By Leo Tavares

A fundamental tenet of historical Christianity is the doctrine of God as one in “Being” and three in “Person”. This means that God is essentially a “Tri-Personal” being whereas all other sentient beings are “Uni-Personal” beings, which obviously entails that God is the most UNIQUE being in existence. I have uncovered an overwhelming body of evidence, through the science of Biblical Numerics, that confirms this ancient Christian teaching on the essential nature of God. If you are familiar with my work, then you know by now that I prefer to let the numbers do the talking. If you're like me and you like to get straight to the point, then you've come to the right place. Fasten your seat-belt, as you are about to enter what can only be described as “Numerical Nirvana”.

For the sake of the reader who may be new to my work, I like to begin my articles with a brief explanation of how Biblical Numerics operates. The two ancient languages through which the Bible was revealed (Hebrew in the Old Testament and Greek in the New Testament) are both ALPHANUMERIC languages. This means that every letter in their alphabets is also a distinct number. Thus, every Hebrew/Greek word or phrase in the Bible has a numerical value that is set in stone (through simply adding up the letter values in a given Hebrew/Greek word or phrase in the Bible). An important fact to keep in mind is that this system of assigning numerical values to the Hebrew/Greek alphabets is not some modern invention. Rather, it is an ancient numerical system of BOTH the ancient Hebrew and the ancient Greek.

There are two primary methods of assigning numerical values to the letters of the Hebrew/Greek alphabets: The Standard method and the Ordinal method. Here are the Standard numerical values of the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet ...

Here are the Ordinal numerical values of the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet ...

Genesis 1:1 opens the entire Biblical epic and introduces the Biblical creation account. Mathematically, it is also the very foundation of Biblical Numerics. As we will see, Genesis 1:1 is rooted in the number 37 and is coded with the phenomenon of Digital Reflections. 

The only way to represent the Standard Hebrew numerical value of Genesis 1:1 as a product of two numbers (besides 2701 × 1) is 37 × 73. We immediately notice that these Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 are Digital Reflections. In fact, Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73 = 2701 and 2701 + 1072 = 3773. The numerical value of Genesis 1:1 (2701) is actually the first and only Composite number (out of the first 10,000 that have been checked) where if we add it with its Digital Reflection, it yields its Prime Factors. Here are the Standard word values for the seven Hebrew words that make up Genesis 1:1 ...

     GENESIS 1:1

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth

(913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296) =

       37 × 73

GENESIS 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73

   2701 + 1072 = 3773

The connection between Genesis 1:1 and Digital Reflections goes much deeper. Consider also that Genesis 1:1 introduces the Biblical creation account and we see the phenomenon of MIRRORED SYMMETRY throughout nature itself (whether in the bilateral symmetry we see throughout the living world or the mirror symmetry of particles/antiparticles in the subatomic world) … 


  Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73

 37 = 12th Prime and 73 = 21st Prime

 12^2 = 144 and 21^2 = 441

The Standard Greek numerical value of “Jesus Christ” (888 + 1480) = 2368. Remarkably, we find that this mathematical signature of “Jesus Christ” points directly to Genesis 1:1 through a “Trinitarian Code” of THREE repetitions of THREE (333):

     GENESIS 1:1 = 37 × 73

    2368 + 333 = 37 × 73

The Standard Greek value of “Jesus Christ” is itself eternally tied to the number 37:

• “JESUS” = 888 = A perfect multiple of 37 (888 = 24 × 37) and “CHRIST” = 1480 = A perfect multiple of 37 (1480 = 40 × 37)

• (8 + 8 + 8) + (1 + 4 + 8 + 0) = 37

In studying the Standard/Ordinal Hebrew values of “Jesus Christ” (“Yehoshua HaMashiac”), I discovered that they are also eternally tied to 37 through a similar logic of pairs (one dealing with pairs of Prime numbers and the other dealing with pairs of square numbers). The Ordinal Hebrew value of “Jesus Christ” (58 + 57) = 115 and the Standard Hebrew value of “Jesus Christ” (391 + 363) = 754:

• ORDINAL Hebrew “Jesus Christ” = 115 = The 37th number that is the product of two Primes (see here:

• STANDARD Hebrew “Jesus Christ” = 754 = The 37th number that is the sum of two distinct squares in two ways (see here:

I also found that the Standard Hebrew/Greek values of “Jesus Christ” BOTH point to Genesis 1:1 through a “Trinitarian Code” (with one yielding the STANDARD value of Genesis 1:1 and the other yielding the ORDINAL value of Genesis 1:1). Here are the Ordinal numerical values of the seven Hebrew words that make up Genesis 1:1 …


 76 + 23 + 41 + 23 + 62 + 29 + 44 = 298

The Standard Greek value of “Jesus Christ” = 2368 and the Standard Hebrew value of “Jesus Christ” = 754. Therefore, we have the following perfection, which I have coined “The Trinitarian Code Of Genesis 1:1” …


2368 + 333 = STANDARD Genesis 1:1 (2701)

754 - (333 + 123) = ORDINAL Genesis 1:1 (298)

As I studied the Prime Factors of these values, I eventually found that this “Trinitarian Code” is even tied to the Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1. The 37th Semiprime = 115 and the 73rd Semiprime = 218 (Semiprime numbers are numbers that are the product of two Primes and can be referenced here: Semiprime Numbers). The 37th Tri-Prime = 164 and the 73rd Tri-Prime = 292 (Tri-Prime numbers are numbers that are the product of three Primes and can be referenced here: Tri-Prime Numbers). Thus, we have the following perfection, which I have coined “The Prime Signature Of Jesus Christ” …


2368 + (37th + 73rd Semiprimes) = STANDARD Genesis 1:1 (2701)

754 - (37th + 73rd Tri-Primes) = ORDINAL Genesis 1:1 (298)

If you look closer at the “Trinitarian Code” again (where 754 yields the Ordinal value of Genesis 1:1), you will see another amazing result: The Ordinal Hebrew value of “Jesus Christ” = 115 and the 115th PRIME NUMBER (631) perfectly divides 333 from 123 (Prime numbers can be referenced here: Prime Numbers)

115th PRIME = 631 and 631 - 333 = ORDINAL Genesis 1:1 (298)

115th PRIME = 631 and 631 + 123 = STANDARD “Jesus Christ” (754)

All Composite numbers can be factorized into Prime numbers in exactly one way (the Composite numbers can be referenced here: Composite Numbers). Remarkably, I found that the 123rd PRIME NUMBER (677) is itself tied to the Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 …

37th PRIME NUMBER = 157 and 73rd PRIME NUMBER = 367


 (157 + 367) + (54 + 99) = 123rd PRIME

This leads me to another remarkable find that I made, which is found in the Ordinal Greek letter values of “Jesus Christ”. The Ordinal Greek value of “Jesus Christ” (87 + 118) = 205. Incredibly, the sum of the PRIME NUMBERS indexed to the Ordinal Greek letter values of “Jesus Christ” = The 123rd PRIME NUMBER! I have coined this find “The Ordinal Prime Index Code Of Jesus Christ”. Here are the Ordinal Greek letter values in “Jesus Christ”:

Here are the PRIME NUMBERS indexed to these Ordinal Greek letter values … 


(23 + 17 + 61 + 47 + 71 + 61) + (79 + 59 + 23 + 61 + 67 + 47 + 61) =

(37th + 73rd) PRIME NUMBERS + (37th + 73rd) COMPOSITE NUMBERS

We saw how the 115th Prime number = 631 and how it perfectly divides 333 from 123 in the “Trinitarian Code” of Genesis 1:1. Another find I made, which ties in with the overall Triune pattern, has to do with the concatenation of the Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 (373) and how it actually unites the Ordinal Hebrew value of “Jesus Christ” (115) with the Prime number indexed to it. Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73 and the concatenation of 37 and 73 (373) = The Standard Greek value of the divine New Testament title “LOGOS” (or “Word”):

 GENESIS 1:1 = 37 × 73

   “LOGOS” = 373

The Standard Hebrew numerical value of “GOD” (ELOHIM) = 86. Thus, we have the following flawless perfection, which I have appropriately coined “The Triple Cipher Of Elohim” … 


 • 373 - (86 + 86 + 86) = 115

 • 373 + (86 + 86 + 86) = 115th PRIME

Amazingly, this ties right back to the Triune mathematics of Genesis 1:1, through what I call “The Standard/Ordinal Lock And Key Of Genesis 1:1”. We saw how the Standard Hebrew value of “GOD” (ELOHIM) = 86 and how a Triple sum of 86 unites 115 and the 115th Prime to 373. The Standard Hebrew value of the ABBREVIATED form of “GOD” (EL) = 31 and the ORDINAL Hebrew value of the ABBREVIATED form of “GOD” (EL) = 13. I call this “The Standard/Ordinal Mirrors Of God”: 


 • STANDARD “GOD” (EL) = 31

 • ORDINAL “GOD” (EL) = 13

Notice how the Standard/Ordinal Hebrew values of the abbreviated form of “GOD” actually hints at the Triune nature of God in itself:

          31 = 3 in 1

          13 = 1 in 3

This now leads to my discovery of “The Standard/Ordinal Lock And Key Of Genesis 1:1”. As we saw, the Ordinal Hebrew value of “Jesus Christ” = 115 and a Triple sum of “GOD” (86 + 86 + 86) actually unites 115 and the 115th Prime to the concatenation of 37/73 (373). The ABBREVIATED Hebrew from of “GOD” = A Standard value of 31 = An Ordinal value of 13. Thus, we are faced with the following mathematical gem … 


2368 + 333 = STANDARD Genesis 1:1 (2701)

205 + (31 + 31 + 31) = ORDINAL Genesis 1:1 (298)

Notice that the Standard Greek value of “Jesus Christ” produces the Standard value of Genesis 1:1 through the “Trinitarian Code” of 333 while the Ordinal Greek value of “Jesus Christ” produces the Ordinal value of Genesis 1:1 through a TRIPLE SUM of the abbreviated Hebrew form of “GOD” (31 + 31 + 31)! This can be restated as follows:

STANDARD Greek “Jesus Christ” unlocks STANDARD Genesis 1:1 through the Triune key of 333

ORDINAL Greek “Jesus Christ” unlocks ORDINAL Genesis 1:1 through the Triune key of 31 + 31 + 31

   “GOD” + “GOD” + “GOD” = 31 + 31 + 31

The Ordinal Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" = 115. I found that the 373rd PRIME NUMBER actually unites with the 115th COMPOSITE NUMBER and points right back to the very foundation of Biblical Numerics and the very foundation of the Logos Star itself (namely, Genesis 1:1). I have coined this find "The Prime/Composite Identity Of The Logos" ... 


 373rd PRIME NUMBER = 2549 (verify here: Prime Numbers)

 115th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 152 (verify here: Composite Numbers)

    2549 + 152 = 37 × 73

     GENESIS 1:1 = 37 × 73

The number 373 forms the THIRD geometric "Snowflake", which highlights the Triune nature of God. This can even be seen in the very New Testament verse that highlights Jesus Christ as the "WORD" (LOGOS): John 1:1 consists of THREE semantic divisions with one instance of "LOGOS" in each natural division ... 

   1) "In the beginning was the WORD (373)"

   2) "And the WORD (373) was with God"

   3) "And the WORD (373) was God"

I have also uncovered the proper "Geometric Exegesis" of the Logos Star of 373 (the THIRD term in the geometric "Snowflake" series), which is actually an eternal memorial of the creation of "The Heavens And The Earth" by the TRIUNE God. Every geometric "Snowflake" perfectly accommodates a specific "Antisnowflake". The Antisnowflake that is accommodated by the Logos Star of 373 is 151:

ANTISNOWFLAKE of 373 = 151

The ORDINAL Greek value of the New Testament phrase "The Heavens And The Earth" (taken from the Olivet discourse in Matthew 24:35, Mark 13:31 and Luke 21:33) is precisely 151. What's more, the very context of this New Testament phrase is dealing with the WORDS of Jesus Christ:

 "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH shall pass away, but my WORDS shall not pass away"


Therefore, we have the following perfection, which I have coined "The Logos Star Of Heaven/Earth":


SNOWFLAKE = 373 counters (Standard Greek of "WORD" = 373)

 ANTI-SNOWFLAKE within Snowflake 373 = 151 counters

ORDINAL Greek value of "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH" (from the TRIPLE Olivet discourse, which deals with the WORDS of Jesus Christ) = 151

SNOWFLAKE = 373 = CONCATENATION of Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors (37 and 73), with Genesis 1:1 itself introducing the creation of "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH"

The STANDARD Greek value of "The Heavens And The Earth" (from the same TRIPLE Olivet discourse passages of Matthew 24:35, Mark 13:31 and Luke 21:33) = 1011. This is further proof that the Logos Star is an eternal memorial of the creation of "The Heavens And The Earth" by the TRIUNE God. Why? If we remove the 12 minor "rays" around the 6 major "rays" of Snowflake 373, we can see that the Logos Star of 373 essentially IS a Hexagram of 337 counters:


SNOWFLAKE 373 (minus 12 minor rays) = HEXAGRAM with 337 counters

This ties right back to the TRIPLE Olivet discourse passages and Genesis 1:1. How? Very simple: The TRIPLE SUM of 337 = The STANDARD Greek value of "The Heavens And The Earth" AND the sum of THE THREE EVEN WORD VALUES of Genesis 1:1 ... 

 STANDARD Greek "The Heavens And The Earth" = 1011

       (337 + 337 + 337) = 1011

 Sum of THREE even word values of Genesis 1:1 = 1011

   (913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296) = 37 × 73

       (203 + 401 + 407) = 1011

 The EXACT average of (203 + 401 + 407) = 337

       (203 + 401 + 401)/3 = 337

 Therefore, we have the following flawless perfection:


SNOWFLAKE = 373 = CONCATENATION of Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors (37 and 73) and Genesis 1:1 introduces the creation of "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH"

 ANTISNOWFLAKE within Snowflake 373 = 151


 HEXAGRAM embodied by Snowflake 373 = 337

TRIPLE SUM of 337 + 337 + 337 = STANDARD Greek "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH" = 1011

As if this geometric perfection in the Logos Star wasn't enough, there is yet further proof linking my discovery of "The Logos Star Of Heaven/Earth" to Genesis 1:1 (which, again, introduces the creation of "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH") through its mathematical phenomenon of mirrored reflections ... 


