By Leo Tavares

In my article entitled “Atomic Proof Of Christian Theism”, I demonstrate how the first 37 atomic elements are encoded with the mathematical signature of Jesus Christ through a phenomenon I discovered, which involves indexing the natural order of Composite numbers to the natural numbers of the first 37 elements. In this article, I will demonstrate how the Composite numbers indexed to the 19 Mononuclidic elements (having 1 isotope each and being non-radioactive) also point to the mathematical signature of Jesus Christ and how a powerful 19/37 code ultimately points to the Biblical doctrine of the Incarnation. The Deity of Jesus Christ, which is the central doctrine of the Christian faith, will be demonstrated through the highest level of proof that is attainable through human reasoning (the science of mathematics).

Unfortunately, the level of mathematical rigor displayed by most self-proclaimed “Biblical Numericists” is very poor. All too often, I see people mixing their flawed methodologies such as cherry picking, arbitrarily conjoining unrelated sets of data, logical inconsistencies (such as switching between multiple variant spellings) and even pareidolia (definition here: Pareidolia) with the study of Biblical Numerics. I say this because my work is not only in opposition to that of willfully blind skeptics, it must also be in opposition to those who, sadly, make a mockery of the validity of Biblical Numerics with their embarrassing material. I offer this article as yet another blow to these enemies of the true discipline of Biblical Numerics.

The study of Biblical Numerics is rooted in the ancient system of assigning numerical values to the Biblical Hebrew/Greek alphabets (Hebrew being the original language of the Old Testament and Greek being the original language of the New Testament). This represents a naturally related system of alphanumerics (since the Hebrew OT and Greek NT are historically and theologically related). This is also not some modern invention. Rather, it is a well-known fact that this is an ancient numbering system of BOTH the ancient Hebrew/Greek alphabets. It follows that every Biblical word/phrase, in their original languages, has a numerical value that is set in stone (through simply adding up the letter values within a given word/phrase of scripture).

There are two primary methods of assigning numerical values to the ancient Hebrew/Greek alphabets: The Standard method and the Ordinal method. Here are the Standard numerical values of the 22 letters in the Biblical Hebrew alphabet …

Here are the Ordinal numerical values of the 22 letters in the Biblical Hebrew alphabet …

Prime/Composite numbers are the most fundamental families of numbers and are naturally related (the Prime numbers can be referenced here: PRIME NUMBERS and the Composite numbers can be referenced here: COMPOSITE NUMBERS). Every Composite number can be expressed as the product of a unique set of Prime numbers. Thus, Prime/Composite numbers represent the “building blocks” of mathematics. Similarly, Protons/Neutrons are the “building blocks” of the atom, which are the “building blocks” of the material world. The number 37 is the very foundational number upon which Biblical Numerics is based. Incredibly, the sum of the Composite numbers indexed to the individual numbers of Protons/Neutrons in each of the first 37 atomic elements of nature = The Standard Greek numerical value of “JESUS CHRIST” (2368)! I also found that this code points back to the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors (37 × 73).

Here are the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the individual numbers of Protons/Neutrons in each of the first 37 atomic elements (with COMPOSITE NUMBERS in parentheses):

 P = Protons and N = Neutrons

Hydrogen: P = 1 (4) and N = 0 (0)

Helium: P = 2 (6) and N = 2 (6)

Lithium: P = 3 (8) and N = 4 (9)

Beryllium: P = 4 (9) and N = 5 ( 10)

Boron: P = 5 (10) and N = 6 (12)

Carbon: P = 6 (12) and N = 6 ( 12)

Nitrogen: P = 7 (14) and N = 7 (14)

Oxygen: P = 8 (15) and N = 8 (15)

Fluorine: P = 9 (16) and N = 10 (18)

Neon: P = 10 (18) and N = 10 (18)

Sodium: P = 11 (20) and N = 12 (21)

Magnesium: P = 12 (21) and N = 12 (21)

Aluminium: P = 13 (22) and N = 14 (24)

Silicon: P = 14 (24) and N = 14 (24)

Phosphorus: P = 15 (25) and N = 16 (26)

Sulfur: P = 16 (26) and N = 16 (26)

Chlorine: P = 17 (27) and N = 18 (28)

Argon: P = 18 (28) and N = 22 (34)

Potassium: P = 19 (30) and N = 20 (32)

Calcium: P = 20 (32) and N = 20 (32)

Scandium: P = 21 (33) and N = 24 (36)

Titanium: P = 22 (34) and N = 26 (39)

Vanadium: P = 23 (35) and N = 28 (42)

Chromium: P = 24 (36) and N = 28 (42)

Manganese: P = 25 (38) and N = 30 (45)

Iron: P = 26 (39) and N = 30 (45)

Cobalt: P = 27 (40) and N = 32 (48)

Nickel: P = 28 (42) and N = 31 (46)

Copper: P = 29 (44) and N = 35 (51)

Zinc: P = 30 (45) and N = 35 (51)

Gallium: P = 31 (46) and N = 39 (56)

Germanium: P = 32 (48) and N = 41 (58)

Arsenic: P = 33 (49) and N = 42 (60)

Selenium: P = 34 (50) and N = 45 (64)

Bromine: P = 35 (51) and N = 45 (64)

Krypton: P = 36 (52) and N = 48 (68)

Rubidium: P = 37 (54) and N = 48 (68)

     TOTAL SUM = 2368

    GENESIS 1:1 = 37 × 73

 2368 + (37th + 73rd COMPOSITE NUMBERS) = 2521

   2521 + 1252 = 3773

The Standard Greek value of “Jesus Christ” is itself rooted in the number 37:

• “JESUS” = 888 = A perfect multiple of 37 (24 × 37) and “CHRIST” = 1480 = A perfect multiple of 37 (40 × 37)

• (8 + 8 + 8) + (1 + 4 + 8 + 0) = 37

I also found that a “Vertical Sum” of the digits within 2368 forms a Triangle that culminates in the flawless number 37 (notice that the sum of every number above the base of the Triangle is the sum of the two numbers beneath it):


The significance of the number 37 to Biblical Numerics cannot be overstated. Genesis 1:1, the very first verse of the Bible (and introduction to the Biblical creation account), is rooted in this flawless number. Here are the Standard Hebrew values of the seven Hebrew words in Genesis 1:1 …

   GENESIS 1:1

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”

 913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 =

       37 × 73

Notice that the numerical value of Genesis 1:1 = The product of 37 and its mirror reflection (73). In fact, the only way to represent the numerical value of Genesis 1:1 as a product of two numbers (besides 2701 × 1) is 37 × 73. What's more, 2701 is the first and only known Composite number (out of the first 10,000 that have been checked) that yields its Prime Factors when it is added to its mirror reflection (2701 + 1072 = 3773):

 GENESIS 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73

    2701 + 1072 = 3773

 Observe the following mirrored perfection:

    37 = The 12th Prime and 12^2 = 144

    73 = The 21st Prime and 21^2 = 441

To my utter shock and amazement, I discovered that the sum of the PRIME NUMBERS indexed to the Genesis 1:1 word values also points back to the PRIME FACTORS of Genesis 1:1 through the very same principle of mirrored reflections. Here are the PRIME NUMBERS indexed to the Standard word values of Genesis 1:1 ...


   913rd Prime = 7127

   203rd Prime = 1237

   86th Prime = 443

   401st Prime = 2749

   395th Prime = 2711

   407th Prime = 2797

   296th Prime = 1949

TOTAL SUM = 2161th PRIME (19013)

 2161 + 1612 = 3773

 2701 + 1072 = 3773

I also found that 2161 happens to be the exact CENTER value between the sum of the MIRRORS of the first 37 integers (1 through 37) and the sum of the MIRRORS of the first 73 integers (1 through 73). This highlights the phenomenon of mirrored reflections yet again, which is built into the mathematics of Genesis 1:1. The sum of the mirror reflections of the first 37 integers = 1279 and the sum of the mirror reflections of the first 73 integers = 3043. Thus, the number 2161 is itself UNIQUELY tied to the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors through the Genesis 1:1 principle of mirror reflections:

 2161 - 882 = MIRRORS of first 37 integers (1279)

 2161 + 882 = MIRRORS of first 73 integers (3043)

We saw how the Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73. The Standard/Ordinal Hebrew values of Genesis 1:1 = 2701 and 298. The Standard Greek value of “Jesus Christ” = 2368 and the Standard Hebrew value of “Jesus Christ” (Yehoshua HaMashiac) = 754. Semiprime numbers are numbers that are the product of two Primes and Tri-Prime numbers are numbers that are the product of three Primes (the Semiprimes can be referenced here: Semiprimes and the Tri-Primes can be referenced here: Tri-Primes). Therefore, we have the following equation I discovered, which I have coined “The Prime Signature Of Jesus Christ”:


 • 2368 + (37th + 73rd Semiprimes) = STANDARD Genesis 1:1 (2701)

 • 754 - (37th + 73rd Tri-Primes) = ORDINAL Genesis 1:1 (298)

We see clearly in this “Prime Signature” how Jesus Christ signs his very name into the mathematics of Genesis 1:1 with the key Prime Factors 37 and 73. We saw earlier how the Standard Greek numerical value of “Jesus Christ” is itself rooted in the number 37. I also found another remarkable link to 37 with the Ordinal/Standard Hebrew numerical values of “Jesus Christ” (115 and 754):

• ORDINAL Hebrew value of “Jesus Christ” = 115 = The 37th number that is the product of two Primes (see here:

• STANDARD Hebrew value of “Jesus Christ” = 754 = The 37th number that is the sum of two distinct squares in two ways (see here:

Notice that the Standard Hebrew value of “Jesus Christ” (754) is linked to 37 through SQUARED values. We saw earlier how the digits in 2368 form a Triangle with a “Vertical Sum” that culminates in 37. Amazingly, when we form a “Vertical Sum” with the SQUARED digits of 754 as its base (49, 25 and 16), we have a Triangle that culminates in 115. What's more, the sum of this Triangle with the “Capstone” removed yields the Ordinal Greek value of “Jesus Christ” (205). I have coined this amazing find “The Vertical Sum Triangle Of Jesus Christ”:




 BASE = 7^2 + 5^2 + 4^2

We saw how Genesis 1:1, the foundational verse of Biblical Numerics, is encoded with the phenomenon of PRIME INDEXING. Moreover, I began this article with my shocking find of a COMPOSITE INDEXING pattern in the Proton/Neutron numbers of the first 37 atomic elements, which yields a total sum of the Standard Greek value of “Jesus Christ” (2368). We will now see how a COMPOSITE INDEXING pattern within the 19 Mononuclidic elements points to the Standard Hebrew value of “Jesus Christ” (754).

There are precisely 19 Mononuclidic elements that have one stable isotope and that are non-radioactive (see here: Mononuclidic Elements). Before we look at the Composite numbers indexed to the 19 Mononuclidic elements, we need to understand the significance of 19. This happens to be the exact CENTER value between 1 and 37:

     19 - 18 = 1

     19 + 18 = 37

The number 19 is also GEOMETRICALLY related to 37:

• Hexagon with 37 counters = Interior with 19 counters

• Hexagram with 37 counters = Inner Hexagon with 19 counters

We see that 19 is itself numerically/geometrically tied to 37. Therefore, it would be logical to apply the COMPOSITE INDEXING pattern to the natural numbers of the 19 Mononuclidic elements, since the COMPOSITE INDEXING pattern of the first 37 atomic elements yields the mathematical signature of “Jesus Christ” (2368) and Genesis 1:1 itself is encoded with a PRIME INDEXING pattern. 

The Standard Hebrew numerical value of “Jesus Christ” = 754. The COMPOSITE ORDER of 754 = 620 and the COMPOSITE NUMBER indexed to 754 = 910. I have termed these three values “The Composite Set Of Jesus Christ”. They represent the EXCLUSIVE identity of 754 as a COMPOSITE NUMBER. Amazingly, the sum of the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the total Proton/Neutron count of each of the 19 Mononuclidic elements yields “The Composite Set Of Jesus Christ” (620 + 754 + 910)! I have coined this find "The Composite Index Code Of The 19 Mononuclidic Elements". 

