By Leo Tavares

The S/O Theorem (short for "Standard/Ordinal") is a self-authenticating principle that is built into the ancient alphanumeric numerations of the Biblical Hebrew/Greek text. The Standard method follows the ancient numeration system that was in use for both Biblical Hebrew and Biblical Greek (known to be in use for well over 2,000 years). The Ordinal method follows the natural order of integers applied to the logical order of the Hebrew/Greek alphabets (i.e. the most simple and natural alphanumeric translation of letters into numbers). This self-authenticating code is further established through the feature of repeatedly self-referencing identification. That is, the Standard repeatedly corroborates the Ordinal and the Ordinal repeatedly corroborates the Standard (forming a logical interconnectedness between the two key systems).

One of the amazing facts of our universe is how the sun and the moon, though vastly different in size, appear the same size to us in the sky. This is due to the sun being roughly 400 times the diameter of the moon and also roughly 400 times the distance that the moon is to our earth, which is what gives us the phenomenon of total solar eclipses. In fact, the earth is the only known star/planet/moon system that has total solar eclipses (the only known world with EYEBALLS!). Given all the vast differences in sizes and distances between the observable heavenly bodies in the cosmos, this is truly a remarkable mathematical convergence between our sun and moon.

As I thought about this, I realized that the sun/moon convergence is surprisingly analogous to the S/O Theorem. Out of the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet, the HIGHEST letter value happens to be 400 (the same value that gives us our sun/ moon ratio in the sky). This harmonious union between the sun and the moon serves as a double-witness in the sky. Likewise, the S/O Theorem serves as a double witness to the truth of Biblical alphanumerics (and ultimately a powerful case for the truth of Biblical Christianity). The sun is greater in size than the moon and yet they unite to appear equal in size in our sky. Likewise, the Standard numeration system of Biblical alphanumerics naturally yields larger values than the Ordinal numeration system, but they unite to form a self-authenticating code that points to a supreme intelligence (much like the mathematical structure of the universe points to an intelligent designer).

I will present here a series of converging geometric proofs that I have uncovered, which will serve as powerful examples of the S/O Theorem at work. As we will see, the divine encoder has placed his alphanumeric signature within the coded mathematics of the Bible. We will see how the key alphanumeric signatures of Jesus Christ are in perfect alignment with each other (and with the alphanumeric identity of John 1:1), such that they are geometrically united within natural geometric figures.

OH = Ordinal Hebrew value
SH = Standard Hebrew value
OG = Ordinal Greek value
SG = Standard Greek value

John 1:1 is the most common verse used to highlight the eternal Deity of Jesus Christ and consists of THREE semantic divisions:

"In the beginning was the Word"
"And the Word was with God"
"And the Word was God"

The Ordinal Hebrew value of "Word" (or "Davar") = 26. Observe the following miraculous convergence, which points to the Triune God of scripture:

Ordinal Hebrew "WORD" = 26

Ordinal Greek "And the WORD was God" (John 1:1) = 163

John 1:1 consists of THREE semantic divisions

Three joined Triangles of T10 sections off 888 counters within three joined Triangles of T26

Standard Greek "JESUS" = 888

The Centered Hexagons pair with specific squares that take the shape of a Diamond figure, which I have coined "Squared Hexagons". Observe how the 26-sided Hexagon reveals the first semantic division of John 1:1 (in its Standard numeration):

Ordinal Hebrew "WORD" = 26

The 26-sided Hexagon accommodates the 26th square

This sections off 1275 counters

Standard Greek "In the beginning was the WORD" (John 1:1) = 1275

We see how the Ordinal Hebrew value of "Word" is geometrically tied to the first semantic division of John 1:1 in its Standard numeration. We will now see how the Ordinal Hebrew value of "The Word" reveals the numerical signature of Jesus Christ through this very same semantic division of John 1:1 (this time in its Ordinal numeration):

Ordinal Hebrew "THE WORD" = 31

The total Standard Greek value of John 1:1 =
(31 + 31 + 31) * (13 + 13 + 13)

