By Leo Tavares

The central name of God in Hebrew is "YAHWEH". Genesis 1:1 is semantically related to both YAHWEH and ADAM (Genesis 1:1 introduces the Biblical creation account, which culminates in the creation of ADAM). I will demonstrate from Genesis 1:1 that the mathematical signature of YAHWEH (26) is deeply connected to the mathematical signature of ADAM (45), who is the Biblical progenitor of the human family. I will also demonstrate how the Genesis 1:1 Triangle (T73) is alphanumerically encoded with the numerical signature of Jesus Christ. In Part 2, we will expand on this by looking at further geometric proofs for the Deity of Jesus Christ.

The Old Testament of the Bible was revealed in Hebrew and the New Testament of the Bible was revealed in Greek. Biblical Hebrew and Greek are both ALPHANUMERIC LANGUAGES. That is, every letter in their alphabets is also a number (thus, every word in Hebrew/Greek also represents a numerical value by simply adding up the letter values in a given Hebrew/Greek word). It is important for the reader to keep in mind that this ancient Hebrew/Greek system of "Gematria" is not some modern invention. It is an ancient feature of BOTH the Hebrew and Greek alphabets. In fact, Hebrew and Greek (the two Biblical languages) happen to be the two languages with the greatest tradition of assigning numerical values to the letters of their alphabets.

There are two primary means of assigning numerical values to the Hebrew/Greek alphabets: The STANDARD value and the ORDINAL value. To get an idea of what is meant by the "Standard" value, here are the Standard values of the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet ...

Here are the Ordinal values of the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet ...

The Hebrew numerical value of "YAHWEH" = 26 and the Hebrew numerical value of "ADAM" = 45. Prime numbers are numbers that are only divisible by 1 and themselves (see here: Prime Numbers). Therefore, we have the following perfection, which I have coined "The Standard/Ordinal Code Of Yahweh And Adam" ... 


26^2 + 45^2 = The STANDARD numerical value of Genesis 1:1 (2701)

26th Prime + 45th Prime = The ORDINAL numerical value of Genesis 1:1 (298)

When I presented Richard McGough with this finding, he was able to verify that out of the over 5,000 verses in the Torah (Genesis to Deuteronomy), the very FIRST verse is the ONLY verse where its ORDINAL value = The sum of two Primes and the SQUARES of their PRIME ORDERS yield the STANDARD value of that very same verse. Keep in mind that Genesis 1:1 is already known to house an entire treasure of mathematical design (for example, see my article on the "Ordinal Genesis 1:1/John 1:1 Triangle").

We saw that Ordinal Genesis 1:1 = 26th Prime + 45th Prime (while Standard Genesis 1:1 = 26^2 + 45^2). Now observe the following:

• ORDINAL Genesis 1:1 = 298 = 26th Prime + 45th Prime

• 298 + (2^6 + 4^5) = T(26) + T(45)

Notice also that according to Biblical chronology, Genesis 1:1 was revealed to Moses and Moses was the 26th from Adam (26 = Yahweh and 45 = Adam). Understand that Genesis 1:1, which opens the entire Biblical epic, is the very foundational verse of Biblical Numerics and highlights the Biblical creation account:

     GENESIS 1:1

 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"

 Observe the following mathematics:

• ORDINAL Genesis 1:1 = 26th PRIME + 45th PRIME (101 + 197)

26th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 39 and 45th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 64 (Prime/Composite numbers are natural opposites in mathematics)

• (197 - 101) + (64 - 39) = 26 + 45

Genesis 1:1 = T73 and breaks down semantically AND geometrically to 1998 + 703. Incredibly, I found that the SQUARE ROOTS of the two natural divisions of Genesis 1:1 round to 45 and 26 (recall that Genesis 1:1 = 45^2 + 26^2)! Observe:


    Genesis 1:1 = T73

 Standing Triangles = 1998

"In the beginning God created the heavens" = 1998

   Inverted Triangle = 703

   "And the earth" = 703

    • 1998 + 27 = 45^2

    • 703 - 27 = 26^2

We know that Genesis 1:1 incorporates the phenomenon of DIGITAL REFLECTIONS within its mathematical design (digital reflections represent perfect symmetry). Thus, we have the following perfection:

• 2701 - 1072 = Sum of DIGITAL REFLECTIONS of first 45 integers

• 703 + 26 = Sum of DIGITAL REFLECTIONS of first 26 integers


    Observe further:

• Sum of word values in the first natural division Genesis 1:1 = 666 + 666 + 666

• Sum of MIRRORED word values in the first natural division of Genesis 1:1 = T(26) + T(45)

• (T26 + T45) - (6 × 6 × 6) = 26 × 45

The first semantic division of Genesis 1:1 = "In the beginning God created the heavens" (1998) and the second semantic division = "And the earth" (703). The word values in the seven Hebrew words of Genesis 1:1 = (913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395) + (407 + 296). I found that the MIRRORED word values in the first semantic division of Genesis 1:1 = (319 + 302 + 68 + 104 + 593) = T26 + T45:

"In the beginning God created the heavens" =

    913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395


 319 + 302 + 68 + 104 + 593 = T26 + T45

We know that Genesis 1:1 is mathematically rooted in the flawless Prime number 37 (see my article entitled "Prime Star Of Genesis 1:1"). Thus, we have the following mathematical balance:

 • (45^2 - 26^2) + 37 = (T45 + T26)

 • (T45 + T26) - 37 = (45 - 26) × (45 + 26)

Prime numbers are the numerical "building blocks" of Composite numbers (the Composite numbers can be referenced here: Composite Numbers). The Standard Greek New Testament value of "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368. Now observe:

• 2701 = (26^2 + 45^2) and 2701 + (26 + 45) = The 2368th COMPOSITE NUMBER

• 2368 = The sum of the first 56 COMPOSITE NUMBERS and 2701 - 56 = The concatenation of 26 and 45 (2645)

• 2368 + 56^2 = 5504 = The COMPOSITE ORDER of Genesis 1:1 + John 1:1 (i.e. the 5504th COMPOSITE NUMBER = Genesis 1:1 + John 1:1)

Recall that Genesis 1:1 is linked to John 1:1 semantically, mathematically AND geometrically (see my article again on the "Ordinal Genesis 1:1/John 1:1 Triangle"). Further, Christian theology maintains that Jesus Christ is the "GOD-MAN". In fact, the Bible calls him the "Second ADAM".

The Fibonacci number series is deeply related to the GOLDEN RATIO (see here: Golden Ratio). We know that the GOLDEN RATIO is found throughout nature, which even secular scientists will grant. Therefore, we have the following perfection that I have uncovered within the first 19 Fibonacci numbers:

• The sum of the first 37 integers (1 through 37) = 37 × 19

• Every 19th Fibonacci number, and ONLY every 19th Fibonacci number, is a perfect multiple of 37

• The sum of the PRIME FACTORIZATIONS of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers = 2368

Here are the Prime Factorizations of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers (with Prime Factorizations in parentheses):


   1) 1 = 1

   2) 1 = 1

   3) 2 = 2

   4) 3 = 3

   5) 5 = 5

   6) 8 = 2 × 2 × 2

   7) 13 = 13

   8) 21 = 3 × 7

   9) 34 = 2 × 17

   10) 55 = 5 × 11

   11) 89 = 89

   12) 144 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3

   13) 233 = 233

   14) 377 = 13 × 29

   15) 610 = 2 × 5 × 61

   16) 987 = 3 × 7 × 47

   17) 1597 = 1597

   18) 2584 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 17 × 19

   19) 4181 = 37 × 113


 Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368

The numbers 37 and 19 are linked GEOMETRICALLY as well (a Hexagon of 37 counters has an interior of 19 counters and a Hexagram of 37 counters consists of an internal Hexagon of 19 counters):

Observe further how the mathematical signature of Jesus Christ is linked to the number 19:

• "JESUS" = 888 and "CHRIST" = 1480

• The sum of the DIGITAL REFLECTIONS of 888 and 1480 (888 + 0841) = 19 × 91 (notice that 19 and 91 are DIGITAL REFLECTIONS as well)