Here are the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the total nucleon counts of the 19 Mononuclidic/Monoisotopic elements (with Composite numbers in parenthesis):


   1) Beryllium = 9 (16)

   2) Fluorine = 19 (30)

   3) Sodium = 23 (35)

   4) Aluminium = 27 (40)

   5) Phosphorus = 31 (46)

   6) Scandium = 45 (64)

   7) Manganese = 55 (77)

   8) Cobalt = 59 (82)

   9) Arsenic = 75 (102)

   10) Yttrium = 89 (120)

   11) Niobium = 93 (124)

   12) Rhodium = 103 (136)

   13) Iodine = 127 (166)

   14) Caesium = 133 (174)

   15) Praseodymium = 141 (184)

   16) Terbium = 159 (206)

   17) Holmium = 165 (213)

   18) Thulium = 169 (217)

   19) GOLD = 197 (252)

 TOTAL SUM = 620 + 754 + 910



We see yet again how the mathematical signature of Jesus Christ is encoded in the natural numbers found within the “building blocks” of the material world (through the phenomenon of COMPOSITE INDEXING). Keep in mind that 754 is the ONLY Composite number, in the entire infinite family of Composite numbers, that yields a sum of 2284 when it is added to its Composite order and the Composite number indexed to it:

• Sum of COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to 19 Mononuclidic elements = “The Composite Set Of Jesus Christ” (620 + 754 + 910)

754 is the ONLY number that yields a sum of 2284 through its “Composite Set”

Notice that the 19th Mononuclidid element has a total nucleon count of 197. My research has shown that this is a very important number indeed. In fact, I was the first researcher to attach significance to 197 as far as its relationship to 37 by highlighting the fact that it is the sum of all the PRIME NUMBERS up to 37:


2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 13 + 17 + 19 + 23 + 29 + 31 + 37 = 


The Proton/Neutron sum of the 19th Mononuclidic element is actually coded in the ORDINAL Hebrew letter values of "Jesus Christ" through the very SAME coding method I unlocked in the 19 Mononuclidic elements. Namely, the coding method of numbers serving as numerical "pointers" to the natural order of COMPOSITE NUMBERS. I have appropriately coined this find "The Ordinal Composite Index Code Of Jesus Christ". Here are the ORDINAL Hebrew letter values of "Jesus Christ" ... 


 (10 + 5 + 6 + 21 + 16) + (5 + 13 + 21 + 10 + 8) = 115

     37th SEMIPRIME NUMBER = 115

Here are the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the ORDINAL Hebrew letter values of "JESUS CHRIST" ... 


    10 = 18

     5 = 10

     6 = 12

     21 = 33

     16 = 26

     5 = 10

     13 = 22

     21 = 33

     10 = 18

     8 = 15

 TOTAL SUM = 197

PROTON/NEUTRON sum of 19th Mononuclidic element = 197

It is important to understand what is going on here. The mathematical signature of "Jesus Christ" is coded in the very structure of creation itself. The mathematical coding within the 19 Mononuclidic elements point to the EXCLUSIVE identity of 754 as a COMPOSITE NUMBER and the very same coding method applied to the ORDINAL Hebrew letter values of "Jesus Christ" points to the Proton/Neutron sum of the 19th Mononuclidic element. By the end of this article, you will understand that every single human being is coded with the mathematical signature of Jesus Christ. In fact, Judas himself, who betrayed our Lord, was coded with the mathematical signature of Jesus Christ.

The significance of 197 can also be seen in the decimal expansion of Pi. Pi is the ratio between the circumference/diameter of a circle. It yields an infinite sequence of non-cyclic digits (Pi = 3.141 ... to infinity). In my three-part series entitled “The Proof Is In The Pi”, I demonstrate conclusively how Genesis 1:1 and the mathematical signature of Jesus Christ are eternally written into the decimal expansion of Pi. What's more, I demonstrate the significance of 197 in the decimal expansion of Pi. The rule is that the decimal expansion of Pi AFTER THE DECIMAL POINT is where the secrets of Biblical Numerics reside. This is perfectly logical, as the decimal expansion after the decimal point represents the “irrational” side of Pi (whole numbers are known as “rational” numbers while numbers with an infinite decimal expansion are known as “irrational” numbers). With this understanding, I now wish to reveal how the natural numbers of the 19 Mononuclidic elements are united within the unbreakable digits of Pi.

The first time a given sequence appears in the decimal expansion of Pi (after the decimal point) will be known as the “Pi Position”. Incredibly, the “Pi Position” of 19 is the SAME as that of 197 AND that “Pi Position” is precisely 37. The “Pi Positions” can be verified here: Pi Position Calculator

• The FIRST time 19 appears in the decimal expansion of Pi is precisely at the 37th digit (19 is numerically/geometrically related to 37)

• The FIRST time 197 appears in the decimal expansion of Pi is precisely at the 37th digit (197 = The sum of all Primes up to 37)

• There are 19 Mononuclidic/Monoisotopic elements with the 19th having a Proton/Neutron sum of 197

Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73 = 2701 and 2701 + 1072 = 3773. Another link I discovered between 197 and Pi is the following fact: The CLOSEST whole integer that yields the CLOSEST approximation of Pi as a ratio of 3773 is precisely the 197th PRIME NUMBER (1201) ... 

   3773 / 197th PRIME = Pi (3.142)

We saw how the sum of the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the individual Proton/Neutron numbers of the first 37 atomic elements = 2368 and the sum of the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the Proton/Neutron counts of the 19 Mononuclidic elements = The “COMPOSITE SET” of 754 (and ONLY the “Composite Set” of 754). Remarkably, these two values are also eternally united through the value of Pi: A circle with a diameter of 754 units yields a perimeter of 2368 units. In fact, 2368/754 yields an even CLOSER approximation of Pi than the CLOSEST possible approximation of Pi using the first 100 integers (which would be 22/7). Keep in mind that since Pi is an infinite sequence of non-cyclic digits, no two whole numbers can yield an exact value of Pi through division (they can only yield an approximation of Pi) …

The Exponential Constant (or “E”) is another mathematical constant that yields an infinite sequence of non-cyclic digits (hence, it is an “irrational” number like Pi). It is one of the most fundamental constants in mathematics (see here: Exponential Constant). In spite of the fact that both Pi and E yield infinite sequences of non-cyclic digits, they miraculously combine in a mathematical equation to form an exact whole number (see here: Euler's Identity). We will now see how the mathematical signature of Jesus Christ that is encoded in the 19 Mononuclidic elements is also eternally set in the mathematical constant of E.


Similarly to that of Pi, the hidden secrets of Biblical Numerics are found AFTER THE DECIMAL POINT of E, as that is where the “irrational” side of E resides (E = 2.718 ... to infinity). This is akin to the field of Quantum Mechanics, in that the deeper structure of the universe is hidden in the realm of Quantum Mechanics. Likewise, the deeper structure of Biblical Numerics is hidden in the “irrational” side of the fundamental constants of nature. 

The atomic elements are naturally linked to the Exponential Constant through the process of radioactive decay (see here: Radioactive Decay). The Standard Hebrew numerical value of “Jesus Christ” = 754 and the “COMPOSITE SET” of 754 = 620 + 754 + 910 = 2284. The value 754 is the ONLY number, in the entire infinite family of numbers, that yields a “COMPOSITE SET” that sums to 2284. We saw how the sum of the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the 19 Mononuclidic elements = 2284. Thus, we are faced with the following fact: The first appearance of the sequence 2284 in the decimal expansion of E (after the decimal point) begins precisely with the 754th digit! All “E Positions” can be verified here: E Position Calculator

   “E POSITION” OF 2284 = 754

 The significance of this cannot be overstated:

• The “COMPOSITE SET” of 754 (and ONLY that of 754) = 2284

• The “E Position” of 2284 = 754

• The “COMPOSITE INDEX” sum of the 19 Mononuclidic elements = 2284

Do you still persist in your doubt? Well, we are now faced with another mathematical fact: The first time the sequence 754 appears in the decimal expansion of E (after the decimal point) begins precisely with the 1201st digit, which is the 197th PRIME NUMBER!

  “E POSITION” OF 754 = 197th PRIME

 Therefore, we have even further perfection:

• The “E Position” of 754 = The 197th PRIME NUMBER (1201)

• The 19th Mononuclidic element consists of 197 Protons/Neutrons

There are 19 Mononuclidic/Monoisotopic elements. The sum of the first 19 integers (1 through 19) = 190. Therefore, we have yet another link between these 19 distinct elements and the Exponential Constant: The first occurrence of the sequence 190 in the decimal expansion of E (after the decimal point) is precisely at the 197th digit ...


    "E POSITION" OF 190 = 197


In case you're quick to forget, the “COMPOSITE INDEX” sum of the individual Protons/Neutrons in the first 37 atomic elements yields the Standard Greek value of “Jesus Christ” (2368) while the “COMPOSITE INDEX” sum of the Proton/Neutron counts in the 19 Mononuclidic elements yields the “COMPOSITE SET” of 754 (the Standard Hebrew value of “Jesus Christ”). The “Composite Set” of 754 (and ONLY that of 754) = 2284. We are now about to see how the 2368th COMPOSITE NUMBER points directly to “The Composite Set Of Jesus Christ” (2284) through the Biblical phenomenon of mirrored reflections that we established earlier.

We saw how Genesis 1:1, the foundation of Biblical Numerics, is deeply encoded with the mathematical phenomenon of digital reflections. The “COMPOSITE SET” of 754 = 2284 and the 2368th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 2772 (verify here: COMPOSITE NUMBERS). We immediately notice how the 2368th Composite number is a concatenation of two mirrored values (27 and 72), just as the Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 are two mirrored values (Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73). Incredibly, the product of 27 and 72 yields the COMPOSITE ORDER of 2284:

2368th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 2772

       27 × 72 = 1944

1944th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 2284

 (620 + 754 + 910) = 2284

The 197th Composite number = 252. We saw how 19, 37 and 197 are all eternally united in the decimal expansion of Pi (the same value of Pi that can be derived from the ratio of 2368/754). Therefore, we have the following perfection: The sum of the first 252 decimal digits of E (after the decimal point) = 1153 = The exact “Pi Position” of 754. The first 252 decimal digits of E can be found here: E Digits (to verify the sum, simply copy the first 252 digits after the decimal point and paste here: Digital Sum Calculator) …

• The “Pi Position” of 754 = 1153

• The 197th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 252 and the sum of the first 252 decimal digits of E = The “Pi Position” of 754 (1153)

We see how the 197th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 252 and the sum of the first 252 decimal digits of E = 1153 = The "Pi Position" of 754 (note that 197 and 754 are the two key values in the coded mathematics of the 19 Mononuclidic elements). Now observe the following perfection:

    2368 + (252 + 1153) = 3773

If you're familiar with my previous discovery of how the Prime Factorization sum of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers = The Standard Greek value of “Jesus Christ” (2368), then the significance of everything you've read up to now should be obvious. In fact, the 19th Fibonacci number itself is coded with the 19th HEXAGRAM NUMBER through the Genesis 1:1 principle of mirror symmetry. I have coined this amazing discovery in the first 19 Fibonacci numbers "The Fibonacci Prime Factorization Code Of Jesus Christ (2368)". The Fibonacci numbers are a specific family of numbers that are formed by adding every number with the previous number in order to get the next (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 … to infinity). The Fibonacci numbers can be referenced here: Fibonacci Numbers

Here are the PRIME FACTORIZATIONS of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers:


   1) 1 = 1

   2) 1 = 1

   3) 2 = 2

   4) 3 = 3

   5) 5 = 5

   6) 8 = 2 × 2 × 2

   7) 13 = 13

   8) 21 = 3 × 7

   9) 34 = 2 × 17

   10) 55 = 5 × 11

   11) 89 = 89

   12) 144 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3

   13) 233 = 233

   14) 377 = 13 × 29

   15) 610 = 2 × 5 × 61

   16) 987 = 3 × 7 × 47

   17) 1597 = 1597

   18) 2584 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 17 × 19

   19) 4181 = 37 × 113



 19th Fibonacci number = 4181

 4181 + 1814 = The precise Triangle that accommodates the 19th HEXAGRAM

Notice how this all ties the Standard Hebrew/Greek numerical values of “Jesus Christ” together:

• The “COMPOSITE INDEX” sum of the first 37 atomic elements = 2368

• The "COMPOSITE INDEX” sum of the 19 Mononuclidic elements = The “COMPOSITE SET” of 754 (and ONLY the “Composite Set” of 754)

• The PRIME FACTORIZATION sum of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers = 2368

