By Leo Tavares

Imagine if you could wake up one morning and actually KNOW that Christian Theism is true (and not merely believe it to be true). Well, that time has arrived. The proof of Christianity that I am about to reveal is rooted in the mathematical series of Prime/Composite numbers, the Fibonacci number series (as well as the decimal expansion of the Golden Ratio) and visual geometry. I will demonstrate how the mathematical signature of Jesus Christ is not only coded in the natural order of these fundamental number series (through the key values of 37 and 19), it is geometrically united with them through the natural divisions of a Hexagram. I will also demonstrate how this ties in with the very fundamental structure of the universe itself. It is mathematically impossible to construct a more truer statement than the following: Jesus Christ is GOD.

The original languages of the Bible (Hebrew in the Old Testament and Greek in the New Testament) are both ALPHANUMERIC, which means every letter in the Biblical Hebrew/Greek alphabets is also a number. This is not a modern invention, but is an ancient numbering system of Biblical Hebrew and Greek. Hence, every word/phrase in the original languages through which the Bible was revealed has a numerical value that is set in stone (through simply adding up the letter values in a given Hebrew/Greek word or phrase in the original languages of the Bible).

There are two primary methods through which numbers are assigned to the Biblical Hebrew/Greek alphabets: The Standard method and the Ordinal method. Here are the Standard numerical values of the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet ...

Here are the Ordinal numerical values of the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet ...

Genesis 1:1 is the mathematical foundation of Biblical Numerics, which is fitting indeed, since it is the very first verse of the Bible and introduces the Biblical creation account. The mathematical coding in Genesis 1:1 is rooted in the flawless number 37 (we will eventually see how all of creation is rooted in the number 37 as well). Here are the Standard Hebrew numerical values of the seven Hebrew words in Genesis 1:1 …

    GENESIS 1:1

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth

913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 =

       37 × 73

Notice that Genesis 1:1 = The product of 37 and its mirror reflection (73). These are the Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1. In fact, the only way to produce Genesis 1:1 as a product of two numbers (besides 2701 × 1) is 37 × 73. Further, the numerical value of Genesis 1:1 (2701) is the first and only known Composite number (out of the first 10,000 that have been checked) whereby it yields its Prime Factors when it is added to its mirror reflection:

GENESIS 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73

       2701 + 1072 = 3773

It is very fitting indeed that Genesis 1:1 would exhibit this mirror symmetry, since we find this same mirror pattern throughout creation itself (whether in the bilateral symmetry seen throughout the living world or the mirror symmetry of particle/antiparticle in physics). This phenomenon of mirror reflections in Genesis 1:1 goes much deeper, which can be seen in “The Genesis 1:1 Triple Cipher Of Reflections” ...


   • Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73

   • 37 = The 12th Prime and 73 = The 21st Prime

   • 12 × 12 = 144 and 21 × 21 = 441

Prime/Composite numbers, which are the most fundamental families of numbers in mathematics, are naturally related. Every Composite number can be expressed as the product of Prime numbers in exactly one way (the Prime numbers can be referenced here: PRIME NUMBERS and the Composite numbers can be referenced here: COMPOSITE NUMBERS). I discovered that the very word values of Genesis 1:1 serve as “pointers” to the natural order of Prime numbers, which points back to the Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 (37 and 73) through the same phenomenon of mirror reflections that we just saw. Here are the seven Hebrew word values of Genesis 1:1 …

 913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 = 37 × 73

Here are the PRIME NUMBERS indexed to the Genesis 1:1 word values:

       913th Prime = 7127

       203rd Prime = 1237

       86th Prime = 443

       401st Prime = 2749

       395th Prime = 2711

       407th Prime = 2797

       296th Prime = 1949


     2161 + 1612 = 3773

GENESIS 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73

     2701 + 1072 = 3773

Unbelievably, the value 2161 itself is the EXACT average (or midpoint) between the sum of the mirrors of the first 37 integers (1 through 37) and the sum of the mirrors of the first 73 integers (1 through 73). If you reverse the first 37 positive numbers and add them up, the result is 1279. Likewise, if you reverse the first 73 positive numbers and add them up, the result is 3043. The EXACT average between these two values is precisely 2161. This shows that the number 2161 is UNIQUELY tied to the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors (through the Genesis 1:1 principle of mirror reflections). Thus, we have the following perfection, which ties back to the mirror pattern we just saw in the very word values of Genesis 1:1 …

• 2161 - 882 = Sum of MIRRORS of first 37 integers (1279)

• 2161 + 882 = Sum of MIRRORS of first 73 integers (3043)

   2161 + 1612 = 3773

The Primes indexed to the Genesis 1:1 word values is mathematical proof that the supreme mind who coded the mathematics of Genesis 1:1 utilizes the phenomenon of what I call “Prime Indexing” (whereby a given set of values serve as “pointers” to the natural order/sequence of Prime numbers). Similarly, this leads me to what I call “Composite Indexing” (whereby a given set of values serve as “pointers” to the natural order/sequence of Composite numbers). Just as Prime numbers are essentially the “building blocks” of Composite numbers, Protons/Neutrons are the “building blocks” of atoms, which are the “building blocks” of the material world. Amazingly, when we sum the Composite numbers indexed to the individual numbers of Protons/Neutrons in the first 37 atomic elements, it yields the Standard Greek numerical value of “JESUS CHRIST” (2368)! Furthermore, I also found that 2368 points back to the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors through the 37th/73rd Composite numbers (54 and 99) and through the Genesis 1:1 principle of mirror reflections.

Here are the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the individual numbers of Protons/Neutrons in each of the first 37 atomic elements (with COMPOSITE NUMBERS in parentheses):

 P = Protons and N = Neutrons

Hydrogen: P = 1 (4) and N = 0 (0)

Helium: P = 2 (6) and N = 2 (6)

Lithium: P = 3 (8) and N = 4 (9)

Beryllium: P = 4 (9) and N = 5 ( 10)

Boron: P = 5 (10) and N = 6 (12)

Carbon: P = 6 (12) and N = 6 ( 12)

Nitrogen: P = 7 (14) and N = 7 (14)

Oxygen: P = 8 (15) and N = 8 (15)

Fluorine: P = 9 (16) and N = 10 (18)

Neon: P = 10 (18) and N = 10 (18)

Sodium: P = 11 (20) and N = 12 (21)

Magnesium: P = 12 (21) and N = 12 (21)

Aluminium: P = 13 (22) and N = 14 (24)

Silicon: P = 14 (24) and N = 14 (24)

Phosphorus: P = 15 (25) and N = 16 (26)

Sulfur: P = 16 (26) and N = 16 (26)

Chlorine: P = 17 (27) and N = 18 (28)

Argon: P = 18 (28) and N = 22 (34)

Potassium: P = 19 (30) and N = 20 (32)

Calcium: P = 20 (32) and N = 20 (32)

Scandium: P = 21 (33) and N = 24 (36)

Titanium: P = 22 (34) and N = 26 (39)

Vanadium: P = 23 (35) and N = 28 (42)

Chromium: P = 24 (36) and N = 28 (42)

Manganese: P = 25 (38) and N = 30 (45)

Iron: P = 26 (39) and N = 30 (45)

Cobalt: P = 27 (40) and N = 32 (48)

Nickel: P = 28 (42) and N = 31 (46)

Copper: P = 29 (44) and N = 35 (51)

Zinc: P = 30 (45) and N = 35 (51)

Gallium: P = 31 (46) and N = 39 (56)

Germanium: P = 32 (48) and N = 41 (58)

Arsenic: P = 33 (49) and N = 42 (60)

Selenium: P = 34 (50) and N = 45 (64)

Bromine: P = 35 (51) and N = 45 (64)

Krypton: P = 36 (52) and N = 48 (68)

Rubidium: P = 37 (54) and N = 48 (68)

   TOTAL SUM = 2368

 2368 + (37th + 73rd COMPOSITE NUMBERS) = 2521

   2521 + 1252 = 3773

Notice that the Standard Greek numerical values of “Jesus” and “Christ” are themselves eternally tied to the flawless number 37:

• “JESUS” = 888 = A perfect multiple of 37 (24 × 37)

• “CHRIST” = 1480 = A perfect multiple of 37 (40 × 37)

• (8 + 8 + 8) + (1 + 4 + 8 + 0) = 37

The Fibonacci numbers are deeply related to the Golden Ratio (or “Phi”), which is found throughout creation itself (see here: Fibonacci Numbers). The Fibonacci series is formed by taking each number and adding it with the previous number to get the next number in the series (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 … to infinity). I studied the Prime Factors of the Fibonacci number series, which led to another amazing discovery I made relating to the Standard Greek value of “Jesus Christ” (2368), the flawless number 37 and the fundamental nature of creation (since the Golden Ratio, which is tied to the Fibonacci series, permeates creation itself). Observe how the number 19 is geometrically tied to the number 37 …


Hexagon of 37 counters = Inner Hexagon of 19 counters

Hexagram of 37 counters = Inner Hexagon of 19 counters

This leads to what I found in the Prime Factors of the Fibonacci series, which ties right back to my prior discovery of the “Composite Index” code in the first 37 atomic elements (keep in mind that Prime/Composite numbers are naturally related). The PRIME FACTORIZATION SUM of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers = 2368! What's more, every 19th Fibonacci number, and ONLY every 19th Fibonacci number, is a perfect multiple of 37 (to infinity, without a single exception)! Notice also how this code points to the geometry of the 37th HEXAGRAM: Every HEXAGRAM is formed through the self-intersection of a specific Triangle and the sum of the 19th Fibonacci number with its REFLECTION (4181 + 1814) = The precise Triangle that forms the 37th HEXAGRAM through self-intersection

Here are the PRIME FACTORIZATIONS of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers:

