By Leo Tavares
The most famous personage in all of recorded history is Jesus of Nazareth. An ancient tradition in Christianity affirms the Deity of Jesus Christ and that he is ultimately the very source of life. I will present powerful evidence that I have uncovered, through the natural numbers found within the universal genetic code of life, that Jesus Christ is the author/giver of life (thereby validating Theism AND the ancient tradition that Jesus Christ is GOD). This presentation will be guided on the principles of visual symmetry and self-coherence (i.e. the principle of self-referencing corroboration/authentication).
If DNA were the product of design, is it likely that the Proton/Neutron counts that are found in its construction would have just been arbitrarily chosen (with no overall mathematical meaning or signal)? On the other hand, if there actually were a mathematical message encoded within the Proton/Neutron counts of the universal genetic code, then it would substantiate the ancient tradition that life was indeed the product of intelligence. I have coined the term "Bio-Gematria" for this field of study, which unites the genetic code of life with the numerical signature of Jesus Christ. This numerical signature is derived from Biblical Gematria (the ancient system of assigning numerical values to the letters in the Biblical Hebrew/Greek alphabets).
The genetic instructions for all living organisms is encoded in DNA. The building blocks of all living cells are proteins and the building blocks of proteins are amino acids (thus, the amino acids represent the very foundational building blocks of life). There are 20 universal amino acids of life that directly code for genes (see here: Amino Acids). The number of Protons/Neutrons in a given amino acid represents its "nucleon number". Here are the nucleon numbers of the 20 universal amino acids in ascending order (with number of Protons and number of Neutrons for each amino acid):
P = Protons and N = Neutrons
Glycine (P = 40 and N = 35) = 75
Alanine (P = 48 and N = 41) = 89
Serine (P = 56 and N = 49) = 105
Proline (P = 62 and N = 53) = 115
Valine (P = 64 and N = 53) = 117
Threonine (P = 64 and N = 55) = 119
Cysteine (P = 64 and N = 57) = 121
Isoleucine (P = 72 and N = 59) = 131
Leucine (P = 72 and N = 59) = 131
Asparagine (P = 70 and N = 62) = 132
Aspartic Acid (P = 70 and N = 63) = 133
Glutamine (P = 78 and N = 68) = 146
Lysine (P = 80 and N = 66) = 146
Glutamic Acid (P = 78 and N = 69) = 147
Methionine (P = 80 and N = 69) = 149
Histidine (P = 82 and N = 73) = 155
Phenylalanine (P = 88 and N = 77) = 165
Arginine (P = 94 and N = 80) = 174
Tyrosine (P = 96 and N = 85) = 181
Tryptophan (P = 108 and N = 96) = 204
Secular scientists have shown how the 20 universal amino acids of life can be placed on a 4 × 5 table and arranged ACCORDING TO THEIR CHEMICAL PROPERTIES (see Miloje M. Rakocevic's peer-reviewed paper entitled "A Harmonic Structure Of The Genetic Code"). They have even shown how this natural arrangement actually yields symmetric configurations. During my research of this natural representation of the universal amino acids, I discovered an overwhelming body of evidence that shows how this 4 × 5 table is not only encoded with the mirrored values 37/73, it is encoded with the very mathematical signature of Jesus Christ. One of the first things I found was the fact that the Proton/Neutron counts of the amino acids yield a perfect symmetric division, which centers around the constant of 73:
• The Proton/Neutron sum of the ODD columns = 1258 and the Proton/Neutron sum of the EVEN columns = 1477
• The Proton/Neutron sum of the two INNER columns = 1331 and the Proton/Neutron sum of the two OUTER columns = 1404
Thus, we have the following:
• ODD columns + 73 = INNER columns (1258 + 73 = 1331)
• EVEN columns - 73 = OUTER columns (1477 - 73 = 1404)
Here are the amino acid numbers of the 20 universal amino acids on the 4 × 5 amino acid table (keep in mind that they are arranged according to their chemical properties):
Notice the symmetric division (based on the number 73):
ODD columns = 1258
EVEN columns = 1477
INNER columns = 1258 + 73
OUTER columns = 1477 - 73
It is a well known fact that one of the key factors in intelligence tests is the ability to recognize patterns (REAL patterns, not imagined patterns). Now observe the following PALINDROMIC SYMMETRY I noticed between the 5 rows in the 4 × 5 amino acid table:
• Proton/Neutron sum of 1st row EQUALS Proton/Neutron sum of 5th row (485)
• Proton/Neutron sum of 2nd row EQUALS Proton/Neutron sum of 4th row (585)
• Proton/Neutron sum of the CENTRAL row = The Palindromic number 595 (Palindromic numbers yield the same value when read left to right or right to left)
1st row: (133 + 132 + 89 + 131) = 485
2nd row: (174 + 175 + 115 + 131) = 585
3rd row: (146 + 181 + 119 + 149) = 595
4th row: (155 + 204 + 105 + 121) = 585
5th row: (147 + 146 + 75 + 117) = 485
Notice also that EACH of the 5 rows yield a Proton/Neutron sum that terminates in the number 5 (the odds of 5 random numbers all terminating on the same digit is 1 in 100,000).