The number 19 is numerically/geometrically related to 37. Therefore, we have the following flawless perfection: Every 19th Fibonacci number, and ONLY every 19th Fibonacci number, is a perfect multiple of 37 (to infinity) …

• Every 19th Fibonacci number (and ONLY every 19th Fibonacci number) is a perfect multiple of 37

• The PRIME FACTORIZATION sum of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers = 2368

I have uncovered even further confirmation of this Fibonacci code in the Cyclops numbers. Cyclops numbers are numbers that have a zero at their very center (thereby separating two sets of digits). Unbelievably, the 754th Positive integer that is a Cyclops number is 19037 (notice how the central zero separates 19 and 37). I repeat, the 754th Positive number that is a Cyclops number is 19037 (verify here: Cyclops Numbers). There is more, which can be seen in what I have appropriately coined "The Cyclops Code Of Jesus Christ":


 754th CYCLOPS NUMBER = 19037

Every 19th FIBONACCI NUMBER = Perfect multiple of 37

PRIME FACTORIZATION SUM of first 19 Fibonacci numbers = 2368



     2368 - 205 = 2163

 2163rd PRIME NUMBER = 19037 (verify here: Prime Numbers)

The Lord inspired me to implement the Fibonacci sequence to that of the digits making up the most fundamental integer of Biblical Numerics and the very mathematical foundation of Genesis 1:1 (3 and 7). The Fibonacci sequence is formed through summing each number with the previous number to get the next number in the series. This leads to what I have coined "The Genonacci Series". The Fibonacci series essentially begins with 0 and 1 (where 1 begins the first positive term in the series). Likewise, the Genonacci series will begin with 3 and 7 (where 7 will begin the first term in the series). This yields the shocking result where the 19th term in the series is the Cyclops reversal of 19037 (37019). Thus, we have the following perfection, which ties Genesis 1:1 and the numerical signature of Jesus Christ to the 37/19 pattern (the blue values are PRIME NUMBERS):


   1) 7

   2) 10

   3) 17

   4) 27

   5) 44

   6) 71

   7) 115

   8) 186

   9) 301

   10) 487

   11) 788

   12) 1275

   13) 2063

   14) 3338

   15) 5401

   16) 8739

   17) 14140

   18) 22879

   19) 37019

 19th GENONACCI NUMBER = 37019

PRIME FACTORIZATION SUM of first 19 Fibonacci numbers = Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368

Every 19th Fibonacci number, and ONLY every 19th Fibonacci number, is a multiple of 37

   754th CYCLOPS NUMBER = 19037

 Standard Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 754

    754 + 37019 = 37773



 7 + 17 + 71 + 487 + 2063 + 37019 = 1072 × 37

 Digital sum of GENONACCI PRIMES:

 (7) + (1 + 7) + (7 + 1) + (4 + 8 + 7) + (2 + 0 + 6 + 3) + (3 + 7 + 0 + 1 + 9) = 73

    GENESIS 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73

       2701 + 1072 = 3773

We see how the 19th Genonacci number (derived from a Fibonacci pattern of 3/7) is tied to the Standard Hebrew value of Jesus Christ while the first 19 Fibonacci numbers are coded with the Standard Greek value of Jesus Christ. I showed how the Standard Hebrew value of Jesus Christ (754) unites with the 19th Genonacci number to produce the amazing value of 37773 (754 + 37019 = 37773), which is coded with the Prime signature of Genesis 1:1. I looked deeper into this value and found that it is also coded with the Ordinal/Standard Hebrew values of Jesus Christ (115 and 754). I present to you: "The Genonacci Code Of 37773"


The Genonacci series is derived from a 3/7 Fibonacci pattern

 The 19th Genonacci number = 37019

     37 × 19 = T37


    754 + 37019 = 37773


 37773 = CONCATENATION of 377 and 773

 (377 / 10) + (773 / 10) = 115

   377 + 377 = 754

I have shown how the first 19 Fibonacci numbers, which are eternally tied to 37, yields the hidden Prime identity of Jesus Christ. Using the same logic of PRIME NUMBERS, I did a further analysis on the first 19 Fibonacci numbers by adding up the members that have a PRIME Fibonacci index order. Incredibly, I found that it points right back to Genesis 1:1 through the Genesis 1:1 feature of mirror reflections (the Prime positions are in bold):


     1) 1

     2) 1

     3) 2

     4) 3

     5) 5

     6) 8

     7) 13

     8) 21

     9) 34

     10) 55

     11) 89

     12) 144

     13) 233

     14) 377

     15) 610

     16) 987

     17) 1597

     18) 2584

     19) 4181


 (1 + 2 + 5 + 13 + 89 + 233 + 1597 + 4181) = 6121

   6121 + 1216 = 7337

   GENESIS 1:1 = 37 × 73

Observe that the DIGITAL ROOT SUM of these Prime positioned Fibonacci numbers yields 37 while their total DIGITAL SUM yields 73:


 1 = 1

 2 = 2

 5 = 5

 13 = 1 + 3 = 4

 89 = 8 + 9 = 17 and 1 + 7 = 8

 233 = 2 + 3 + 3 = 8

 1597 = 1 + 5 + 9 + 7 = 22 and 2 + 2 = 4

 4181 = 4 + 1 + 8 + 1 = 14 and 1 + 4 = 5

 (1 + 2 + 5 + 4 + 8 + 8 + 4 + 5) = 37


 1 = 1

 2 = 2

 5 = 5

 13 = 1 + 3 = 4

 89 = 8 + 9 = 17

 233 = 2 + 3 + 3 = 8

 1597 = 1 + 5 + 9 + 7 = 22

 4181 = 4 + 1 + 8 + 1 = 14

 (1 + 2 + 5 + 4 + 17 + 8 + 22 + 14) = 73

Triangular numbers are a specific family of numbers that form perfect Triangles. The Standard numerical value of Genesis 1:1 (2701) happens to be the 73rd Triangular number (see here: Triangular Numbers). We have seen how "The Fibonacci Prime Code Of 19" yields 6121, which points right back to the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors. This now leads to my discovery of "The Genesis 1:1 Fibonacci Code Of 19", which is found through the mirror reflection of 6121 (1216) and ties the first 19 Fibonacci numbers to the geometry of Genesis 1:1 as a Triangle (Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73 = The 73rd Triangle). There is only ONE way to represent 1216 as a nontrivial Trapezium, such that it accommodates a specific Triangle. I repeat, there is only ONE way to represent 1216 counters as a geometric Plinth. Amazingly, this EXCLUSIVE Trapezoid of 1216 counters consists of precisely 19 rows. We should like to know what Triangle is ultimately formed by uniting this EXCLUSIVE Trapezoid with its accommodated Triangle. Please allow me to inform you that it is precisely the Genesis 1:1 Triangle that is formed (T73):


Sum of Fibonacci numbers (within first 19) with a PRIME INDEX = 6121

   6121 + 1216 = 7337

 Genesis 1:1 = 73 × 37 = T73

 Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73 = T73

The ONLY way to represent the mirror of 6121 (1216) as a Trapezium is with precisely 19 rows of counters

This Trapezium can only form ONE Triangle

The total Triangle that is formed is precisely the Genesis 1:1 Triangle (T73)

We saw how Genesis 1:1 is coded with the phenomenon of mirrored reflections. We find the phenomenon of mirror reflections throughout the natural world. In fact, we even find it at the subatomic level (every particle has a corresponding antiparticle). Thus, we are faced with a truly amazing fact: The Fibonacci code of 19 is eternally set with a mirror code that is signed with the mathematical signature of “Jesus Christ”. The Standard Greek value of “Jesus” = 888 and the Standard Greek value of “Christ” = 1480 … 

• Sum of Prime Factorizations of first 19 Fibonacci numbers = 888 + 1480

19 × 91 = Sum of MIRRORS of 888 and 1480 (888 + 0841)

   “JESUS” = 888

   “CHRIST” = 1480

(888 + 0841) = 19 × 91

The 19 Mononuclidic elements are also tied to the Standard Hebrew mathematical signature of Jesus Christ through a perfect mirror reflection. The sum of COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the 19 Mononuclidic elements = The “COMPOSITE SET” of 754 (620 + 754 + 910), which is UNIQUE to 754. The 19th Mononuclidic element = Proton/Neutron sum of 197 and sum of all PRIME NUMBERS up to 37 = 197. Therefore, we have the following perfection:


       754 + 37 = 791

The ORDINAL Hebrew numerical value of “Jesus Christ” = 115. We are now faced with the following mathematical fact: The number of partitions of 19 into FIBONACCI PARTS = 115 (see here: Fibonacci Partitions). What's more, 19 is the ONLY number, in the entire infinite family of numbers, that yields 115 Fibonacci partitions:

• Every 19th Fibonacci number (and ONLY every 19th Fibonacci number) is a perfect multiple of 37

• The PRIME FACTORIZATION sum of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers = 2368 (Standard Greek value of “Jesus Christ” = 2368)

• The number of partitions of 19 into FIBONACCI PARTS = 115 (19 is the ONLY number with 115 Fibonacci partitions and 115 = Ordinal Hebrew value of “Jesus Christ” = The 37th number that is the product of two PRIMES)

Incredibly, the Ordinal Hebrew value of “Jesus Christ” (115) is tied to the first 19 Fibonacci numbers in another way: If we subtract the HIGHEST value from each of the Prime Factorizations, the remaining sum = 115

   1) 1 = 1

   2) 1 = 1

   3) 2 = 2

   4) 3 = 3

   5) 5 = 5

   6) 8 = 2 × 2 × 2

   7) 13 = 13

   8) 21 = 3 × 7

   9) 34 = 2 × 17

   10) 55 = 5 × 11

   11) 89 = 89

   12) 144 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3

   13) 233 = 233

   14) 377 = 13 × 29

   15) 610 = 2 × 5 × 61

   16) 987 = 3 × 7 × 47

   17) 1597 = 1597

   18) 2584 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 17 × 19

   19) 4181 = 37 × 113



The Ordinal Hebrew numerical value of "Jesus Christ" (115) also points to the number 19 through the mathematics of a CIRCLE. How? Very simple. The ratio between 115 and the 19th square (19 × 19) = Pi. In fact, the CLOSEST whole integer that yields the best approximation of Pi, as a ratio of 115, is the 19th square. I have appropriately coined this find "The Ordinal Circle Of Jesus Christ":


 DIAMETER = 115 units

CIRCUMFERENCE = 19 × 19 units

The Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 (the foundational verse of Biblical Numerics) = 37 × 73. We just saw how the Ordinal Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" ("Yehoshua HaMashiac") = 115 and yields a CIRCLE that gives a circumference of the 19th SQUARE. This now leads to my discovery of what I call "The Square Code Of 19": The 37th term in the series formed by 19*(n^2) points to 37073 through a perfect reflection ... 


 19 × (1^2) = 19

 19 × (2^2) = 76

 19 × (3^2) = 171

 19 × (4^2) = 304

 19 × (5^2) = 475

 19 × (6^2) = 684

 19 × (7^2) = 931

 19 × (8^2) = 1216

 19 × (9^2) = 1539

 19 × (10^2) = 1900

 19 × (11^2) = 2299

 19 × (12^2) = 2736

 19 × (13^2) = 3211

 19 × (14^2) = 3724

 19 × (15^2) = 4275

 19 × (16^2) = 4864

 19 × (17^2) = 5491

 19 × (18^2) = 6156

 19 × (19^2) = 6859

 19 × (20^2) = 7600

 19 × (21^2) = 8379

 19 × (22^2) = 9196

 19 × (23^2) = 10051

 19 × (24^2) = 10944

 19 × (25^2) = 11875

 19 × (26^2) = 12844

 19 × (27^2) = 13851

 19 × (28^2) = 14896

 19 × (29^2) = 15979

 19 × (30^2) = 17100

 19 × (31^2) = 18259

 19 × (32^2) = 19456

 19 × (33^2) = 20691

 19 × (34^2) = 21964

 19 × (35^2) = 23275

 19 × (36^2) = 24624

 19 × (37^2) = 26011

 26011 + 11062 = 37073

GENESIS 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73

 2701 + 1072 = 3773

We see clearly how the first 19 Fibonacci numbers are coded with the mathematical signature of Jesus Christ. We know that the Fibonacci numbers are deeply related to the GOLDEN RATIO (or "Phi"). In fact, Phi yields an infinite sequence of non-cyclic digits and the ratio between every two successive Fibonacci numbers approximates closer and closer to Phi (this remarkable pattern persists for infinity in the Fibonacci number series). I have discovered another major link between the mathematical signature of "Jesus Christ" and the Fibonacci numbers through the value of Phi, which, as mentioned, is infinitely connected to the Fibonacci numbers. I have coined this major find "The Phi/Prime Code Of Jesus Christ", as it yields the value of Phi through PRIME NUMBERS and through the Standard/Ordinal Hebrew values of "Jesus Christ":

    STANDARD Hebrew "Jesus" = 391 and STANDARD Hebrew "Christ" = 363 (391 + 363 = 754)

    ORDINAL Hebrew "Jesus" = 58 and ORDINAL Hebrew "Christ" = 57 (58 + 57 = 115)

The 754th PRIME NUMBER = 5737 and the 115th PRIME NUMBER = 631. Therefore, we have the following amazing result, which yields Phi in both cases ...


