By Leo Tavares

There is a hidden layer of visual symmetry within the 4 × 5 amino acid table that confirms even further all the mathematical perfection we have already seen. This hidden layer involves the DECIMAL REMAINDERS of the nucleon masses of the universal amino acids. We will see yet again how this points to the divine mathematics of Jesus Christ, which is built into the very foundational structure of every living thing.

The 20 universal amino acids are each divided naturally between their "Side-Chain" nucleons and their "Standard Block" nucleons. The decimal remainders in the nucleon masses of the universal amino acids result from the isotopes in the Side-Chain division (as there are no isotopes in the Standard Block division). Everything we saw in Part 1 is completely immune to any decimal remainders (since it excludes the isotopes and deals strictly with the ACTUAL NUMBERS of Protons/Neutrons in each of the universal amino acids). However, when we sum the nucleon masses for each of the universal amino acids (with the decimal remainders included) until we get a WHOLE INTEGER, we find a total sum pointing to the numerical value of Genesis 1:1 (2701) and a hidden layer of visual symmetry based on the mirrored values 37 and 73.

Here are the nucleon masses of the 20 universal amino acids (with the necessary decimal expansion required in order to reach a WHOLE INTEGER for the total sum):

    Glycine = 75.07

    Alanine = 89.09

    Serine = 105.09

    Proline = 115.13

    Valine = 117.15

    Threonine = 119.12

    Cysteine = 121.16

    Isoleucine = 131.17

    Leucine = 131.17

    Asparagine = 132.12

    Aspartic Acid = 133.10

    Glutamine = 146.14

    Lysine = 146.19

    Glutamic Acid = 147.13

    Methionine = 149.21

    Histidine = 155.15

    Phenylalanine = 165.19

    Arginine = 174.20

    Tyrosine = 181.19

    Tryptophan = 204.23

TOTAL SUM = T73 + 37 (or 2701 + 37)

We immediately notice that when we sum the nucleon masses of the universal amino acids until we get a WHOLE integer, we get exactly T73 + 37 (which is a perfect multiple of 37). This is pointing to yet another layer/level of mathematical design in the 4 × 5 amino acid table.

Here are the nucleon mass numbers of the 20 universal amino acids on the 4 × 5 amino acid table (recall that their placement on the table is not organized arbitrarily and that they are arranged ACCORDING TO THEIR CHEMICAL PROPERTIES):


    Now observe:

• Nucleon mass of ODD columns = EXACTLY (37^2 + 37) - (73 × 2) - 0.73

• Nucleon mass of EVEN columns = EXACTLY (37^2 - 37) + (73 × 2) + 0.73

    133.10 - 132.12 -  89.09  - 131.17

    174.20 - 165.19 - 115.13 - 131.17

    146.19 - 181.19 - 119.12 - 149.21

    155.15 - 204.23 - 105.09 - 121.16

    147.13 - 146.14 -  75.07  - 117.15

ODD columns = (37^2 + 37) - (73 × 2) - 0.73

EVEN columns = (37^2 - 37) + (73 × 2) + 0.73

Notice the perfect symmetry between the two equations (all based on the values 37 and 73).

   Observe further:

• Nucleon mass of OUTER columns = EXACTLY (37^2 + 37) - 0.37

• Nucleon mass of INNER columns = EXACTLY (37^2 - 37) + 0.37

    133.10 - 132.12 -  89.09  - 131.17

    174.20 - 165.19 - 115.13 - 131.17

    146.19 - 181.19 - 119.12 - 149.21

    155.15 - 204.23 - 105.09 - 121.16

    147.13 - 146.14 -  75.07  - 117.15

    OUTER columns = (37^2 + 37) - 0.37

    INNER columns = (37^2 - 37) + 0.37

Again, we see perfect symmetry between the two equations (all based on the value 37).

This symmetry corresponds beautifully with the following GEOMETRIC expression:

• A Rectangle of 37 rows and T73 + 37 counters has an INNER TRIANGLE of 37^2 - 37 counters

• A Rectangle of 37 rows and T73 + 37 counters with its INNER TRIANGLE removed consists of 37^2 + 37 remaining counters

TRIANGLE = 37^2 - 37

REMAINDER = 37^2 + 37

The exact MIDPOINT between 37 and 73 = 55 (55 - 18 = 37 and 55 + 18 = 73). Further, 55 = T10 and T10 forms the Hexagon/Hexagram pair of 37 and 73 through self-intersection. Thus, we have the following perfection:

• Nucleon mass of ODD cells = EXACTLY (37^2 - 37) - 0.55

• Nucleon mass of EVEN cells = EXACTLY (37^2 + 37) + 0.55

    133.10 - 132.12 -  89.09  - 131.17

    174.20 - 165.19 - 115.13 - 131.17

    146.19 - 181.19 - 119.12 - 149.21

    155.15 - 204.23 - 105.09 - 121.16

    147.13 - 146.14 -  75.07  - 117.15

     ODD cells = (37^2 - 37) - 0.55

     EVEN cells = (37^2 + 37) + 0.55

Note the perfect symmetry between the two equations, which are based on the value 37 and the MIDPOINT between 37 and 73.