If we concatenate the sum values of the first two rows with the CENTRAL row, we get a perfect multiple of 37. Likewise, if we concatenate the CENTRAL row with the sum values of the last two rows, we get a perfect multiple of 37. Observe:
• 485,585,595 = A perfect multiple of 37
• 595,585,485 = A perfect multiple of 37
Incredibly, the CENTRAL row itself (595) = The concatenation of the exact CENTRAL value between the 37th Hexagon/Hexagram pair (3997 and 7993), which are THEMSELVES mirrored values. Observe:
• 5995 - (T73 - T37) = 37th Hexagon = 3997
• 5995 + (T73 - T37) = 37th Hexagram = 7993
Keep in mind that the phenomenon of mirrored reflections, which represents perfect symmetry, is found throughout the natural world itself. So this is a feature we would actually EXPECT the Creator to utilize and we see it clearly within the mathematical order of the universal genetic code.
Please note that two very important number series in this study are the Prime numbers and the Composite numbers. In fact, these are essentially the most important families of numbers in mathematics itself, as Prime numbers are the very "building blocks" of mathematics and the Composite numbers are naturally related to Prime numbers. Every Composite number can be factorized into Prime numbers in exactly one way. The Prime numbers can be referenced here: PRIME NUMBERS and the Composite numbers can be referenced here: COMPOSITE NUMBERS
The 20 universal amino acids of life naturally divide into SIDE-CHAIN nucleons and STANDARD BLOCK nucleons. The SIDE-CHAIN Proton/Neutron sum = 1256 and the STANDARD BLOCK Proton/Neutron sum = 1479. Hence, we have the following symmetric link to 37 through a CHEQUERED CONFIGURATION of the 4 × 5 amino acid table:
• Proton/Neutron sum of ODD cells = 1330 and 1330 - 37 = 1256 + 37
• Proton/Neutron sum of EVEN cells = 1405 and 1405 + 37 = 1479 - 37
ODD cells = 1330 (1330 - 37 = 1256 + 37)
EVEN cells = 1405 (1405 + 37 = 1479 - 37)
It should also be noted that 37 and 73 are the first and ONLY mirrored Primes, out of the first 100,000 that have been checked, whose PRIME ORDERS are perfect mirrors as well (12 and 21). In fact, we have the following symmetry:
• 37 = The 12th Prime and 12^2 = 144
• 73 = The 21st Prime and 21^2 = 441
Notice also that the product of 37 and 73 (37 × 73) = The sum of the first 73 integers. Furthermore, 37 × 73 = 2701 and 2701 + 1072 = 3773 (2701 is the first and ONLY Composite number, out of the first 10,000 that have been checked, that yields its PRIME FACTORS when it is added to its mirror reflection).
2701 = 37 × 73
2701 + 1072 = 3773
Triangular numbers are specific numbers that form perfect Triangles (the Triangular numbers can be referenced here: Triangular Numbers). The 73rd number with this property is 2701 ...
Biblical Hebrew, which reads from right to left, is an ALPHANUMERIC language. The Hebrew Gematria of the very FIRST verse in the Bible (Genesis 1:1), which ultimately introduces the creation account of the biological world, is 2701 (or 37 × 73). In fact, the ONLY way to represent 2701 as a product of two numbers (besides 2701 × 1) is 37 × 73.
GENESIS 1:1 = 37 × 73
Beginning with the first Triangular number, every 3rd Triangular number has a "CENTROID COUNTER" (T1, T4, T7, T10, T13 ... to infinity). Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = T73 and the CENTROID COUNTER in T73 (counting from the top of the Triangle on down to its centroid counter) = The 197th PRIME (1201). Why is this significant? Because 197 = The sum of all PRIMES up to 37 = The difference between the Proton/Neutron sum in the universal amino acids (1466 - 1269)! ...
• Total PROTONS/NEUTRONS = 1466 + 1269
• 1466 - 1269 = 197
Sum of all PRIMES up to 37 = 197
We saw how the difference between the number of Protons/Neutrons in the universal amino acids (1466 - 1269) = 197. Hydrogen is the FIRST atomic element in nature. Incredibly, I found that the number of Hydrogen atoms in the universal amino acids is exactly 197. What's more, those Hydrogen atoms are divided between the SIDE-CHAIN/STANDARD BLOCK division of the amino acids as 117 + 80 and the difference between them = (117 - 80) = 37:
• Hydrogen atoms = 197 = Sum of all PRIMES up to 37
• SIDE-CHAIN/STANDARD BLOCK Hydrogen atoms = 117 + 80 and 117 - 80 = 37
Here are the numbers of Hydrogen atoms, the FIRST atomic element in nature, within each of the 20 universal amino acids (in ascending order):
Glycine = 5
Alanine = 7
Aspartic Acid = 7
Cysteine = 7
Serine = 7
Asparagine = 8
Glutamic Acid = 9
Histidine = 9
Proline = 9
Threonine = 9
Glutamine = 10
Methionine = 11
Phenylalanine = 11
Tyrosine = 11
Valine = 11
Tryptophan = 12
Isoleucine = 13
Leucine = 13
Arginine = 14
Lysine = 14
The Old Testament of the Bible was revealed in Hebrew and the New Testament of the Bible was revealed in Greek. Both Hebrew and Greek are ALPHANUMERIC LANGUAGES (meaning that every Hebrew/Greek word can also be read as a number). This is not some new invention. It is an ancient system that is a part of both the Biblical Hebrew and Greek alphabets. Just as each of the universal amino acids can be translated into a number (by simply counting the number of Protons/Neutrons in that amino acid), every word in Hebrew and Greek can be translated into a number (by simply adding up the numerical values of the letters in that Hebrew or Greek word).