 (363/391) / .5737 = Phi (1.618)

    (58/57) / .631 = Phi (1.62)

It is simply a fact that the 19 mononuclidic elements and the first 19 Fibonacci numbers are signed with the mathematical signature of Jesus Christ. Do you want more proof? Well, you definitely came to the right place. For the sum of the UNIQUE NUMBERS that make up the Prime Factorizations of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers = The “COMPOSITE SET” of 754 (2284)! Here are the UNIQUE NUMBERS that make up the Prime Factorizations of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers ...


   1) 1 = 1

   2) 1 = 1

   3) 2 = 2

   4) 3 = 3

   5) 5 = 5

   6) 8 = 2 × 2 × 2

   7) 13 = 13

   8) 21 = 3 × 7

   9) 34 = 2 × 17

   10) 55 = 5 × 11

   11) 89 = 89

   12) 144 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3

   13) 233 = 233

   14) 377 = 13 × 29

   15) 610 = 2 × 5 × 61

   16) 987 = 3 × 7 × 47

   17) 1597 = 1597

   18) 2584 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 17 × 19

   19) 4181 = 37 × 113


1 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 13 + 7 + 17 + 11 + 89 + 233 + 

29 + 61 + 47 + 1597 + 19 + 37 + 113 =

   620 + 754 + 910

Keep in mind that 754 is the ONLY number that yields a “Composite Set” of 2284. This can even be called the COMPOSITE IDENTITY of 754, as that is precisely what it is. So we see that the Prime Factorization sum of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers = 2368 and the sum of the UNIQUE Prime Factorizations = The exact “Composite Set” of 754. The very same “Composite Set” that is derived from the 19 mononuclidic elements (through a “COMPOSITE INDEXING” sum).

There is more: The sum of the Fibonacci numbers (out of the first 19) that each yield a Prime Factorization sum that is itself a FIBONACCI NUMBER = The COMPOSITE ORDER of 2284! The blue values here return a Prime Factorization sum that is itself a Fibonacci number …

   1) 1 = 1

   2) 1 = 1

   3) 2 = 2

   4) 3 = 3

   5) 5 = 5

   6) 8 = 2 × 2 × 2

   7) 13 = 13

   8) 21 = 3 × 7

   9) 34 = 2 × 17

   10) 55 = 5 × 11

   11) 89 = 89

   12) 144 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3

   13) 233 = 233

   14) 377 = 13 × 29

   15) 610 = 2 × 5 × 61

   16) 987 = 3 × 7 × 47

   17) 1597 = 1597

   18) 2584 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 17 × 19

   19) 4181 = 37 × 113


The 1944th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 2284

 2284 = (620 + 754 + 910)

Recall also how the 2368th COMPOSITE NUMBER (2772) = The concatenation of two mirrored values (27 and 72) and the product of those two mirrored values (27 × 72) = The COMPOSITE ORDER of 2284. This is yet another example of how the first 19 Fibonacci numbers are tied to the 19 Mononuclidic elements through the supreme mathematics of Jesus Christ:

• The PRIME FACTORIZATION sum of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers = 2368

• The 2368th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 2772 and 27 × 72 = The COMPOSITE ORDER of 2284

We saw how every 19th Fibonacci number, and ONLY every 19th Fibonacci number, is a perfect multiple of 37. Amazingly, the sum of 37 and 19 (37 + 19) = 56 and the sum of the first 56 COMPOSITE NUMBERS = 2368.

Here are the first 56 COMPOSITE NUMBERS (56 = 37 + 19):

   1) 4

   2) 6

   3) 8

   4) 9

   5) 10

   6) 12

   7) 14

   8) 15

   9) 16

   10) 18

   11) 20

   12) 21

   13) 22

   14) 24

   15) 25

   16) 26

   17) 27

   18) 28

   19) 30

   20) 32

   21) 33

   22) 34

   23) 35

   24) 36

   25) 38

   26) 39

   27) 40

   28) 42

   29) 44

   30) 45

   31) 46

   32) 48

   33) 49

   34) 50

   35) 51

   36) 52

   37) 54

   38) 55

   39) 56

   40) 57

   41) 58

   42) 60

   43) 62

   44) 63

   45) 64

   46) 65

   47) 66

   48) 68

   49) 69

   50) 70

   51) 72

   52) 74

   53) 75

   54) 76

   55) 77

   56) 78

TOTAL SUM = 2368

The PRODUCT of 37 and 19 (37 × 19) = The sum of the first 37 integers (1 through 37):

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 + 19 + 20 + 21 + 22 + 22 + 24 + 25 + 26 + 27 + 28 + 29 + 30 + 31 + 32 + 33 + 34 + 34 + 36 + 37 =

          37 × 19

I showed how the sum of the first 56 COMPOSITE NUMBERS (56 = 37 + 19) yields the Standard Greek value of "Jesus Christ" (2368). This now leads to my discovery of what I call "The Fibonacci Product Code Of Jesus Christ (754)", which yields the Standard Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (754). The 56th number that is the product of two Fibonacci numbers is precisely 754 (see here:


   1) 1 = 1 × 1

   2) 2 = 1 × 2

   3) 3 = 1 × 3

   4) 4 = 2 × 2

   5) 5 = 1 × 5

   6) 6 = 2 × 3

   7) 8 = 1 × 8

   8) 9 = 3 × 3

   9) 10 = 2 × 5

   10) 13 = 1 × 13

   11) 15 = 3 × 5

   12) 16 = 2 × 8

   13) 21 = 1 × 21

   14) 24 = 3 × 8

   15) 25 = 5 × 5

   16) 26 = 2 × 13

   17) 34 = 1 × 34

   18) 39 = 3 × 13

   19) 40 = 5 × 8

   20) 42 = 2 × 21

   21) 55 = 1 × 55

   22) 63 = 3 × 21

   23) 64 = 8 × 8

   24) 65 = 5 × 13

   25) 68 = 2 × 34

   26) 89 = 1 × 89

   27) 102 = 3 × 34

   28) 104 = 8 × 13

   29) 105 = 5 × 21

   30) 110 = 2 × 55

   31) 144 = 1 × 144

   32) 165 = 3 × 55

   33) 168 = 8 × 21

   34) 169 = 13 × 13

   35) 170 = 5 × 34

   36) 178 = 2 × 89

   37) 233 = 1 × 233

   38) 267 = 3 × 89

   39) 272 = 8 × 34

   40) 273 = 13 × 21

   41) 275 = 5 × 55

   42) 288 = 2 × 144

   43) 377 = 1 × 377

   44) 432 = 3 × 144

   45) 440 = 8 × 55

   46) 441 = 21 × 21

   47) 442 = 13 × 34

   48) 445 = 5 × 89

   49) 466 = 2 × 233

   50) 610 = 1 × 610

   51) 699 = 3 × 233

   52) 712 = 8 × 89

   53) 714 = 21 × 34

   54) 715 = 13 × 55

   55) 720 = 5 × 144

   56) 754 = 1 × 377

 56th number that is the product of two FIBONACCI NUMBERS = STANDARD Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" (754)

     56 = 37 + 19

 37th number that is the product of two PRIME NUMBERS = ORDINAL Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" (115)



 Every 19th FIBONACCI NUMBER = Perfect multiple of 37

I showed how the number 56, which embodies the union of 37/19, points to the numerical signature of Jesus Christ. I will now show how the numbers 37 and 19 actually unite the Standard/Ordinal Hebrew values of Jesus Christ (754 and 115) through a perfect mathematical balance. The 754th Prime number = 5737 and the 115th Prime number = 631. The 37th Triangle (T37) = 703 and the 73rd Triangle (T73) = 2701. Therefore, we have the following indestructible perfection, which I have coined "The Mathematical Balance Of 37/19" (notice closely how 115 actually POINTS to the 115th/754th Primes through the 37/19 pattern):


   115 × (37 + 19) = T37 + 5737

    115 × (37 - 19) = T73 - 631

    754th PRIME NUMBER = 5737

     115th PRIME NUMBER = 631

I showed in "The Cyclops Code Of Jesus Christ" how the 754th Cyclops number (19037) splits the STANDARD/ORDINAL Greek values of "Jesus Christ" (2163rd Prime = 19037 and 2163 = 2368 - 205). This leads to my discovery of "The Zero Cipher Of 754" (keep in mind that PRIME/COMPOSITE NUMBERS are naturally related, with the former being the numerical "building blocks" of the latter):



Sum of first 56 COMPOSITE NUMBERS = 2368


    205th PRIME NUMBER = 1259

     1259 × 56 = 70504


   754th CYCLOPS NUMBER = 19037

       56 = 19 + 37

The converging 19/37 pattern, and its relationship to the canonical values of Jesus Christ, is possibly the most powerful proof for the existence of God. Not only is it found in the foundation of Biblical Numerics (Genesis 1:1), it is found in the fundamental nature of creation and the fundamental order of mathematics itself. Another example of this can be seen in the terminating digits of the PRIME NUMBERS. I did an analysis on the first 56 Prime numbers that terminate in 37. This led to my discovery of "The Terminating Prime Code Of 37". Here are the first 56 Prime numbers that terminate in 37 (verify here: ... 


   1) 37

   2) 137

   3) 337

   4) 937

   5) 1237

   6) 1637

   7) 2137

   8) 2237

   9) 2437

   10) 2837

   11) 3037

   12) 3137

   13) 3637

   14) 4337

   15) 4637

   16) 4937

   17) 5237

   18) 5437

   19) 5737

   20) 6037

   21) 6337

   22) 6637

   23) 6737

   24) 7237

   25) 7537

   26) 7937

   27) 8237

   28) 8537

   29) 8737

   30) 8837

   31) 9137

   32) 9337

   33) 9437

   34) 10037

   35) 10337

   36) 10837

   37) 10937

   38) 11437

   39) 12037

   40) 12437

   41) 12637

   42) 13037

   43) 13337

   44) 13537

   45) 14437

   46) 14537

   47) 14737

   48) 15137

   49) 15737

   50) 15937

   51) 16937

   52) 17137

   53) 17737

   54) 17837

   55) 18637

   56) 19037

 19th PRIME NUMBER terminating in 37 = 754th PRIME NUMBER (5737)


 56th PRIME NUMBER terminating in 37 = 754th CYCLOPS NUMBER (19037)

    754th CYCLOPS NUMBER = 19037

            56 = 19 + 37


    STANDARD Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368

       ORDINAL Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 205

     19037 = 2163rd PRIME NUMBER

          2163 = 2368 - 205

After I uncovered this amazing code in the Primes terminating in 37, I did what any civilized person would do. I proceeded to do an analysis on the Primes terminating in 19, which then led to my discovery of "The Terminating Prime Code Of 19". Unbelievably, the 37th term in this series points to the ORDINAL Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (115). The Primes terminating in 19 can be verified here: ...