   1) 1 = 1

   2) 1 = 1

   3) 2 = 2

   4) 3 = 3

   5) 5 = 5

   6) 8 = 2 × 2 × 2

   7) 13 = 13

   8) 21 = 3 × 7

   9) 34 = 2 × 17

   10) 55 = 5 × 11

   11) 89 = 89

   12) 144 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3

   13) 233 = 233

   14) 377 = 13 × 29

   15) 610 = 2 × 5 × 61

   16) 987 = 3 × 7 × 47

   17) 1597 = 1597

   18) 2584 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 17 × 19

   19) 4181 = 37 × 113


 19th Fibonacci number = 4181


 4181 + 1814 = EXACT Triangle that forms 37th HEXAGRAM through self-intersection

The significance of this find, and that of the “Composite Index” code in the first 37 atomic elements, cannot be overstated. Again, the Fibonacci number series is deeply related to the Golden Ratio, which even secular scientists grant is found throughout nature (see here: Golden Ratio). The number 19 is geometrically related to 37 through the natural division of a Hexagon/Hexagram and the first 19 Fibonacci numbers yields the Standard Greek value of “Jesus Christ” (2368), just as the first 37 atomic elements of nature yields the Standard Greek value of “Jesus Christ” (2368). The former yields 2368 through its PRIME FACTORIZATION SUM while the latter yields 2368 through the natural indexing of COMPOSITE NUMBERS (Prime/Composite numbers being naturally related). Moreover, as stated, every 19th Fibonacci number, and ONLY every 19th Fibonacci number, is a perfect multiple of 37. This now leads me to another discovery I made, which will forever be known as “Quantum Gematria”.


I have coined the term “QUANTUM GEMATRIA” for an entirely new branch of mathematics/geometry that I have uncovered, which unites a principle of Quantum Physics (whereby NON-IDENTICAL objects are allowed to occupy the same space) with the ancient system of Biblical Numerics. Quantum Mechanics represents the deeper (or hidden) level by which the universe functions. In our normal daily lives, common sense tells us that two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time. However, in the Quantum realm, Quantum Physics tells us that two IDENTICAL objects cannot occupy the same space, but two NON-IDENTICAL objects can (see here: Pauli Exclusion Principle). For example, two electrons with the SAME charge cannot occupy the same energy state, but two electrons with DIFFERENT charges can. Applying the same principle, I was able to unlock the geometric secrets uniting all my discoveries in the first 37 atomic elements and the first 19 Fibonacci numbers (as well as the 19 Mononuclidic/Monoisotopic elements, which we will look at later).

We saw how the sum of the Composite numbers indexed to the individual numbers of Protons/Neutrons in the first 37 atomic elements = The Standard Greek numerical value of “Jesus Christ” (2368). Moreover, we saw how the Prime Factorization sum of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers = The Standard Greek numerical value of “Jesus Christ” (2368). We also saw how it points to the geometry of the HEXAGRAM. This now leads to a perfect geometric union, which I have coined “The Golden Proton/Neutron Star Of Jesus Christ”: The sequence of 37 COMPOSITE NUMBERS form a perfect Hexagram (going from the top of the Hexagram to bottom) and the sequence of 19 PRIME FACTORIZATION SUMS form a perfect Hexagon within the Hexagram (going from the top of the Hexagon to the bottom). Notice that the bottom values in the 37 squares represent the 37 COMPOSITE NUMBERS derived from the first 37 atomic elements while the 19 top values (within the Hexagon) represent the 19 PRIME FACTORIZATION SUMS derived from the first 19 Fibonacci numbers. Notice also that each of the two values within each of the 19 Hexagonal squares are NON-IDENTICAL, which coheres with the Quantum principle I outlined:




As I stated earlier, every 19th Fibonacci number, and ONLY every 19th Fibonacci number, is a perfect multiple of 37. Amazingly, the cross of the COMPOSITE NUMBERS in the Proton/Neutron Hexagram = The sum of the first 19 PRIME NUMBERS (a running sum of Primes can be referenced here: OEIS.org) while the cross of the PRIME FACTORIZATION SUMS in the Fibonacci Hexagon = The concatenation of 19 and 91 (recall that Genesis 1:1, the foundation of Biblical Numerics, exhibits the mathematical phenomenon of mirror reflections):


RED CROSS values = Sum of first 19 PRIME NUMBERS

BLUE CROSS values = Concatenation of 19 and 91 (191)

The perfection doesn't end there. The Standard Greek value of “Jesus” = 888 and the Standard Greek value of “Christ” = 1480. The product of the MIRRORS 19 and 91 (19 × 91) = The MIRRORS of 888 and 1480:

  “JESUS” = 888 (reflection = 888)

  “CHRIST” = 1480 (reflection = 0841)

       19 × 91 = (888 + 0841)

We saw how the sum of the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the individual numbers of Protons/Neutrons in the first 37 atomic elements yields the Standard Greek value of “Jesus Christ” (2368). There are 1532 Protons/Neutrons in the first 37 atomic elements (703 Protons and 829 Neutrons). Here are the numbers of Protons/Neutrons in the first 37 atomic elements …


  1) Hydrogen = 1 + 0 = 1

  2) Helium = 2 + 2 = 4

  3) Lithium = 3 + 4 = 7

  4) Beryllium = 4 + 5 = 9

  5) Boron = 5 + 6 = 11

  6) Carbon = 6 + 6 = 12

  7) Nitrogen = 7 + 7 = 14

  8) Oxygen = 8 + 8 = 16

  9) Fluorine = 9 + 10 = 19

  10) Neon = 10 + 10 = 20

  11) Sodium = 11 + 12 = 23

  12) Magnesium = 12 + 12 = 24

  13) Aluminium = 13 + 14 = 27

  14) Silicon = 14 + 14 = 28

  15) Phosphorus = 15 + 16 = 31

  16) Sulfur = 16 + 16 = 32

  17) Chlorine = 17 + 18 = 35

  18) Argon = 18 + 22 = 40

  19) Potassium = 19 + 20 = 39

  20) Calcium = 20 + 20 = 40

  21) Scandium = 21 + 24 = 45

  22) Titanium = 22 + 26 = 48

  23) Vanadium = 23 + 28 = 51

  24) Chromium = 24 + 28 = 52

  25) Manganese = 25 + 30 = 55

  26) Iron = 26 + 30 = 56

  27) Cobalt = 27 + 32 = 59

  28) Nickel = 28 + 31 = 59

  29) Copper = 29 + 35 = 64

  30) Zinc = 30 + 35 = 65

  31) Gallium = 31 + 39 = 70

  32) Germanium = 32 + 41 = 73

  33) Arsenic = 33 + 42 = 75

  34) Selenium = 34 + 45 = 79

  35) Bromine = 35 + 45 = 80

  36) Krypton = 36 + 48 = 84

  37) Rubidium = 37 + 48 = 85


After I discovered the geometric union between the first 37 atomic elements (yielding 2368) and the first 19 Fibonacci numbers (yielding 2368), the Lord inspired me to place the order of the first 37 PRIME NUMBERS in the same Hexagram form as the 37 COMPOSITE NUMBERS derived from the first 37 atomic elements. What I found is another example of geometric unity, which I have coined “The Prime/Composite Star Of Jesus Christ” …

Here are the first 37 PRIME NUMBERS:

  1) 2

  2) 3

  3) 5

  4) 7

  5) 11

  6) 13

  7) 17

  8) 19

  9) 23

  10) 29

  11) 31

  12) 37

  13) 41

  14) 43

  15) 47

  16) 53

  17) 59

  18) 61

  19) 67

  20) 71

  21) 73

  22) 79

  23) 83

  24) 89

  25) 97

  26) 101

  27) 103

  28) 107

  29) 109

  30) 113

  31) 127

  32) 131

  33) 137

  34) 139

  35) 149

  36) 151

  37) 157

We saw how there are 1532 Protons/Neutrons in the first 37 atomic elements. The COMPOSITE ORDER of 1532 = 1289 (that is, the 1289th Composite number = 1532, which can be verified here: COMPOSITE NUMBERS). Unbelievably, when we place the 37 COMPOSITE NUMBERS derived from the first 37 atomic elements (in the form of a Hexagram) together with the first 37 PRIME NUMBERS (in the form of a Hexagram), we find that the 19 PRIME values within the Hexagon = 1289. Again, the values within each of the 37 squares are NON-IDENTICAL, which follows the Quantum principle I outlined:



RED HEXAGRAM values = COMPOSITE NUMBERS derived from the first 37 atomic elements

   BLUE HEXAGON values = 1289

The 1289th COMPOSITE NUMBER = The number of Protons/Neutrons in the first 37 atomic elements (1532)

Protons and Neutrons are the building blocks of the atomic nucleus (just as Prime Numbers are the numerical “building blocks” of Composite numbers, with Prime/Composite numbers being the most fundamental families of numbers in mathematics). Remarkably, the Proton and the Neutron themselves hint at the geometric unity I have uncovered, which is rooted in the natural geometry of the Hexagram. A Hexagram consists of a geometric union of a Standing Triangle and an Inverted Triangle. The Proton is made up of 2 “up” Quarks and 1 “down” Quark (see here: Protons) while the Neutron is made up of 1 “up” Quark and 2 “down” Quarks (see here: Neutrons). Thus, the very structure of Protons/Neutrons hints at the geometric structure of the Hexagram …


PROTON = 2 “up” Quarks and 1 “down” Quark


NEUTRON = 1 “up” Quark and 2 “down” Quarks

HEXAGRAM = UNION of Standing/Inverted Triangles

The Composite numbers indexed to the individual numbers of Protons/Neutrons in the first 37 atomic elements yields the Standard Greek numerical value of “Jesus Christ” (2368). Incredibly, when we sum the Composite numbers indexed to the total nucleon numbers for each of the first 37 atomic elements, we find that it actually unites the sum of the first 37 Prime/Composite numbers with the sum of the first 37 Positive integers (1 through 37). A running sum of Prime numbers can be referenced here: OEIS.org and a running sum of Composite numbers can be referenced here: OEIS.org