 SNOWFLAKE = 373 = CONCATENATION of Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors (37 and 73)

SNOWFLAKE geometrically coded with BOTH the Ordinal and the Standard Greek values of "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH" (151 and 1011)

The sum of these ORDINAL/STANDARD values = 151 + 1011 = 1162

       1162 + 2611 = 3773

 GENESIS 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73

       2701 + 1072 = 3773

I showed how the Logos Star is geometrically coded with BOTH the Ordinal and Standard Greek values of "The Heavens And The Earth" and how it ties back to the very foundation of Biblical Numerics (Genesis 1:1). The Ordinal Hebrew Genesis 1:1 values of "Heavens" + "Earth" (57 + 39) = 96 and the Ordinal Greek values of "Heavens" + "Earth" (99 + 10) = 109. Therefore, we have even further perfection, which ties the Ordinal Greek value of "Jesus Christ" (205) to the Logos Star yet again:

 ORDINAL Hebrew "Heavens" + "Earth" = 96

 ORDINAL Greek "Heavens" + "Earth" = 109

            (96 + 109) = 205

After I found all of these amazing relationships with the Logos Star, the Lord inspired me to do an analysis of the geometric Snowflake series itself, which led to my discovery of what I call "The Triune Cipher Of 373". It is simply a fact that the Logos Star of 373 is a mathematical memorial, for all eternity, of the creation of "The Heavens And The Earth" by the TRIUNE God. The Snowflake of 373 is the THIRD geometric Snowflake. Remarkably, the infinite Snowflake series consists of an infinitely repeating terminating digit cycle of digits that form a MIRROR PATTERN and whereby the divine sequence 373 holds the CENTER position. For example, here is a list of the first 25 Snowflake numbers ... 


 1) 13

 2) 133

 3) 373

 4) 733

 5) 1213

 6) 1813

 7) 2533

 8) 3373

 9) 4333

 10) 5413

 11) 6613

 12) 7933

 13) 9373

 14) 10933

 15) 12613

 16) 14413

 17) 16333

 18) 18373

 19) 20533

 20) 22813

 21) 25213

 22) 27733

 23) 30373

 24) 33133

 25) 36013



   13 - 33 - 373 - 33 - 13

   CENTER value = 373

 THIRD value (from left to right) = 373

 THIRD value (from right to left) = 373

Notice that the INITIAL digits in this infinite cycle of the Snowflake number series forms a Palindrome of 13331 while the TERMINATING digits always ends in 3 (hence, every single Snowflake number, to infinity, ends with the number 3):









 TRIUNE GOD = 1 in 3 and 3 in 1

   ORDINAL Hebrew "EL" (God) = 13

 STANDARD Hebrew "EL" (God) = 31

 (13 + 13 + 13) × (31 + 31 + 31) = Total Standard Greek value of JOHN 1:1 (3627)

JOHN 1:1 consists of 3 semantic divisions with 3 instances of "LOGOS" (1 in each of the 3 natural divisions), yielding a TRIPLE SET of 373 + 373 + 373

The Lord also showed me what I call "The Triple Prime Logos Cycle Of Elohim". Prime/Composite numbers are natural opposites and represent the two most fundamental families of numbers in mathematics. Notice that the infinite terminating digit cycle of the Snowflake number series yields a PALINDROMIC Prime/Composite number pattern that cycles for infinity ... 


       13 - 33 - 373 - 33 - 13


   THREE PRIME NUMBERS (13 - 373 - 13)

       13 = 6th PRIME

      373 = 74th PRIME

       13 = 6th PRIME

       (6 + 74 + 6) = 86

 STANDARD Hebrew "ELOHIM" (God) = 86

   STANDARD Hebrew "EL" (God) = 31

 EXACT average of (13 + 33 + 373 + 33 + 13) =

            31 + 31 + 31

   (13 + 33 + 373 + 33 + 13)/5 = 31 + 31 + 31

       "EL" + "EL" + "EL" = 31 + 31 + 31

      "GOD" + "GOD" + "GOD" = 31 + 31 + 31

This ties right back to my discovery of "The Triple Cipher Of Elohim" (Ordinal Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" = 115) ... 


    373 - (86 + 86 + 86) = 115

   373 + (86 + 86 + 86) = 115th PRIME

 STANDARD Greek "LOGOS" = 373


   JOHN 1:1

The Lord also inspired me to do an analysis on the UNIQUE Greek letter values within each of the THREE semantic divisions in John 1:1. What I found is mind-blowing and shows even further how "The Ordinal Logos Star" is tied to John 1:1. There is exactly ONE way to combine any two of the UNIQUE Standard Greek letters within each of the THREE semantic divisions to get a sum value of 205. Here are the UNIQUE Standard letter values in John 1:1 ... 


 1st Semantic Division: 

(5 - 50 - 1 - 100 - 600 - 8 - 10 - 70 - 30 - 3 - 200)

    5 + 200 = 205

 2nd Semantic Division: 

(20 - 1 - 10 - 70 - 30 - 3 - 200 - 8 - 50 - 80 - 100 - 300 - 9 - 5)

    200 + 5 = 205

 3rd Semantic Division: 

(20 - 1 - 10 - 9 - 5 - 70 - 200 - 8 - 50 - 30 - 3)

    5 + 200 = 205

 Therefore, we have the following perfection:

• There is ONE instance of 373 (LOGOS) in each of the THREE semantic divisions of John 1:1 (yielding 373 + 373 + 373)

• There is ONE possible way in each of the THREE semantic divisions of John 1:1 to add two of the unique letter values in each semantic division and get 205 (yielding 205 + 205 + 205)

This is also tied to a discovery I made years ago, whereby the Standard/Ordinal Greek values of "Jesus Christ" (2368 and 205) point directly to the total Standard Greek value of John 1:1 (3627):



       2368 + 205th PRIME = JOHN 1:1

            2368 + 1259 = 3627

As I further studied the UNIQUE letter values of John 1:1, I found the following amazing fact: The sum of the UNIQUE Ordinal Greek letter values that make up each of the THREE semantic divisions of John 1:1 = 373 ... 


 1st Semantic Division: 

(5 - 13 - 1 - 17 - 22 - 7 - 9 - 15 - 11 - 3 - 18)

    SUM = 121

 2nd Semantic Division: 

(10 - 1 - 9 - 15 - 11 - 3 - 18 - 7 - 13 - 16 - 17 - 19 - 8 - 5)

    SUM = 152

 3rd Semantic Division: 

(10 - 1 - 9 - 8 - 5 - 15 - 18 - 7 - 13 - 11 - 3)

    SUM = 100

TOTAL SUM = (121 + 152 + 100) = 373

I trust you can now understand the significance in the fact that the number 37 is the ONLY number, in the entire infinite family of numbers, that can be geometrically represented in THREE different ways on a flat surface (see my paper entitled "Triple Ciphers Of John 1:1" for much more on the Trinitarian mathematics of John 1:1, which is semantically, numerically and geometrically tied to Genesis 1:1) ... 