We see that there are two INDEPENDENT layers of visual symmetry built into the natural numbers of the 4 × 5 amino acid table:

1) The sum of the ACTUAL NUMBERS of Protons/Neutrons in each of the 20 universal amino acids (highlighted in Part 1).

2) The nucleon sum of the 20 universal amino acids with the isotope masses included (until we arrive at a WHOLE INTEGER, which yields T73 + 37).

The ORDINAL Greek numerical value of "Jesus Christ" = 205. Recall my previous discovery highlighted in Part 1: The number of atoms in the SIDE-CHAINS of the universal amino acids = 205 and the ODD/EVEN columns of the 4 × 5 table divides perfectly into "Jesus" (87) and "Christ" (118). Keep in mind that this is in the SIDE-CHAINS of the amino acids, as we will see shortly how the nucleon masses of these very SIDE-CHAINS point to 205 as well.

Here are the numbers of atoms in the SIDE-CHAINS of each of the 20 universal amino acids (in ascending order):

    Glycine = 1

    Threonine = 4

    Cysteine = 5

    Serine = 5

    Aspartic Acid = 7

    Alanine = 8

    Asparagine = 8

    Proline = 9

    Glutamic Acid = 10

    Valine = 10

    Glutamine = 11

    Histidine = 11

    Methionine = 11

    Isoleucine = 13

    Leucine = 13

    Phenylalanine = 14

    Lysine = 15

    Tyrosine = 15

    Arginine = 17

    Tryptophan = 18



ODD columns = "JESUS" (87)

EVEN columns = "CHRIST" (118)

   (87 + 118) = 205

As I mentioned previously, the decimal expansion of the universal amino acids are strictly derived from their SIDE-CHAINS. Therefore, we are now faced with the following amazing fact: When we sum the Proton/Neutron sum of the SIDE-CHAINS, with the isotope masses included, the first WHOLE INTEGER we arrive at is precisely the 205th Prime number (the Prime numbers, which are the numerical "building blocks" of mathematics, can be referenced here: Prime Numbers). 

Here are the SIDE-CHAIN nucleons of the amino acids (isotopes included) with the required decimal expansion for the total sum to reach a WHOLE INTEGER:

    Glycine = 1.07

    Alanine = 15.09

    Serine = 31.09

    Proline = 42.13

    Valine = 43.15

    Threonine = 45.12

    Cysteine = 47.16

    Isoleucine = 57.17

    Leucine = 57.17

    Asparagine = 58.12

    Aspartic Acid = 59.10

    Glutamine = 72.14

    Lysine = 72.19

    Glutamic Acid = 73.13

    Methionine = 75.21

    Histidine = 81.15

    Phenylalanine = 91.19

    Arginine = 100.20

    Tyrosine = 107.19

    Tryptophan = 130.23


When we look at these SIDE-CHAIN values on the 4 × 5 amino acid table, we find even further perfection. The sum of the DECIMAL EXPANSION of the values along the Perimeter = 205 and the sum of the DECIMAL EXPANSION of the values within the Inner Core = 205 - (37 + 73):


   59.10  -   58.12  -  15.09  -  57.17

 100.20  -   91.19  -  42.13  -  57.17

   72.19  - 107.19  -  45.12  -  75.21

   81.15  - 130.23  -  31.09  -  47.16

   73.13  -   72.14   -    1.07  -  43.15


 INNER CORE DECIMALS = 205 - (37 + 73)


 205th PRIME + (37 + 73) = 37^2



Genesis 1:1, the first verse of the Bible, is ultimately the foundation of Biblical Numerics. It introduces the Biblical creation account, which culminates in the creation of the biological world. The Standard Hebrew numerical value of Genesis 1:1 = 2701 and the only way to represent 2701 as a product of two numbers (besides 2701 × 1) is 37 × 73. The number 2701 is also the first and only known number (out of the first 10,000 that have been checked) that yields its PRIME FACTORS when it is added to its mirror reflection:

 GENESIS 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73

    2701 + 1072 = 3773

We saw that when we sum the nucleons of the universal amino acids with the isotope masses included, the first WHOLE INTEGER we arrive at is 2738 (or T73 + 37). We also saw that when we sum the nucleons in their SIDE-CHAINS (which is where all the isotope masses are derived from), the first WHOLE INTEGER we arrive at is the 205th Prime number (1259). The Ordinal Greek value of "Jesus Christ" = 205 and the Standard Greek value of "Jesus Christ" = 2368. Thus, we see that the natural numbers in the universal genetic code are a natural extension of the mathematics of Genesis 1:1 ...