Here is the sum of the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the total nucleon numbers in each of the first 37 atomic elements (with the COMPOSITE NUMBERS in parentheses):

 Hydrogen = 1 (4)

 Helium = 4 (9)

 Lithium = 7 (14)

 Beryllium = 9 (16)

 Boron = 11 (20)

 Carbon = 12 (21)

 Nitrogen = 14 (24)

 Oxygen = 16 (26)

 Fluorine = 19 (30)

 Neon = 20 (32)

 Sodium = 23 (35)

 Magnesium = 24 (36)

 Aluminium = 27 (40)

 Silicon = 28 (42)

 Phosphorus = 31 (46)

 Sulfur = 32 (48)

 Chlorine = 35 (51)

 Argon = 40 (57)

 Potassium = 39 (56)

 Calcium = 40 (57)

 Scandium = 45 (64)

 Titanium = 48 (68)

 Vanadium = 51 (72)

 Chromium = 52 (74)

 Manganese = 55 (77)

 Iron = 56 (78)

 Cobalt = 59 (82)

 Nickel = 59 (82)

 Copper = 64 (88)

 Zinc = 65 (90)

 Gallium = 70 (95)

 Germanium = 73 (99)

 Arsenic = 75 (102)

 Selenium = 79 (108)

 Bromine = 80 (110)

 Krypton = 84 (115)

 Rubidium = 85 (116)

TOTAL SUM = (2584 - 1103) + 703

Sum of first 37 PRIME NUMBERS = 2584

Sum of first 37 COMPOSITE NUMBERS = 1103

Sum of first 37 POSITIVE INTEGERS = 703

The Lord inspired me to place these 37 COMPOSITE NUMBERS (derived from the total nucleon counts in each of the first 37 atomic elements) in the form of a Hexagram, which left me in a state of shock and utter amazement. What you are about to witness is proof that Jesus Christ is the Creator of the universe and that he actually signed his mathematical signature into the natural numbers of the very building blocks of the universe. Observe that the Standard Hebrew numerical value of “Jesus Christ” (Yehoshua HaMashiac) = 754:

In the same way that the individual numbers of Protons/Neutrons in each of the first 37 atomic elements are “pointers” to the natural order/sequence of COMPOSITE NUMBERS (yielding 2368), the total nucleon counts in each of the first 37 atomic elements are “pointers” to the natural order/sequence of COMPOSITE NUMBERS. For when we place the 37 COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the first 37 nucleon numbers, we have the following geometric gem, which I have coined “The Golden Atomic Star Of Jesus Christ” (again, the values occupying the same squares are all NON-IDENTICAL, thereby following the Quantum principle outlined earlier):


RED INTERIOR STAR values = 754 = The Standard Hebrew value of “JESUS CHRIST”

BLUE HEXAGON values = PRIME FACTORIZATIONS of first 19 Fibonacci numbers = 2368 = Standard Greek value of “JESUS CHRIST” (every 19th Fibonacci number, and ONLY every 19th Fibonacci number, is a multiple of 37)

 PROTON/NEUTRON sum of first 37 atomic elements = 1532

   19th FIBONACCI NUMBER = 4181

   4181 - 1532 = 754th number that is a product of two PRIMES (verify here: SEMIPRIME NUMBERS)


ORDINAL Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 115 = 37th number that is a product of two PRIMES (verify here: SEMIPRIME NUMBERS)

CENTER OF RED INTERIOR STAR = (37 + 19) = 56 and the sum of the first 56 COMPOSITE NUMBERS = 2368 = Standard Greek value of “JESUS CHRIST”

CENTER OF RED INTERIOR STAR = 37 + 19 and the product of 37 and 19 = The sum of the first 37 integers (703)

Notice that the 754th SEMIPRIME NUMBER (numbers that are the product of two Primes) actually unites the Proton/Neutron sum of the first 37 atomic elements (1532) and the 19th Fibonacci number (4181). This amazing encoding is corroborated further in the ORDINAL Hebrew numerical value of "Jesus Christ" (115), which is itself the 37th SEMIPRIME NUMBER. We see also how the first 56 COMPOSITE NUMBERS points back to the numerical signature of Jesus Christ and is tied to the 37/19 pattern. Here are the first 56 COMPOSITE NUMBERS (56 = 37 + 19):

  1) 4

  2) 6

  3) 8

  4) 9

  5) 10

  6) 12

  7) 14

  8) 15

  9) 16

  10) 18

  11) 20

  12) 21

  13) 22

  14) 24

  15) 25

  16) 26

  17) 27

  18) 28

  19) 30

  20) 32

  21) 33

  22) 34

  23) 35

  24) 36

  25) 38

  26) 39

  27) 40

  28) 42

  29) 44

  30) 45

  31) 46

  32) 48

  33) 49

  34) 50

  35) 51

  36) 52

  37) 54

  38) 55

  39) 56

  40) 57

  41) 58

  42) 60

  43) 62

  44) 63

  45) 64

  46) 65

  47) 66

  48) 68

  49) 69

  50) 70

  51) 72

  52) 74

  53) 75

  54) 76

  55) 77

  56) 78

TOTAL SUM = 2368

   56 = 37 + 19

Ordinal Greek "THE NAME" (Romans 10:13) = 56

The product of 37 and 19 (37 × 19) = 703

The sum of the first 37 integers (1 through 37) = 703

Here is an isolated look at the 37 COMPOSITE NUMBERS derived from the nucleon numbers of the first 37 atomic elements:



Standard Hebrew value of “JESUS CHRIST” = 754


CENTER value = (37 + 19) = 56

Sum of first 56 COMPOSITE NUMBERS = 2368 = Standard Greek value of “JESUS CHRIST”

Every 19th Fibonacci number, and ONLY every 19th Fibonacci number, is a multiple of 37 (Prime Factorization sum of first 19 Fibonacci numbers = 2368)

The product of 37 and 19 = The sum of the first 37 integers

    (37 + 19) = 56

I showed how the INTERIOR of the Atomic Star yields the Standard Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (754). The Ordinal Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" = 115. This now leads to my discovery of "The Standard/Ordinal Star Of Jesus Christ (115 × 754)". The 115th Triangular number = 6670 counters (see here: Triangular Numbers). Incredibly, when each of the 13 positions that form the INTERIOR of the Atomic Star are represented by the 115th Triangle (T115), the total sum comes to EXACTLY 115 × 754 counters:


INTERIOR of "The Atomic Star Of Jesus Christ" = 754

Each of the Triangles occupying the INTERIOR of "The Atomic Star Of Jesus Christ" = T115

The 37th number that is the product of two PRIMES = 115

TOTAL SUM of Triangles occupying the INTERIOR of "The Atomic Star Of Jesus Christ" =

            115 × 754



The Standard Hebrew numerical signature of Jesus Christ (representing the Hebrew Old Testament) = 754 and the Standard Greek numerical signature of Jesus Christ (representing the Greek New Testament) = 2368. We know that the New Testament was essentially hidden within the Old Testament until the time when it was ready to be unfolded and revealed. LIKEWISE, the Greek value of Jesus Christ is numerically hidden within the Hebrew value of Jesus Christ. This logical pattern I found within the number 754 is significant because 754 is the ONLY number that yields 2368 with this specific pattern. I repeat, 754 is the ONLY number in the mathematical universe that yields 2368 when the following Triune pattern of digitally ascending/descending/ascending logic is applied to it:


  Standard Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 754

  Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368

 1) Ascending sum of 754: (7 + 75 + 754) = 836

 2) Descending subtraction of 754: (754 - 54 - 4) = 696

 3) Ascending sum of 754: (7 + 75 + 754) = 836

 (7 + 75 + 754) + (754 - 54 - 4) + (7 + 75 + 754) = 



 (a + ab + abc) + (abc - bc - c) + (a + ab + abc) = 2368

  SOLUTION: abc = 754


Given the fact that Prime/Composite numbers are naturally related, I indexed the natural order/sequence of PRIME NUMBERS to that of the nucleon numbers of the atomic elements. This results in ever further proof that the natural numbers built into the atomic elements of nature are coded with the mathematical signature of Jesus Christ: The sum of the PRIME NUMBERS indexed to the nucleon counts of the first 19 atomic elements = The Standard Greek numerical value of "CHRIST" (1480)

Here are the PRIME NUMBERS indexed to the total nucleon numbers in each of the first 19 atomic elements (with the PRIME NUMBERS in parenthesis):

   1) Hydrogen = 1 (2)

   2) Helium = 4 (7)

   3) Lithium = 7 (17)

   4) Beryllium = 9 (23)

   5) Boron = 11 (31)

   6) Carbon = 12 (37)

   7) Nitrogen = 14 (43)

   8) Oxygen = 16 (53)

   9) Fluorine = 19 (67)

   10) Neon = 20 (71)

   11) Sodium = 23 (83)

   12) Magnesium = 24 (89)

   13) Aluminium = 27 (103)

   14) Silicon = 28 (107)

   15) Phosphorus = 31 (127)

   16) Sulfur = 32 (131)

   17) Chlorine = 35 (149)

   18) Argon = 40 (173)

   19) Potassium = 39 (167)

 TOTAL SUM = 1480

Standard Greek value of "CHRIST" = 1480

This is yet another flawless example of what I term "GEOMETRIC CONVERGENCE", which can be seen in "The Atomic Prime/Composite Star Of Jesus Christ". The top values in each of the 19 symmetrically spaced squares (forming the Hexagon) are the 19 PRIME NUMBERS indexed to the first 19 atomic elements and the bottom values in each of the 37 symmetrically spaced squares are the 37 COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the first 37 atomic elements. Logically, each of the values within the same squares are NON-IDENTICAL, which is in perfect accordance with the Quantum principle I outlined:


RED INTERIOR STAR = Standard Hebrew value of "JESUS CHRIST" = 754 and the bottom values within each square = The COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the first 37 atomic elements

CENTER OF RED INTERIOR STAR = 56 and the sum of the first 56 COMPOSITE NUMBERS = Standard Greek value of "JESUS CHRIST" (2368)

BLUE HEXAGON values = PRIME NUMBERS indexed to the first 19 atomic elements = Standard Greek value of "CHRIST" (1480)

PRIME FACTORIZATION SUM of first 19 Fibonacci numbers = 2368 = Standard Greek value of "JESUS CHRIST" (every 19th Fibonacci number, and ONLY every 19th Fibonacci number, is divisible by 37)

A Hexagram is a natural extension of a Hexagon. Therefore, we have even further "GEOMETRIC CONVERGENCE", which I have appropriately coined "The Atomic Hexagon Of Jesus Christ" (again, in accordance with a fundamental rule of Quantum Physics, we see that each of the values occupying the same positions are NON-IDENTICAL):


RED values = PRIME FACTORIZATION SUM of first 19 Fibonacci numbers = Standard Greek value of "JESUS CHRIST" (2368)

BLUE values = PRIME NUMBERS indexed to the first 19 atomic elements = Standard Greek value of "CHRIST" (1480)

I showed how the Composite numbers indexed to the Proton/Neutron numbers in the first 37 atomic elements = Standard Greek "Jesus Christ" (2368), the Primes indexed to the combined nucleon counts in each of the first 19 atomic elements = Standard Greek "Christ" (1480) and the Prime Factorization sum of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers = 2368 (with every 19th Fibonacci term being a multiple of 37 and 19/37 being related in the natural geometry of the Hexagram). I will now demonstrate another powerful confirmation of this Prime/Composite indexing code that I have uncovered within the first 19 Prime numbers. Pay close attention to THE SELF-REFERENCING METHODOLOGY (Prime/Composite indexing) and how this yields the self-referencing signature of the divine encoder. I present to you: "The Self-referencing Atomic Code Of Jesus Christ"


Prime/Composite numbers are naturally related (being the exact opposite forms of numbers)

Sum of Composite numbers indexed to Proton/Neutron numbers in first 37 atomic elements = 2368

 Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368

Sum of Prime numbers indexed to combined nucleon counts in first 19 atomic elements = 1480

   Standard Greek "CHRIST" = 1480

Sum of Composite numbers indexed to first 19 Prime numbers = 836:

     1) 2 = 6

     2) 3 = 8

     3) 5 = 10

     4) 7 = 14

     5) 11 = 20

     6) 13 = 22

     7) 17 = 27

     8) 19 = 30

     9) 23 = 35

     10) 29 = 44

     11) 31 = 46

     12) 37 = 54

     13) 41 = 58

     14) 43 = 62

     15) 47 = 66

     16) 53 = 75

     17) 59 = 82

     18) 61 = 85

     19) 67 = 92

   TOTAL SUM = 836

Proton/Neutron sum of first 37 atomic elements = 1532

Sum of Composite numbers indexed to first 19 Prime numbers = 836

   1532 + 836 = 2368


At the beginning of this paper, I showed proof of how the Genesis 1:1 word values are actual “pointers” to the natural order/sequence of PRIME NUMBERS. I also discovered irrefutable proof that the Triple Repdigits (111 through 999) are also “pointers” to the order/sequence of PRIME NUMBERS and how they are directly tied to the coded mathematics of Genesis 1:1. First, notice that each of the Triple Repdigits are eternally tied to the flawless number 37 (through a perfect symmetry) …


 111 (1 + 1 + 1 = 3 and 3 × 37 = 111)

 222 (2 + 2 + 2 = 6 and 6 × 37 = 222)

 333 (3 + 3 + 3 = 9 and 9 × 37 = 333)

 444 (4 + 4 + 4 = 12 and 12 × 37 = 444)

 555 (5 + 5 + 5 = 15 and 15 × 37 = 555)

 666 (6 + 6 + 6 = 18 and 18 × 37 = 666)

 777 (7 + 7 + 7 = 21 and 21 × 37 = 777)

 888 (8 + 8 + 8 = 24 and 24 × 37 = 888)

 999 (9 + 9 + 9 = 27 and 27 × 37 = 999)

I will never forget the day I discovered the following, as it literally had me in a daze: The sum of the PRIME NUMBERS indexed to the Triple Repdigits = 37073 (the Primes can be verified here: PRIME NUMBERS) ...

   111th Prime = 607

   222nd Prime = 1399

   333rd Prime = 2239

   444th Prime = 3119

   555th Prime = 4019

   666th Prime = 4973

   777th Prime = 5903

   888th Prime = 6907

   999th Prime = 7907

 TOTAL SUM = 37073

GENESIS 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73

 2701 + 1072 = 3773

Pi is the universal ratio between the circumference/diameter of a perfect circle. It yields an infinite sequence of non-cyclic digits (3.14159 ... to infinity). Amazingly, I discovered that the sum of the first place positions of each of the Triple Repdigits in Pi points right back to the PRIME NUMBERS indexed to the Triple Repdigits (through the Genesis 1:1 principle of mirror reflections). All of the “Pi Positions” for the Triple Repdigits can be verified here: Pi Position Calculator. An “irrational” number is a number that is the opposite of a whole integer. Thus, it is only logical to begin all the “Pi Positions” after the decimal point in Pi, as that is where the “irrational” or “hidden” side of Pi resides (just as the deeper secrets of the universe are hidden within the Quantum realm). Here are the “Pi Positions” of the Triple Repdigits …

Pi POSITIONS (after the decimal point):

       111 = 153

       222 = 1735

       333 = 1698

       444 = 2707

       555 = 177

       666 = 2440

       777 = 1589

       888 = 4751

       999 = 762


   16012 + 21061 = 37073

GENESIS 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73

    2701 + 1072 = 3773

The Lord showed me that all this mathematical perfection is also eternally signed with his very name. The ancients universally understood that there are 360 degrees in a perfect CIRCLE (Pi = The ratio between the circumference/diameter of a CIRCLE). Twin Prime numbers are Prime numbers that are separated by a single Composite number. Thus, every Twin Prime pair consists of a Lesser value and a Greater value. Remarkably, the 360th Twin Prime pair = 21059/21061 (the Lesser of the Twin Prime pairs can be referenced here: LESSER TWIN PRIMES and the Greater of the Twin Prime pairs can be referenced here: GREATER TWIN PRIMES)! Why is this remarkable? Here's why …

    “JESUS CHRIST” = 2368

 2368th PRIME NUMBER = 21059


360th TWIN PRIME PAIR = 21059/21061

    21061 + 16012 = 37073


    16012 + 21061 = 37073

My discoveries in the Triple Repdigit codes (and how they tie in with the coded mathematics of Genesis 1:1 and the mathematical signature of “Jesus Christ”) are enough to completely bury atheism all on their own. However, the reason I'm mentioning my findings on the Triple Repdigits here is because they also tie in with my work on the first 37 atomic elements and the first 19 Fibonacci numbers: Just as the Triple Repdigits are eternally tied to the flawless number 37 (through a perfect symmetry), they are eternally tied to the sum of 37 and 19 (56). Observe the following, which I call “The Triple Repdigit Cipher Of 37 + 19” ...


   (111 + 1)/(1 + 1) = 37 + 19 = 56

   (222 + 2)/(2 + 2) = 37 + 19 = 56

   (333 + 3)/(3 + 3) = 37 + 19 = 56

   (444 + 4)/(4 + 4) = 37 + 19 = 56

   (555 + 5)/(5 + 5) = 37 + 19 = 56

   (666 + 6)/(6 + 6) = 37 + 19 = 56

   (777 + 7)/(7 + 7) = 37 + 19 = 56

   (888 + 8)/(8 + 8) = 37 + 19 = 56

   (999 + 9)/(9 + 9) = 37 + 19 = 56

Sum of first 56 COMPOSITE NUMBERS = 2368 = “JESUS CHRIST” (56 = 37 + 19)

PRIME FACTORIZATION SUM of first 19 Fibonacci numbers = 2368 = “JESUS CHRIST”

Every 19th Fibonacci number, and ONLY every 19th Fibonacci number, is a perfect multiple of 37

The Fibonacci number series is deeply related to the Golden Ratio (aka "Phi", which is not to be confused with "Pi"). For example, the ratio between every two successive Fibonacci numbers moves closer and closer to Phi (to infinity). Similarly to that of Pi, the decimal expansion of Phi yields an infinite sequence of non-cyclic digits (1.61803 ... to infinity). Using the same principle of counting only the digits after the decimal point (which, similarly to that of Pi, houses the infinite secrets of Phi), I was able to prove the mathematical unity between the Fibonacci code of 19 and the “Composite Index” code of the first 37 atomic elements even further: Incredibly, the sum of the “Phi Positions” of the 37 COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the first 37 nucleon numbers = 2368 + 4181! Do you understand the significance of this? Please understand that the 19th Fibonacci number = 4181 and the PRIME FACTORIZATION SUM of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers = 2368. For verification, here is an online “Phi Position” calculator: Phi Position Calculator

Here are the “Phi Positions” of the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the nucleon numbers of the first 37 atomic elements:

   1) 4 = 11

   2) 9 = 7

   3) 14 = 254

   4) 16 = 219

   5) 20 = 19

   6) 21 = 54

   7) 24 = 78

   8) 26 = 67

   9) 30 = 40

   10) 32 = 181

   11) 35 = 56

   12) 36 = 28

   13) 40 = 105

   14) 42 = 347

   15) 46 = 70

   16) 48 = 15

   17) 51 = 394

   18) 57 = 48

   19) 56 = 30

   20) 57 = 48

   21) 64 = 299

   22) 68 = 24

   23) 72 = 37

   24) 74 = 10

   25) 77 = 36

   26) 78 = 198

   27) 82 = 18

   28) 82 = 18

   29) 88 = 8

   30) 90 = 76

   31) 95 = 167

   32) 99 = 189

   33) 102 = 603

   34) 108 = 1367

   35) 110 = 562

   36) 115 = 648

   37) 116 = 218

TOTAL “Phi POSITION” SUM = 2368 + 4181

PRIME FACTORIZATION SUM of first 19 Fibonacci numbers = 2368 = “JESUS CHRIST”

The 19th Fibonacci number = 4181

Notice how these 37 COMPOSITE NUMBERS, derived from the first 37 atomic elements, also serve as “pointers” to the decimal place positions of Phi (with Phi being intimately related to the Fibonacci series itself). Not only does this tie the Fibonacci Code of 19 with the “Composite Index” code of the first 37 nucleon numbers MATHEMATICALLY, it ties them together GEOMETRICALLY through what I have coined “The Atomic Phi Star Of Jesus Christ” (again, each of the values occupying the same squares are NON-IDENTICAL, which abides by the Quantum principle I previously outlined):


RED HEXAGRAM values = The “Phi Positions” of the 37 values in “The Atomic Star” = 2368 + 4181

BLUE HEXAGON values = PRIME FACTORIZATION SUM of first 19 Fibonacci numbers = 2368 = Standard Greek “JESUS CHRIST” and the 19th Fibonacci number = 4181 (every 19th Fibonacci number, and ONLY every 19th Fibonacci number, is a perfect multiple of 37)

 4181 - 2368 = The 1532nd COMPOSITE NUMBER (verify here: COMPOSITE NUMBERS)

PROTON/NEUTRON sum of first 37 atomic elements = 1532

Can any honest seeker of truth deny that this geometric perfection is literal proof of God? Notice that the 37 values representing “The Atomic Star” are derived through COMPOSITE INDEXING and that 4181 - 2368 points back to the first 37 atomic elements through the natural order/sequence of COMPOSITE NUMBERS (4181 - 2368 = The 1532nd Composite number). Moreover, the values 2368 and 4181 point directly to the Fibonacci code of 19. Do you want further proof? Genesis 1:1 is the foundation of Biblical Numerics. Therefore, we have the following perfection, which I call “The Atomic Phi Star Balance Of 888/1480” …


  GENESIS 1:1 = 37 × 73 = 2701

      “JESUS” = 888

     “CHRIST” = 1480

    2701 - 888 = The 1532nd COMPOSITE NUMBER

   2701 + 1480 = 4181 = The 19th FIBONACCI NUMBER

I even found that Genesis 1:1 itself ties the Golden Ratio (Phi) to the natural order/sequence of COMPOSITE NUMBERS (just as “The Atomic Phi Star” does). Genesis 1:1 yields the BEST possible approximation of Phi, out of ANY number, as a ratio of the 3773rd COMPOSITE NUMBER. Observe:

GENESIS 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73

    2701 + 1072 = 3773

The 3773rd COMPOSITE NUMBER = 4370 (verify here: COMPOSITE NUMBERS

 4370/2701 = Phi (1.618)

I showed how the natural numbers of the first 37 atomic elements are actual "pointers" to the natural order of Composite numbers and yields the Standard Greek value of "Jesus Christ" (2368). The Proton/Neutron sum of the first 37 atomic elements = 1532 and the 1532nd COMPOSITE NUMBER = 1813. This now leads to my discovery of "The Atomic Pyramid Of Jesus Christ", which demonstrates further how the 37/19 pattern is coded in the fundamental structure of the natural world. The Hexagonal Pyramidal numbers are numbers that form 3-dimensional Pyramids with a Hexagonal base. Amazingly, the 19th multiple of the 1532nd COMPOSITE NUMBER (1813 × 19) yields the 37th Hexagonal Pyramid. The Hexagonal Pyramids can be referenced here: Hexagonal Pyramidal Numbers


   1) 1

   2) 7

   3) 22

   4) 50

   5) 95

   6) 161

   7) 252

   8) 372

   9) 525

   10) 715

   11) 946

   12) 1222

   13) 1547

   14) 1925

   15) 2360

   16) 2856

   17) 3417

   18) 4047

   19) 4750

   20) 5530

   21) 6391

   22) 7337

   23) 8372

   24) 9500

   25) 10725

   26) 12051

   27) 13482

   28) 15022

   29) 16675

   30) 18445

   31) 20336

   32) 22352

   33) 24497

   34) 26775

   35) 29190

   36) 31746

   37) 34447

 1813 × 19 = 34447


PROTON/NEUTRON sum of first 37 atomic elements = 1532

Sum of COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to Proton/Neutron numbers of first 37 atomic elements = "JESUS CHRIST" (2368)

The 19th multiple of the 1532nd COMPOSITE NUMBER (1813 × 19) = The 37th HEXAGONAL PYRAMID

   2368 + 1813 = 19th FIBONACCI NUMBER

PRIME FACTORIZATION SUM of first 19 FIBONACCI NUMBERS = 2368 (every 19th Fibonacci number, and ONLY every 19th Fibonacci number, is a multiple of 37)

EACH of the Standing Triangular faces of the 37th HEXAGONAL PYRAMID = 37 × 19 counters

   PYRAMID = 37 rows of counters


     GENESIS 1:1 = 2701

Notice that the BASE of the 37th Hexagonal Pyramid (2701 counters) perfectly separates the 1532nd COMPOSITE NUMBER (1813) from the 19th FIBONACCI NUMBER (4181) through the Standard Greek values of "JESUS" and "CHRIST" (888 and 1480):

 2701 - 888 = 1532nd COMPOSITE NUMBER

 2701 + 1480 = 19th FIBONACCI NUMBER 


There are 4 canonical values in authentic Biblical Numerics that qualify as mathematical signatures of “Jesus Christ” (the Ordinal Hebrew/Greek values and the Standard Hebrew/Greek values). I have coined these 4 sacred values “The Tetra Set Of Jesus Christ” …


ORDINAL Hebrew “Jesus Christ” = 115

ORDINAL Greek “Jesus Christ” = 205

STANDARD Hebrew “Jesus Christ” = 754

STANDARD Greek “Jesus Christ” = 2368

I am going to demonstrate, without a shadow of a doubt, that all 4 of these sacred mathematical signatures of “Jesus Christ” are literally coded within the inner DIAMOND structure of “The Atomic Star”. The Ordinal Greek numerical value of “Jesus Christ” (87 + 118) = 205:

The 205th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 261 (verify here: COMPOSITE NUMBERS). We saw how “The Atomic Star” is formed through indexing the COMPOSITE NUMBERS to the 37 nucleon counts of the first 37 atomic elements. Thus, we have the following mathematical/geometric fact: The sum of the values occupying the DIAMOND within the geometric sum of 754 = The sum of 205 and the 205th COMPOSITE NUMBER, which I have coined “The Atomic Diamond Of Jesus Christ” …


INTERIOR HEXAGRAM values = 754 = Standard Hebrew “JESUS CHRIST”

DIAMOND BLUE values = The sum of 205 and the 205th COMPOSITE NUMBER (205 + 261)


REMAINDER of geometric sum of 754 (with Diamond outline removed) = 2 × 3 × 6 × 8

CENTER value = 56 and the sum of the first 56 COMPOSITE NUMBERS = STANDARD Greek “JESUS CHRIST” (2368)

Notice that the OUTLINE of the atomic Diamond = The SUM of 205 and the 205th Composite number (205 + 261) while the CENTER of the atomic Diamond (56) = The DIFFERENCE between 205 and the 205th Composite number (261 - 205):



Keep in mind that 205 is the ONLY Composite number that yields the sum of 466 through adding it with the natural Composite number indexed to it (205 + 261 = 466). It is simply undeniable that this Diamond outline within the geometric sum of 754 is highlighting the Ordinal Greek value of “Jesus Christ” (205), as it is what I call “A Mathematically Self-Referencing System”. Observe:


The 37 squares represent the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the 37 nucleon numbers of the first 37 atomic elements

The INTERIOR HEXAGRAM = 754 = The Standard Hebrew value of “JESUS CHRIST” and the DIAMOND OUTLINE within it yields the sum of 205 and the 205th COMPOSITE NUMBER (466)

There are 1532 PROTONS/NEUTRONS in the first 37 atomic elements and 1532 + 466 = The 37th multiple of the 37th COMPOSITE NUMBER (1998)

754/1998 = An infinitely repeating cycle of 3773

 754/1998 = .3773773773773773 … to infinity

I found that the Ordinal Greek numerical value of “Jesus Christ” itself stands out within the natural order/sequence of PRIME/COMPOSITE NUMBERS, which can be seen in my discovery of "The Prime/Composite Code Of 87/118":


   ORDINAL Greek “JESUS” = 87

  ORDINAL Greek “CHRIST” = 118

The 87th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 118 (verify here: OEIS.org)

The 87th number that is the sum of two PRIME NUMBERS = 118 (verify here: OEIS.org)

       (87 + 118) = 205

We are now going to see undeniable proof that these symmetries within “The Atomic Diamond” are by design. We saw how the “Phi Positions” of the 37 values making up the Atomic Star actually unite the Atomic Star with the Fibonacci code of 19 (and “The Atomic Diamond” is geometrically housed within the Atomic Star). Since Phi yields an infinite sequence of non-cyclic digits, no two whole numbers can be divided into one another to produce an exact value of Phi (they can only produce an approximation of Phi at best). Unbelievably, when we divide 754 by the Diamond outline sum, we get Phi to a shocking accuracy. What's more, the remainder within the geometric sum of 754 = 2 × 3 × 6 × 8 and yields the reciprocal of Phi to the same shocking accuracy. I have coined this indestructible proof “The Phi Diamond Of Jesus Christ” …


INTERIOR HEXAGRAM values = 754 = Standard Hebrew “JESUS CHRIST”

DIAMOND BLUE values = Sum of 205 and 205th COMPOSITE NUMBER (205 + 261) = 466 and REMAINDER values = 2 × 3 × 6 × 8

    754/466 = Phi (1.61803)

(2 × 3 × 6 × 8)/466 = Reciprocal of Phi (0.61803)

The odds of two random numbers yielding Phi to an accuracy of 6 digits is 1 in 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 5 (or 1 in 500,000). Therefore, the odds of two random values yielding Phi and the reciprocal of Phi to this accuracy is 1 in 500,000 × 500,000 (or 1 in 250 BILLION). 