Prime numbers are the most fundamental family of numbers in mathematics. They are numbers that are only divisible by 1 and themselves. A "Prime Magic Square" is a square arrangement of Prime numbers where all of its rows, columns and diagonals sum to the same constant value (see here: Prime Magic Squares). The very first 3 × 3 Prime Magic Square consists of the number 1 (representing unity) and an assortment of Prime numbers up to 73. Further, the CENTER of the first 3 × 3 Prime Magic Square = 37 and the number 37 is also the MIDDLE value out of all its numbers in sequential order. Here are the numbers making up the first possible 3 × 3 Prime Magic Square:

   1 - 7 - 13 - 31 - 37 - 43 - 61 - 67 - 73



 (67 + 1 + 43) = 111

 (13 + 37 + 61) = 111

 (31 + 73 + 7) = 111


 (67 + 13 + 31) = 111

 (1 + 37 + 73) = 111

 (43 + 61 + 7) = 111


 (67 + 37 + 7) = 111

 (43 + 37 + 31) = 111

Notice that every row, column and diagonal adds up to the constant value of 111, which is a TRIPLE SUM of 37. Notice also that 37 ALWAYS has to remain at the exact CENTER in order to maintain the constant value 111 (for every row, column and diagonal). Moreover, the total sum of the first 3 × 3 Prime Magic Square = 333, which is the precise value that unites the mathematical signature of “Jesus Christ” (2368) with Genesis 1:1 (2368 + 333 = Genesis 1:1) ... 


 CENTER = 37


 TOTAL SUM = 333

We saw how the CONSTANT in the first 3 × 3 Prime Magic Square is a TRIPLE SUM of 37. This is actually tied to the Biblical phrase “HOLY, HOLY, HOLY”, which is a TRIPLE repetition of praise unto the Triune God and has a Standard Hebrew numerical value of (410 + 410 + 410) = 1230. Therefore, we have the following perfection:

• The CONSTANT in the first 3 × 3 Prime Magic Square = 37 + 37 + 37

• The Standard Hebrew value of “HOLY, HOLY, HOLY” = (3 + 7) + (33 + 77) + (333 + 777)


(3 + 7) + (33 + 77) + (333 + 777)

The ORDINAL Hebrew value of this very same Biblical phrase (“Holy, Holy, Holy”) = 123:


(19 + 4 + 6 + 12) + (19 + 4 + 6 + 12) + (19 + 4 + 6 + 12) = 123

The Biblical phrase “Holy, Holy Holy” appears one time in the Hebrew Old Testament (in Isaiah 6:3) and one time in the Greek New Testament (in Revelation 4:8). Incredibly, the Standard Greek value of “Holy” ( or “Hagios”) = The Standard Greek value of “God” (or “Theos”). Thus, the TRIPLE Greek sum of “Holy” = The TRIPLE Greek sum of “God”:

• Standard Greek value of "HOLY, HOLY, HOLY" = 284 + 284 + 284

• Standard Greek value of "GOD, GOD, GOD" = 284 + 284 + 284

The Standard Hebrew value of the complete Hebrew spelling for “GOD” (ELOHIM) = 86 and the Standard Greek value of “GOD” (THEOS) = 284. I found that the Standard Hebrew/Greek values of “GOD” are eternally united through what I call “The Triune Mirrors Of God” …



    (86 + 86 + 86) = 258


   (284 + 284 + 284) = 852

We saw how the abbreviated Hebrew form of “GOD” (EL) = 31. Remarkably, a TRIPLE SUM of 31 actually encodes the total sum of the first 3 × 3 Prime Magic Square (333) and the CONSTANT of the first 3 × 3 Prime Magic Square (111):

   “GOD” + “GOD” + “GOD” = 31 + 31 + 31

   INITIAL DIGITS in (31 + 31 + 31) = 333

TERMINATING DIGITS in (31 + 31 + 31) = 111

Notice that the mathematical signature of “Jesus Christ” (2368) points to Genesis 1:1 not only through the sum of the first 3 × 3 Prime Magic Square (333), but through the sum of the 37th/73rd Semiprime numbers, as we saw earlier. The 37th Semiprime = 115 and the 73rd Semiprime = 218 (115 + 218 = 333). Thus, we have the following perfection:

First 3 × 3 Prime Magic Square = 37th Semiprime + 73rd Semiprime

2368 + (37th Semiprime + 73rd Semiprime) = Genesis 1:1

   Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73

The mathematical signature of “Jesus Christ” is also coded within the first 3 × 3 Prime Magic Square: There are 8 SYMMETRIC configurations that each sum to 111 and 10 SYMMETRIC configurations that each sum to 148 (111 × 8 = JESUS and 148 × 10 = CHRIST) ...


   ROWS = 111

   COLUMNS = 111

   DIAGONALS = 111

TOTAL = 111 x 8 = 888

ΙΗΣΟΥΣ = 888 = "JESUS"


TOTAL = 148 x 10 = 1480


   (888 + 1480) = 2368


The mathematics of Genesis 1:1, which is the foundation of Biblical Numerics, is coded with the phenomenon of DIGITAL REFLECTIONS. In applying this phenomenon to the Genesis 1:1 word values, I discovered that it points to the mathematical signature of “Jesus Christ” through the value 333 yet again. Prime/Composite numbers are naturally related, in that Prime numbers are essentially the “building blocks” of all Composite numbers. The 333rd COMPOSITE NUMBER = 414 (verify here: Composite Numbers):

   Genesis 1:1 (Hebrew)

 הארץ ואת השמים את אלהים ברא בראשית

913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 = 2701


319 + 302 + 68 + 104 + 593 + 704 + 692 = 2782

 Therefore, we have the following perfection:

913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 =

       2368 + 333

319 + 302 + 68 + 104 + 593 + 704 + 692 =

   2368 + 333rd COMPOSITE NUMBER

 First 3 × 3 PRIME Magic Square = 333

Professor Vernon Jenkins, a pioneer in the field of Biblical Numerics, was the first to reveal the hidden geometrical design in Genesis 1:1. The Standard numerical value of Genesis 1:1 = The sum of the first 73 integers (1 through 73) = The 73rd Triangular number (T73). Triangular numbers are a specific family of numbers that form perfect Triangles (a list of the Triangular numbers can be found here: Triangular Numbers). Professor Jenkins found that the two semantic divisions of Genesis 1:1 are actually represented GEOMETRICALLY within the 73rd Triangle. Here are the two natural semantic divisions of Genesis 1:1 … 


In the beginning God created the heavens" = 1998

 “And the earth” = 703

This is perfectly represented in the geometry of “The Genesis 1:1 Triangle” (T73):


STANDING Triangles = “In the beginning God created the heavens” (1998)

INVERTED Triangle = “And the earth” (703)

The significance of this find cannot be overstated. The INVERTED Triangle = 703 counters, which is the 37th Triangular number. What's more, the 73rd Triangle is the ONLY Triangle that perfectly accommodates the 37th Triangle within it (where all 3 points touch the edges) …


 OVERALL Triangle = 73rd Triangle

INVERTED Triangle = 37th Triangle (T73 is the ONLY Triangle that perfectly accommodates T37 within it)

   GENESIS 1:1 = 37 × 73

During my own research into “The Genesis 1:1 Triangle”, I discovered how it is deeply related to my findings on the Trinitarian mathematics of Genesis 1:1. In fact, I found that the geometry of Genesis 1:1 is an eternal witness to the fundamental nature of God (as a “Tri-Personal” being). First, notice that the first semantic division of Genesis 1:1 (represented by 3 Standing Triangles) points to the creation of the HEAVENS while the second semantic division of Genesis 1:1 (represented by the Inverted Triangle) points to the creation of the EARTH …