THREE joined squares of 31^2 = 2881

Ordinal Greek "In the beginning was THE WORD" (John 1:1) = T18 = 171

2881 - (171 + 171 + 171) = 2368

Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368

We now look at the three joined Triangles of T31, which, unbelievably, also reveals the self-referencing signature of the divine encoder:

Ordinal Hebrew "THE WORD" = 31

Three joined Triangular Frames of T14 yields 115 counters (the yellow counters)

Ordinal Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 115

This Triune Triangular Frame sections off three Trapeziums of 391 counters within three joined Triangles of T31

Standard Hebrew "JESUS" = 391

We are now faced with the following miraculous convergence:

The three joined Triangles of T31 are precisely accommodated by the three joined squares of 31^2

This sections off three Trapeziums (in red) of 294 counters within the 2368 figure we saw previously

Ordinal Greek "LORD JESUS CHRIST" = 294
Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368

We see how the central New Testament title of "Lord Jesus Christ" is revealed in the Greek Ordinal numeration. Incredibly, this very same Trapezium reveals this very same central New Testament title in the Hebrew Ordinal numeration:

Trapezium = 294 counters

Ordinal Greek "LORD JESUS CHRIST" = 294

The sum of the ODD rows in this Trapezium = 144 counters

Ordinal Hebrew "LORD JESUS CHRIST" = 144

We now look at the three joined Triangles of T62 (Ordinal Greek "WORD" = 62), which further reveals the alphanumeric signature of the divine encoder and testifies to the Triune God of scripture:

Ordinal Greek "WORD" = 62

John 1:1 consists of THREE semantic divisions

THREE joined Triangles of T62 = 5857 counters

Ordinal Hebrew "JESUS" = 58
Ordinal Hebrew "CHRIST" = 57

Isaiah 7:14
"Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel"

Standard Hebrew Isaiah 7:14 = 58 * 57


Genesis 1:1 is the key "Ceation Verse" of the Hebrew Old Testament and John 1:1 is the key "Creation Verse" of the Greek New Testament. These two key Biblical verses, which are the only two verses in the entire Bible that open with the statement "IN THE BEGINNING", represent the foundational verses of Biblical Numerics. I will now demonstrate a powerful Prime union I have uncovered between these two verses that further establishes the validity of the S/O Theorem. I present to you: "The Prime Union Of Genesis 1:1/John 1:1 (30703)" 

Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"

Genesis 1:1 (SH) = 37 * 73

John 1:1
"In the beginning was the WORD (373), and the WORD (373) was with God, and the WORD (373) was God"

"WORD" (SG) = 373

Genesis 1:1 is rooted in Primes 37 and 73:

G 1:1 (SH) = 2701 = 37 * 73
2701 + 1072 = 3773

John 1:1 is rooted in Prime 373:
"WORD" (SG) = 373

J 1:1 (SG) = 3700 - 0073
3700 + 0073 = 3773

G 1:1 (OH) = 298
G 1:1 (SH) = 2701
J 1:1 (OG) = 605
J 1:1 (SG) = 3627

Prime 30703 yields the full G 1:1/J 1:1 set in perfect order:

30703 * 971469109 =



The Standard value of Genesis 1:1 (2701) forms the 73rd Triangular number, which is itself a "Generator Triangle" (or "G-Triangle"). This Triangular series is formed by taking a centroid counter and successively adding Triangular outlines around that centroid counter. We know that every Generator Triangle is made up of 9 equal Triangles + 1 counter. Using the same logic of Triangular outlines, I was able to uncover a miraculous Triangular unity in the Standard/Ordinal values of Genesis 1:1. I now present to you: "The Triangular Puzzle Of Genesis 1:1"

The G-Triangles are formed by 9 equal Triangles + 1 counter

The 37th Triangle is formed by 9 equal Triangles of T12 + 1 counter: 