Observe that the Ordinal Hebrew numerical value of “Jesus Christ” (58 + 57) = 115:


The “Phi Diamond” ties in directly with a discovery I made a while back, which I coined “The Composite Triangle Of 115”. The COMPOSITE ORDER of 115 = 84 and the 115th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 152 (verify here: COMPOSITE NUMBERS). This “Composite Set” actually forms a base that yields a “Vertical Sum” culminating in 466. Moreover, the “Composite Set” of 115 is the ONLY Composite number that culminates in 466. I repeat, 115 is the ONLY Composite number, out of the entire infinite family of Composite numbers, that forms a “Composite Triangle” culminating in 466. Here is “The Composite Triangle Of 115” (notice that every number above the base is the sum of the two numbers beneath it):




CAPSTONE = 466 = Sum of 205 and 205th COMPOSITE NUMBER (205 + 261)


    754/466 = Phi (1.61803)

(2 × 3 × 6 × 8)/466 = Reciprocal of Phi (0.61803)

Incredibly, the 205th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 261 and the 261st number that is the product of two PRIME NUMBERS = The Ordinal/Standard Hebrew values of “Jesus Christ” (115 + 754). This can be verified here: SEMIPRIME NUMBERS. Furthermore, notice that BOTH the Ordinal and Standard Hebrew values of “Jesus Christ” are themselves eternally tied to 37:

• ORDINAL Hebrew “Jesus Christ” = 115 = The 37th number that is the product of two Primes (see here: OEIS.org)

• STANDARD Hebrew “Jesus Christ” = 754 = The 37th number that is the sum of two distinct squares in two ways (see here: OEIS.org)

Observe how the DIAMOND OUTLINE of the Atomic Diamond itself points directly to the Ordinal/Standard Hebrew values of “Jesus Christ” (115 and 754) through the Genesis 1:1 principle of mirror reflections:


     24 + 42 = 66

     40 + 04 = 44

     57 + 75 = 132

     74 + 47 = 121

     95 + 59 = 154

     77 + 77 = 154

     57 + 75 = 132

     42 + 24 = 66

 TOTAL SUM = 115 + 754

You probably have figured out by now that the perfection doesn't end there: The EXACT average between 115 and 754 = 434.5 and the ratio between the sum of the first 37 integers (703) and 434.5 = Phi (1.618). In fact, no whole integer, in the entire infinite family of whole integers, produces a better approximation of Phi (as a ratio of 703) than the EXACT average between 115 and 754 does …

EXACT average between 115 and 754 = 434.5

       (115 + 754)/2 = 434.5

  Sum of first 37 integers = 703

CENTER of “The Atomic Diamond” = (37 + 19) and the product of 37 and 19 (37 × 19) = Sum of first 37 integers = 703

       703/434.5 = Phi (1.618)

The connection between the Ordinal/Standard Hebrew values of “Jesus Christ” (Yehoshua HaMashiac) and the Golden Ratio (Phi) goes even deeper, which can be seen in my discovery of “The Phi/Prime Code Of Jesus Christ”. The 115th PRIME NUMBER = 631 and the 754th PRIME NUMBER = 5737 (verify here: PRIME NUMBERS). Therefore, we have the following flawless perfection …


ORDINAL Hebrew “JESUS” = 58 and ORDINAL Hebrew “CHRIST” = 57

    (58/57) / .631 = Phi (1.62)

STANDARD Hebrew “JESUS” = 391 and STANDARD Hebrew “CHRIST” = 363

   (363/391) / .5737 = Phi (1.618)

Do you suppose that “The Diamond Proofs Of God” should end there? The Ordinal Hebrew value of “Jesus” = 58 and the Ordinal Hebrew value of “Christ” = 57. Therefore, we are now faced with the following indestructible fact: The “Phi Position” of the sequence 58057 (after the decimal point) = 115 + 754 (verify here: Phi Position Calculator) …

  ORDINAL Hebrew “JESUS” = 58

  ORDINAL Hebrew “CHRIST” = 57

   “Phi POSITION” of 58057 = 869

       115 + 754 = 869

The values 115 and 869 are themselves eternally linked through their reciprocals:


    1/115 = .00869

    1/869 = .00115

In fact, they yield an infinitely repeating cycle of each other:

    1/115 =

.0086956521739130434782608695652173913043478260869 … to infinity

    1/869 =

.001150747986191024165707710011507479861910241657077100115 … to infinity

 ORDINAL Hebrew “Jesus Christ” = 115

ORDINAL + STANDARD Hebrew “Jesus Christ” = (115 + 754) = 869


Given all the converging mathematical wonders I’ve already outlined between 37 and 19, it is a remarkable fact indeed that there are precisely 19 atomic elements that have 1 stable isotope and that are non-radioactive. These are known as Mononuclidic/Monoisotopic elements (see here: Mononuclidic/Monoisotopic Elements). Logically, I applied the same “Composite Indexing” pattern to the nucleon numbers of the 19 Mononuclidic elements. I found that they also serve as “pointers” to the natural order/sequence of COMPOSITE NUMBERS, just as the numbers derived from the individual Protons/Neutrons of the first 37 atomic elements do (yielding 2368) and just as the numbers derived from the nucleon counts of the first 37 atomic elements do (yielding a geometric sum of 754).

The Standard Hebrew numerical value of “Jesus Christ” (Yehoshua HaMashiac) = 754. The COMPOSITE ORDER of 754 = 620 and the 754th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 910 (verify here: COMPOSITE NUMBERS). When we sum these three values (620 + 754 + 910), we get 2284, which I call the “COMPOSITE SET” of 754. Keep in mind that every single Composite number, in the entire infinite family of Composite numbers, yields a UNIQUE “Composite Set” sum. Thus, we are now faced with the following amazing fact: The sum of the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the 19 nucleon numbers of the 19 Mononuclidic/Monoisotopic elements = The UNIQUE “Composite Set” of 754

Here are the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the total nucleon counts of the 19 Mononuclidic/Monoisotopic elements (with Composite numbers in parenthesis):

   1) Beryllium = 9 (16)

   2) Fluorine = 19 (30)

   3) Sodium = 23 (35)

   4) Aluminium = 27 (40)

   5) Phosphorus = 31 (46)

   6) Scandium = 45 (64)

   7) Manganese = 55 (77)

   8) Cobalt = 59 (82)

   9) Arsenic = 75 (102)

   10) Yttrium = 89 (120)

   11) Niobium = 93 (124)

   12) Rhodium = 103 (136)

   13) Iodine = 127 (166)

   14) Caesium = 133 (174)

   15) Praseodymium = 141 (184)

   16) Terbium = 159 (206)

   17) Holmium = 165 (213)

   18) Thulium = 169 (217)

   19) Gold = 197 (252)

 TOTAL SUM = 620 + 754 + 910



It follows that this mathematical coding also entails a geometric unity: A Hexagram representing the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the 37 nucleon counts of the first 37 atomic elements and a Hexagon representing the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the 19 nucleon counts of the 19 Mononuclidic/Monoisotopic elements. I have appropriately coined this geometric perfection “The Mononuclidic Star Of Jesus Christ” (again, following the Quantum principle I originally outlined, we find that each of the values occupying the same squares/positions are NON-IDENTICAL) ...


RED INTERIOR HEXAGRAM values = 754 = Standard Hebrew “JESUS CHRIST

BLUE HEXAGON values = The UNIQUE “Composite Set” of 754 (620 + 754 + 910)

CENTER OF INTERIOR HEXAGRAM = 56 and the sum of the first 56 COMPOSITE NUMBERS = 2368 = Standard Greek “JESUS CHRIST”

Notice that the Proton/Neutron sum of the 19th Mononuclidic element itself (197) points to the number 37, as it is precisely the sum of all PRIME NUMBERS up to 37 …


2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 13 + 17 + 19 + 23 + 29 + 31 + 37 = 197

PROTON/NEUTRON sum of 19th Mononuclidic element = 197

This is yet another example of a mathematically self-referencing system: The sum of the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the 19 Mononuclidic elements = The “COMPOSITE SET” of 754 (and ONLY the “Composite Set” of 754) while the sum of the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the Ordinal Hebrew letter values of “Jesus Christ” = 197

Here are the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the Ordinal Hebrew letter values of “Jesus Christ”:

   10 = 18

   5 = 10

   6 = 12

   21 = 33

   16 = 26

   5 = 10

   13 = 22

   21 = 33

   10 = 18

   8 = 15


PROTON/NEUTRON sum of 19th Mononuclidic element = 197

Sum of all PRIME NUMBERS up to 37 = 197

ORDINAL Hebrew value of “JESUS CHRIST” (115) = The 37th number that is the product of two PRIME NUMBERS (see here: OEIS.org)

Sum of COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the nucleon counts of the 19 Mononuclidic elements = The UNIQUE “Composite Set” of 754

Hexagons/Hexagrams are naturally related (the Hexagram is a natural extension of the Hexagon and every Hexagram accomodates a specific Hexagon that is unique to itself). We saw how there are 4 canonical values from the ancient system of Biblical Numerics that qualify as mathematical signatures of "Jesus Christ" (Ordinal Hebrew/Greek values and Standard Hebrew/Greek values). Remarkably, the sum of these 4 sacred values are represented through a perfect GEOMETRIC UNION between the 19 Mononuclidic elements and the first 19 Regular Hexagons. There are two types of basic Hexagonal forms: REGULAR Hexagons and CENTERED Hexagons (the Regular Hexagonal numbers can be referenced here: Regular Hexagonal Numbers). Here are the first 19 Regular Hexagonal numbers ... 


