (801) / 40 = 04 (1027)
28 = 82 (883) / 42 = 24 (1051)
29 = 92 (975) / 44 = 44 (1095)
30 = 03 (978) / 45 = 54 (1149)
31 = 13 (991) / 46 = 64 (1213)
32 = 23 (1014) / 48 = 84 (1297)
33 = 33 (1047) / 49 = 94 (1391)
34 = 43 (1090) / 50 = 05 (1396)
35 = 53 (1143) / 51 = 15 (1411)
36 = 63 (1206) / 52 = 25 (1436)
37 = 73 (1279) / 54 = 45 (1481)
38 = 83 (1362) / 55 = 55 (1536)
39 = 93 (1455) / 56 = 65 (1601)
40 = 04 (1459) / 57 = 75 (1676)
41 = 14 (1473) / 58 = 85 (1761)
42 = 24 (1497) / 60 = 06 (1767)
43 = 34 (1531) / 62 = 26 (1793)
44 = 44 (1575) / 63 = 36 (1829)
45 = 54 (1629) / 64 = 46 (1875)
46 = 64 (1693) / 65 = 56 (1931)
47 = 74 (1767) / 66 = 66 (1997)
48 = 84 (1851) / 68 = 86 (2083)
49 = 94 (1945) / 69 = 96 (2179)
50 = 05 (1950) / 70 = 07 (2186)
51 = 15 (1965) / 72 = 27 (2213)
52 = 25 (1990) / 74 = 47 (2260)
53 = 35 (2025) / 75 = 57 (2317)
54 = 45 (2070) / 76 = 67 (2384)
55 = 55 (2125) / 77 = 77 (2461)
56 = 65 (2190) / 78 = 87 (2548)
57 = 75 (2265) / 80 = 08 (2556)
58 = 85 (2350) / 81 = 18 (2574)
59 = 95 (2445) / 82 = 28 (2602)
60 = 06 (2451) / 84 = 48 (2650)
61 = 16 (2467) / 85 = 58 (2708)
62 = 26 (2493) / 86 = 68 (2776)
63 = 36 (2529) / 87 = 78 (2854)
64 = 46 (2575) / 88 = 88 (2942)
65 = 56 (2631) / 90 = 09 (2951)
66 = 66 (2697) / 91 = 19 (2970)
67 = 76 (2773) / 92 = 29 (2999)
68 = 86 (2859) / 93 = 39 (3038)
69 = 96 (2955) / 94 = 49 (3087)
70 = 07 (2962) / 95 = 59 (3146)
71 = 17 (2979) / 96 = 69 (3215)
72 = 27 (3006) / 98 = 89 (3304)
73 = 37 (3043) / 99 = 99 (3403)

GENESIS 1:1 = T73

MIRRORS of first 73 Positive numbers = 3043
MIRRORS of first 73 Composite numbers = 3403

I found that the higher order Polygons are also tied to the mathematics of Genesis 1:1 through the Genesis 1:1 phenomenon of mirror reflections. Nobody has ever linked the higher order Polygons to Genesis 1:1. Given the fact that God is infinite (and the very source of mathematics), I reasoned that the coded mathematics of Genesis 1:1 would extend to the higher order Polygons. I was able to demonstrate this with the 73-sided Polygons, which coheres with the fact that Genesis 1:1 = The sum of the first 73 integers (1 through 73). Polygons form specific shapes when we connect the number of dots (or counters) in a given Polygon. Unbelievably, the sum of the MIRRORS of the first 37 integers = 1279 and 1279 × 37 = The 37th 73-gonal number. Here are the MIRRORS of the first 37 integers ...


1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4
5) 5
6) 6
7) 7
8) 8
9) 9
10) 01
11) 11
12) 21
13) 31
14) 41
15) 51
16) 61
17) 71
18) 81
19) 91
20) 02
21) 12
22) 22
23) 32
24) 42
25) 52
26) 62
27) 72
28) 82
29) 92
30) 03
31) 13
32) 23
33) 33
34) 43
35) 53
36) 63
37) 73

TOTAL SUM = 1279

Here are the first 37 73-gonal numbers ...