(78 * 9) + 1 = 703

The OUTLINE of this Triangular union (the green counters) = 298

Genesis 1:1 (OH) = 298

I showed how the 37th Triangle is naturally tied to 298 (through the G-Triangle logic of Triangular outlines). This takes us to the Standard numeration of Genesis 1:1, which yields T73 and perfectly accommodates the very same T37 we just saw (forming a semantic/geometric union):

Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning God created the heavens" (SH) = 1998
"And the earth" (SH) = T37

T73 accommodates T37, which sections off 1998 counters (the three Standing Triangles)

Genesis 1:1 (SH) = T73
Genesis 1:1 (OH) = 298

T73 accommodates the 298 figure

I found that this 298 figure derived from T37 also points to the identity of Jesus Christ (i.e. the CREATOR of Genesis 1:1). Thus, we see that the S/O Theorem is sealed with the alphanumeric signature of the divine encoder:

T37 yields the 298 figure

The Triune symmetry of Triangular outlines (the red counters) = 205


Jesus Christ is God

Jesus Christ created the universe


The Standard value of Genesis 1:1 = The 73rd Triangle, which embodies Triple Triangles of 666 counters (note that 6 represents the Biblical "6 days" of creation). This natural geometric division within T73 perfectly matches the semantic structure of Genesis 1:1 itself:

Genesis 1:1 (SH) = 37 * 73 = T73

T73 accommodates T37, which sections off Triangles of 666 + 666 + 666

"In the beginning God created the heavens" (SH) = 666 + 666 + 666

"And the earth" (SH) = T37

I will now demonstrate a powerful confirmation of the S/O Theorem that I have uncovered. The S/O values of the foundational verse in Biblical Numerics (Genesis 1:1) are eternally related and sealed with the numerical signature of the divine encoder:

Genesis 1:1 (OH) = 298

Rectangle = Long sides of 298 counters
Rectangle = Short sides of 37 counters

The PERIMETER (or outline) of this Rectangle = 666 counters

The PERIMETER (or outline) of the Standard Genesis 1:1 Triangle (T73) = 6*6*6

The Standard Genesis 1:1 Triangle is the precise Triangle that is surrounded by Triple Triangles of 666 counters (with T37 at their center)

The INTERIOR of this Rectangle = 8880 + 1480

"JESUS" (SG) = 888
"CHRIST" (SG) = 1480

The alphanumeric encoder of geometry is the same alphanumeric encoder of the Primes. Thus, we have even further perfection:

205th Prime number = 1259


(888 + 1480) + 1259 = John 1:1 (SG)
(888 + 1480)/2 * 1259 = T888 + T1480

"JESUS" (SG) = 888
"CHRIST" (SG) = 1480

Amazingly, this "Creation Rectangle" itself forms the 148th natural Triangle (note that Standard Greek "CHRIST" = 1480) and the PERIMETER of this Triangle bounds the original Genesis 1:1 Triangle of T73:

Genesis 1:1 (OH) = 298
Genesis 1:1 (SH) = 37*73 = T73

298 * 37 = T148

The PERIMETER of T148 = 3*7*7*3
The PERIMETER of T148 bounds T73

T148 = 11026
11026 + 62011 = 73037

Genesis 1:1 (SH) = 2701 = 37*73
2701 + 1072 = 3773


I will now present a powerful convergence I have uncovered between the two key verses in Biblical Numerics (Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1). This convergence is nothing short of PROOF OF GOD. Therefore, I have coined the following converging displays "The Proof Of YAH".

We know that the number 37 is the fundamental Prime number of Biblical Alphanumerics. With this in mind, I placed the Standard Greek value of "JESUS" (888) in a Trapezium of 37 rows of counters (the ONLY way to represent 888 as 37 rows). Incredibly, I found that this actually unites the numerical identity of "JESUS" and "CHRIST":


"JESUS" (SG) = 888
"CHRIST" (OG) = 118

888 counters represented as a Trapezium of 37 rows of counters yields an OUTLINE of 118 counters

This miraculous Trapezium, uniting 888 and 118 (through 37), logically accommodates a specific Triangle to form a greater Triangle. This now takes us to the next miracle, which unites the Hebrew Old Testament name of God with the divine person of Jesus Christ (while simultaneously uniting Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1):