   1) 19

   2) 419

   3) 619

   4) 719

   5) 919

   6) 1019

   7) 1319

   8) 1619

   9) 2719

   10) 2819

   11) 3019

   12) 3119

   13) 3319

   14) 3719

   15) 3919

   16) 4019

   17) 4219

   18) 4519

   19) 4919

   20) 5119

   21) 5419

   22) 5519

   23) 6619

   24) 6719

   25) 7019

   26) 7219

   27) 7919

   28) 8219

   29) 8419

   30) 8719

   31) 8819

   32) 9319

   33) 9419

   34) 9619

   35) 9719

   36) 11119

   37) 11519

 37th PRIME NUMBER terminating in 19 = 11519

   ORDINAL Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 115

 37th number that is a product of two PRIME NUMBERS =



The Supreme Mathematician (Jesus Christ) led me to another major discovery, which actually ties the first 19 Fibonacci numbers to the very foundation of Biblical Numerics (Genesis 1:1) even further. The Fibonacci number series naturally entails a process of TWO'S whereby we take any number in the series and add it with the previous number to get the next in line (and on to infinity). Using the same logic of "summing by two's", I was able to crack another numerical code that unites Genesis 1:1 with the first 19 Fibonacci numbers. When we take the digits that make up the Genesis 1:1 word values and sum their order as TWO digit integers, we get the sum of the first 19 PRIME NUMBERS  (568):

 GENESIS 1:1 =

913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 = 

   37 × 73


91 + 32 + 03 + 86 + 40 + 13 + 95 + 40 + 72 + 96 = 

 Sum of first 19 PRIME NUMBERS (568)

PRIME FACTORIZATION SUM of first 19 Fibonacci numbers = 2368 (every 19th Fibonacci number, and ONLY every 19th Fibonacci number, is a perfect multiple of 37)

Given that I was able to crack this coded unity between Genesis 1:1 and the first 19 Fibonacci numbers through a logical method of "summing by two's", which is hinted at in the very nature of the Fibonacci number series, I have decided to coin this mathematical function the "Coded Fibonacci Sum" (recall also how the ratio between every TWO successive Fibonacci numbers approximates closer and closer to the GOLDEN RATIO):

   FIBONACCI SERIES = Take every TWO numbers to form a sum value

   CODED FIBONACCI SUM = Take every TWO digits to form an integer

The TRIANGULAR NUMBERS = The sum of the natural numbers up to n. For example, the 19th TRIANGULAR NUMBER = The sum of the first 19 integers (1 through 19). We are now faced with another astonishing mathematical fact that I was able to uncover: The "Coded Fibonacci Sum" of the first 19 TRIANGULAR NUMBERS = The Standard Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (754) ... 


   1) 1

   2) 3

   3) 6

   4) 10

   5) 15

   6) 21

   7) 28

   8) 36

   9) 45

   10) 55

   11) 66

   12) 78

   13) 91

   14) 105

   15) 120

   16) 136

   17) 153

   18) 171

   19) 190


13 + 61 + 01 + 52 + 12 + 83 + 64 + 55 + 56 + 67 + 89 + 11 + 05 + 12 + 01 + 36 + 15 + 31 + 71 + 19 + 0 =


 37 × 19 = 37th TRIANGULAR NUMBER

 "JESUS CHRIST" (Yehoshua HaMashiac) = 754

I showed how the first 19 Triangles are encoded with the STANDARD Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (754). I will now show how the ORDINAL Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (115) is encoded in the 19th Centered Tetrahedron, which is a 3-dimensional form of the TRIANGLE (the Centered Tetrahedral numbers can be referenced here: Centered Tetrahedral Numbers). The 37th multiple of 115 points directly to the 19th Centered Tetrahedron (115 × 37 = 4255) ...


   1) 1

   2) 5

   3) 15

   4) 35

   5) 69

   6) 121

   7) 195

   8) 295

   9) 425

   10) 589

   11) 791

   12) 1035

   13) 1325

   14) 1665

   15) 2059

   16) 2511

   17) 3025

   18) 3605

   19) 4255

 115 × 37 = 4255

 37th number that is a product of two PRIMES = 




As we can clearly see, the Standard Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (754) is tied to the first 19 TRIANGULAR NUMBERS (through a logical process of two's, which is hinted at in the very nature of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers), the first 19 PRIME NUMBERS (through applying the very same method of "summing by two's" to Genesis 1:1) and the first 19 Fibonacci numbers, which yields a PRIME FACTORIZATION SUM of the Standard Greek value of "Jesus Christ" (2368). Of course, we have also seen how the value 754 is UNIQUELY tied to the 19 Mononuclidic elements.

The ORDINAL Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (Yehoshua HaMashiac) = 115 and the ORDINAL Greek value of "Jesus Christ" = 205. We saw how the Ordinal Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (115) is encoded in the first 19 Fibonacci numbers. Incredibly, I also discovered that when we apply the "Coded Fibonacci Sum" to the Ordinal Hebrew letter values in "Jesus Christ", it points directly to the Ordinal Greek value of "Jesus Christ" ... 



(10 + 5 + 6 + 21 + 16) + (5 + 13 + 21 + 10 + 8) = 115


10 + 56 + 21 + 16 + 51 + 32 + 11 + 08 = 205


Given the fact that the Fibonacci numbers are eternally related to Phi, and the fact that I was able to crack the "Coded Fibonacci Sum" of the first 19 Triangular numbers through the Fibonacci-related logic of "summing by two's", I was led to calculate the "Phi Positions" of the first 19 Triangular numbers (the position in Phi, after the decimal point, where each one first occurs). I found that it ties right back to the Standard Hebrew numerical value of "Jesus Christ" yet again (through PRIME/COMPOSITE values, with Prime/Composite numbers being naturally related). The "Phi Positions" can be found here: Phi Position Calculator


   1) 1 = 2

   2) 3 = 5

   3) 6 = 1

   4) 10 = 231

   5) 15 = 366

   6) 21 = 54

   7) 28 = 51

   8) 36 = 28

   9) 45 = 21

   10) 55 = 768

   11) 66 = 123

   12) 78 = 198

   13) 91 = 42

   14) 105 = 1504

   15) 120 = 1918

   16) 136 = 251

   17) 153 = 451

   18) 171 = 216

   19) 190 = 1037

TOTAL Phi SUM = (620 + 910) + 5737



   754th PRIME NUMBER = 5737

The 19 Mononuclidic elements are coded with the UNIQUE "Composite Set" of 754 through the indexing of COMPOSITE NUMBERS. Remarkably, the sum of the first 19 PRIME NUMBERS = 568 and the ratio between 568 and the UNIQUE "Composite Set" of 115 (351) yields the value of Phi:

     84th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 115

    115th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 152

"COMPOSITE SET" of 115 = (84 + 115 + 152) = 351

 Sum of first 19 PRIME NUMBERS = 568

       568/351 = Phi (1.618)

As we saw at the very start of this article, the sum of the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the individual Proton/Neutron numbers of the first 37 atomic elements (Hydrogen to Rubidium) = The Standard Greek numerical value of “Jesus Christ” (2368). The number 37 is a Hexagram number, which are a specific family of numbers that form perfect Hexagrams. I noticed that when these 37 COMPOSITE NUMBERS are placed in the form of a Hexagram, there is a hidden “IX” symbol at its very center that sums to the product of 37 and 19 (37 × 19 = 703). The significance of this is obvious when you understand the history behind the “IX” symbol (see here: I X Monogram): The ancient Christians used this as a Christian symbol (with the “I” placed over the “X”), as it is the very Greek acronym of Jesus Christ (“I” being the Greek initial in “Jesus” and “X” being the Greek initial in “Christ”). I have coined this geometric representation “The Proton/Neutron Star Of Jesus Christ":


 TOTAL SUM = 2368

IX SYMBOL = 37 × 19 = The sum of the first 37 integers

IX SYMBOL = Ancient Christian symbol/acronym of JESUS CHRIST

Another ancient symbol used by ancient Christians is the CROSS shape. Thus, we can see how “The Proton/Neutron Star” points to the Fibonacci code of 19 (and the 19 Mononuclidic elements) yet again: The sum of the CROSS yields the sum of the first 19 PRIME NUMBERS (568)


CROSS = Sum of first 19 PRIME NUMBERS

HEXAGRAM = COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to Protons/Neutrons in first 37 atomic elements

   HEXAGRAM = 2368

The Lord eventually inspired me to do an analysis on the HEXAGRAM number series itself, which led to my discovery of how the 19th Hexagram UNIQUELY points to the mathematical signature of "Jesus Christ" yet again. The terminating digit cycle of the HEXAGRAM number series yields an infinitely repeating cycle of 13731 (notice that 373 = The concatenation of the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors):


            1 - (3 - 7 - 3) - 1

Observe that when we strip the terminating digit cycle of the HEXAGRAM number series, the 19th Hexagram yields the Ordinal Greek value of "Jesus Christ" (205) ... 


    1) 1

    2) 13

    3) 37

    4) 73

    5) 121

    6) 181

    7) 253

    8) 337

    9) 433

    10) 541

    11) 661

    12) 793

    13) 937

    14) 1093

    15) 1261

    16) 1441

    17) 1633

    18) 1837

    19) 2053


The value 373 itself is a key value in the science of Biblical Numerics. Aside from it being a concatenation of the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors (37 and 73), it is the Standard Greek numerical value of the divine New Testament title "LOGOS" (or "WORD"), which is highlighted in John 1:1. The sum of the first 19 Prime numbers = 568. I am now going to present geometric proof that I have uncovered, which demonstrates conclusively that the Hexagram code of 19 is eternally tied to the Ordinal Greek value of "Jesus Christ" (205) and the key numerical signatures of Jesus Christ. The number 568 can be represented as a geometric Plinth (or Trapezium) in exactly ONE nontrivial way. I repeat, there is only ONE way to represent 568 counters as a geometric Plinth:


 Sum of first 19 PRIME NUMBERS = 568

There is only ONE way to represent 568 counters as a geometric Plinth, such that it accommodates a specific Triangle

Every Trapezium naturally produces a specific Triangle. Before we look at the significance of the Triangle that is formed by this EXCLUSIVE Trapezium of 568 (with 568 being the sum of the first 19 PRIME NUMBERS), we will see how it relates to a concatenation code I found in the first 19 COMPOSITE NUMBERS. I call this "The Concatenation Code Of 19", which shows how the concatenated sum of the first 19 COMPOSITE NUMBERS yields the 205th COMPOSITE NUMBER  (261) ...


    1) 4

    2) 6

    3) 8

    4) 9

    5) 1

    6) 12

    7) 14

    8) 15

    9) 16

    10) 18

    11) 2

    12) 21

    13) 2

    14) 24

    15) 25

    16) 26

    17) 27

    18) 28

    19) 3



The sum of the first 19 Prime numbers = 568 and the 19th Triangular number = 190 (see here: Triangular Numbers). Remarkably, when we subtract 190 (T19) from 568, we get the precise Triangle that is accommodated by "The Prime/Composite Plinth Of Jesus Christ" (568 - T19 = T27), which is the ONLY Triangle that is accommodated by a geometric Plinth of 568 counters. What's more, the Triangle that is formed by uniting Plinth 568 with its accommodated Triangle is the ONLY Triangle that accommodates a Hexagon of 631 counters. Why is this utterly astounding? Because the Ordinal Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" = 115 and the 115th PRIME NUMBER = 631 (verify here: Prime Numbers). I have appropriately coined this Triangle "The Prime Triangle Code Of 19":


There is only ONE way to represent 568 counters as a geometric Plinth, such that it accommodates a specific Triangle (568 = Sum of first 19 PRIME NUMBERS)

 T19 = 190 and 568 - 190 = The ONLY Triangle that is accommodated by a Plinth of 568 counters

The Triangle formed by the union of Plinth 568 and its accommodated Triangle is the ONLY Triangle that accommodates a Hexagon of 631 counters

 The 115th PRIME NUMBER = 631


Hexagons/Hexagrams are naturally related (i.e. Hexagrams are natural extensions of Hexagons and every Hexagram accommodates a specific Hexagon). I showed how the Hexagram number series yields an infinite cycle of 373 and how it actually unites the 19th Hexagram number with the Ordinal Greek value of "Jesus Christ" (205). The number 373 forms a geometric "Snowflake" of 373 counters:


GEOMETRIC "SNOWFLAKE" = 373 counters

Divine New Testament title "LOGOS" = 373

Terminating digit cycle of HEXAGRAM NUMBER SERIES yields infinite cycle of 373 and unites the 19th HEXAGRAM NUMBER with the Ordinal Greek value of "JESUS CHRIST" (205)

Unbelievably, the Centered Hexagon of 631 counters is the precise Hexagon that accommodates the geometric "Snowflake" of 373 counters. I repeat, the ONLY Hexagon that accommodates Snowflake 373 is the Hexagon of 631 counters. I have coined this remarkable find "The Hexagonal Logos Code":


The ONLY Hexagon that accommodates Snowflake 373 is a Hexagon of 631 counters

 The 115th PRIME NUMBER = 631


We can now see clearly how the first 19 PRIME NUMBERS, the 19th HEXAGRAM NUMBER, the Ordinal Hebrew/Greek values of "Jesus Christ" (115/205), and the divine value of 373, all come together in what I call "The Triangular/Hexagonal Logos Code":


YELLOW TRIANGLE = The precise Triangle formed by an EXCLUSIVE Plinth of 568 counters (sum of first 19 PRIME NUMBERS = 568)

The ONLY Hexagon accommodated by this Triangle = A Hexagon of 631 counters (115th PRIME NUMBER = 631)

The ONLY geometric "Snowflake" that is accommodated by a Hexagon of 631 counters is Snowflake 373

We saw how the IX symbol is coded within "The Proton/Neutron Star". Another link between the ancient IX symbol/acronym of Jesus Christ and the number 19 can be found in a remarkable discovery I made with the first 19 integers (1 through 19). When we represent the numbers 1 through 19 in the form of the IX symbol, the ONLY number such that all three lines yield the same value is 64 and the ONLY number such that all the numbers on opposing sides of each of the three lines yield the same value is 3 × 7 (hence, these two values are eternally related to the number 19 through the IX symbol). These values are coded with the mathematical signature of "Jesus Christ", which we are about to see. 