There are two primary means of assigning numerical values to the letters of the Hebrew/Greek alphabets: The STANDARD letter values and the ORDINAL letter values. Here are the STANDARD numerical values for the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet (in alphabetic order) ...
Here are the ORDINAL numerical values for the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet (in alphabetic order) ...
The ORDINAL numerical value of Genesis 1:1 = 298. Thus, we have the following perfection:
• ORDINAL Genesis 1:1 (298) = CENTRAL value between 1 and 595 (298 - 297 = 1 and 298 + 297 = 595)
• Proton/Neutron sum of CENTRAL row in the 4 × 5 amino acid table = 595 and (5 + 9 + 5) = 19 = CENTRAL value between 1 and 37 (19 - 18 = 1 and 19 + 18 = 37)
• 595 × 298 = T595 = The sum of the first 595 integers
The ORDINAL numerical value of Genesis 1:1 (298) also points to the Proton/Neutron sum of the universal amino acids (1466 and 1269) through the following (note the perfect MIRROR REFLECTIONS of 298 and 892):
• 1466 + 298 = The difference between the sum of the MIRRORS of the first 37 integers (1279) and the sum of the MIRRORS of the first 73 integers (3043)
• 1269 + 892 = The exact MIDPOINT between the sum of the MIRRORS of the first 37 integers and the sum of the MIRRORS of the first 73 integers (2161)
Notice how 2161 + 1612 = 3773 and that the MIDPOINT between 1279 and 3043 can be represented through the following symmetric balance:
2161 - [(3 × 7)^2 + (7 × 3)^2] = 1279
2161 + [(3 × 7)^2 + (7 × 3)^2] = 3043
The Standard Hebrew mathematical signature of "JESUS CHRIST" = 754 and the Standard Greek mathematical signature of "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368. Before we look at how the Hebrew/Greek mathematical signatures of Jesus Christ are literally written in the genetic code of every living thing on earth, we need to understand the significance of the values 197 and 712. These two values are eternally related to the Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 (37 × 73):
• The sum of all Primes up to 37 (2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 13 + 17 + 19 + 23 + 29 + 31 + 37) = 197
• The sum of all Primes up to 73 (2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 13 + 17 + 19 + 23 + 29 + 31 + 37 + 41 + 43 + 47 + 53 + 59 + 61 + 67 + 71 + 73) = 712
Thus, we have the following perfection:
• 754 + (712) = The number of PROTONS in the universal amino acids (1466)
• 754 + (712 - 197) = The number of NEUTRONS in the universal amino acids (1269)
Incredibly, I found that the division of the PROTON sum into 754 and 712 is even represented SYMMETRICALLY on the 4 × 5 amino acid table! Observe:
• PROTON sum of EVEN cells = 754
• PROTON sum of ODD cells = 712
Here are the PROTON numbers in the 4 × 5 amino acid table:
EVEN cells = 754
ODD cells = 712
And that's not all:
• PROTON sum of EVEN cells = 754 and the total PROTON/NEUTRON sum of the EVEN cells = 1405
• 2368 + 1405 = 3773
133 - 132 - 89 - 131
174 - 165 - 115 - 131
146 - 181 - 119 - 149
155 - 204 - 105 - 121
147 - 146 - 75 - 117
EVEN cells = 1405
2368 + 1405 = 3773
Notice also that the average number of PROTONS in the universal amino acids (1466/20) = 73.