We can now see clearly why the difference between YAHWEH (26) and ADAM (45) is 19. Observe:

• Jesus Christ is called the MEDIATOR between GOD and MAN in the New Testament

• The difference between YAHWEH (26) and ADAM (45) = 19

The number 37 is the most fundamental number in Biblical Numerics and Genesis 1:1 is itself rooted in the number 37. Thus, it is only fair and just that the mathematical signature of "Jesus Christ" is rooted in the flawless number 37 as well:

• "JESUS" = 888 = A perfect multiple of 37 (24 × 37) and "CHRIST" = 1480 = A perfect multiple of 37 (40 × 37)

• (8 + 8 + 8) + (1 + 4 + 8 + 0) = 37

Interestingly, both the Ordinal and Standard Hebrew value of "EVE" = 19 (Jesus Christ entered into human history through the WOMAN). Observe also how the HIGHEST created beings in the universe (man and woman) are linked to the HIGHEST of the single digits (the number 9):

• ADAM = 45 = The sum of all the single positive digits (1 through 9)

• EVE = 19 = The combining of the FIRST and the LAST positive digits (1 and 9)

The ancients universally understood that there are 360 degrees in a perfect CIRCLE. Now observe the following:

• There are 360 degrees in a perfect CIRCLE and (3^2 + 6^2 + 0^2) = The sum of the first 9 integers

• (1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 + 4^2 + 5^2 + 6^2 + 7^2 + 8^2 + 9^2) = The numerical position where the FIRST instance of the sequence 360 occurs in the decimal expansion of Pi (after the decimal point) and Pi = The ratio between the circumference/diameter of a CIRCLE

"Pi Positions" of numerical sequences can be verified here: Pi Position Calculator

We see that man/woman represents the COMPLETION of creation (360 degrees represents COMPLETION). For proof that Genesis 1:1 (and even the mathematical signature of Jesus Christ) is encoded in the decimal expansion of Pi, see my three-part study entitled "The Proof Is In The Pi".

We also have a perfect link between the Hebrew/Greek numerical values of Adam/Eve (the Old Testament of the Bible was revealed in Hebrew and the New Testament of the Bible was revealed in Greek):

• The STANDARD Hebrew numerical value of "Adam" + "Eve" = (45 + 19) = 64

• The ORDINAL Greek numerical value of the phrase "Adam and Eve" = (18 + 20 + 26) = 64

The number 37 is the central number in Biblical Numerics. When we sum "Adam" + "Eve" (45 + 19), we get 64 and the 37th multiple of 64 yields the mathematical signature of "Jesus Christ (2368). Amazingly, when we place a decimal point at the CENTER of "Adam" (4.5) and divide by 19, we get a value that rounds to 2368 (the mathematical signature of "Jesus Christ" yet again)! ... 

 • (45 + 19) × 37 = 2368

 • (4.5 / 19) = .2368

   Now notice the following:

• Sum of STANDARD Hebrew numerical values of Adam/Eve = (45 + 19) = 64

 • Sum of ORDINAL Hebrew numerical values of Adam/Eve = (18 + 19) = 37

    64 × 37 = 2368

The Bible teaches that man/woman were created in THE IMAGE OF GOD. The Standard Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (391 + 363) = 754 and the Standard Greek value of "Jesus Christ" (888 + 1480) = 2368. Therefore, we have the following gem:

• (45 + 19) × (18 + 19) = The Greek mathematical signature of "JESUS CHRIST" (2368)

• (45 × 19) - [(45 + 19) + (18 + 19)] = The Hebrew mathematical signature of "JESUS CHRIST" (754)

The Vesica Piscis is a geometric shape that was well known in the ancient world. It involves the joining of two equal Circles, such that their edges touch their centers (see here: Vesica Piscis). This now leads to my discovery of "The Vesica Piscis Of Standard/Ordinal Genesis 1:1". Unbelievably, a Vesica Piscis with a width of 26 units yields a height of 45 units. The reason this is so astonishing is it ties right into my earlier discovery of "The Standard/Ordinal Code Of Yahweh And Adam", which ties Standard Genesis 1:1 to Ordinal Genesis 1:1 ...