    1) 1

    2) 6

    3) 15

    4) 28

    5) 45

    6) 66

    7) 91

    8) 120

    9) 153

    10) 190

    11) 231

    12) 276

    13) 325

    14) 378

    15) 435

    16) 496

    17) 561

    18) 630

    19) 703

Notice that the 19th Regular Hexagonal number (703) = The product of 37 and 19 = The sum of the first 37 integers (1 through 37). This leads to my discovery of "The Mononuclidic Hexagon Of Jesus Christ", whereby the nucleon counts of the 19 Mononuclidic elements and the first Regular Hexagonal numbers yield THE EXACT SAME HEXAGONAL SYMMETRY when they are placed in the form of a Hexagon. The 19 Mononuclidic numbers are at the bottom of each of the 19 squares while the first 19 Regular Hexagonal numbers are at the top of each of the 19 squares (the values in each of the 19 squares are NON-IDENTICAL, which, again, is in perfect accordance with the Quantum principle I previously outlined):


BOTTOM values = The 19 Mononuclidic elements and the TOP values = The first 19 Regular HEXAGONAL numbers

PROTON/NEUTRON sum of 19th Mononuclidic element = 197 = The sum of all PRIMES up to 37 and the 19th Regular HEXAGONAL number = The product of 37 and 19 = The sum of the first 37 integers (703)


BLUE HEXAGONAL SYMMETRY = The sum of the 4 sacred signatures of "JESUS CHRIST" = 

   (115 + 205) + (754 + 2368)

CENTER POSITION of 19 Regular HEXAGONAL numbers = 190 = The sum of the first 19 integers (1 through 19)


The 197th Prime number itself (1201) is part of the natural geometry of Genesis 1:1. The Standard Hebrew numerical value of Genesis 1:1 (2701) is the 73rd Triangular number, which are a specific family of numbers that form perfect Triangles (the Triangular numbers can be referenced here: Triangular Numbers). Every third Triangular number has a "CENTROID" counter by which it forms specific HEXAGON/HEXAGRAM pairs through self-intersection. Thus, this "CENTROID" counter, found within every third Triangular number (T1, T4, T7, T10, T13 ... to infinity), is naturally related to the geometry of HEXAGON/HEXAGRAM pairs. The Genesis 1:1 Triangle (T73) happens to be one of these Triangular numbers with a "CENTROID" counter. Incredibly, the sum of the counters from the top of the Genesis 1:1 Triangle to its "CENTROID" counter = The 197th Prime number:


GENESIS 1:1 TRIANGLE = The 73rd Triangle = 2701 counters


This leads me to another amazing example of perfect GEOMETRIC UNION in the 19 Mononuclidic/Monoisotopic elements. As mentioned, there are two types of Hexagonal forms: REGULAR Hexagons and CENTERED Hexagons. We already looked at the first 19 Regular Hexagons and how it points to the 4 canonical values of "Jesus Christ" (through a HEXAGONAL symmetry). We will now apply the exact same method with the first 19 Centered Hexagonal numbers (the Centered Hexagonal numbers can be referenced here: Centered Hexagonal Numbers) ... 


    1) 1

    2) 7

    3) 19

    4) 37

    5) 61

    6) 91

    7) 127

    8) 169

    9) 217

    10) 271

    11) 331

    12) 397

    13) 469

    14) 547

    15) 631

    16) 721

    17) 817

    18) 919

    19) 1027

Therefore, we have the following perfection, which ties right back to Genesis 1:1 and which I have appropriately coined "The Genesis 1:1 Hexagon Of The 19 Mononuclidic Elements" (again, each of the values occupying the same 19 squares are NON-IDENTICAL, in accordance with a fundamental principle of Quantum physics):


BOTTOM values = The 19 Mononuclidic elements and the TOP values = The first 19 Centered HEXAGONAL numbers

RED HEXAGONAL SYMMETRY = The 197th PRIME NUMBER and the 19th Mononuclidic element = PROTON/NEUTRON sum of 197

"CENTROID" COUNTER within Genesis 1:1 Triangle = The 197th PRIME NUMBER



Genesis 1:1, which is eternally rooted in the flawless number 37, is the mathematical foundation of Biblical Numerics (and the semantical foundation of Biblical creation). Thus, the importance of the HEXAGON/HEXAGRAM form to Genesis 1:1 can be seen in the following amazing fact: Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = The 37th Regular HEXAGON (verify here: Regular Hexagonal Numbers) ... 




I showed how the first 37 elements of nature are encoded with the Standard Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (754) and the Standard Greek value of "Jesus Christ" (2368) through a HEXAGRAM. My research also shows how this alphanumeric code of creation is reflected in the very geometry of the 37th HEXAGRAM itself. Thus, I have demonstrated a harmonious threefold alphanumeric witness that unites Biblical alphanumerics, geometry and nature (through the fundamental number 37). I present to you: "The Signature Star Of Jesus Christ (37)"


The 37th Hexagon accommodates T55, which sections off three equal Trapeziums of 819 counters

Standard Hebrew "LORD JESUS CHRIST" = 819

The 37th Hexagon is accommodated by the 37th Hexagram

With the three Trapeziums removed, the sum of T55 with the six mini Trapeziums = T55 + (138 × 6) = 2368 counters

 Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368

The sum of the six remaining satellite Triangles = 528 × 6 = 3168 counters 

Standard Greek "LORD JESUS CHRIST" = 3168


I showed how the 37th Star is deeply encoded with the numerical signature of Jesus Christ (simultaneously yielding 2368, 3168 and 819). Enoch was a righteous man who walked with God (Genesis 5:24) and his ascension into the higher dimensional state of heaven was a PRE-FIGURE of the divine ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven. I will now demonstrate a powerful PROOF OF GOD that I have uncovered, which is revealed through a series of converging geometric displays that culminate in the 3-dimensional representation of the 37th Star. I present to you: "The Enochian Typology Of Jesus Christ"


 Enoch was the 7th from Adam

The 7th Tetrahedron (i.e. 3-dimensional Triangle) = 84 counters

Standard Hebrew "ENOCH" = 84

Digital sum of first 7 Tetrahedral numbers = 39

(1) + (4) + (1 + 0) + (2 + 0) + (3 + 5) + (5 + 6) + (8 + 4) = 39

 Ordinal Hebrew "ENOCH" = 39

   THE 3/7 CODE:

Tetrahedron = 3 Standing Faces

 Tetrahedron = The 7th term 

The CONCATENATION of the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors (373) forms a geometric "Snowflake" that embodies 7 Hexagrams of 37 counters, which is precisely accommodated by the Hexagon derived from the 115th Prime number. This now leads to the following perfection:


Ordinal Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 115

The 115th Prime (631) forms the precise Hexagon that accommodates Snowflake 373

The PERIMETER of this Hexagon (and ONLY this Hexagon) = 84 counters

 Standard Hebrew "ENOCH" = 84

Standard Hebrew "GOD TOOK HIM" (Genesis 5:24) = 631

   Total Hexagon = 631

Enoch was the 7th from Adam

Snowflake 373 embodies 7 Hexagrams of 37 counters

Standard Greek "SEVENTH" (Jude 1:14) = 391

 Standard Hebrew "JESUS" = 391


   "ENOCH" (SH) = 84

   "ENOCH" (OH) = 39

   "ENOCH" (SG) = 1455

   "ENOCH" (OG) = 64

Standard Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 754

 Standard Greek "JESUS" = 888

 754 + 888 = (84 + 39 + 1455 + 64)


754 - 631 = SH "ENOCH" + OH "ENOCH

888 + 631 = SG "ENOCH" + OG "ENOCH"

   Hexagon = 631

    Hebrews 11:5

"By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; for before his TRANSLATION (115) he had this testimony, that he pleased God"

Ordinal Greek "TRANSLATION" = 115

 115th Prime = Hexagon 631

The numerical value of Genesis 1:1 (2701) forms the fundamental Triangle in Biblical Numerics (namely, T73). This now leads to the following miraculous perfection:


 Genesis 1:1 = T73

Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73

Hexagon 631 accomodates Snowflake 373

This Hexagon pairs with three equal Trapeziums of 205 counters to form a figure that fits perfectly on the Genesis 1:1 Triangle (touching all three sides)

Ordinal Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 205

PERIMETER of Hexagon 631 = 84

 Standard Hebrew "ENOCH" = 84

This figure sections off precisely 1455 counters within the Genesis 1:1 Triangle:

 T73 - (631 + 205 × 3) = 1455

Standard Greek "ENOCH" = 1455

The righteous man Enoch, who walked with God, was translated to a higher dimensional state. This now leads to further perfection within the 3-dimensional form of the 37th Star (the very same Star that I showed is deeply encoded with the numerical signature of Jesus Christ in its 2-dimensional form):


Ordinal Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 115

The 115th Prime (631) forms the precise Hexagon that accommodates Snowflake 373

Snowflake 373 embodies 7 Hexagrams of 37 counters

 Enoch was the 7th from Adam 

 Standard Hebrew "JESUS" = 391

Standard Greek "SEVENTH" (Jude 1:14) = 391

391 × (37 × 7) = The 37th 3-dimensional Star

   Verify here: 3-D Stars


I am now going to present what I call “The Quantum Creation Model Of 37”, which is the culmination of all my work tying the fundamental building blocks of the atom to the natural geometric divisions of the Hexagram. The Standard Model of particle physics is the most successful scientific theory in history (see here: The Standard Model). There are two fundamental categories of particles: Fermions and Bosons. The Fermions are the fundamental particles (see here: Fermions) and the Bosons are the force-carrying particles (see here: Bosons). Given the centrality of 37 in Biblical Numerics, it is a remarkable fact indeed that there are precisely 37 fundamental particles in the Standard Model (24 Fermions and 13 Bosons). In other words, the universe is actually rooted in 37 Quantum Fields, which gives rise to the 37 fundamental particles ...