We saw that 754 + 712 = 1466 = The total number of Protons and that this is even represented SYMMETRICALLY on the amino acid table. The sum of the first 37 Composite numbers = 1103. As a further testament to the mathematical precision of God, observe how the sum of the first 37 Composite numbers actually divides the difference between 712 and 1466 perfectly between the Standard Hebrew of "Jesus" and the Standard Hebrew of "Christ":
1103 - 391 = 712
1103 + 363 = 1466
(391 = JESUS and 363 = CHRIST)
The Standard Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (391 + 363) = 754. The 37th multiple of the 37th Composite number (54 × 37) = 1998. Observe that when we divide 754 by 1998, we have an infinitely repeating cycle of 3773:
754/1998 = .3773773773773773 ... to infinity
(Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73 = 2701 and 2701 + 1072 = 3773)
The value 754 yields the total Proton sum through the sum of all Primes up to 73 (712). Hence, it is only fair and just that we have the following:
• 2368 + 73rd Prime = The total PROTON/NEUTRON sum of all the universal amino acids (1466 + 1269)
• When we convert each of the 20 universal amino acids to Mod 37 and add up their values, we get precisely the 73rd Prime
Here are each of the 20 universal amino acids converted to Mod 37 (with conversions in parentheses):
Glycine = 75 (1)
Alanine = 89 (15)
Serine = 105 (31)
Proline = 115 (4)
Valine = 117 (6)
Threonine = 119 (8)
Cysteine = 121 (10)
Isoleucine = 131 (20)
Leucine = 131 (20)
Asparagine = 132 (21)
Aspartic Acid = 133 (22)
Glutamine = 146 (35)
Lysine = 146 (35)
Glutamic Acid = 147 (36)
Methionine = 149 (1)
Histidine = 155 (7)
Phenylalanine = 165 (17)
Arginine = 174 (26)
Tyrosine = 181 (33)
Tryptophan = 204 (19)
The Mod Conversion values can be verified here: Mod Conversion Calculator
Observe the following perfection:
• 2368 + 73rd PRIME = The total sum of the universal amino acids (sum of universal amino acids, with each converted to Mod 37, yields the 73rd PRIME)
• 754 - 73 = The sum of the universal amino acids that are PRIME (89 + 131 + 131 + 149 + 181)
The Ordinal Greek value of "Jesus Christ" (205) also points directly to the 73rd PRIME through the sum of its COMPOSITE LETTER VALUES. Here are the Ordinal Greek letter values in "Jesus Christ" (with the PRIME values in bold):
(9 + 7 + 18 + 15 + 20 + 18) + (22 + 17 + 9 + 18 + 19 + 15 + 18) = 205
The sum of the COMPOSITE LETTER VALUES is as follows:
(9 + 18 + 15 + 20 + 18) + (22 + 9 + 18 + 15 + 18) = 162
Observe how this points directly to the 73rd PRIME:
(205 + 162) = The 73rd PRIME
The 205th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 261. Therefore, we have even further perfection:
205 + 205th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 73rd PRIME NUMBER + 73rd COMPOSITE NUMBER (367 + 99)
We know that there are 20 universal amino acids of life. Now notice the following (note that 754 = STANDARD Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" and 115 = ORDINAL Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ"):
• The sum of the 20 universal amino acids, with each converted to Mod 37, yields the 73rd PRIME (and 2368 + 73rd PRIME = Proton/Neutron sum of the 20 universal amino acids)
• The sum of the first 20 PRIME NUMBERS = 754 - 115 and the sum of the first 20 COMPOSITE NUMBERS (Prime/Composite numbers being natural opposites) = The 73rd PRIME
We also see the division of the universal amino acid sum into 2368 and the 73rd Prime represented SYMMETRICALLY: The two columns on the LEFT = A Proton/Neutron sum of 1583 and the two columns on the RIGHT = A Proton/Neutron sum of 1152 (this visually divides the 4 × 5 amino acid table in half). Thus, we have the following perfection ...
• (1583 + 73) + 712 = 2368
• (1152 - 73) - 712 = The 73rd Prime
133 - 132 | 89 - 131
174 - 165 | 115 - 131
146 - 181 | 119 - 149
155 - 204 | 105 - 121
147 - 146 | 75 - 117
LEFT columns = 1583
RIGHT columns = 1152
(1583 + 73) + 712 = 2368
(1152 - 73) - 712 = The 73rd Prime
The value 2368 is also deeply connected to Standard Genesis 1:1 through the value 73:
• Genesis 1:1 = The sum of the first 73 integers
• The HIGHEST PRIME word value combination in Genesis 1:1 = 2017 = The COMPOSITE ORDER of 2368 (Prime/Composite numbers being natural opposites)
• 2368 × 73 = The TOTAL SUM of all the possible word value combinations of Genesis 1:1
Proline is known as the "oddball" among the 20 universal amino acids. In fact, it stands out as the ONLY amino acid with a STANDARD BLOCK Proton/Neutron sum of 73 (it is 37 × 2 for each of the other 19 amino acids). Hence, it is only fair and just that the total Proton/Neutron sum of Proline (115) = The ORDINAL Hebrew value of "JESUS CHRIST". Further, notice how the very position of Proline on the 4 × 5 amino acid table points to the constant 73. That is, it is the 7th amino acid on the table (counting from left to right) and falls on the 3rd row (counting from left to right). Thus, 7 and 3.