STANDING Triangles = The creation of the HEAVENS

INVERTED Triangle = The creation of the EARTH 

According to ancient Christian teaching, God, who is a “Tri-Personal” being, came down from HEAVEN to sojourn among men on EARTH (in the person of Jesus Christ). Thus, we can see how the Genesis 1:1 Triangle serves as a theological template for the ancient Christian doctrine of the incarnation. I have appropriately coined this observation “The Theological Template Of Genesis 1:1” …



INVERTED TRIANGLE OF EARTH = God coming down to EARTH (in the person of Jesus Christ)

I noticed something else about the Genesis 1:1 Triangle that I've never seen anyone mention before and that is this: The Genesis 1:1 Triangle is actually a "THEOLOGICAL UNFOLDING" of a Tetrahedron. The 3 Standing Triangles, representing HEAVEN, join to form a perfect Tetrahedron when they are lifted UP (see here: Tetrahedron) while leaving the Inverted Triangle, representing the EARTH, as the BOTTOM face of the Tetrahedron. The significance of this, which I call "The Unfolding Genesis 1:1 Tetrahedron", should be obvious ...


THREE STANDING TRIANGLES OF HEAVEN join to form a hidden Tetrahedron when lifted UP (until all THREE points join at the top)

INVERTED TRIANGLE OF EARTH becomes the very BOTTOM face of the hidden Tetrahedron

Jesus Christ comes DOWN from HEAVEN to the EARTH

All of the faces on a Tetrahedron are equal. It follows that all of the faces on "The Unfolding Genesis 1:1 Tetrahedron" have exactly 703 counters each, which is the sum of the numbers 1 through 37 (T37) ...


 ALL OF THE FACES = T37 (703 counters)

THREE STANDING FACES unfold to form semantic/geometric division of Genesis 1:1 (on a flat surface)

This leads me to another observation I made in the Genesis 1:1 Triangle, which further highlights the Trinitarian mathematics of Genesis 1:1. The sum of each of the 3 Standing Triangles yields a coded Trinitarian sum of 111 + 222 + 333! I call this logical representation “The Triune Geometry Of Genesis 1:1” ...


 OVERALL Triangle = 3 sides

3 STANDING Triangles of HEAVEN = 3 sides each

EACH of the 3 STANDING Triangles of HEAVEN = The SAME value of 111 + 222 + 333

Notice that each of the 3 Standing Triangles of heaven yield the SAME Trinitarian sum (111 + 222 + 333), which highlights the CO-EQUALITY of the 3 divine persons of the Godhead. We saw how the Inverted Triangle highlights the incarnation, where God comes down to earth in the person of Jesus Christ. A Hexagram consists of conjoining a Standing Triangle with an Inverted Triangle. Researcher Bill Downie discovered that the Inverted Triangle of the EARTH (T37) is actually embodied within 3 joined Hexagrams that yield the Standard Hebrew value of “Jesus Christ” (754). This ties in beautifully with my findings on the Trinitarian nature of Genesis 1:1 …

INVERTED Triangle = T37 = The ONLY Triangle perfectly accommodated by T73

INVERTED Triangle = The incarnation on EARTH (in the person of JESUS CHRIST)

INVERTED Triangle translated to 3 joined Hexagrams = 754 = “JESUS CHRIST”

BLUE RAYS of Triple Hexagram = Concatenation of Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors (373)

I discovered years ago that the very digits in the Standard Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (754) point to the Standard Greek value of "Jesus Christ" (2368) through a Trinitarian code. I call this "The Triple Cipher Of Jesus Christ", which also ties in beautifully with the Triune geometry we just saw in Genesis 1:1 ... 


(7^1 + 5^1 + 4^1) + (7^2 + 5^2 + 4^2) + (754 × 3) = 


As I applied the phenomenon of Triune mathematics to that of T37 (the Inverted Triangle within T73), I made more related discoveries. For example, we saw how Genesis 1:1 is coded with the phenomenon of Digital Reflections. Observe how the Inverted Triangle of Genesis 1:1 points to the Digital Reflection of Genesis 1:1 through the Trinitarian code of Genesis 1:1 …


3 STANDING Triangles of HEAVEN = 111 + 222 + 333

INVERTED Triangle of the EARTH = T37 = The ONLY Triangle that is perfectly accommodated by T73

    T37 = 703

703 + (123 + 123 + 123) = 1072

   GENESIS 1:1 = 2701

We saw how T37 yields a TRIPLE set of Hexagrams with 754 counters (with 754 being the Standard Hebrew value of “Jesus Christ”). The Standard Greek value of “Christ” = 1480. A Palindrome is a numerical set that reads the same from left to right or right to left. Now observe how T37 points to “Christ” through a “Triune Palindrome”:

       T37 = 703

703 + (123 + 333 + 321) = “CHRIST” (1480)

“Triune Palindrome” concatenated = 12321

   12321 = 333rd multiple of 37

       333 × 37 = 12321

The connection between the coded Digital Reflections of Genesis 1:1 and the Trinitarian code of Genesis 1:1 goes even deeper:

• (2701 - 1072) + (123 + 123 + 123) = The total sum of the 3 STANDING Triangles of HEAVEN

• (2701 - 1072) - (321 + 321 + 321) = 111 + 222 + 333

    GENESIS 1:1 = 37 × 73 = 2701

       2701 + 1072 = 3773

God reveals his divine name to Moses in Exodus 3:14 as “I AM THAT I AM”, which has a Standard Hebrew numerical value of 543. I found that the difference between the Genesis 1:1 mirrors yields a TRIPLE SUM of 543 (2701 - 1072 = 543 + 543 + 543). Thus, we have the following perfection, which confirms the Triune mathematical nature of the Genesis 1:1 mirrors that we just saw and which I have appropriately coined “The Triple I Am Cipher” …


(543 + 543 + 543) + (123 + 123 + 123) =

   3 STANDING Triangles of HEAVEN

(543 + 543 + 543) - (321 + 321 + 321) =

       111 + 222 + 333

    (543 + 543 + 543) =

    “I AM THAT I AM”

    “I AM THAT I AM”

    “I AM THAT I AM”

The fact that this is tied to the Genesis 1:1 mirrors of 2701/1072 can also be deduced from the following fact: “I Am That I Am” = 543 and the MIRROR of 543 (345) = The Standard Hebrew value of “Moses”, who is the very one that God reveals himself to as “I Am That I Am” and the traditional author of Genesis 1:1 …

   “I AM THAT I AM” = 543

       “MOSES” = 345

 Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73 = 2701

    (2701 + 1072) = 3773

   (2701 - 1072) = 543 + 543 + 543

    (543 + 543 + 543) =

    “I AM THAT I AM”

    “I AM THAT I AM”

    “I AM THAT I AM”

Genesis 1:1, which introduces the Biblical creation of the HEAVENS/EARTH, yields a perfect semantic/geometric division of 1998 + 703. Thus, the total sum of the 3 Standing Triangles of HEAVEN = 1998 …