The 888 Trapezium accommodates T5, which consists of 15 counters

The ABBREVIATED Hebrew form of "Yahweh" (i.e. the central Hebrew OT name of God) = "YAH"

"YAH" (SH) = 15
"JESUS" (SG) = 888

This divine union between "YAH" and "JESUS" forms the 42nd Triangle

Genesis 1:1 (OH) = 298
John 1:1 (OG) = 605

298 + 605 = T42

"JESUS" (SH) = 391
"JESUS" (SG) = 888

391 + (8*8*8) = T42

We see how the Ordinal Genesis 1:1/John 1:1 Triangle is clearly tied to the divine name of "YAHWEH". I soon realized that this divine union I have uncovered actually confirms the divine seal of "YAHWEH ELOHIM" that previous researchers highlighted within the Standard union of Genesis 1:1/John 1:1 (with "Yahweh Elohim" being the central full title of God in the Hebrew OT):


Genesis 1:1 (SH) = T73 = 2701
John 1:1 (SG) = 3627

A Trapezium of 3627 counters accommodates the Genesis 1:1 Triangle and this union forms the greater Triangle of T112

"YAHWEH ELOHIM" (SH) = (26 + 86) = 112

The Standard Hebrew value of "Yahweh" = 26 and the Standard Hebrew value of "Elohim" = 86. Recall how the Ordinal Genesis 1:1/John 1:1 Triangle unites the numerical signature of Jesus Christ (888/118) with the abbreviated form of "Yahweh" (i.e. "YAH"). Thus, I wondered what would happen if I subtracted the YAH sum from the Standard Genesis 1:1 Triangle. This now takes us to the next miracle:


"YAH" (SH) = 15

"YAHWEH" (SH) = 26
"ELOHIM" (SH) = 86

Genesis 1:1 (SH) = T73

When the YAH Triangle (i.e. 15 counters) is separated from the Genesis 1:1 Triangle, this reveals a divine concatenation of 2686 counters

T73 - 15 = 2686

This now takes us to our grand miracle in the PROOF OF YAH convergence. Unbelievably, when I looked at the resulting products derived from the full and abbreviated forms of the divine name, I realized that they literally produce the original Genesis 1:1 Triangle itself (through a logical order):


"YAH" (SH) = 15 and "EL" (SH) = 31

"YAHWEH" (SH) = 26 and "ELOHIM" (SH) = 86

(15 * 31) + (26 * 86) = T73

Genesis 1:1 (SH) = T73

Jesus Christ is God

This divine result is visually reinforced by the fact that it yields a perfect Triangle/Trapezium split within T73:


Green Triangle = The product of "YAH" (SH) and "EL" (SH)

Yellow Trapezium = The product of "YAHWEH" (SH) and "ELOHIM" (SH)

Jesus Christ created the universe

I showed in the beginning of "The Proof Of YAH" series how 888 (JESUS) unites with 15 (YAH) through the number 37 and forms the Ordinal Genesis 1:1/John 1:1 Triangle. With this in mind, we now come to a shocking confirmation of the S/O Theorem. I applied the very same pattern we just saw to the ORDINAL values of Yah/El and Yahweh/Elohim, which miraculously returns the 15th Hexagram:


"YAH" (OH) = 15 and "EL" (OH) = 13

"YAHWEH" (OH) = 26 and "ELOHIM" (OH) = 41

(15 * 13) + (26 * 41) = The 15th Star (1261)

1261 - 373 = 888 = "JESUS" (SG)

Genesis 1:1 (SH) = 37 * 73

The blue Hexagon = The 115th Prime (631)


Jesus Christ is God

Jesus Christ created the universe


What I am about to demonstrate now is a clear PRIME PROOF of Biblical Monotheism (through the science of Biblical Numerics). One of the first observations I made when I first began analyzing the alphanumerics of John 1:1 was the fact that it has THREE semantic divisions and how this points to the Triune nature of the Godhead. This eventually led me to make the following discoveries, which are simply miraculous:

John 1:1 consists of THREE semantic divisions:

1) In the beginning was the Word
2) And the Word was with God
3) And the Word was God

1st division (OG) = 171
2nd division (OG) = 271
3rd division (OG) = 163

The sum of the 163rd to 171st PRIME NUMBERS = The 2368th SEMIPRIME NUMBER (8927)

"JESUS CHRIST" (SG) = 2368

2368 + P(205) = 3627 = John 1:1 (SG)


163rd + 171st SEMIPRIMES = (527 + 545) = 1072

Genesis 1:1 (SH) = 2701

163rd + 271st + 171st SEMIPRIMES = (527 + 901 + 545) = The 298th PRIME NUMBER (1973)

Genesis 1:1 (OH) = 298

What I found was that the entire structure of Genesis 1:1/John 1:1 was rooted and designed around the natural order of Prime numbers. In fact, when I applied the Genesis 1:1 principle of mirror symmetry to the Primes indexed to the semantic structure of John 1:1, I found even more miraculous unity between these two key "Creation Verses" of the Hebrew/Greek Bible:

Genesis 1:1 (SH) = 2701 = 37 * 73
2701 + 1072 = 3773

The sum of the MIRRORS of the 163rd to 171st PRIME NUMBERS = The 2701st PRIME NUMBER (24317)

"JESUS CHRIST" (SG) = 2368

2368 + (37th + 73rd SEMIPRIMES) = 37 * 73

The sum of the 163rd to 171st PRIME NUMBERS = The 2368th SEMIPRIME NUMBER

My further analysis into this amazing Prime encoding revealed a perfect Hexagon/Hexagram symmetry:

The mirrored values of 163 to 171 (note that the final value of 171 is the only PALINDROME in the group):

Reflection of 163 = 361
Reflection of 164 = 461
Reflection of 165 = 561
Reflection of 166 = 661
Reflection of 167 = 761
Reflection of 168 = 861
Reflection of 169 = 961
Reflection of 170 = 071
Reflection of 171 = 171

The EXACT average of the 9 mirrored values = (361 + 461 + 561 + 661 + 761 + 861 + 961 + 071 + 171) / 9 = 541

541 forms a perfect Star (the 10th Star number), which is the ONLY Star with exactly 37 rows of counters

The CENTER Hexagon of this Star = 271 counters

The CENTER John 1:1 Triplet (between 171 and 163) = 271

I previously showed how this very same Star reveals all THREE semantic divisions in John 1:1 (171, 271 and 163):

All THREE semantic divisions in John 1:1 can be geometrically represented in Star 541

Yellow Triangle = 171 counters
Red Hexagon = 271 counters
Green Triple Triangles = 163 counters

John 1:1 reveals the IDENTITY of the Creator in Genesis 1:1

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit (ONE in Being and THREE in Person)

As if that wasn`t enough, this is also the very same Star that pairs with the familiar Logos Star of 373, thereby yielding a perfect geometric union between the Standard/Ordinal alphanumerics of John 1:1 that is SELF-CONTAINED and SELF-REFERENCING. What`s more, the CENTER John 1:1 Triplet (271) itself points to the John 1:1 Logos through the very same function that took us to Star 541 in the first place (namely, the Genesis 1:1 principle of mirror symmetry):

The EXACT average of the mirrored sums from 163 to 171 = Star 541

Star 541 = The ONLY Hexagram with 37 rows of counters

John 1:1 consists of THREE semantic divisions with THREE instances of the "LOGOS" (one in each division)

"LOGOS" (SG) = 373

Star 541 accommodates the 373 Logos Star

The CENTER Hexagon of Star 541 = 271
The CENTER John 1:1 Triplet = 271

271 + 172 = 443

"THE LOGOS" (SG) = 443

Jesus Christ is God

Jesus Christ created the universe

Battalion Of Christ,
Leo Tavares

Copyright 2024, All rights reserved, Leo Tavares