The value 115 is also UNIQUELY linked to 73 through the Digital Sum of the universal amino acid numbers:
75 (7 + 5 = 12)
89 (8 + 9 = 17)
105 (1 + 0 + 5 = 6)
115 (1 + 1 + 5 = 7)
117 (1 + 1 + 7 = 9)
119 (1 + 1 + 9 = 11)
121 (1 + 2 + 1 = 4)
131 (1 + 3 + 1 = 5)
131 (1 + 3 + 1 = 5)
132 (1 + 3 + 2 = 6)
133 (1 + 3 + 3 = 7)
146 (1 + 4 + 6 = 11)
146 (1 + 4 + 6 = 11)
147 (1 + 4 + 7 = 12)
149 (1 + 4 + 9 = 14)
155 (1 + 5 + 5 = 11)
165 (1 + 6 + 5 = 12)
174 (1 + 7 + 4 = 12)
181 (1 + 8 + 1 = 10)
204 (2 + 0 + 4 = 6)
DIGITAL SUM = 115 + 73
Genesis 1:1 is mathematically rooted in the number 37 (Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73). This leads to the following amazing discovery I made, which ties the universal genetic code with that of the first 37 atomic elements of nature:
• Proton/Neutron sum of universal amino acids = 1466 + 1269
• (1466 + 1269) + 37 = The 2368th COMPOSITE NUMBER
• The total combined sum of all the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the individual numbers of PROTONS/NEUTRONS in each of the first 37 atomic elements (Hydrogen to Rubidium) = EXACTLY 2368
There are 1532 Protons/Neutrons in the first 37 atomic elements (703 Protons and 829 Neutrons). Here are the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the individual numbers of Protons/Neutrons in each of the first 37 atomic elements (with COMPOSITE NUMBERS in parentheses):
P = Protons and N = Neutrons
Hydrogen: P = 1 (4) and N = 0 (0)
Helium: P = 2 (6) and N = 2 (6)
Lithium: P = 3 (8) and N = 4 (9)
Beryllium: P = 4 (9) and N = 5 ( 10)
Boron: P = 5 (10) and N = 6 (12)
Carbon: P = 6 (12) and N = 6 ( 12)
Nitrogen: P = 7 (14) and N = 7 (14)
Oxygen: P = 8 (15) and N = 8 (15)
Fluorine: P = 9 (16) and N = 10 (18)
Neon: P = 10 (18) and N = 10 (18)
Sodium: P = 11 (20) and N = 12 (21)
Magnesium: P = 12 (21) and N = 12 (21)
Aluminium: P = 13 (22) and N = 14 (24)
Silicon: P = 14 (24) and N = 14 (24)
Phosphorus: P = 15 (25) and N = 16 (26)
Sulfur: P = 16 (26) and N = 16 (26)
Chlorine: P = 17 (27) and N = 18 (28)
Argon: P = 18 (28) and N = 22 (34)
Potassium: P = 19 (30) and N = 20 (32)
Calcium: P = 20 (32) and N = 20 (32)
Scandium: P = 21 (33) and N = 24 (36)
Titanium: P = 22 (34) and N = 26 (39)
Vanadium: P = 23 (35) and N = 28 (42)
Chromium: P = 24 (36) and N = 28 (42)
Manganese: P = 25 (38) and N = 30 (45)
Iron: P = 26 (39) and N = 30 (45)
Cobalt: P = 27 (40) and N = 32 (48)
Nickel: P = 28 (42) and N = 31 (46)
Copper: P = 29 (44) and N = 35 (51)
Zinc: P = 30 (45) and N = 35 (51)
Gallium: P = 31 (46) and N = 39 (56)
Germanium: P = 32 (48) and N = 41 (58)
Arsenic: P = 33 (49) and N = 42 (60)
Selenium: P = 34 (50) and N = 45 (64)
Bromine: P = 35 (51) and N = 45 (64)
Krypton: P = 36 (52) and N = 48 (68)
Rubidium: P = 37 (54) and N = 48 (68)
TOTAL SUM = 2368
Think about what we have just seen here. The sum of the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the Proton/Neutron sums in each of the first 37 atomic elements = 2368. In other words, the Proton/Neutron numbers of the first 37 elements are actual "pointers" to the natural order of COMPOSITE NUMBERS. Further, the Proton/Neutron sum of the universal amino acids = 1466 + 1269 and (1466 + 1269) + 37 = The 2368th COMPOSITE NUMBER. This is clearly a product of design.
The value 2368 is also related to the number of atoms in the universal amino acids through the following fact: The ONLY way to represent 2368 as a sum of two squares is 8^2 + 48^2 and the product of 8 and 48 (8 × 48) = The number of atoms in the universal amino acids (384). Moreover, I also found that the number of atoms in the SIDE-CHAINS of the universal amino acids = The ORDINAL Greek value of "JESUS CHRIST" (205).
Here are the numbers of atoms in the SIDE-CHAINS of the 20 universal amino acids (with atomic counts in ascending order):
Glycine = 1
Threonine = 4
Cysteine = 5
Serine = 5
Aspartic Acid = 7
Alanine = 8
Asparagine = 8
Proline = 9
Glutamic Acid = 10
Valine = 10
Glutamine = 11
Histidine = 11
Methionine = 11
Isoleucine = 13
Leucine = 13
Phenylalanine = 14
Lysine = 15
Tyrosine = 15
Arginine = 17
Tryptophan = 18
We are now faced with yet another astonishing fact: The very 4 × 5 amino acid table we have been looking at perfectly divides the Ordinal Greek values of "JESUS" (87) and "CHRIST" (118) through the Side-Chain atomic sums of the ODD/EVEN columns:
ODD columns = "JESUS" (87)
EVEN columns = "CHRIST" (118)
(87 + 118) = "JESUS CHRIST" (205)
I will now demonstrate even further confirmation of the feature we saw in the first 37 atomic elements, which I have coined "The Proton Code Of 37": The sum of the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the 20 PROTON numbers of the universal amino acids = The 37th multiple of the 37th COMPOSITE NUMBER (54 × 37 = 1998)!