WIDTH of Vesica Piscis (highlighted in purple) = 26 units and HEIGHT of Vesica Piscis (highlighted in purple) = 45 units

 26^2 + 45^2 = STANDARD Genesis 1:1

26th PRIME + 45th PRIME = ORDINAL Genesis 1:1

LEFT Circle symbolizes STANDARD Genesis 1:1 and RIGHT Circle symbolizes ORDINAL Genesis 1:1

The Lord showed me that not only does this Vesica Piscis highlight the Standard/Ordinal mathematics of Genesis 1:1, it is an eternal testimony to the dual nature of Jesus Christ as "Fully God" and "Fully Man". The Standard Hebrew value of "YAHWEH" (representing GOD) = 26 and the Standard Hebrew value of "ADAM" (representing MAN) = 45. Thus, we have the following flawless perfection, which I have appropriately coined "The Vesica Piscis Of The God/Man": 


WIDTH of Vesica Piscis = 26 units and HEIGHT of Vesica Piscis = 45 units

"YAHWEH" (representing GOD) = 26 and "ADAM" (representing MAN) = 45


LEFT Circle symbolizes fullness of DEITY and RIGHT Circle symbolizes fullness of HUMANITY


I will now demonstrate a powerful 2-step geometric PROOF OF GOD that I discovered within the fundamental geometric template of Biblical Numerics (the Genesis 1:1 Triangle). The Lord led me to study the greatest (and most mysterious) wrestling match in history, where he mysteriously went head to head against Jacob in Genesis 32:24-30 (which led to Jacob having his name changed to "ISRAEL"). I will show how this divine encounter is encoded within the natural geometry of T73, as is the numerical signature of the divine encoder.

Genesis 1:1 = 2701 and forms the 73rd Triangle. This Triangle accomodates three joined Triangles of T25 (yielding 973 total counters) and each of them accomodates Hexagrams of 121 counters. Further, the Hexagonal borders of each of these Hexagrams accomodates the Hexagon/Hexagram pair of 19/37. Therefore, I present the following geometric perfection:

STEP 1) The Genesis 1:1 Face Of God (391/363)

   Genesis 1:1 = T73

T73 accommodates three joined Triangles, which accommodates three Hexagrams of 121 counters

Ordinal Hebrew "FACE TO FACE" (Genesis 32:30) = 121

    54 + 13 + 54 = 121

 Sum of three Hexagrams = 363

Standard Hebrew "CHRIST" (HaMashiac) = 363

 Sum of three inner Hexagons = 57

Ordinal Hebrew "CHRIST" (HaMashiac) = 57

Standard Hebrew "FACE TO FACE" (Genesis 32:30) = 391

   180 + 31 + 180 = 391

Standard Hebrew "JESUS" (Yehoshua) = 391

I now show how these three joined Triangles each accommodates three joined Squares of 5^2 (taking the form of a Triple Diamond figure), which yields 73 counters within each of the three Triangles. These three Triple Diamond figures, unbelievably, sections off precisely 754 remaining counters within the three joined Triangles accomodated by T73:

STEP 2) The Genesis 1:1 Signature Of Jesus Christ (754)

   Genesis 1:1 = T73

Three joined Triangles accomodate Triple Diamond figures of 73 counters each

This sections off precisely 754 counters within the three joined Triangles

Standard Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" (391 + 363) = 754

   Genesis 32:30


  30 + 621 + 86 = 737

 Genesis 1:1 = 73 × 37

We have seen how Genesis 1:1 unites the mathematical signatures of YAHWEW (26) and ADAM (45) by design (linking them semantically and mathematically), which points to a supreme intelligence behind the origin of Genesis 1:1. In Part 2, I will reveal an amazing body of evidence that comes together to form one of the greatest geometric discoveries ever witnessed in Biblical Numerics.

   Continued in Part 2

Copyright 2024, All rights reserved, Leo Tavares