Given the fact that the IX symbol is an ancient Christian symbol, and the very Greek initials of "Jesus Christ", I have appropriately coined this find "The Mathematical Monogram Of Jesus Christ". Notice that the numbers are not randomly placed on the Monogram. Rather, if you follow the order of the numbers, you'll notice a specific zig zag pattern that begins at the CENTER (with the number 1) and CULMINATES at the very top (with the number 19):


   Center Line:

19 + 16 + 13 + 1 + 8 + 5 + 2 = 64

 Left Diagonal Line:

17 + 14 + 11 + 1 + 10 + 7 + 4 = 64

 Right Diagonal Line:

18 + 15 + 12 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 3 = 64

Center Line (opposing values):

       13 + 8 = 3 × 7

       16 + 5 = 3 × 7

       19 + 2 = 3 × 7

Left Diagonal Line (opposing values):

       11 + 10 = 3 × 7

       14 + 7 = 3 × 7

       17 + 4 = 3 × 7

Right Diagonal Line (opposing values):

       12 + 9 = 3 × 7

       15 + 6 = 3 × 7

       18 + 3 = 3 × 7

Therefore, we have the following perfection ... 

       LINES = 64


       (64 × 37) = 2368

   "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368

The number of lines in "The Mathematical Monogram Of Jesus Christ" (THREE) and the number of values on each line (SEVEN) are eternally tied to the flawless number 37 :




There are 4 canonical values in authentic Biblical Numerics that form the key mathematical signatures of “Jesus Christ”: The Ordinal Hebrew/Greek values (115/205) and the Standard Hebrew/Greek values (754/2368) …

    ORDINAL Hebrew “Jesus Christ” = 115

    ORDINAL Greek “Jesus Christ” = 205

    STANDARD Hebrew “Jesus Christ” = 754

    STANDARD Greek “Jesus Christ" = 2368

We saw previously how the digits in 2368 forms a Triangle with a “Vertical Sum” of 37. Further, we saw how the squared digits in 754 culminates in 115, which I coined “The Vertical Sum Triangle Of Jesus Christ”, and how 115 is tied to the first 19 Fibonacci numbers. The “COMPOSITE SET” of 115 = 84 + 115 + 152 = 351. That is, the 84th Composite number = 115 and the 115th Composite number = 152. Incredibly, when a “Vertical Sum Triangle” is formed with the “COMPOSITE SET” of 115 at its base (84, 115 and 152), it culminates in 205 + The 205th COMPOSITE NUMBER (205 + 261). This “Capstone” value points directly to the Ordinal Greek value of “Jesus Christ” (205). I have coined this find “The Composite Triangle of 115” (again, every number above the base is the sum of the two numbers beneath it):




If you're not convinced of the significance here, then consider the following fact: The ONLY number, in the entire infinite family of numbers, that forms a “COMPOSITE TRIANGLE” with a culminating sum of 205 + 205th COMPOSITE NUMBER is 115 …

• The “COMPOSITE TRIANGLE” of 115 culminates in a sum of 205 + 205th COMPOSITE NUMBER (205 + 261)

115 is the ONLY number that forms a “COMPOSITE TRIANGLE” that culminates in 205 + 205th COMPOSITE NUMBER (205 + 261)

The significance of this “Composite Triangle” of 115 can be demonstrated even further through the Golden Ratio (or “Phi”). We saw how 115 is tied to the first 19 Fibonacci numbers. It is a well-known fact that the Fibonacci number series is intimately related to the Golden Ratio. Moreover, it is a well-known fact that the Golden Ratio is found throughout the natural world, which even secular scientists grant (see here: Golden Ratio). Thus, we are faced with a mathematical miracle: The culminating value of the “Composite Triangle” = 466 and when we divide 754 by 466, we get the value of the Golden Ratio to an astonishing accuracy …



754/466 = 1.61803

   Phi = 1.61803

Keep in mind that the Golden Ratio (Phi) is an “irrational” number (just like Pi and E). Hence, no two whole numbers can produce the exact value of Phi and can only yield an approximation at best. The odds of two random numbers yielding a ratio of Phi to an accuracy of six digits is 1 in 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 5 (or 1 in 500,000). What's more, I actually discovered that BOTH 754 and 2368 yield the value of Phi through the 205th PRIME/COMPOSITE NUMBERS (1259 and 261), which I have appropriately coined “The Phi/Pi Ratio Of Jesus Christ” …


754/(205 + 205th Composite Number) = Phi (1.61803)

2368/(205 + 205th Prime Number) = Phi (1.62)

Why do I call this mathematical gem “The Phi/Pi Ratio Of Jesus Christ” if it only yields Phi? Very simple: The ratio between the two values being divided (754 and 2368) = Pi AND the ratio between the two values doing the dividing = Pi …

 • 2368 / 754 = Pi (3.14)

 • (205 + 205th Prime Number) / (205 + 205th Composite Number) = Pi (3.142)

We see this represented visually in what I have coined "The Ordinal Prime/Composite Circle Of Jesus Christ":





We will let P signify the PRIME NUMBERS indexed to n and C signify the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to n. Amazingly, the number 205 yields the CLOSEST approximation of Pi out of the entire infinite family of numbers. I repeat, the number 205 yields the CLOSEST possible approximation of Pi through this pattern:

 PROBLEM: (n + P)/(n + C) = Pi




Polygonal numbers form specific Polygonal shapes by connecting the dots or counters of a given Polygon. The nth-gonal Polygon represents the number of sides in a given Polygon. For example, the 19-gonal Polygon yields a Polygon of 19 sides. This now leads to an astounding discovery I made in the geometry of the 19-gonal Polygon. Every Polygonal shape yields a unique number of INTERSECTING POINTS when we draw lines uniting each dot with all the other dots (see here: Intersecting Polygonal Points). Amazingly, the 19th multiple of 205 = The exact number of INTERSECTING POINTS within a 19-gonal Polygon (ORDINAL Greek "Jesus Christ" = 205). I have coined this find "The 19-gonal Code Of Jesus Christ". The number series for the INTERSECTING POINTS of the nth-gonal Polygons can be referenced here:



Total number of INTERSECTING POINTS in a 19-gonal Polygon = 205 × 19


 (9 + 7 + 18 + 15 + 20 + 18) + (22 + 17 + 9 + 18 + 19 + 15 + 18) = 205

 The 19th number that forms a 19-gonal Polygon = 2926 (see here: 19-gonal Numbers)

 2926 = CONCATENATION of the first divisor pair of 754:

          29 × 26 = 754

          58 × 13 = 754

          377 × 2 = 754

          754 × 1 = 754


Notice how the 19th number that forms a 19-gonal Polygon (2926) points right back to the Standard Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (29 × 26 = 754). The 19-gonal Polygon, consisting of 19 sides, is also known as an Enneadecagon. The running sum of the 19-gonal number series forms the sequence of 19-gonal Pyramidal numbers (i.e. the 3-dimensional version of 19-gonal Polygons). This leads to another amazing find I made, which involves 3-dimensional geometry and is directly tied to the geometry of the 19-gonal Polygon. The product of 37 and 19 (37 × 19) = The 37th Triangle and the product of 205 and the 37th Triangle (205 × T37) = The 37th 19-gonal Pyramid. Further, the 37th 19-gonal Pyramid itself = The CONCATENATION of 144 and 115 (with 144 being the ORDINAL Hebrew value of "LORD JESUS CHRIST" and 115 being the ORDINAL Hebrew value of "JESUS CHRIST"). I have coined this geometric perfection "The 19-gonal Pyramid Of Jesus Christ" (the sequence of 19-gonal Pyramids can be referenced here: 19-gonal Pyramidal Numbers):


 PYRAMID = 37th 19-gonal Pyramid


EACH of the 19 STANDING TRIANGULAR FACES = 37 × 19 = T37

 TOTAL SUM of PYRAMID = 205 × T37


   TOTAL SUM of PYRAMID = 144115

 ORDINAL Hebrew "LORD JESUS CHRIST" (Adonai Yehoshua HaMashiac) = 144

 ORDINAL Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" (Yehoshua HaMashiac) = 115

   205 × T37 = CONCATENATION of 144 and 115

       205 × T37 = 144115

 BASE of PYRAMID = 2926 counters

          29 × 26 = 754

 STANDARD Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" (Yehoshua HaMashiac) =



Genesis 1:1, the very opening of the Bible, is the foundational verse of Biblical Numerics. We saw how Genesis 1:1 is mathematically coded with the mirrored Prime Factors of 37 and 73. Remarkably, the numerical value of Genesis 1:1 (2701) also happens to be the 73rd Triangular number, which are a specific family of numbers that form perfect Triangles (the Triangular numbers can be referenced here: Triangular Numbers). Perhaps even more remarkable is the fact that I have now found the coded mathematics of the 19 Mononuclidic elements clearly expressed within the 73rd Triangle. Vernon Jenkins, a pioneer in the field of Biblical Numerics, was the first to do a comprehensive analysis on the coded geometry of Genesis 1:1. We will now see how it ties in with the coded mathematics of the 19 Mononuclidic elements, which is signed with the mathematical signature of Jesus Christ.

We saw how the 19 Mononuclidic elements are tied to the first 19 Fibonacci numbers. We also saw how every 19th Fibonacci number, and ONLY every 19th Fibonacci number, is a perfect multiple of 37 (with 19 itself being numerically/geometrically tied to 37). Observe how the CENTRAL row in the “Genesis 1:1 Triangle” (T73) is the 37th row from the top or bottom while the CENTRAL counter in the 37th row is the 19th counter from the left or right:


   CENTER row = 37th row

CENTER counter of 37th row = 19th counter

We saw how the sum of the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the 19 Mononuclidic elements = The “COMPOSITE SET” of 754, which is UNIQUE to 754 (with 754 being the Standard Hebrew value of “Jesus Christ”). Shockingly, the number of counters from the base of the Genesis 1:1 Triangle to the central counter of the central row is precisely 2017. Why is this shocking? Because the 2017th COMPOSITE NUMBER = The Standard Greek value of “Jesus Christ” (2368)!