FIRST 37 73-gonal NUMBERS:

1) 1
2) 73
3) 216
4) 430
5) 715
6) 1071
7) 1498
8) 1996
9) 2565
10) 3205
11) 3916
12) 4698
13) 5551
14) 6475
15) 7470
16) 8536
17) 9673
18) 10881
19) 12160
20) 13510
21) 14931
22) 16423
23) 17986
24) 19620
25) 21325
26) 23101
27) 24948
28) 26866
29) 28855
30) 30915
31) 33046
32) 35248
33) 37521
34) 39865
35) 42280
36) 44766
37) 47323

37th 73-gonal number = 1279 × 37

The number 1 is included in every Polygonal series, as it is hidden with the entire infinite family of Polygonal shapes and the mathematical formula for every Polygonal shape yields the number 1 as its starting point. The 37th 73-gonal number, consisting of 73 sides, yields a massive Polygon of 47323 counters. This 73 sided Polygon is known as a Heptacontatrigon. Thus, we have what I have appropriately coined "The Heptacontatrigon Of Genesis 1:1". Notice that the ONLY way to produce the 37th 73-gonal number as a product of two numbers (besides 47323 × 1) is 1279 × 37:


 POLYGON = 37th 73-gonal number 

37th 73-gonal number = 1279 × 37 counters

PRIME FACTORS of 37th 73-gonal number = 1279 × 37

Sum of MIRRORS of first 37 integers = 1279

Sum of first 73 integers = 37 × 73

GENESIS 1:1 = 37 × 73

I discovered that the Triple Repdigits are also tied to Genesis 1:1 through its phenomenon of mirror reflections and its Prime Factors (37 and 73). First, notice that the Triple Repdigits are already related to the principle of mirror reflections in that they are Palindromic. That is, they yield the same number when read from left to right or right to left …



Genesis 1:1 is rooted in the flawless number 37. Notice that the Triple Repdigits yield a perfect symmetry that is rooted in the constant 37 …


111 (1 + 1 + 1 = 3 and 3 × 37 = 111)
222 (2 + 2 + 2 = 6 and 6 × 37 = 222)
333 (3 + 3 + 3 = 9 and 9 × 37 = 333)
444 (4 + 4 + 4 = 12 and 12 × 37 = 444)
555 (5 + 5 + 5 = 15 and 15 × 37 = 555)
666 (6 + 6 + 6 = 18 and 18 × 37 = 666)
777 (7 + 7 + 7 = 21 and 21 × 37 = 777)
888 (8 + 8 + 8 = 24 and 24 × 37 = 888)
999 (9 + 9 + 9 = 27 and 27 × 37 = 999)

I showed how the Genesis 1:1 word values serve as actual numerical “pointers” to the natural order of PRIME NUMBERS. This leads me to an absolutely shocking find I made in the Triple Repdigit set: The sum of the PRIME NUMBERS indexed to the Triple Repdigits = 37073. I call this “The Triple Repdigit Code Of 37073”:


111th Prime = 607
222nd Prime = 1399
333rd Prime = 2239
444th Prime = 3119
555th Prime = 4019
666th Prime = 4973
777th Prime = 5903
888th Prime = 6907
999th Prime = 7907


GENESIS 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73
2701 + 1072 = 3773

Pi = The ratio between the circumference/diameter of a Circle and yields an infinite sequence of non-cyclic digits (3.14159 … to infinity). This now leads to my discovery of “The Pi Code Of 37073”. The first time a given numerical sequence appears in the decimal expansion of Pi (after the decimal point) will be known as its “Pi Position”. The sum of the “Pi Positions” of the Triple Repdigits points right back to 37073 through a perfect mirror reflection. Here are the “Pi Positions” of the Triple Repdigits (the “Pi Positions” can be verified here: Pi Position Calculator):

THE Pi CODE OF 37073

Pi Position of 111 = 153
Pi Position of 222 = 1735
Pi Position of 333 = 1698
Pi Position of 444 = 2707
Pi Position of 555 = 177
Pi Position of 666 = 2440
Pi Position of 777 = 1589
Pi Position of 888 = 4751
Pi Position of 999 = 762


16012 + 21061 = 37073

Genesis 1:1 introduces the creation of the natural world. The Golden Ratio, or “Phi” (not to be confused with Pi) is found throughout the natural world (see here: Golden Ratio). I have even discovered that the geometric number series most intimately related to Phi also points right back to 37073 through a perfect mirror reflection. The Pentagon is the most Phi-related shape in geometry (see here: Golden Pentagon) and the sum of the first 37 Pentagonal numbers points to 37073 (the Pentagonal numbers can be referenced here: Pentagonal Numbers). I have coined this “The Pentagonal Mirror Code Of 37073”:


First 37 Pentagons:

1) 1
2) 5
3) 12
4) 22
5) 35
6) 51
7) 70
8) 92
9) 117
10) 145
11) 176
12) 210
13) 247
14) 287
15) 330
16) 376
17) 425
18) 477
19) 532
20) 590
21) 651
22) 715
23) 782
24) 852
25) 925
26) 1001
27) 1080
28) 1162
29) 1247
30) 1335
31) 1426
32) 1520
33) 1617
34) 1717
35) 1820
36) 1926
37) 2035

TOTAL SUM = 26011

26011 + 11062 = 37073


We have seen how Genesis 1:1 is coded with the mathematical symmetry of mirror reflections. We will now direct our attention to another layer of mirror symmetry that I have uncovered within the internal structure of Genesis 1:1, which I call “The Micro-Mirrors Of Genesis 1:1”.