Here are the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the 20 PROTON numbers of the universal amino acids (with COMPOSITE NUMBERS in parenthesis):
Glycine = 40 (57)
Alanine = 48 (68)
Serine = 56 (78)
Proline = 62 (86)
Cysteine = 64 (88)
Threonine = 64 (88)
Valine = 64 (88)
Asparagine = 70 (95)
Aspartic Acid = 70 (95)
Isoleucine = 72 (98)
Leucine = 72 (98)
Glutamic Acid = 78 (106)
Glutamine = 78 (106)
Lysine = 80 (110)
Methionine = 80 (110)
Histidine = 82 (112)
Phenylalanine = 88 (119)
Arginine = 94 (125)
Tyrosine = 96 (128)
Tryptophan = 108 (143)
TOTAL SUM = 1998 = The 37th multiple of the 37th COMPOSITE NUMBER
Therefore, we have the following flawless perfection:
• (1466 + 1269) + 37 = The 2368th COMPOSITE NUMBER
• Total sum of COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to numbers of Protons/Neutrons in each of the first 37 atomic elements = 2368
• Total sum of COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to each of the PROTON numbers of the universal amino acids = The 37th multiple of the 37th COMPOSITE NUMBER
The value 1998 is even represented SYMMETRICALLY on the 4 × 5 amino acid table (1998 = T73 - T37):
133 - 132 - 89 - 131
174 - 165 - 115 - 131
146 - 181 - 119 - 149
155 - 204 - 105 - 121
147 - 146 - 75 - 117
RED cells = T73 - T37 (1998)
133 + 131 + 174 + 165 + 115 + 131 + 181 + 119 + 155 + 204 + 105 + 121 + 147 + 117 = 1998
BLUE cells = Concatenation of 73 and 37 (737)
132 + 89 + 146 + 149 + 146 + 75 = 737
Observe the following:
• The sum of the first 5 COMPOSITE NUMBERS (4 + 6 + 8 + 9 + 10) = 37
• DNA is made up of 5 kinds of atoms (Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Phosphorus) and the sum of their atomic numbers (1 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 15) = 37
Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73 = 2701 and 2701 + 1072 = 3773. Genesis 1:1 introduces the Biblical creation account. Now observe the following mathematical perfection I have uncovered:
• Sum of PRIME NUMBERS indexed to the ORDINAL Genesis 1:1 word values =
(3 × 7 × 7 × 3) + (3 × 7 × 7 × 3) + (3 × 7 × 7 × 3)
• Sum of COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the Proton numbers in the universal amino acids =
(T37 - 37) + (T37 - 37) + (T37 - 37)
The ORDINAL values of the seven Hebrew words in Genesis 1:1 are 76, 23, 41, 23, 62, 29 and 44. Here are the PRIMES indexed to these values:
76th Prime = 383
23rd Prime = 83
41st Prime = 179
23rd Prime = 83
62nd Prime = 293
29th Prime = 109
44th Prime = 193
(3 × 7 × 7 × 3) + (3 × 7 × 7 × 3) + (3 × 7 × 7 × 3)
I even found that this is actually repeated in the natural numbers of the atom, which is the "building block" of the material world: Genesis 1:1 consists of 7 Hebrew words and 28 Hebrew letters. Likewise, the atom consists of 7 electron shells and 28 electron sub-shells (4 in each electron shell). Here are the maximum possible number of electrons in each of the 7 electron shells ...
2 - 8 - 18 - 32 - 50 - 72 - 98
Now observe how the sum of PRIMES indexed to these 7 values yields the very SAME result as the sum of PRIMES indexed to the 7 Ordinal word values of Genesis 1:1 ...
2nd Prime = 3
8th Prime = 19
18th Prime = 61
32nd Prime = 131
50th Prime = 229
72nd Prime = 359
98th Prime = 521
(3 × 7 × 7 × 3) + (3 × 7 × 7 × 3) + (3 × 7 × 7 × 3)
Incredibly, I found that the sum of the Primes indexed to the ORDINAL Genesis 1:1 word values also points to the sum of Primes indexed to the STANDARD Genesis 1:1 word values. The sum of the MIRRORS of the first 37 integers = 1279 and the sum of the MIRRORS of the first 73 integers = 3043. Now observe:
• Sum of PRIMES indexed to ORDINAL Genesis 1:1 word values = 1323 and 1323 + (2701 + 298) = 1279 + 3043
• Sum of PRIMES indexed to STANDARD Genesis 1:1 word values = 2161st PRIME and 2161 = The exact MIDPOINT between 1279 and 3043
I have discovered that the 7 electron numbers, the 7 Ordinal word values of Genesis 1:1, and the 7 Standard word values of Genesis 1:1, are literal "pointers" to the natural order of PRIME NUMBERS, with all of them pointing back to the PRIME FACTORS of Genesis 1:1 itself (37 × 73). The STANDARD values of the seven Hebrew words in Genesis 1:1 are 913, 203, 86, 401, 395, 407 and 296. Here are the PRIMES indexed to these values:
913th Prime = 7127
203rd Prime = 1237
86th Prime = 443
401st Prime = 2749
395th Prime = 2711
407th Prime = 2797
296th Prime = 1949
2161 + 1612 = 3773
We saw that the number of Protons/Neutrons in the first 37 atomic elements = 1532 and how they are coded with the numerical signature of Jesus Christ (2368). I have also uncovered further perfection through the following:
• The 1532nd COMPOSITE NUMBER = 1813 and 1813 + 2368 = The 19th Fibonacci number
• Every 19th Fibonacci number, and ONLY every 19th Fibonacci number, is a perfect multiple of 37
• The sum of the PRIME FACTORIZATIONS of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers = 2368
The Fibonacci number sequence yields the GOLDEN RATIO, which even secular scientists grant is hidden throughout the natural world. The sequence is formed by adding each number with the number before it (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 ... to infinity). Here are the PRIME FACTORIZATIONS of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers (with each broken down to their PRIME FACTORIZATIONS in parentheses):
1) 1 = 1
2) 1 = 1
3) 2 = 2
4) 3 = 3
5) 5 = 5
6) 8 = 2 × 2 × 2
7) 13 = 13
8) 21 = 3 × 7
9) 34 = 2 × 17
10) 55 = 5 × 11
11) 89 = 89
12) 144 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3
13) 233 = 233
14) 377 = 13 × 29
15) 610 = 2 × 5 × 61
16) 987 = 3 × 7 × 47
17) 1597 = 1597
18) 2584 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 17 × 19
19) 4181 = 37 × 113
The Fibonacci series is directly related to the Golden Ratio (or "Phi"). Remarkably, the Standard Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (754) yields the Golden Ratio to an astonishing accuracy when it is divided by the sum of the 73rd PRIME/COMPOSITE NUMBERS (73rd Prime number = 367 and 73rd Composite number = 99):
754/(367 + 99) = Phi (1.61803)
The multiplied digits in 2368 (2 × 3 × 6 × 8) yields the RECIPROCAL of the Golden Ratio to the same shocking accuracy and through the same sum of the 73rd Prime/Composite numbers:
(2 × 3 × 6 × 8)/(367 + 99) = RECIPROCAL of Phi (0.61803)
The fact that the PRIME FACTORIZATIONS of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers points to the mathematical signature of "JESUS CHRIST" also points to his Diety as well: The CENTRAL Hebrew name of the Biblical God is "YAHWEH ELOHIM" and the ORDINAL Hebrew numerical value of "YAHWEH ELOHIM" (26 + 41) = The 19th PRIME
Notice also that 19 is mathematically AND geometrically linked to 37:
• 19 = The exact MIDPOINT between 1 and 37 (19 - 18 = 1 and 19 + 18 = 37)
• A Hexagon of 37 counters has an interior of 19 counters and a Hexagram of 37 counters consists of 19 Hexagonal counters
We saw that every 19th Fibonacci number, and ONLY every 19th Fibonacci number, is a perfect multiple of 37. Incredibly, 37 + 19 = 56 and the sum of the first 56 COMPOSITE NUMBERS = 2368! Moreover, the product of 37 and 19 (37 × 19) = The sum of the first 37 integers! Therefore, we have even further corroboration through the following (the running sum of Composite numbers can be referenced here:
56 = 37 + 19
We saw that the sum of COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to each of the Proton numbers in the universal amino acids = 1998 and 1998 = T73 - T37. Thus, we now have the following gem (note that 1466 = The total Proton sum in the universal amino acids):
• (7^3 + 5^3 + 4^3) = 1998 - 1466
• (7^3 + 5^3 + 4^3) + 1998 = 3^7 + 7^3
• (2^3 + 3^3 + 6^3 + 8^3) + T37 = 1466 and (2^3 + 3^3 + 6^3 + 8^3) + T73 = 1466 + 1998
Notice how the cubes of the digits in the Hebrew/Greek mathematical signatures of Jesus Christ (754 and 2368) yield the values 1466 and 1998 (through T37 and T73).
Observe the following link through the ORDINAL Greek value of "Jesus Christ":
• The ORDINAL Greek value of JESUS CHRIST (87 + 118) = 205
• The number of SIDE-CHAIN ATOMS in the universal amino acids = 205
• The difference between the SIDE-CHAIN Proton sum of amino acids along the PERIMETER of the 4 × 5 amino acid table (446) and the SIDE-CHAIN Proton sum of amino acids in the INNER CORE (241) = 205
Here are the SIDE-CHAIN Proton numbers in the 4 × 5 amino acid table:
(446 - 241) = 205
The ORDINAL Greek mathematical signature of JESUS CHRIST (205) also points to the Proton/Neutron sum of the universal amino acids through the following perfection:
205 + (3^7 + 7^3) = 1466 + 1269
The number of atoms in the SIDE-CHAINS of the universal amino acids = The Ordinal Greek value of "Jesus Christ" (205). Now observe how there is a perfect mathematical balance in the SIDE-CHAINS of the universal amino acids that yields the exact SAME value between the Protons/Neutrons and how it points directly to the Ordinal/Standard Greek values of "Jesus Christ" (205/2368): The sum of the UNIQUE PROTON numbers in the SIDE-CHAINS of the universal amino acids = 205 + (2 × 3 × 6 × 8) AND the sum of the UNIQUE NEUTRON numbers in the SIDE-CHAINS of the universal amino acids = 205 + (2 × 3 × 6 × 8) ...