(111 + 222 + 333) + (111 + 222 + 333) + (111 + 222 + 333) = 1998

We saw how the Inverted Triangle of EARTH represents the incarnation and translates to 3 equal Hexagrams of 754 counters (Standard Hebrew value of “Jesus Christ” = 754). We are now faced with another amazing fact indeed. When we divide 754 by 1998, it yields an infinitely repeating cycle of 3773:


INVERTED TRIANGLE translated to 3 equal Hexagrams = 754

    754/1998 =

 .3773773773773773773773 ... to infinity 

Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73 = 2701

   2701 + 1072 = 3773

If you recall, I showed how the mathematical signature of “Jesus Christ” points directly to Genesis 1:1 through what I call “The Prime Signature Of Jesus Christ” …


2368 + (37th + 73rd Semiprimes) = STANDARD Genesis 1:1 (2701)

754 - (37th + 73rd Tri-Primes) = ORDINAL Genesis 1:1 (298)

This leads me to yet another Prime code I have uncovered, which unites the mathematical signature of “Jesus Christ” with the Standard/Ordinal values of Genesis 1:1. The Ordinal/Standard HEBREW values of “Jesus Christ” (115 and 754) and the Ordinal/Standard GREEK values of “Jesus Christ” (205 and 2368) represent the CANONICAL values of “Jesus Christ” in authentic Biblical Numerics (rooted in the alphanumeric Biblical alphabets of Hebrew in the OT and Greek in the NT). The 115th PRIME NUMBER = 631 and the 754th PRIME NUMBER = 5737 (verify here: Prime Numbers)



Therefore, we have the following flawless perfection, which I have coined “The Ordinal/Standard Prime Signature Of Jesus Christ” …


 • 115th PRIME = 631 and 631 + 2368 = (2701 + 298)

 • 754th PRIME = 5737 and 5737 - 3773 = (1072 + 892)

   STANDARD Genesis 1:1 = 2701

    (reflection = 1072)

   ORDINAL Genesis 1:1 = 298

    (reflection = 892)

If you're familiar with my work, then you may have guessed that the perfection doesn't end there. Tri-Primes are numbers that are the product of THREE Prime numbers and cubed numbers represent a TRIPLE multiplication of digits. The 115th Tri-Prime = 465 and the 205th Tri-Prime = 830 (verify here: Tri-Primes)





Therefore, we have yet another example of mathematical perfection, which unites ALL of the canonical values of “Jesus Christ” in authentic Biblical Numerics (the Ordinal Hebrew united with the Ordinal Greek and the Standard Hebrew united with the Standard Greek). I call this “The Tri-Prime Code Of Heaven And Earth” … 


115th Tri-Prime + 205th Tri-Prime = 1998 - 703

• (7^3 + 5^3 + 4^3) + (2^3 + 3^3 + 6^3 + 8^3) = 1998 - 703

   3 STANDING Genesis 1:1 Triangles = 1998

   INVERTED Genesis 1:1 Triangle = 703

Notice how this ties in beautifully with the Trinitarian mathematics of Genesis 1:1 and how it actually divides heaven and earth! Do you doubt the fact that the CUBED values in 754/2368 point directly to 1998 and 703 (with CUBED values representing a TRIPLE multiplication of a given number)? Well, you are now faced with what I call “The Cubed Semantic/Geometric Division Of Genesis 1:1” …


 (1^3 + 9^3 + 9^3 + 8^3) = (1 + 9 + 9 + 8) × 73

   (7^3 + 0^3 + 3^3) = (7 + 0 + 3) × 37

 GENESIS 1:1 = 1998 + 703

   GENESIS 1:1 = 37 × 73

If we look again at “The Prime Signature Of Jesus Christ” (not to be confused with “The Ordinal/Standard Prime Signature Of Jesus Christ”), we can see how the Standard Hebrew value of “Jesus Christ” (754) actually points to the Ordinal value of Genesis 1:1 in two related ways. Observe the following discovery I made within the first divisor pair of 754 and how it highlights the DEITY of Jesus Christ (notice the numbers on the left increase while the numbers on the right decrease) …


     29 × 26 = 754

     58 × 13 = 754

     377 × 2 = 754

     754 × 1 = 754

 29 = ORDINAL Hebrew of “LORD” (ADONAI)

   26 = ORDINAL Hebrew of “YAHWEH”

“LORD YAHWEH” (29 × 26) = “JESUS CHRIST” (754)

The Ordinal value of Genesis 1:1 = 298 and the 298th PRIME NUMBER = 1973. Thus, we have the following flawless perfection in "The Lord/Yahweh Cipher" ... 


• (29 × 26) = 754 and 754 - (456) = 298

• (29^2 + 26^2) = 1517 and 1517 + (456) = 298th PRIME

   This can be restated as follows:

• (29 × 26) = 754 and 754 - (37th + 73rd Tri-Primes) = 298

• (29^2 + 26^2) = 1517 and 1517 + (37th + 73rd Tri-Primes) = 298th PRIME

   ORDINAL Genesis 1:1 = 298


    “JESUS CHRIST” = 754


What I am about to present is one of the greatest geometric proofs of the Triune nature of God ever witnessed in Biblical Numerics. The Standard Greek numerical value of "GOD" = 284 and the Standard Hebrew numerical value of the abbreviated form of "GOD" ("EL") = 31. Unbelievably, I found that a geometric Plinth (or Trapezium) of 284 counters perfectly accommodates the 31st Triangular number. What really makes this astounding is the following fact: There is only ONE non-trivial way to represent 284 counters as a geometric Plinth. I repeat, this is the ONLY way to represent 284 as a geometric Plinth. It follows that the ONLY possible Triangle that can be accommodated by a Plinth of 284 counters is T31. Not only that, the Triangle that is formed through the union of Plinth 284 and T31 is T39 and 39 happens to be the Standard Hebrew value of "THE LORD IS ONE", which comes directly from the Shema prayer of Deuteronomy 6:4 (the very Shema that highlights the ONENNESS of the Godhead). Thus, I have coined this geometric perfection "The Shema Triangle Of Elohim":


 Standard Hebrew "GOD" ("EL") = 31

Standard Greek "GOD" ("THEOS") = 284

This is the ONLY way to represent 284 counters as a Trapezium and the ONLY Triangle that is accomodated by this Trapezium is the 31st Triangle

 UNION of Trapezium 284 and T31 = T39

TRIANGLE = THREE sides and "THE LORD IS ONE" (from the SHEMA prayer) = 39

     13 + 13 + 13 = 39

ORDINAL Hebrew "GOD" ("EL") = 13

    13 + 13 + 13 = "EL" + "EL" + 'EL"

 "EL" + "EL" + "EL" = "GOD" + "GOD" + "GOD"

I showed how the ONLY non-trivial way to represent 284 counters as a Trapezium accommodates the 31st Triangle and forms the 39th Triangle in the process ("Theos" = 284, "El" = 31 and "THE LORD IS ONE" = 39). The perfection doesn't stop there. Every Triangle forms a specific Trapezium by inverting the Triangle and uniting it with two equal Triangles on both sides. Amazingly, the total counter sum of the Trapezium that is formed by T39 yields a TRIPLE SUM of the Standard Hebrew value of "JESUS CHRIST" (Yehoshua HaMashiac). I have coined this miracle "The Shema Trapezoid Of 754". It is a proof of the Triune nature of the One True God and is eternally set in geometric stone:



T39 encompasses EXCLUSIVE Trapezoid of 284 counters and T31 as its accommodated Triangle (I showed this in "The Shema Triangle Of Elohim")

   "THEOS" (GOD) = 284

     "EL" (GOD) = 31

 "THE LORD IS ONE" (from the SHEMA) = 39


TRAPEZOID formed by T39 = TRIPLE SUM of 754:

     754 + 754 + 754


THREE united Triangles within Trapezoid =

       T38 + T39 + T38

     38 + 39 + 38 = 115


Keep in mind that a Triangle naturally consists of THREE sides. What's more, I even found that the hidden mathematics of this Triangle points to the mathematical signature of "Jesus Christ" (754). The 31st Triangular number = 496 and the 39th Triangular number = 780 (verify here: Triangular Numbers). The central Hebrew title of God is "YAHWEH ELOHIM" (Standard Hebrew "Yahweh Elohim" = 26 + 86). Therefore, we have the following mathematical balance, which highlights the Standard Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" yet again:

 T31 + (86 + 86 + 86) = 754

   T39 - (26) = 754

The Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73. The 37th Triangle (T37) = 703 and the 73rd Triangle (T73) = 2701. The following discovery I made actually unites the Ordinal/Standard Hebrew values of “Jesus Christ” (115 and 754) with that of the Standard Greek value of “Jesus Christ” (2368). I have appropriately coined this “The Self-Referencing Powers Of Jesus Christ” (notice the digits in 754 are raised to the powers of the digits in 115) … 


 T37 + 333 = (7^1) + (5^1) + (4^5)

    T73 - 333 = 2368

The Standard Hebrew value of “Jesus Christ” (754) = The 37th number that is the sum of two distinct SQUARES in two ways (see here: This is tied to a previous discovery I made, which I call “The Vertical Sum Triangle Of Jesus Christ”: The digital SQUARES of 754 (49, 25 and 16) yields a Triangle that culminates in the Ordinal Hebrew value of “Jesus Christ” (115). What's more, the sum of this Triangle with its “Capstone” removed = The Ordinal Greek value of “Jesus Christ” (205). 

Observe how the sum of every number above the base of the Triangle is the sum of the two numbers directly beneath it:


   CAPSTONE = 115


 BASE = 7^2 + 5^2 + 4^2

The Greek New Testament uses the term “GODHEAD” (THEOTES) to refer to the fullness of Deity in Jesus Christ. This divine title is a reference to the Triune nature God (one in “Being” and three in “Person”). In Colossians 2:9, we read the following:

       Colossians 2:9

“For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the GODHEAD bodily”

The Standard Greek value of “GODHEAD” in this key Biblical passage = 962. The Standard Greek value of “Jesus Christ” = 2368. Thus, we have the following Triune perfection, which I have appropriately coined “The Palindromic Trinity” …


(123 + 123 + 123) + (333) + (321 + 321 + 321) - T37 =

     “GODHEAD” (962)

(123 + 123 + 123) + (333) + (321 + 321 + 321) + T37 =

    “JESUS CHRIST” (2368)

Notice that the THREE sets of integers form a Palindromic set (reading the same from left to right or right to left), which highlights the perfect EQUALITY between the THREE Persons of the Godhead. Notice also that this Palindromic set itself points to the flawless number 37: There are 3 logical sets of integers and 7 total integers

   (123/123/123)  (333)  (321/321/321)



When we group each of the digits within the 3 logical sets and treat them as whole integers, it produces the SAME result (yielding the Standard Greek values of “Godhead” and “Jesus Christ”):

(111 + 222 + 333) + (333) + (333 + 222 + 111) - T37 =

     “GODHEAD” (962)

(111 + 222 + 333) + (333) + (333 + 222 + 111) + T37 =

    “JESUS CHRIST” (2368)

This "Palindromic Trinity" becomes even more significant when you consider the following fact: EVERY NUMBER CAN BE WRITTEN AS THE SUM OF AT MOST THREE PALINDROMIC NUMBERS (see here: Palindromes). Hence, the entire infinite family of numbers is sealed with the mathematical signature of the Triune God.


I always wondered why Christ identified his atoning work on the cross with that of a serpent in John 3:14 (tying it to Numbers 21:8-9). Is there an alphanumeric aspect behind it? There most certainly is and it is proof of the divine origin of the Bible. In order to uncover the hidden mathematics of the serpent, I knew I had to go to the beginning. The beginning of what, you ask? The beginning of the serpent.

The serpent is first mentioned in Genesis 3:1 and it is here where sin ultimately enters into the Biblical narrative. The number 37 is the fundamental number of Biblical Numerics. Thus, when I found that the very first statement regarding the serpent consists of precisely 37 Hebrew letters, I instinctively knew there was something deeper going on here:

     GENESIS 3:1

"Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made"

This passage is the Biblical INTRODUCTION of the serpent

 This passage consists of 37 Hebrew letters

Biblical Numerics is rooted in the Standard/Ordinal systems of assigning numbers to the Biblical Hebrew/Greek alphabets. However, there are subset systems that apply in rare cases. One of these rare subsets is an ancient Hebrew system called the Atbash Cipher (see here: The Atbash Cipher). This system simply REVERSES the order of the Hebrew letters, whereby the first letter takes the value of the last letter, the second letter takes the value of the second to last letter, and so forth:

   1 = 400

   2 = 300

   3 = 200

   4 = 100

   5 = 90

   6 = 80

   7 = 70

   8 = 60

   9 = 50

   10 = 40

   20 = 30

   30 = 20

   40 = 10

   50 = 9

   60 = 8

   70 = 7

   80 = 6

   90 = 5

   100 = 4

   200 = 3

   300 = 2

   400 = 1

Notice that this subset system employs the Genesis 1:1 principle of MIRROR SYMMETRY. More importantly, this is not a contrived system, as scholars acknowledge that the Atbash Cipher is used three times in the book of Jeremiah:

 - Jeremiah 25:26 (where "Sheshach" is used as an Atbash spelling for "Babylon")

 - Jeremiah 51:1 (where "Lev-Kamai" is used as an Atbash spelling for "Chaldeans")

 - Jeremiah 51:41 (where "Sheshach" is again used as an Atbash spelling for "Babylon")

Jesus Christ identifies his suffering on the cross with the bronze serpent that Moses raised in Numbers 21:8-9. The suffering he endured is ultimately THE REMEDY for the sin that was introduced into the world through the serpent. As stated, the very first mention of the serpent in the Bible (Genesis 3:1) consists of 37 Hebrew letters. Amazingly, when I applied the Atbash Cipher to these 37 Hebrew letters, I found that it yields the Standard Greek numerical value of JESUS CHRIST:

(80 + 90 + 9 + 60 + 2) + (90 + 40 + 90) + (7 + 3 + 80 + 10) + (10 + 30 + 20) + (60 + 40 + 1) + (90 + 2 + 100 + 90) + (400 + 2 + 3) + (7 + 2 + 90) + (40 + 90 + 80 + 90) + (400 + 20 + 90 + 40 + 10) = 


Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368

I also found that this Atbash Cipher, which is coded with the numerical signature of Jesus Christ, is further corroborated by the Standard/Ordinal systems of Biblical Numerics. The number 37 forms a perfect Hexagram. I placed the ORDINAL Hebrew numerical values of these 37 Hebrew letters in the form of a Hexagram (in sequential order from top to bottom). I present to you: "The Serpent Star Of Jesus Christ"


   JOHN 3:14

"As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up"

Sin enters into the world through the SERPENT and the suffering that Jesus Christ endured on the cross is THE REMEDY for sin

The SERPENT is first mentioned in Genesis 3:1 with precisely 37 Hebrew letters

   GENESIS 3:1

"Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made"

The ORDINAL Hebrew value of this phrase = 391

 Standard Hebrew "JESUS" = 391

 Ordinal Hebrew "JESUS" = 58

The DIGITAL ROOT SUM of the Ordinal word values that make up this phrase = 58

   54 (5 + 4 = 9)

   20 (2 + 0 = 2)

   55 (5 + 5 = 10 and 1 + 0 = 1)

   36 (3 + 6 = 9)

   40 (4 + 0 = 4)

   35 (3 + 5 = 8)

   42 (4 + 2 = 6)

   42 (4 + 2 = 6)

   26 (2 + 6 = 8)

   41 (4 + 1 = 5)


   NUMBERS 21:6

"And the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people"

Standard Hebrew "THE PEOPLE" = 115

Ordinal Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 115

   NUMBERS 21:8

"And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole"

Ordinal Hebrew "FIERY SERPENT" (21 + 20 + 17) = 58

 Ordinal Hebrew "JESUS" = 58

   NUMBERS 21:9

"And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived"

Standard Hebrew "A POLE" = Ordinal Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" (115)

Standard Hebrew "THE SERPENT" = Standard Hebrew "CHRIST" (363)

The 37 ORDINAL letter values of Genesis 3:1 form a Hexagram with a Hexagonal sum of 205

Ordinal Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 205

 The sum of the 6 points = 64:

 6 + 8 + 5 + 13 + 12 + 20 = 64

   64 × 37 = 2368

Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368

The Atbash value of this Hebrew phrase = 2368


Jesus Christ points again to the bronze serpent of Numbers 21:8-9 in John 12:32. I showed how John 3:14 is alphanumerically tied to Genesis 3:1 (the introduction of the serpent and of sin entering into the world). This amazing code is also tied to my previous discovery of "The God/Man Triangle Of Jesus Christ"


Jesus Christ is the saviour of mankind

Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368

There is only ONE nontrivial way to represent 2368 counters as a Trapezium

This Trapezium consists of 37 rows

This Trapezium accommodates T45

 Standard Hebrew "ADAM" = 45

Jesus Christ is THE SECOND ADAM (1 Corinthians 15:22 and 15:45)

   JOHN 12:32

"And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, WILL DRAW ALL MEN UNTO ME (T82)"

Standard Greek "WILL DRAW ALL MEN UNTO ME" = T82

 632 + 1455 + 450 + 866 = T82 (3403)

The total Triangle that is formed from the EXCLUSIVE Trapezium of 2368 = T82

 ~PROOF OF GOD (3 steps)~

Triangles consist of THREE sides (symbolizing the Triune nature of the Biblical God) and are the very first Polygonal series of numbers. Genesis 1:1 is the very first verse of the Bible and forms the 73rd Triangle (2701). I am now going to demonstrate a powerful 3-step proof of the Triune God, which I discovered with simple Triangular geometry. The logical union between the following three geometric displays is undeniable. They unite the Standard/Ordinal values of Genesis 1:1, the Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1, the semantic/geometric division of Genesis 1:1 (1998/703) and the numerical signature of Jesus Christ (2368).

Genesis 1:1 is the ONLY verse in the Bible that has a Standard/Ordinal pair of 2701/298. With this in mind, we begin with step 1, which shows how T28 accommodates three joined squares of 10^2 (taking the form of three joined Diamond figures with a sum of 298). Three joined Triangles of T28 point to the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors (through the Genesis 1:1 feature of mirror symmetry) while the Triple Diamonds consist of 298 counters (the Ordinal value of Genesis 1:1):

STEP #1) The Geometric Proof Of Ordinal Genesis 1:1

THREE joined Triangles consist of 1216 counters

   1216 + 6121 = 7337

STANDARD Genesis 1:1 = 73 × 37

The THREE Triangles each accommodate Triple Diamond figures of 298 counters

 ORDINAL Genesis 1:1 = 298

The total sum of the THREE joined Triangles I just showed consist of 1216 counters. There is only ONE nontrivial way to represent 1216 counters as a Trapezium and this Trapezium forms the Genesis 1:1 Triangle itself (T73). Further, this Trapezium points to the semantic/geometric division of the Genesis 1:1 Triangle through simple multiples of 37:

STEP #2) The Geometric Proof Of Standard Genesis 1:1

This is the ONLY nontrivial way to represent 1216 counters as a Trapezium 

This Trapezium forms the Genesis 1:1 Triangle (T73)

The Genesis 1:1 Triangle forms a semantic/geometric division of 1998 + 703

The Triangle accommodated by Trapezium 1216 consists of 54 rows and Trapezium 1216 consists of 19 rows:

   54 × 37 = 1998 and 19 × 37 = 703

     1216 + 6121 = 7337

    Genesis 1:1 = 73 × 37

I showed how 2368 forms an EXCLUSIVE Trapezium of 37 rows and forms the 82nd Triangle. Unbelievably, this is the EXACT Triangle that accommodates the TRIUNE geometry of 1216 (and 298), which proves conclusively that Jesus Christ is the divine encoder of Genesis 1:1. What's more, my work has shown that the semantic theme of Genesis 1:1 (THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH) serves as a map to uncovering the coded mathematics of related passages in the Bible. This pattern is also demonstrated here:

STEP #3) The Geometric Proof Of Jesus Christ

Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368

There is only ONE nontrivial way to represent 2368 counters as a Trapezium

This Trapezium consists of 37 rows

 This Trapezium forms T82

T82 is the PRECISE Triangle that accommodates the joined TRIUNE set of Triangles with 1216 counters

The joined TRIUNE set of Triangles accommodates the Triple Diamonds of 298 counters

 ORDINAL Genesis 1:1 = 298

   1216 + 6121 = 7337

STANDARD Genesis 1:1 = 73 × 37

   GENESIS 1:1

"In the beginning God created THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH"


"God came from Teman, and the Holy One from mount Paran. Selah. His glory covered THE HEAVENS, AND THE EARTH was full of his praise"

Standard Hebrew value of Habakkuk 3:3 = T82

Ordinal Hebrew "God came from Teman" (Habakkuk 3:3) = 24 + 72 + 19 = 115

 Ordinal Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 115

The 1216 counters accommodated by T82 sections off 2187 counters:

     T82 - 1216 = 3^7


The Genesis 1:1 Triangle is coded with a system of “Triune Mathematics”, which serves as an eternal witness to the divine nature of God (as one in “Being” and three in “Person”). Not only does this confirm the reality of Theism in general (through the universal language of mathematics), it confirms the ancient Christian understanding of God as a “Tri-Personal” being. Therefore, any worldview that conflicts with Biblical Theism is rendered irrational.

     Battalion Of Christ,

      Leo Tavares

Copyright 2024, All rights reserved, Leo Tavares