Genesis 1:1 consists of seven Hebrew words and the CENTER word is the only one that yields a PRIME word value (401). The Lord has shown me that this is the key to unlocking the inner mirrors that are coded within Genesis 1:1 …

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth

913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 = 37 × 73

Not only does the center word value of Genesis 1:1 stand out as its only PRIME word value, it stands out as its SHORTEST word. In fact, it is made up of the first and the last letters of the Hebrew alphabet (the Aleph and the Tav). This highlights the Biblical teaching that God is the FIRST and the LAST (Isaiah 44:6):

ALEPH + TAV = 401

I noticed years ago that there was a hint of a mirror code within the Prime Factors of the Genesis 1:1 word values. Genesis 1:1 is rooted in the number 37 and the PRIME FACTOR SUM of the Genesis 1:1 word values = The REFLECTION of the 37th PRIME NUMBER (157). Here are the Prime Factors of the seven word values that make up Genesis 1:1 …

1) 913 = (11 × 83)
2) 203 = (7 × 29)
3) 86 = (2 × 43)
4) 401 = (401)
5) 395 = (5 × 79)
6) 407 = (11 × 37)
7) 296 = (2 × 2 × 2 × 37)

37th PRIME = 157

The first time I realized I had uncovered an internal code of mirror symmetry in Genesis 1:1 was when I found that the sum of the Prime Factors of the three words to the LEFT of 401 yields the very same value as the Prime Factors to the RIGHT of 401. Here again are the Prime Factors of the Genesis 1:1 word values:

913 = 11 × 83
203 = 7 × 29
86 = 2 × 43
401 = 401
395 = 5 × 79
407 = 11 × 37
296 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 37

(11 + 83) + (7 + 29) + (2 + 43) = 175

(5 + 79) + (11 + 37) + (2 + 2 + 2 + 37) = 175

175  (401)  175

This very same symmetry is seen in the PRIME ORDERS of the Genesis 1:1 word values. Here are the PRIME ORDERS of the Prime Factors of the Genesis 1:1 word values:

913 = Product of Primes indexed to 5 and 23
203 = Product of Primes indexed to 4 and 10
86 = Product of Primes indexed to 1 and 14
401 = 79th PRIME
395 = Product of Primes indexed to 3 and 22
407 = Product of Primes indexed to 5 and 12
296 = Product of Primes indexed to 1, 1, 1 and 12

(5 + 23) + (4 + 10) + (1 + 14) = 57

(3 + 22) + (5 + 12) + (1 + 1 + 1 + 12) = 57

57  (79)  57

I showed how BOTH the Prime Factor sum and the Prime order sum of the Genesis 1:1 word values yield a perfect symmetry that is centered on the center word value (the only PRIME word value). Incredibly, these two values actually reflect each other through their reciprocals:

175 + 175

57 + 57

1/175 = .0057 and 1/57 = .0175

Even the DIGITAL ROOTS of the left/right Prime Factor sums AND the left/right Prime order sums yield the same perfect balance that is centered on the center word of Genesis 1:1. Here are the digital roots of the Prime Factors of the Genesis 1:1 word values …


11 (1 + 1 = 2)
83 (8 + 3 = 11 and 1 + 1 = 2)
7 (7)
29 (2 + 9 = 11 and 1 + 1 = 2)
2 (2)
43 ( 4 + 3 = 7)


5 (5)
79 (7 + 9 = 16 and 1 + 6 = 7)
11 (1 + 1 = 2)
37 (3 + 7 = 10 and 1 + 0 = 1)
2 (2)
2 (2)
2 (2)
37 (3 + 7 = 10 and 1 + 0 = 1)

(2 + 2 + 7 + 2 + 2 + 7) = 22

(5 + 7 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1) = 22

22  (401)  22

Here are the digital roots of the PRIME ORDERS …


5 (5)
23 (2 + 3 = 5)
4 (4)
10 (1 + 0 = 1)
1 (1)
14 (1 + 4 = 5)


3 (3)
22 (2 + 2 = 4)
5 (5)
12 (1 + 2 = 3)
1 (1)
1 (1)
1 (1)
12 (1 + 2 = 3)

(5 + 5 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 5) = 21

(3 + 4 + 5 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 3) = 21

21  (79)  21

I eventually found that the alternating -/+ sum of the Prime Factors to the left/right of 401 also yield a perfect balance. First, observe the following amazing fact: The alternating -/+ sum of the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors points right back to the CENTER word value and the only PRIME word value (401) …

11 - 83 + 7 - 29 + 2 - 43 + 401 - 5 + 79 - 11 + 37 - 2 + 2 - 2 + 37 = 401

Remarkably, the very same pattern is revealed within the PRIME ORDERS. The alternating -/+ sum of the PRIME ORDERS of the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors points right back to the PRIME ORDER of 401 (the 79th Prime = 401):

5 - 23 + 4 - 10 + 1 - 14 + 79 - 3 + 22 - 5 + 12 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 12 = 79

79th PRIME = 401

This same alternating -/+ feature plays a role within the internal mirror codes of Genesis 1:1. Here is the alternating -/+ sum of the Prime Factors to the left/right of 401 ...