2017th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 2368

   “JESUS CHRIST” = 2368

The “COMPOSITE SET” of 754 = (620 + 754 + 910) = 2284. We saw how the COMPOSITE ORDER of 2284 (1944) is eternally set in the first 19 Fibonacci numbers (the same 19 Fibonacci numbers that yield a Prime Factorization sum of 2368). The Genesis 1:1 Triangle is the 73rd Triangular number. Therefore, we are faced with another startling fact: 2017 - 73 = 1944 = The COMPOSITE ORDER of the “COMPOSITE SET” of 754


    GENESIS 1:1 = T73


   2017 - 73 = 1944

1944th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 2284

 (620 + 754 + 910) = 2284

The Ordinal Hebrew numerical of Genesis 1:1 = 298. Remarkably, when we subtract this Ordinal value of Genesis 1:1 from the very CENTER counter of the Genesis 1:1 Triangle (2017), we get precisely the Proton/Neutron sum of the 19 Mononuclidic elements:


 76 + 23 + 41 + 23 + 62 + 29 + 44 = 298


Observe how Genesis 1:1 consists of two semantic divisions:

FIRST DIVISION: “In the beginning God created the heavens

 SECOND DIVISION: “And the earth

We saw how the 1944th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 2284 = The “COMPOSITE SET” of 754 (which is UNIQUE to 754). Incredibly, the value 1944 perfectly divides the Ordinal value of Genesis 1:1 into its two semantic divisions:

FIRST DIVISION: (76 + 23 + 41 + 23 + 62) = 225

 SECOND DIVISION: (29 + 44) = 73

ORDINAL GENESIS 1:1 = 225 + 73

Therefore, we have the following perfection, which ties the 19 Mononuclidic elements to the mathematics/geometry of Genesis 1:1 even further:

• 1944 - 225 = Proton/Neutron sum of 19 Mononuclidic elements

• 1944 + 73 = The CENTER counter of the Genesis 1:1 Triangle = The COMPOSITE ORDER of 2368

I showed earlier how the Standard Hebrew/Greek values of “Jesus Christ” (754 and 2368) point directly to the Standard/Ordinal values of Genesis 1:1 through a discovery I call “The PRIME SIGNATURE Of Jesus Christ”. Thus, we even see the COMPOSITE ORDER of 2368 represented geometrically within the very CENTER of the Genesis 1:1 Triangle. What's more, the number 2017 is even coded in the very word values that make up Genesis 1:1. The number 2017 is a Prime number and it is THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE PRIME NUMBER that can be formed with the Standard Genesis 1:1 word values (keep in mind that Prime/Composite numbers are naturally related):

   GENESIS 1:1

913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 =

       37 × 73


 913 + 401 + 407 + 296 = 2017

2017th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 2368

Genesis 1:1 = The 73rd Triangular number. There are 19 Mononuclidic elements and every 19th Fibonacci number (and ONLY every 19th Fibonacci number) is a perfect multiple of 37. Moreover, the sum of 37 and 19 = 56 and the sum of the first 56 COMPOSITE NUMBERS = The Standard Greek value of “Jesus Christ” (2368). We are therefore faced with even more geometric perfection: The Genesis 1:1 Triangle is the ONLY Triangle, in the entire infinite family of Triangular numbers, that perfectly accommodates a Triangle of 37 × 19 counters (where all three points perfectly touch the edges), which is seen as an INVERTED Triangle ...


INVERTED Triangle = 37 × 19 counters

T73 = The ONLY Triangle that accommodates a Triangle of 37 × 19 counters

Notice also that a Triangle of 37 × 19 counters is the 37th Triangular number (and Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73):


       37 × 19 = T37

The sum of the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the 19 Mononuclidic elements yields the “COMPOSITE SET” of 754 (and ONLY the “Composite Set” of 754). Thus, we are now faced with an indestructible fact: The number of remaining counters in the Genesis 1:1 Triangle with its accommodated Triangle of 37 × 19 counters removed = The 37th multiple of the 37th COMPOSITE NUMBER (54 × 37 = 1998)


T73 = The ONLY Triangle that accommodates a Triangle of 37 × 19 counters

The number of counters remaining in T73 with its accommodated Triangle of 37 × 19 counters REMOVED (2701 - 703) = The 37th multiple of the 37th COMPOSITE NUMBER (1998)

Do you want further proof that this is pointing to the coded mathematics in the 19 Mononuclidic elements? Fair enough. As the old saying goes, ask and you shall receive: The “COMPOSITE INDEX” sum of the 19 Mononuclidic elements = The “COMPOSITE SET” of 754 (and ONLY that of 754) and when we divide 754 by the 37th multiple of the 37th COMPOSITE NUMBER (754/1998), we get an infinitely repeating cycle of 3773 …

754/1998 = .3773773773773773 … to infinity

   GENESIS 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73

       2701 + 1072 = 3773

The 1944th COMPOSITE NUMBER = (620 + 754 + 910) = The “COMPOSITE SET” of “Jesus Christ” (754). Thus, we have even further perfection:

• The 1944th COMPOSITE NUMBER = The “COMPOSITE SET” of  754 (and ONLY that of 754)

• 1998 - 1944 = The 37th COMPOSITE NUMBER

Just in case it escaped your memory, recall that the 2368th COMPOSITE NUMBER = The concatenation of the mirrored values 27 and 72 (2772). The product of these mirrored values (27 × 72) = 1944:

 “JESUS CHRIST” = 2368

2368th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 2772

   27 × 72 = 1944

1944th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 620 + 754 + 910

I showed how the value 1944 perfectly divides the ORDINAL value of Genesis 1:1 into its two semantic divisions. Amazingly, the geometric division we saw in the Genesis 1:1 Triangle (1998 + 703) perfectly divides the STANDARD value of Genesis 1:1 into its two semantic divisions. Here are the two natural divisions of Genesis 1:1 again:

FIRST DIVISION: “In the beginning God created the heavens

 SECOND DIVISION: “And the earth

Here are the STANDARD word values of the two natural divisions:

FIRST DIVISION: (913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395) = 1998

 SECOND DIVISION: (407 + 296) = 703

Therefore, we have even further perfection indeed, which shows that the two semantic divisions of BOTH Standard and Ordinal Genesis 1:1 are tied to the coded mathematics of the 19 Mononuclidic elements:

• First semantic division of Genesis 1:1 = Perfect geometric division of Genesis 1:1 Triangle = The 37th multiple of the 37th COMPOSITE NUMBER (1998)

• Second semantic division of Genesis 1:1 = Perfect geometric division of Genesis 1:1 Triangle = The 19th multiple of 37 = The sum of the first 37 integers (703)

Ancient Christian tradition teaches that God entered into human history by coming "DOWN" to the "EARTH" in the person of Jesus Christ (the most famous personage in all of human history). Ancient Christian tradition also maintains that God is one in "Being" and three in "Person" (commonly referred to as the "Trinity"). The Lord has given me the spiritual insight to see how this is actually represented within the Genesis 1:1 Triangle (through its semantic/geometric division). It follows that not only is Genesis 1:1 the mathematical "template" for Biblical Numerics, it is the "template" for the theological foundation of Biblical Theism. Thus, I have coined this geometric perfection "The Theological Template Of Genesis 1:1" ...


THREE STANDING TRIANGLES = "In the beginning God created the heavens" (representing the "Triune" power of the one God in HEAVEN)

INVERTED TRIANGLE = "And the earth" (representing God coming down to EARTH in the divine person of Jesus Christ)

The coded mathematics behind the natural semantic/geometric division of Genesis 1:1 into 1998 + 703 can even be seen in the cubed digital sum of 1998 and 703. "In the beginning God created the heavens" = 1998 and "And the earth" = 703. Now observe what I call "The Cubed Semantic/Geometric Division Of Genesis 1:1" ... 


 (1^3 + 9^3 + 9^3 + 8^3) = (1 + 9 + 9 + 8) × 73

    (7^3 + 0^3 + 3^3) = (7 + 0 + 3) × 37

   GENESIS 1:1 = 1998 + 703

    GENESIS 1:1 = 37 × 73

The Standard Hebrew value of “Jesus” = 391 and the Standard Hebrew value of “Christ” = 363 (391 + 363 = 754). The Standard Greek value of “Jesus” = 888 and the Standard Greek value of “Christ” = 1480 (888 + 1480 = 2368). I have discovered that the power sums of the digits between the Standard Hebrew/Greek values of “Jesus Christ” are eternally linked, which I have appropriately coined “The Mathematical Powers Of Jesus Christ” … 


[(3^3 + 9^3 + 1^3) + (3^3 + 6^3 + 3^3)] + 754 = (8^2 + 8^2 + 8^2) + (1^2 + 4^2 + 8^2 + 0^2)

With this beautiful equation in mind, and the cubed digital sum pattern we saw in the semantic/geometric division of Genesis 1:1, observe how the cubes of the digits in the Standard Hebrew values of “Jesus” and “Christ” (391 and 363) point directly to the 19th HEXAGON NUMBER (the Hexagon numbers can be referenced here: Centered Hexagonal Numbers):

 (3^3 + 9^3 + 1^3) + (3^3 + 6^3 + 3^3) =

 The 19th HEXAGON NUMBER (1027)

This geometry of the 19th Hexagon number points to 37 yet again, for it is the ONLY Centered Hexagon, in the entire infinite family of Centered Hexagons, with exactly 37 rows: 

• Standard Hebrew value of “JESUS” = 391 and Standard Hebrew value of “CHRIST” = 363

• (3^3 + 9^3 + 1^3) + (3^3 + 6^3 + 3^3) = The 19th Centered Hexagon, which is the ONLY Hexagon with precisely 37 rows

This is not a coincidence, for the number 19 is the ONLY number, in the entire infinite family of numbers, that forms a “MAGIC HEXAGON” (using only an arrangement of successive numbers)! A “Magic Hexagon” is a Hexagonal arrangement of numbers where all of its rows and diagonals yield the same sum value (see here: Magic Hexagon). Again, 19 is the ONLY number that does this with successive numbers (keep in mind that the 19 Mononuclidic elements and the 19 Fibonacci numbers are coded with the mathematical signature of “Jesus Christ”):



3 + 17 + 18 = 19 × 2

19 + 7 + 1 + 11 = 19 × 2

16 + 2 + 5 + 6 + 9 = 19 × 2

12 + 4 + 8 + 14 = 19 × 2

10 + 13 + 15 = 19 × 2


3 + 19 + 16 = 19 × 2

17 + 7 + 2 + 12 = 19 × 2

18 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 10 = 19 × 2

11 + 6 + 8 + 13 = 19 × 2

9 + 14 + 15 = 19 × 2


18 + 11 + 9 = 19 × 2

17 + 1 + 6 + 14 = 19 × 2

3 + 7 + 5 + 8 + 15 = 19 × 2

19 + 2 + 4 + 13 = 19 × 2

16 + 12 + 10 = 19 × 2

The cubed digits in the Standard Hebrew values of "Jesus" (391) and "Christ" (363) = The 19th HEXAGON = The ONLY Hexagon with 37 rows (with 19 being the ONLY number that yields a perfect "MAGIC HEXAGON"). Remarkably, the cubed digits in the Standard Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (754) = The sum of the 19 numbers from 19 to 37:

 SUM OF 19 TO 37:

   1) 19

   2) 20

   3) 21

   4) 22

   5) 23

   6) 24

   7) 25

   8) 26

   9) 27

   10) 28

   11) 29

   12) 30

   13) 31

   14) 32

   15) 33

   16) 34

   17) 35

   18) 36

   19) 37

TOTAL SUM = 7^3 + 5^3 + 4^3

 Therefore, we have the following perfection:

• (3^3 + 9^3 + 1^3) + (3^3 + 6^3 + 3^3) = The 19th HEXAGON = The ONLY Hexagon with 37 rows (and 19 is the ONLY number that yields a perfect "MAGIC HEXAGON")

7^3 + 5^3 + 4^3 = The sum of the 19 numbers from 19 to 37

Every Hexagon naturally fits inside a unique Hexagram and every Hexagram naturally entails a unique Hexagon that is inscribed within it. Hence, there is a unique sequence of HEXAGON/HEXAGRAM pairs. The 19th Hexagon (1027) is perfectly accommodated by a Hexagram of 2053 counters (and ONLY a Hexagram of 2053 counters). So the 19th Hexagon/Hexagram pair is 1027/2053. Now observe the following mathematical perfection and how it ties in yet again to the coded mathematics of the 19 Mononuclidic elements:



(3^3 + 9^3 + 1^3) + (3^3 + 6^3 + 3^3)

   391 + 363 = "JESUS CHRIST" (754)

 BLUE RAYS = 19th multiple of 37th COMPOSITE NUMBER  (54 × 19)

Sum of COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to 19 Mononuclidic elements = "COMPOSITE SET" of 754

The mathematical perfection of Jesus Christ goes even deeper. Pentagonal numbers are numbers that form perfect Pentagons (see here: Pentagonal Numbers). The Pentagon happens to be the most Phi-related possible shape in geometry (see here: GOLDEN PENTAGON). The Fibonacci number series is infinitely tied to Phi (the ratio between every two successive Fibonacci numbers moves closer and closer to Phi). We saw how the Prime Factorization sum of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers = The Standard Greek value of "JESUS CHRIST" (2368). Thus, we are faced with another amazing fact that arises from the cubed digit sum in 754: The sum of the cubed digits in 754 = The 19th Pentagonal number (532) ... 