Glycine = 1
Alanine = 9
Serine = 17
Proline = 24
Cysteine, Threonine and Valine = 25
Asparagine and Aspartic Acid = 31
Isoleucine and Leucine = 33
Glutamic Acid and Glutamine = 39
Lysine and Methionine = 41
Histidine = 43
Phenylalanine = 49
Arginine = 55
Tyrosine = 57
Tryptophan = 69
TOTAL SUM = 205 + (2 × 3 × 6 × 8)
Glycine = 0
Alanine = 6
Serine = 14
Proline and Valine = 18
Threonine = 20
Cysteine = 22
Isoleucine and Leucine = 24
Asparagine = 27
Aspartic Acid = 28
Lysine = 31
Glutamine = 33
Glutamic Acid and Methionine = 34
Histidine = 38
Phenylalanine = 42
Arginine = 45
Tyrosine = 50
Tryptophan = 61
TOTAL SUM = 205 + (2 × 3 × 6 × 8)
The number 37 is the central number in Biblical Numerics and the STANDARD Greek mathematical signature of Jesus Christ (2368) is ITSELF connected to 37:
"JESUS" = 888 = A perfect multiple of 37
"CHRIST" = 1480 = A perfect multiple of 37
(8 + 8 + 8) + (1 + 4 + 8 + 0) = 37
The ORDINAL/STANDARD Hebrew mathematical signatures of Jesus Christ are also connected to 37:
• ORDINAL Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (58 + 57) = 115 = The 37th number that is the product of two Primes (see here:
• STANDARD Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (391 + 363) = 754 = The 37th number that is the sum of two distinct squares in two ways (see here:
It is simply undeniable that the mathematical signature of Jesus Christ is encoded in the genetic code of every living cell (the cell being the fundamental unit of life). Notice also how this mathematical code in DNA consistently ties back to the mathematics of Genesis 1:1, which introduces the Biblical creation account (Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73). The 37th and 73rd Primes = 157 and 367 while the 37th and 73rd Semiprimes = 115 and 218 (Semiprimes are numbers that are a product of two Primes). Now observe the following Prime/Semiprime balance I discovered, which ties the mathematical signature of Jesus Christ directly to the Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 (37 × 73):
• 2368 - (37th + 73rd Primes) = 3^7 - 7^3
• 2368 + (37th + 73rd Semiprimes) = 37 × 73
There are 4 canonical values in authentic Biblical Numerics that serve as the mathematical signature of "Jesus Christ" (the Ordinal Hebrew/Greek values and the Standard Hebrew/Greek values). As we have seen, ALL of these sacred values are encoded within the natural numbers found in the universal genetic code:
ORDINAL Hebrew "Jesus Christ" = 115
ORDINAL Greek "Jesus Christ" = 205
STANDARD Hebrew "Jesus Christ" = 754
STANDARD Greek "Jesus Christ" = 2368
Keeping in mind all the perfect symmetric divisions based on the constant 73, here is yet another example of how the 4 × 5 amino acid table is divided into VISUALLY SYMMETRIC groups:
• SIDE-CHAIN Proton/Neutron sum = 1256 and STANDARD BLOCK Proton/Neutron sum = 1479
• Proton/Neutron sum of amino acids within the INNER CORE of the 4 × 5 amino acid table (minus the Perimeter) = 889 and Proton/Neutron sum of amino acids along the PERIMETER = 1846
Hence, we have the following perfection:
• 1256 - 73rd Prime = 889 = The INNER CORE of the 4 × 5 amino acid table (minus the Perimeter)
• 1479 + 73rd Prime = 1846 = The PERIMETER of the 4 × 5 amino acid table
INNER CORE = 1256 - 73rd Prime
PERIMETER = 1479 + 73rd Prime
The total PROTON sum of the universal amino acids = 1466 and the ONLY way to represent 1466 as a sum of two squares is 841 + 625. I found that this division of 1466 is represented visually on the 4 × 5 amino acid table through the 73rd Prime. Observe:
• 841 - 73rd Prime = 474 = PROTON sum of the INNER CORE of the 4 × 5 amino acid table (minus the Perimeter)
• 625 + 73rd Prime = 992 = PROTON sum of amino acids along the PERIMETER of the 4 × 5 amino acid table
INNER CORE = 841 - 73rd Prime
PERIMETER = 625 + 73rd Prime
We saw how the sum of the first 73 integers = 37 × 73 = 2701 and 2701 + 1072 = 3773. It just so happens that the numerical distance between the COMPOSITE ORDER of 2701 (2307) and 3773 = The total PROTON sum of the universal amino acids (1466)! Furthermore, the 2701st COMPOSITE NUMBER (3148) divides the numerical distance between them through the ONLY way to represent the total PROTON sum as a sum of two squares! Observe:
• 3148 - 841 = 2307
• 3148 + 625 = 3773
The universal genetic code of life is a product of design, which vindicates the nearly universal tradition that life is a product of design. Further, the IDENTITY of that designer is clearly established. In Part 2, we will look at the DECIMAL REMAINDERS of the universal amino acid nucleon masses, wherein is hidden an even deeper layer of symmetry.
Continued in Part 2
Copyright 2025, All rights reserved, Leo Tavares