11 - 83 + 7 - 29 + 2 - 43 = -135

5 - 79 + 11 - 37 + 2 - 2 + 2 - 37 = -135

-135 (401) -135

The same symmetry is revealed in the PRIME ORDERS of the Prime Factors to the left/right of 401. Here is the alternating -/+ sum of the PRIME ORDERS …

5 - 23 + 4 - 10 + 1 - 14 = -37

3 - 22 + 5 - 12 + 1 - 1 + 1 - 12 = -37

-37 (79) -37

The numerical value of Genesis 1:1 (2701) = The 73rd Triangular number (T73). Triangular numbers are a specific family of numbers that form perfect Triangles (the sequence of Triangular numbers can be referenced here: Triangular Numbers). I will show how the exact opposite function of the alternating -/+ sum (namely, the alternating +/- sum) of the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors is coded with the Triangular identity of Genesis 1:1. Keep in mind that the CENTER word value of Genesis 1:1 = 401 …

(11 × 83) + (7 × 29) + (2 × 43) + (401) + (5 × 79) + (11 × 37) + (2 × 2 × 2 × 37) =
37 × 73

(11 + 83 - 7 + 29 - 2 + 43) + (401) + (5 + 79 - 11 + 37 - 2 + 2 - 2 + 37) =
THE 37th TRIANGLE (703)

GENESIS 1:1 = THE 73rd TRIANGLE (2701)

We know that Genesis 1:1 is rooted in the flawless number 37. This explains why God coded the mathematical structure of Genesis 1:1 with the alternating -/+ feature (and its relative, the alternating +/- feature). How? Very simple. The number 37 is itself the FIRST number where the alternating -/+ sum of the sequence of PRIME FACTORIZATIONS up to that number yields that very number (37). Here are the PRIME FACTORIZATIONS of the first 37 integers: 

1 = 1
2 = 2
3 = 3
4 = 2 × 2
5 = 5
6 = 2 × 3
7 = 7
8 = 2 × 2 × 2
9 = 3 × 3
10 = 2 × 5
11 = 11
12 = 2 × 2 × 3
13 = 13
14 = 2 × 7
15 = 3 × 5
16 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2
17 = 17
18 = 2 × 3 × 3
19 = 19
20 = 2 × 2 × 5
21 = 3 × 7
22 = 2 × 11
23 = 23
24 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3
25 = 5 × 5
26 = 2 × 13
27 = 3 × 3 × 3
28 = 2 × 2 × 7
29 = 29
30 = 2 × 3 × 5
31 = 31
32 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2
33 = 3 × 11
34 = 2 × 17
35 = 5 × 7
36 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3
37 = 37

Here is the alternating -/+ sum of the PRIME FACTORIZATIONS of the first 37 integers:

(1 - 2) + (3 - 2) + (2 - 5) + (2 - 3) + (7 - 2) + (2 - 2) + (3 - 3) + (2 - 5) + (11 - 2) + (2 - 3) + (13 - 2) + (7 - 3) + (5 - 2) + (2 - 2) + (2 - 17) + (2 - 3) + (3 - 19) + (2 - 2) + (5 - 3) + (7 - 2)  + (11 - 23) + (2 - 2) + (2 - 3) + (5 - 5) + (2 - 13) + (3 - 3) + (3 - 2) + (2 - 7) + (29 - 2) + (3 - 5) + (31 - 2) + (2 - 2) + (2 - 2) + (3 - 11) + (2 - 17) + (5 - 7) + (2 - 2) + (3 - 3) + (37) = 37


We have seen how Genesis 1:1 is coded with a fractal-like pattern of self-similarity, which is rooted in the mathematical phenomenon of mirror symmetry. The “MACRO-MIRRORS” highlight the coded symmetry at the surface or “outer” level of Genesis 1:1 while the “MICRO-MIRRORS” highlight the coded symmetry at the “inner” level of Genesis 1:1. Genesis 1:1 opens the most widely read text in the history of the world. I assure you: Genesis 1:1 is the most mathematically coded statement in the history of the universe. We will now turn our attention to the identity of the center word value of Genesis 1:1 (as a union of the first/last letters of the Hebrew alphabet).