• The PENTAGON = The most Phi-related possible shape in geometry and Fibonacci numbers are directly related to Phi (Prime Factorization sum of first 19 Fibonacci numbers = 2368 = "JESUS CHRIST")

• Standard Hebrew value of "JESUS CHRIST" = 754 and 7^3 + 5^3 + 4^3 = Sum of 19 numbers from 19 to 37 = The 19th PENTAGONAL NUMBER (every 19th Fibonacci number, and ONLY every 19th Fibonacci number, is a perfect multiple of 37)

   7^3 + 5^3 + 4^3 = The 19th PENTAGON (532)

 We are therefore faced with another mathematical miracle:

   "JESUS" = 391 and "CHRIST" = 363

 (3^3 + 9^3 + 1^3) + (3^3 + 6^3 + 3^3) = The 19th HEXAGON (with 19 being the ONLY number that yields a perfect "MAGIC HEXAGON")

   "JESUS CHRIST" (391 + 363) = 754

 7^3 + 5^3 + 4^3 = The 19th PENTAGON (with the PENTAGON being the most Phi-related possible shape in geometry)

This now leads to my discovery of what I call "The Pentagonal Mirror Code Of Genesis 1:1". The sum of the first 37 Pentagonal numbers points right back to the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors (37 and 73) through a perfect reflection ...


   1) 1

   2) 5

   3) 12

   4) 22

   5) 35

   6) 51

   7) 70

   8) 92

   9) 117

   10) 145

   11) 176

   12) 210

   13) 247

   14) 287

   15) 330

   16) 376

   17) 425

   18) 477

   19) 532 (7^3 + 5^3 + 4^3 = 532)

   20) 590

   21) 651

   22) 715

   23) 782

   24) 852

   25) 925

   26) 1001

   27) 1080

   28) 1162

   29) 1247

   30) 1335

   31) 1426

   32) 1520

   33) 1617

   34) 1717

   35) 1820

   36) 1926

   37) = 2035

 TOTAL SUM = 26011

 26011 + 11062 = 37073

GENESIS 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73

  2701 + 1072 = 3773

As we saw from the Genesis 1:1 Triangle, the center counter (2017) is tied to the coded mathematics of the 19 Mononuclidic elements. It is also tied to the “CENTROID” counter of the Genesis 1:1 Triangle, which is different from the center counter. Starting with the first Triangular number, every third Triangular number has a “CENTROID” counter (T1, T4, T7, T10, T13 … to infinity), by which it forms a specific Hexagram through self-intersection. For example, the 4th Triangular number (T4) forms a Hexagram of 37 counters through self-intersection, which is achieved with an inverted reflection of itself that is then joined at a specific counter. This is what is meant by “CENTROID” counter:

   T4 (Standing Triangle)


   T4 (Inverted Triangle)




Notice that the two reflected Triangles (T4 in this case) join together at a specific counter to form a specific Hexagram. These are known as “Generator Triangles”. Again, not all Triangles have this property. The “Genesis 1:1 Triangle” (T73) is one of these Triangles with this “CENTROID” counter property. Now that we know what a “CENTROID” counter is, we can see yet again how the geometry of the Genesis 1:1 Triangle is tied to the coded mathematics of the 19 Mononucludic elements. For the number of counters from the top of the Genesis 1:1 Triangle to its “CENTROID” counter = The 197th PRIME NUMBER (1201):



19th Mononuclidic element = Proton/Neutron sum of 197

The Hexagram that is formed through the self-intersection of the Genesis 1:1 Triangle (T73) is a Hexagram of 3601 counters. The 37th Triangle (T37) = 703 and the 73rd Triangle (T73). Therefore, we have the following perfection, which highlights the significance of 197 yet again:

• Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73

• (T37 + T73) + 197 = The Hexagram formed through the self-intersection of the Genesis 1:1 Triangle (3601)

We are now faced with an absolutely amazing result. Keeping in mind that it is the “CENTROID” counter that makes the phenomenon of self-intersection of Triangles possible, observe the following flawless perfection:

• (T37 + T73) + 197 = The Hexagram that is formed through the self-intersection of the Genesis 1:1 Triangle


If you recall, I showed how the CLOSEST whole integer that yields the best approximation of Pi, as a ratio of 3773, is the 197th PRIME NUMBER (1201). This now leads me to my discovery of "The Centroid Circle Of Genesis 1:1":




 GENESIS 1:1 = 37 × 73

"CENTROID" COUNTER of Genesis 1:1 Triangle = 197th PRIME NUMBER

 "Pi POSITION" of 197 = 37





We saw how the cubed digit sum of the digits within “Jesus” and “Christ” yields the 19th Centered HEXAGON, which is the ONLY Centered Hexagon with exactly 37 rows. Further, we saw how 19 is the ONLY number that forms a perfect MAGIC HEXAGON (using only an arrangement of successive numbers). Thus, we are mathematically warranted in placing the 19 Mononuclidic elements in the form of a Hexagon. When we place the order of the 19 Mononuclidic numbers in the form of a Hexagon (the Proton/Neutron sums of each element), we find a perfect Hexagonal symmetry that sums to the 197th PRIME NUMBER (1201), which ties right back to the flawless geometry of the Genesis 1:1 Triangle. What's more, when we place the first 19 Centered Hexagonal numbers in the SAME Hexagonal form, it yields a perfect Hexagonal symmetry that points to the exact value of Genesis 1:1 (2701), which just happens to be the 37th Regular Hexagonal number. 

There are two basic forms of Hexagonal numbers: Centered Hexagonal numbers and Regular Hexagonal numbers (the Centered Hexagonal numbers can be referenced here: Centered Hexagonal Numbers and the Regular Hexagonal numbers can be referenced here: Regular Hexagonal Numbers). Therefore, we have the following geometric perfection, which I have coined "The Genesis 1:1 Hexagon Of The 19 Mononuclidic Elements" (note that the top values in each of the 19 squares are the first 19 Centered Hexagonal numbers while the bottom values in each of the 19 squares are the 19 Mononuclidic elements):


TOP values = The first 19 Centered HEXAGONAL numbers and BOTTOM values = The 19 Mononuclidic/Monoisotopic elements

RED HEXAGONAL SYMMETRY = The 197th PRIME NUMBER = The "CENTROID" counter in the Genesis 1:1 Triangle (Proton/Neutron sum of 19th Mononuclidic element = 197)



GENESIS 1:1 = 2701 = The 37th Regular HEXAGONAL number


We saw how the first 19 integers (1 through 19) forms the only possible MAGIC HEXAGON. This now leads to my discovery of how the 37th Centered Hexagon (3997), and the 19th Hexagram (2053), forms a geometric template for the coded mathematics of the 19 Mononuclidic Elements. Every Hexagram fits perfectly within a specific Centered Hexagon (such that all its points touch the edges of the Hexagon). The precise Hexagram that is accommodated by the 37th Centered Hexagon is the 19th Hexagram. Amazingly, when we subtract the 19th Hexagram from the 37th Centered Hexagon, the remaining counter sum = 1944, which is the COMPOSITE ORDER of 2284. I trust you understand by now that 2284 is the unique COMPOSITE IDENTITY of 754 and the sum of the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the 19 Mononuclidic Elements. I have appropriately coined this "The Hexagon/Hexagram Template Of The 19 Mononuclidic Elements":


 37th Centered Hexagon (3997 counters) = ONLY Hexagon that accommodates 19th Hexagram (2053 counters)

     3997 - 2053 = 1944

 1944th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 2284

Sum of COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to 19 Mononuclidic Elements = 2284


   620th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 754

   754th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 910

     2284 = 620 + 754 + 910

 Standard Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 754

I will now demonstrate how the 19/37 code unites the numerical signature of Jesus Christ with the 37th Centered Hexagon and the first 19 Prime numbers. I showed how the 37th Centered Hexagon is coded with the mathematics of the 19 Mononuclidic Elements. The central title of Jesus Christ in the New Testament is "Lord Jesus Christ". Through my research into the natural geometry of the 37th Centered Hexagon, I was able to uncover the remarkable fact that this Hexagon accommodates T55, which sections off three Trapeziums of 819 counters (where 819 = The Standard Hebrew value of "Lord Jesus Christ"). Therefore, I present to you: "The Hexagon Of Lord Jesus Christ (37)"


The 37th Centered Hexagon accommodates T55

This sections off three equal Trapeziums of 819 counters

Standard Hebrew "LORD JESUS CHRIST" (Adonai Yehoshua HaMashiac) = 819

    65 + 391 + 363 = 819

The accurate Hebrew spelling of "Lord Jesus Christ" (Adonai Yehoshua HaMashiac) yields the value 819. As we have seen in this article, I have demonstrated a massive body of converging evidence that shows the numerical signature of Jesus Christ is tied to the number 19 and to the natural order of Prime numbers. This led me to place the order of the first 19 Prime numbers in the form of a Centered Hexagon and apply the very same geometric method that I used to uncover the Standard Hebrew value of "Lord Jesus Christ" in the 37th Centered Hexagon (namely, by sectioning off its accommodated Triangle). Incredibly, this reveals the Ordinal Greek value of "Lord Jesus Christ" (294). What's more, the "Truncated" semantic division of the very same alphanumeric identities yields the sum of the first 19 Prime numbers. I present to you: "The Prime Hexagon Of Lord Jesus Christ (19)"


The accommodated Triangle of the 37th Centered Hexagon sections off three equal Trapeziums of 819 counters

Standard Hebrew "LORD JESUS CHRIST" = 819

The sum value of the accommodated Triangle within the Centered Hexagon of the first 19 Primes = 294

Ordinal Greek "LORD JESUS CHRIST" = 294


Standard Hebrew "LORD JESUS CHRIST" = 819

  Standard Hebrew "CHRIST" = 363

Ordinal Greek "LORD JESUS CHRIST" = 294

 Ordinal Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 205

 205 + 363 = Sum of first 19 Prime numbers

   (2 + 0 + 5) + (3 + 6 + 3) = 19

The sum of the values making up the HEXAGON within the Triangle of 294 = 197:

 11 + 13 + 23 + 29 + 31 + 43 + 47 = 197

Proton/Neutron sum of 19th Mononuclidic Element = 197

We have seen how the natural numbers in the 19 Mononuclidic Elements are coded with the numerical signature of Jesus Christ. I did an analysis on the 754th Triangle and found that it is the precise Triangle that accommodates the 252nd Hexagon. Therefore, I now present to you: "The Triangle Of The 19 Mononuclidic Elements (T754)"


 Standard Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 754

The 754th Triangle = The precise Triangle that accommodates the 252nd Hexagon

Proton/Neutron sum of 19th Mononuclidic Element = 197

   197th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 252

Sum of COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to 19 Mononuclidic numbers = The "COMPOSITE SET" of 754


What is the message behind this alphanumeric code? We have seen how an amazing 19/37 code is found in Genesis 1:1, in the fundamental structure of creation and even the fundamental order of mathematics. All of these discoveries I made take me back to when I first recognized the significance of the value 197 and its relationship to 37 (sum of all PRIMES up to 37 = 197). Another hint of the amazing mathematics connected to 197 that I always kept in the back of my head is the fact that it is precisely the Standard Hebrew numerical value of a prophetic title of JESUS CHRIST, which is found in Isaiah 7:14. Namely, the divine title “IMMANUEL” (translated as “GOD WITH US”). Ultimately, this is what the 19/37 code is pointing to: THE INCARNATION (the Biblical doctrine that God entered into human history, through the woman, in the divine person of Jesus Christ) ...

 EVE = The first WOMAN in the Bible

    "EVE" = (8 + 6 + 5) = 19

God entered into human history through the WOMAN


 “IMMANUEL” = (70 + 40 + 50 + 6 + 1 + 30) = 



The 19 Mononuclidic elements are coded with the mathematical signature of Jesus Christ. The numerical signature of his name is the very foundation for why the natural numbers in the 19 Mononuclidic elements (and the natural numbers in the first 37 atomic elements) are what they are. The 19th Mononuclidic element is GOLD. In the first coming of Jesus Christ, he was adorned with a crown of thorns. In his second coming, he will be adorned with a crown of GOLD. Any organism that does not acknowledge Jesus Christ as God (whether on land, in the sky or in the sea), mark them down for eternal shame.

 Battalion Of Christ,

   Leo Tavares

Copyright 2025, All rights reserved, Leo Tavares