     2701 + 37 = 2738

    1072 + 37 = 2368 - 1259

We saw in Part 1 how Proline stands out among the universal amino acids as unique. Now observe the following:

• Sum of DIGITAL ROOTS of the nucleon masses of all the amino acids on the SAME row and column as PROLINE = 37

• Proline is the ONLY amino acid on the 4 × 5 amino acid table where the DIGITAL ROOT sum of the nucleon masses on the SAME row/column of that amino acid = 37 


89.09 (8 + 9 + 0 + 9 = 26 and 2 + 6 = 8)

115.13 (1 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 3 = 12 and 1 + 2 = 3)

119.12 (1 + 1 + 9 + 1 + 2 = 14 and 1 + 4 = 5)

105.09 (1 + 0 + 5 + 0 + 9 = 15 and 1 + 5 = 6)

75.07 (7 + 5 + 0 + 7 = 19 and 1 + 9 = 10 and 1 + 0 = 1)

174.20 (1 + 7 + 4 + 2 + 0 = 14 and 1 + 4 = 5)

165.19 (1 + 6 + 5 + 1 + 9 = 22 and 2 + 2 = 4)

115.13 (1 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 3 = 12 and 1 + 2 = 3)

131.17 (1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 7 = 13 and 1 + 3 = 4)


Notice that Proline falls on the 3rd column of the 4 × 5 amino acid table and is the 7th amino acid on the table (counting from the top left to the right), which highlights the 3/7 pattern yet again. Recall also how we saw in Part 1 that Proline is UNIQUELY tied to the number 73 (37 and 73 are mirror reflections of each other and 37 × 73 = The sum of the first 73 integers) ...

   4 × 5 Amino Acid Table:

   PROLINE = 3rd Column

  PROLINE = 7th Amino Acid

With the curious exception of Proline, the number of nucleons in the STANDARD BLOCKS of each of the universal amino acids is a double of 37 (37 × 2). The number of STANDARD BLOCK nucleons in Proline = 73:


   PROLINE = 73

It follows that if we halve the number of "Standard Block" nucleons in any of the other amino acids (74/2 = 37) and multiply it by the number of "Standard Block" nucleons in Proline (73), we get the Standard Hebrew value of Genesis 1:1 (2701), which is the mathematical foundation of Biblical Numerics. Keep in mind that all of the Proton/Neutron counts in the Side-Chain/Standard Block divisions of the amino acids, as well as the total Proton/Neutron counts of the amino acids as a whole, have to be carefully calibrated in relation to one another in order to produce all of these mathematical codes within the universal genetic code:

 (37 + 37/2) × 73 = GENESIS 1:1 (2701)

It is no coincidence that Proline stands out as the ONLY amino acid with 73 "Standard Block" nucleons. For its total Proton/Neutron count yields the ORDINAL Hebrew numerical value of "Jesus Christ" (115). Of course, ancient Christian tradition maintains that Jesus Christ is the very author of life. Further, the 37th number that is the product of two Prime numbers = 115 (see here: Semiprime Numbers

   115 = 37th SEMIPRIME NUMBER

Each of the 20 universal amino acids has a checimal formula that is based on the number of different types of atoms that make up a specific amino acid. The Proton/Neutron signature of PROLINE = The Ordinal Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (115) and PROLINE stands out as the ONLY amino acid with 73 Standard Block Protons/Neutrons (with the rest yielding the same Standard Block sum of 37 + 37). Amazingly, I noticed that when we represent the chemical formulas of the 20 universal amino acids with the atomic counts in ASCENDING ORDER, we find that PROLINE yields the 205th Prime number (1259):