The center word value of Genesis 1:1 (401) = The only PRIME word value = The SHORTEST word. It is made up of the first and the last letters of the Hebrew alphabet (1 + 400 = 401). I have discovered that this first/last identity of the center word value is actually tied to a key passage in Isaiah 44:6, which is dealing precisely with the Biblical God as the “FIRST” and the “LAST”. The passage reads as follows:

“I am the FIRST, and I am the LAST; and beside me there is no God”

The numerical value of the seven Hebrew words in this passage is as follows:
61 + 557 + 67 + 265 + 162 + 61 + 86 = 1259

This number is directly tied to 401 through the mathematics of a Circle. How? Aside from the fact that the numerical value of “ISAIAH” = 401, a Circle with a circumference of 1259 units yields a diameter of 401 units. I have appropriately coined this find “The Circle Of The First And The Last”:


CIRCUMFERENCE = 1259 units

“I am the FIRST, and I am the LAST; and beside me there is no God” (Isaiah 44:6) = 1259

DIAMETER = 401 units

“ISAIAH” = 401

FIRST + LAST Hebrew letters = 1 + 400 = 401
CENTER word value of Genesis 1:1 = 1 + 400 = 401

The Aleph and the Tav are the FIRST/LAST letters of the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. I also found that the PRIME FACTORIZATION SUM of the 22 Hebrew letter values points right back to “The Circle Of The First And The Last” that we just saw. Remarkably, it yields the PRIME ORDER of 1259 ...

Here are the PRIME FACTORIZATIONS of the 22 Hebrew letter values:

1) 1 = 1
2) 2 = 2
3) 3 = 3
4) 4 = 2 × 2
5) 5 = 5
6) 6 = 2 × 3
7) 7 = 7
8) 8 = 2 × 2 × 2
9) 9 = 3 × 3
10) 10 = 2 × 5
11) 20 = 2 × 2 × 5
12) 30 = 2 × 3 × 5
13) 40 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 5
14) 50 = 2 × 5 × 5
15) 60 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 5
16) 70 = 2 × 5 × 7
17) 80 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 5
18) 90 = 2 × 3 × 3 × 5
19) 100 = 2 × 2 × 5 × 5
20) 200 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 5 × 5
21) 300 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 5 × 5
22) 400 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 5 × 5


205th PRIME = 1259 (verify here: Prime Numbers)

205th PRIME =
“I am the FIRST, and I am the LAST; and beside me there is no God”


I showed how the sum of the first 37 Pentagonal numbers points to 37073 through a perfect reflection. The consecutive sum of Pentagonal numbers forms the series of Pentagonal Pyramidal numbers, which are the 3-dimensional forms of Pentagons (see here: Pentagonal Pyramids). Thus, we have a geometric representation, or visual confirmation, of “The Pentagonal Mirror Code Of 37073” that I highlighted earlier. I have coined this “The Pentagonal Pyramid Code Of 37073”. The Pentagonal Pyramidal numbers can be referenced here: Pentagonal Pyramidal Numbers


The 37th Pentagonal Pyramid = 37 rows of counters

The 37th Pentagonal Pyramid = 26011 total counters

26011 + 11062 = 37073

Each of the 5 Standing Triangular faces = T37

GENESIS 1:1 = T73

The Lord led me to the realization that this geometric perfection is also tied to the center word value of Genesis 1:1 (401). How? The Pentagon, consisting of 5 points, is a geometric representation of the number 5. Amazingly, there are exactly 5 ways to combine the word values of Genesis 1:1 to get perfect multiples of 401. The reason this is so amazing is that we would not expect ANY word value combinations of seven random numbers to yield multiples of 401. To get 5 multiples of 401 is an astonishing SIXTEEN TIMES the expected rate. Moreover, observe that these 5 multiples of 401, derived from the word value combinations of Genesis 1:1, are in perfect ARITHMETIC PROGRESSION …


1) 401 × 1 = 401
2) 401 × 2 = 395 + 407
3) 401 × 3 = 401 + 395 + 407
4) 401 × 4 = 913 + 395 + 296
5) 401 × 5 = 913 + 401 + 395 + 296

This leads to my discovery of “The Genesis 1:1 Pentagon Of 401” (keep in mind that the Pentagon is naturally related to 5 and is the most Phi-related Polygon in geometry):


PENTAGON = The natural geometric representation of number 5 = The most Phi-related geometry

There are exactly 5 word value combinations in Genesis 1:1 that are perfect multiples of 401 (the CENTER word value) and they are in perfect ARITHMETIC PROGRESSION

401 × 1 = 401
401 × 2 = 802
401 × 3 = 1203
401 × 4 = 1604
401 × 5 = 2005

(Root 5 + 1) / 2 = Phi
(Root 5 - 1) / 2 = RECIPROCAL of Phi

Notice that the square root of 5 yields Phi exactly and the reciprocal of Phi exactly (through a perfect symmetry of + 1 and - 1). I showed how the 37th 3-dimensional PENTAGON points to 37073 through a perfect reflection. This now leads to my discovery of “The Genesis 1:1 Pentagon Of 37073”, where I show how a PENTAGON with an area of 11062 units yields a PERIMETER of 401 units (11062 = MIRROR of 37th 3-dimensional PENTAGON):