 - 6 Leptons and 6 corresponding antiparticle Leptons

 - 6 Quarks and 6 corresponding antiparticle Quarks


 - 1 Higgs Boson

 - 4 Electroweak Bosons: W+, W-, Z and Photon

 - 8 Gluons

There are some physicists who propose the idea of other unknown force-carriers (Bosons), such as “Gravitons”. However, these are purely theoretical and have no actual evidence. The 24 Fermions + 13 Bosons of the Standard Model are the only fundamental particles that have been verified. If there were other fundamental particles in addition to the 37 known particles of the Standard Model, then we would expect to find a deviation in the perfect spheres of electrons. The problem is that no deviation in the perfect spheres of electrons has ever been observed.

The perfect spheres of electrons have been verified to a mind-boggling millionth of a millionth of a millionth of a billionth of a centimeter (see here: ELECTRONS). To get an idea of how precise that is, if we could expand the diameter of the electron to that of our entire Solar System, the electron would still be a perfect sphere. In fact, a newer study has just been released (October, 2018) that was able to verify the perfect sphere of the electron at TEN TIMES the measurement of the previous study (see here: ELECTRON SPHERES). What this new study shows is that even if there WERE other fundamental particles outside of the 37 known particles of the Standard Model, we have no means to even detect them. The latest measurements represent the highest possible accuracy that our most advanced technology can even achieve.

This leads me to my discovery of what I call “The Quantum Star Of Creation”. As we have seen, the number 37 is a Hexagram number, which are a specific family of numbers that form perfect Hexagrams. Further, the converging mathematical codes I have outlined throughout this paper (rooted in Prime/Composite numbers, the Fibonacci series and Phi) are all united in the perfect geometry of the Hexagram. Remarkably, a Hexagram of 37 counters perfectly divides the number of Fermions/Bosons (24 + 13) through its Perimeter/Interior sum:




    (24 + 13) = 37

Genesis 1:1, which is mathematically rooted in the flawless number 37, introduces the Biblical creation account of “6 Days” of creation. This points to the representation of the fundamental particles of the universe (Fermions/Bosons) as a geometric Hexagram. Why? Very simple: The Hexagon/Hexagram is the ONLY geometric form, in the entire infinite family of geometric forms, with precisely 6 points (the Hexagram is a natural extension of the Hexagon) …


 GENESIS 1:1 is rooted in the number 37

GENESIS 1:1 introduces the "6 Days" of creation

HEXAGON/HEXAGRAM = The ONLY geometric form with 6 points

What you are about to witness is the geometric template by which God divided the 37 fundamental particles of creation. We saw how the Perimeter/Interior of the Hexagram naturally divides the number of Fermions/Bosons (24 + 13). The Fermions are naturally divided into 12 + 12 (12 particles and their 12 corresponding antiparticles). We know the Higgs Boson (i.e. the “God Particle”) is the most UNIQUE fundamental particle and actually gives mass to the Fermions via the Higgs Mechanism (see here: Higgs Mechanism). We know the 4 Electroweak Bosons (3 Electroweak Massive Bosons and the Photon), which mediate the Electromagnetic/Weak Nuclear forces, are naturally related (see here: Electroweak Interaction). That is, the Electromagnetic force and the Weak Nuclear force are two different aspects of the same force and actually merge into a single force called the “Electroweak Force” (at theoretical temperatures of 10^15 K). Incredibly, all of these natural divisions of the Fermions/Bosons are geometrically represented in “The Quantum Star Of Creation”:


PERIMETER = 12 + 12 FERMIONS (12 particles + 12 antiparticles)

CENTER COUNTER = HIGGS BOSON (which gives mass to the Fermions)



If you recall, I showed in “The Diamond Proofs Of God” how the DIAMOND within “The Atomic Star Of Jesus Christ” is coded with all 4 canonical values of “Jesus Christ”. This is directly tied to the geometric representation of the Standard Model as a Hexagram. The CENTER of the Atomic Star = 56 = The portal to the eternal union between 37 and 19 (corresponding with the “God Particle”). Moreover, the 8 values forming the DIAMOND OUTLINE within the Atomic Star correspond with the 8 GLUONS in the Standard Model:


CENTER = 56 = (37 + 19) = The eternal portal to the union between 37 and 19 (37 × 19 = Sum of first 37 integers)

Sum of first 56 COMPOSITE NUMBERS = 2368 and CENTER of “The Quantum Star” = The HIGGS BOSON (which gives mass to the Fermions)

INTERIOR HEXAGRAM values = 754 = Standard Hebrew “JESUS CHRIST”

BLUE DIAMOND values = 205 + 205th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 466 (Ordinal Greek “Jesus Christ” = 205)

RED values of Interior Hexagram  = 2 × 3 × 6 × 8

DIAMOND OUTLINE within “The Quantum Star” = The 8 GLUONS (Gluons are the fundamental Bosons that actually holds all Protons/Neutrons together)

    754/466 = Phi (1.61803)

(2 × 3 × 6 × 8)/466 = Reciprocal of Phi (0.61803)

It is very fitting indeed that "The Atomic Star" is coded with Phi, as QUANTUM PHYSICS itself is coded with Phi (see here: The Physics Of Phi). Notice that the 8 Gluons, corresponding with the Diamond outline within the Atomic Star, are the fundamental Bosons that actually holds all Protons/Neutrons together. The same Protons/Neutrons that yield 2368 (through the “Composite Indexing” of the first 37 atomic elements). The same Protons/Neutrons that yield a geometric representation of 754 within a Hexagram (through the “Composite Indexing” of the nucleon counts of the first 37 atomic elements). In fact, we know from scripture that the name of Jesus Christ holds all of creation together:

       ACTS 17:28



Keep in mind that just as the 37 fundamental particles of the Standard Model deal with the most fundamental building blocks of the universe, Prime/Composite numbers deal with the most fundamental building blocks in mathematics. So the relationship between “The Quantum Star” and all the geometric convergence I've demonstrated throughout this paper is obvious. It is said that the most brilliant thinkers have tried to find a unifying principle at the heart of the fundamental structure of the universe. Little did they know that the answer lies in the ancient mathematics of the most widely read/studied book in human history (the Bible), which is rooted in the flawless number 37. The following scripture is most certainly applicable here:

       MATTHEW 11:25-26



The following geometric code I am going to demonstrate will unite three key theorems I have put together (all of which form a key aspect to the alphanumeric encoding of Genesis 1:1):

1) THE S/O THEOREM: This theorem (short for "Standard/Ordinal") states that Biblical Numerics is encoded in such a way that the Standard and Ordinal numerations corroborate one another and serves as a built-in system of authentication.

2) THE H/E THEOREM: This theorem (short for "Heavens/Earth") states that key Biblical passages that reference "the heavens and the earth" will be tied to the primary alphanumeric verse of Genesis 1:1 (which highlights the origination of "the heavens and the earth").

3) THE PRIME INDEXING THEOREM: This theorem states that the Genesis 1:1 word values were specifically chosen such that they are tied to the ordering of Prime numbers and reflect back to the original Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 (37/73).

In the same way that the human body can be separated (or segmented) into different natural body parts, natural geometric figures can be segmented into different figures that are derived from specific mathematical formulas. The key to uniting the three theorems I outlined with the natural geometry of Genesis 1:1 is found in a new geometric series I have formulated, which I call "Hexagonal Stars" and is given by the formula 3n(n + 3) (see here: Hexagonal Stars). The removal of the INTERIOR Hexagon within a given Hexagram will reveal a specific "Hexagonal Star". Therefore, I present to you: "The Hexagonal Star Of Genesis 1:1"


   Genesis 1:1

"In the beginning God created THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH"

 Standard Genesis 1:1 = T73

Standard Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73

   2701 + 1072 = 3773

   Isaiah 45:12

"I have made THE EARTH, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out THE HEAVENS, and all their host have I commanded"

 Ordinal Isaiah 45:12 = 540

36 + 79 + 39 + 24 + 43 + 55 + 25 + 24 + 29 + 57 + 29 + 34 + 66 = 540

   Isaiah 45:12

"Even my hands, have stretched out THE HEAVENS"

Standard value of this Isaiah 45:12 passage = 540

 61 + 24 + 65 + 390 = 540

T73 accommodates a "Hexagonal Star" of 540 counters

This sections off a remainder of precisely 2161 counters within the Genesis 1:1 Triangle

   T73 - 540 = 2161

Sum of PRIMES indexed to Genesis 1:1 word values = 2161st PRIME (19013)

   2161 + 1612 = 3773

   Isaiah 45:12

"I have made THE EARTH"

Standard value of this Isaiah 45:12 passage = 1162

 81 + 790 + 291 = 1162

   1162 + 2611 = 3773


The entire universe is coded with the mathematical signature of Jesus Christ. This mathematical coding is found within the natural numbers of the very building blocks of the universe, which serve as pointers to the natural sequence/order of Prime/Composite numbers and Fibonacci numbers (as well as the decimal expansion of Phi). Further, we see how this coding is geometrically united through natural geometric divisions within the Hexagram. There is now no escape for the skeptic. Your emotional objections to the Biblical God will not save you. Every human being will have to face the ultimate fact that Jesus Christ is GOD.

 Battalion Of Christ,

    Leo Tavares

Copyright 2024, All rights reserved, Leo Tavares