    H = Hydrogen atoms

    C = Carbon atoms

    N = Nitrogen atoms

    O = Oxygen atoms

    S = Sulfur atoms


 Glycine (75) = N1/C2/O2/H5

 Alanine (89) = N1/O2/C3/H7

 Serine (105) = N1/C3/O3/H7

 Proline (115) = N1/O2/C5/H9

 Valine  (117) = N1/O2/C5/H11

 Threonine (119) = N1/O3/C4/H9

 Cysteine (121) = N1/S1/O2/C3/H7

 Isoleucine (131) = N1/O2/C6/H13

 Leucine (131) = N1/O2/C6/H13

 Asparagine (132) = N2/O3/C4/H8

 Aspartic Acid (133) = N1/C4/O4/H7

 Glutamine (146) = N2/O3/C5/H10

 Lysine (146) = N2/O2/C6/H14

 Glutamic Acid (147) = N1/O4/C5/H9

 Methionine (149) = N1/S1/O2/C5/H11

 Histidine (155) = O2/N3/C6/H9

 Phenylalanine (165) = N1/O2/C9/H11

 Arginine (174) = O2/N4/C6/H14

 Tyrosine (181) = N1/O3/C9/H11

 Tryptophan (204) = N2/O2/C11/H12

 PROLINE = Proton/Neutron sum of 115

 ORDINAL Hebrew "Jesus Christ" = 115


    205th PRIME NUMBER = 1259

 ORDINAL Greek "Jesus Christ" = 205

When we sum the Proton/Neutron sum of Proline (115) with the product of its chemical formula (1 × 2 × 5 × 9), we find that it points yet again to 205, which is the Ordinal Greek numerical value of "Jesus Christ" and the PRIME ORDER of 1259. In fact, Proline is the ONLY amino acid in the universal genetic code where the sum of its Proton/Neutron signature (115) with the product of its chemical formula (1 × 2 × 5 × 9) yields the value 205:


 Glycine: 75 + (1 × 2 × 2 × 5) = 95

 Alanine: 89 + (1 × 2 × 3 × 7) = 131

 Serine: 105 + (1 × 3 × 3 × 7) = 168

 Proline: 115 + (1 × 2 × 5 × 9) = 205

 Valine: 117 + (1 × 2 × 5 × 11) = 227

 Threonine: 119 + (1 × 3 × 4 × 9) = 227

 Cysteine: 121 + (1 × 1 × 2 × 3 × 7) = 163

 Isoleucine: 131 + (1 × 2 × 6 × 13) = 287

 Leucine: 131 + (1 × 2 × 6 × 13) = 287

 Asparagine: 132 + (2 × 3 × 4 × 8) = 324

 Aspartic Acid: 133 + (1 × 4 × 4 × 7) = 245

 Glutamine: 146 + (2 × 3 × 5 × 10) = 446

 Lysine: 146 + (2 × 2 × 6 × 14) = 482

 Glutamic Acid: 147 + (1 × 4 × 5 × 9) = 327

 Methionine: 149 + (1 × 1 × 2 × 5 × 11) = 259

 Histidine: 155 + (2 × 3 × 6 × 9) = 479

 Phenylalanine: 165 + (1 × 2 × 9 × 11) = 363

 Arginine: 174 + (2 × 4 × 6 × 14) = 846

 Tyrosine: 181 + (1 × 3 × 9 × 11) = 478

 Tryptophan: 204 + (2 × 2 × 11 × 12) = 528

 ORDINAL Hebrew "Jesus Christ" = 115

 ORDINAL Greek "Jesus Christ" = 205

We saw how the chemical formula of Proline yields the 205th Prime number when placed in DIGITALLY ASCENDING ORDER. The Standard Greek value of "Jesus Christ" = 2368 and the 2368th Prime number = 21059 (verify here: Prime Numbers). We are now faced with the following remarkable fact indeed: The 2368th Prime number in DIGITALLY ASCENDING ORDER = The 205th Prime number ... 



   Ordinal Greek "Jesus Christ" = 205

 Standard Greek "Jesus Christ" = 2368

Genesis 1:1 is the foundation of Biblical Numerics. We saw how Proline stands out as the ONLY amino acid with a Standard Block Proton/Neutron sum of 73 (with the rest yielding a Standard Block sum of 37 + 37). The chemical formula of Proline, with its atomic counts in DIGITALLY ASCENDING ORDER, yields the 205th Prime number (1259). Observe how the 205th Prime number itself is tied to 73 through a symmetric balance that involves the eternal Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 (Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73 = T73):

  [(37 × 73) - 37^2] - 1259 = 73

 [(37 × 73) + 37^2] + 1259 = 73^2

In Part 1, we saw how the Standard Hebrew/Greek mathematical signatures of Jesus Christ (754 and 2368) are symmetrically encoded in the 4 × 5 amino acid table when taking THE ACTUAL PROTON/NEUTRON NUMBERS into account. I found a symmetric equation that connects them to the total sum of T73 + 37 for the nucleon masses as well. Observe the following fact:

• The ONLY way to represent 2368 as a sum of two squares is 8^2 + 48^2

• The product of 8 and 48 (8 × 48) = The total number of ATOMS in the universal amino acids (384)

The Standard Hebrew numerical value of "Jesus Christ" = 754 and the Standard Greek numerical value of "Jesus Christ" = 2368. Thus, we have the following symmetric perfection:

(2368 - 754) + (8 × 48) = (T73) - (T37)

 (2368 + 754) - (8 × 48) = (T73) + (37)


The universal genetic code is the product of a supreme intelligence. What's more, the very mathematical signature of Jesus Christ is written within this universal genetic code of life. Therefore, Biblical Theism (and the nearly 2,000 year old tradition that Jesus Christ is GOD) has been vindicated.

   Battalion Of Christ,

     Leo Tavares

Copyright 2024, All rights reserved, Leo Tavares