AREA = 11062 units

PERIMETER = 401 units

The 37th PENTAGONAL PYRAMID = 26011 counters

26011 + 11062 = 37073

GENESIS 1:1 = 37 × 73

This all ties back to a discovery I previously made in the first 37 decimal digits of Phi (after the decimal point). It is a well-known fact that the Fibonacci number series is deeply related to Phi. For example, the ratio between every two successive Fibonacci numbers moves closer and closer to the value of Phi (to infinity). We already saw how the mathematical encoder of Genesis 1:1 used the phenomenon of numerical “pointers” to the natural order of Prime numbers. I found the same logic with regards to the order of Fibonacci numbers. For the sum of the Fibonacci numbers indexed to the first 37 decimal digits of Phi (after the decimal point) = 401. Keep in mind that the number 37 is the foundational number of Biblical Numerics itself. The Fibonacci numbers can be referenced here: Fibonacci Numbers and the Phi digits can be referenced here: Phi Digits


1) 6
2) 1
3) 8
4) 0
5) 3
6) 3
7) 9
8) 8
9) 8
10) 7
11) 4
12) 9
13) 8
14) 9
15) 4
16) 8
17) 4
18) 8
19) 2
20) 0
21) 4
22) 5
23) 8
24) 6
25) 8
26) 3
27) 4
28) 3
29) 6
30) 5
31) 6
32) 3
33) 8
34) 1
35) 1
36) 7
37) 7

Here are the 37 Fibonacci numbers indexed to the first 37 Phi digits, which are used by the mathematical encoder of Genesis 1:1 as numerical “pointers” to the natural order of Fibonacci numbers (with the Fibonacci number series being naturally related to Phi):

1) 6 = 8
2) 1 = 1
3) 8 = 21
4) 0 = 0
5) 3 = 2
6) 3 = 2
7) 9 = 34
8) 8 = 21
9) 8 = 21
10) 7 = 13
11) 4 = 3
12) 9 = 34
13) 8 = 21
14) 9 = 34
15) 4 = 3
16) 8 = 21
17) 4 = 3
18) 8 = 21
19) 2 = 1
20) 0 = 0
21) 4 = 3
22) 5 = 5
23) 8 = 21
24) 6 = 8
25) 8 = 21
26) 3 = 2
27) 4 = 3
28) 3 = 2
29) 6 = 8
30) 5 = 5
31) 6 = 8
32) 3 = 2
33) 8 = 21
34) 1 = 1
35) 1 = 1
36) 7 = 13
37) 7 = 13


I also found an entire array of geometric perfection linking these 37 Fibonacci numbers to the mathematics of Genesis 1:1, which you can read about in my article entitled “Phi Star Of Genesis 1:1”. Please understand that the Golden Ratio (Phi) is found throughout the natural world (even secular scientists grant this). As I stated, Genesis 1:1, which introduces the Biblical creation account, is the most mathematically coded statement ever made in the history of the universe. That is a fact.


We will now look at an amazing unity I have unlocked between the opening of the FIRST book of the Bible (Genesis 1:1) and the opening of the LAST book of the Bible (Revelation 1:1). Revelation 1:1 reads as follows:

“The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass: and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John”

Just as the Biblical Hebrew of the Old Testament has an alphanumeric alphabet, the Biblical Greek of the New Testament has an alphanumeric alphabet. I noticed years ago that the Greek numerical value of Revelation 1:1 actually hints back to the coded mathematics of Genesis 1:1. How? The Greek numerical value of Revelation 1:1 = The 5th multiple of 3773 and Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73:

3773 + 3773 + 3773 + 3773 + 3773

The Pentagon is naturally related to the number 5 and is the most Phi-related shape in geometry. This now leads to my discovery of “The Pentagon Of Genesis 1:1/Revelation 1:1” …


GENESIS 1:1 = 37 × 73

The 37th 3-dimensional PENTAGON = 37 rows = 26011 total counters

26011 + 11062 = 37073

CENTER word value of Genesis 1:1 = 401 = The only PRIME word value

CENTER word value of Genesis 1:1 = The FIRST and the LAST letters of the Hebrew alphabet (the Aleph and the Tav)

ALEPH + TAV = 401

GENESIS 1:1 opens the FIRST book of the Bible and REVELATION 1:1 opens the LAST book of the Bible


3773 + 3773 + 3773 + 3773 + 3773

Notice how this unites the openings of the FIRST/LAST books of the Bible. Notice also that it is not necessary for God to have coded every passage or even most passages in the Bible. The very fact that the openings of the FIRST/LAST books of the Bible are mathematically/geometrically united places a divine seal of approval over the entire span of 66 canonical books of the Christian Bible.


I showed earlier in “The Circle Of The First And The Last” how the CENTER word value of Genesis 1:1 (401) is united with the Hebrew numerical value of a specific passage in Isaiah 44:6, which openly deals with God as the FIRST/LAST. I will now demonstrate how the very TOPIC of Revelation 1:1 (the person of Jesus Christ) is tied to the FIRST/LAST Hebrew letters of 401 and the identity of the FIRST/LAST in Isaiah 44:6. First, observe that when the letters in the order of the Biblical Greek alphabet serves as numerical “pointers” to the natural order of integers, this gives the Greek value of “JESUS CHRIST” as 205:

This is known as the “ORDINAL” system of Biblical Gematria. Here is the natural order of integers assigned to the natural order of the 24 letters in Biblical Greek:

The book of ISAIAH is the ONLY book in the Hebrew Old Testament that refers to God as the FIRST/LAST and the book of REVELATION is the ONLY book in the Greek New Testament that refers to Jesus Christ as the ALPHA/OMEGA (Alpha = FIRST letter in Biblical Greek and Omega = LAST letter in Biblical Greek). Therefore, we have the following perfection, which unites Genesis 1:1, Isaiah 44:6 and Revelation 1:1 …



“I am the FIRST, and I am the LAST; and beside me there is no God” (Isaiah 44:6) = 1259


205th PRIME = 1259
(verify here: Prime Numbers)


“ISAIAH” = 401

ALEPH + TAV = 401

CENTER word value of Genesis 1:1 = Aleph + Tav = 401 = The only PRIME word value

REVELATION 1:1 = The Revelation of JESUS CHRIST


Who is behind all the mirror codes of Genesis 1:1? What is his name and what is he like? I did an analysis on the first 37 integers with DISTINCT MIRROR FACTORS and no leading zeros. I present to you: "The 37th Mirror Factors Of Jesus Christ (205)"



1) 252 = 12 × 21
2) 403 = 13 × 31
3) 574 = 14 × 41
4) 736 = 23 × 32
5) 765 = 15 × 51
6) 976 = 16 × 61
7) 1008 = 24 × 42
8) 1207 = 17 × 71
9) 1300 = 25 × 52
10) 1458 = 18 × 81
11) 1462 = 34 × 43
12) 1612 = 26 × 62
13) 1729 = 19 × 91
14) 1855 = 35 × 53
15) 1944 = 27 × 72
16) 2268 = 36 × 63
17) 2296 = 28 × 82
18) 2430 = 45 × 54
19) 2668 = 29 × 92
20) 2701 = 37 × 73
21) 2944 = 46 × 64
22) 3154 = 38 × 83
23) 3478 = 47 × 74
24) 3627 = 39 × 93
25) 3640 = 56 × 65
26) 4032 = 48 × 84
27) 4275 = 57 × 75
28) 4606 = 49 × 94
29) 4930 = 58 × 85
30) 5092 = 67 × 76
31) 5605 = 59 × 95
32) 5848 = 68 × 86
33) 6624 = 69 × 96
34) 6786 = 78 × 87
35) 7663 = 79 × 97
36) 8722 = 89 × 98
37) 20502 = 102 × 201

The FIRST number in the series (252) is Palindromic and the NEXT number in the series that is Palindromic is the 37th (20502)

The 37th number in the series is a CONCATENATION of 205 and 502

Ordinal Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 205

102 × 201 = 20502


135 + 256 = 391
Standard Hebrew "JESUS" (Yehoshua) = 391

12th PRIME NUMBER = 37
21st PRIME NUMBER = 73

SEMIPRIMES are numbers that are the product of two PRIME NUMBERS: Semiprime Numbers

1221 - 888 = 37th + 73rd SEMIPRIMES
1221 + 1480 = 37 × 73

Standard Greek "JESUS" = 888
Standard Greek "CHRIST" = 1480


Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 represent the two key "Creation Verses" of the Bible. In fact, these are the only verses in the Bible that begin with the key phrase "IN THE BEGINNING". The pioneering work of Vernon Jenkins, Peter Bluer and Bevan Williams has shown how the alphanumeric value of Genesis 1:1 forms the 73rd Triangle and how the alphanumeric value of John 1:1 (3627) forms a Trapezium that accommodates the Genesis 1:1 Triangle, which, in turn, unites to form the 112th Triangle (the alphanumeric value of "YAHWEH ELOHIM"). I am now going to demonstrate a powerful 2-step PROOF OF GOD that I have uncovered, which corroborates their findings by tying the numerical signatures of Jesus Christ and Yahweh Elohim to that of Genesis 1:1/John 1:1 and the large value 37073 (representing the PRIME FACTORS of Genesis 1:1):

STEP 1) The Square Border Of 37073

Standard Greek "JESUS" = 888

This is the ONLY Square (223^2) with a Perimeter of 888 counters

This Square reveals precisely 37073 counters when the Genesis 1:1/John 1:1 Triangle (T112) is removed from two opposing (or MIRRORED) sides

Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73
2701 + 1072 = 3773

The two opposing sides of T112 are MIRRORS of each other

The large value 37073 is PALINDROMIC (it reads the same from left to right or right to left)

Standard Hebrew "JESUS" = 391

Sum of 37073 with one opposing side of T112:
37073 + T112 = 391 × (37 × 3)

Sum of 37073 with other opposing side of T112:
37073 + T112 = 391 × (37 × 3)


Standard Hebrew "JESUS" = 391
Standard Greek "JESUS" = 888

391 + 888 = Sum of MIRRORS of first 37 integers (1279)

(3 + 9 + 1) + (8 + 8 + 8) = 37

Genesis 1:1 = 2701 and John 1:1 = 3627, which unites to form the 112th Triangle (T112). Unbelievably, this precise Square (223^2), which is the ONLY Square with a border of 888 counters, is the precise Square that accommodates the 112th Centered Square:

STEP 2) The God Of 37073

This is the ONLY Square with a Perimeter of 888 counters

Standard Greek "JESUS" = 888

Standard Hebrew Genesis 1:1 = 2701
Standard Greek John 1:1 = 3627

2701 + 3627 = T112

The large PALINDROME 37073 reveals two equal Triangles of T112 within this Square

This is the precise Square that accommodates the 112th Centered Square

Standard Hebrew "YAHWEH ELOHIM" = 112


John 1:1 is essentially the New Testament version of Genesis 1:1. I will now demonstrate a powerful mirror code I have uncovered in the mathematics of John 1:1, which is miraculously tied to the mathematics of Genesis 1:1. We first begin with an observation in the John 1:1 Trapezium (keep in mind that this Trapezium perfectly accommodates the Genesis 1:1 Triangle). Namely, that the number of rows in this Trapezium and the exact average number of counters per row are MIRROR REFLECTIONS (just as the Prime Factors of the Genesis 1:1 Triangle are MIRROR REFLECTIONS):

Genesis 1:1 (SH) = 37*73
John 1:1 (SG) = 39*93

When John 1:1 is represented as a Trapezium with 39 rows of counters and an exact average of 93 counters per row, we see that it perfectly accommodates the Genesis 1:1 Triangle (T73)

The BASE of the John 1:1 Trapezium = 112 = "Yahweh Elohim". I wondered what would result if I applied the principle of mirror symmetry to the geometry of the John 1:1 Trapezium (the same Trapezium that is derived from MIRROR FACTORS). What follows is a miraculous convergence (note that the center row of this Hexagonal figure = 112 counters):

The John 1:1 Trapezium unfolds to form a symmetric Hexagonal figure

The PERIMETER of this Hexagon = 298 counters
Genesis 1:1 (OH) = 298

The INTERIOR of this Hexagon = 58 * 118 counters

"JESUS" (OH) = 58
"CHRIST" (OG) = 118

We see how an unfolding of the John 1:1 Trapezium reveals an outline of precisely 298 counters (i.e. the Ordinal signature of Genesis 1:1) and even points to the numerical signature of the divine encoder. We now look at the following Prime perfection, which further highlights and points back to the Genesis 1:1 feature of mirror symmetry:

The PRIME FACTORS of Genesis 1:1 = 37*73

Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 37*73
2701 + 1072 = 3773

John 1:1 = 39*93 = 3627

The SUPER PRIMES are the Prime numbers that have a Prime index

The 3627th SUPER PRIME = 400033

400033 + 330004 = 730037

Therefore, God exists


Genesis 1:1 is coded with a fractal-like pattern of self-similarity (“internally” and “externally”), which is rooted in the phenomenon of mirror symmetry. This alphanumeric pattern unites the subject of its surface text (the creation of the natural world) with the patterns of mirror symmetry permeating creation itself, thereby revealing the God of the Bible as the God of creation. We also see how the numerical signature of the divine encoder is tied to the number 37 through the logic of mirror symmetry. We even see how the large Palindrome 37073 unites the Hebrew/Greek numerical signatures of the divine encoder with the key "Creation Verses" of the Hebrew OT and the Greek NT (Genesis 1:1/John 1:1). Furthermore, the unity between Genesis 1:1, Isaiah 44:6, and Revelation 1:1, reveals the identity of God even further (through JESUS CHRIST). Truly, there is not a single integer, in the entire infinite family of integers, that is hidden from the sight of God.

Battalion Of Christ,
Leo Tavares

Copyright 2024, All rights reserved, Leo Tavares