By Leo Tavares

Biblical Numerics represents a naturally related system between the Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New Testament. The reason this represents a natural related system is clear: They represent the two primary alphabets (both of which have ancient historical ties to alphanumerics) through which the two major divisions of the Bible itself was revealed (Hebrew in the OT and Greek in the NT). Using a discipline that I have coined "Geometric Exegesis", I will demonstrate conclusively the proper Biblical understanding of key geometric divisions within the Genesis 1:1 Triangle (T73). This will be established through the strict canonical values of Biblical alphanumerics alone (without any unwarranted appeals to outside systems of numerology).


Genesis 1:1 represents the numerical starting point of Biblical revelation and the numerical foundation of Biblical Numerics. The Standard numerical value of this fundamental verse yields the 73th Triangle, which has a "Generator Triangle", or "G-base", of 925 counters. I have discovered that this G-base actually unites the first book of the Hebrew Old Testament with the first book of the Greek New Testament. Further, it highlights a Temple not made with human hands:


The FIRST book in the Old Testament = Genesis

The FIRST book in the New Testament = Matthew

Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning God created THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH"

Genesis 1:1 = T73

G-base of T73 = 925

Standard Greek "TEMPLE" (Matthew 12:5) = 925

Ordinal Hebrew "THE HEAVEN is my throne AND THE EARTH is my footstool" (Isaiah 66:1) = 216

PERIMETER of T73 = 216

The New Testament quotes from Isaiah 66:1 in Acts 7:48-49 and hints at a TEMPLE not made with human hands:

Acts 7:48-49
"Howbeit the most high dwelleth not in TEMPLES made with hands; as saith the prophet, Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool: what house will ye build me? saith the Lord"

Standard Hebrew "THE HEAVEN is my throne AND THE EARTH is my footstool" (Isaiah 66:1) = 1080

1/1080 = .000925925925925 ... to infinity

We see that the G-base of the Genesis 1:1 Triangle represents the geometric Temple of the Holy Spirit of God. In fact, I have also uncovered an INFINITE cycle of this fact in "The Infinite Temple Of The Holy Spirit":


Standard Greek "THE HOLY SPIRIT" = 1080
Standard Greek "TEMPLE" = 925

1/1080 = .000925925925925 … to infinity

1/1080 = TEMPLE, TEMPLE, TEMPLE … to infinity 

The Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 (37 and 73) concatenate to form the number 373. This number forms a geometric Snowflake that accommodates an Antisnowflake of 151 counters, which I've previously demonstrated is tied to a cryptic statement made by Christ in the Triple Olivet discourse (from the three Synoptic Gospels) and which is semantically tied to the very theme of Genesis 1:1 itself:


Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73

CONCATENATION of 37 and 73 = 373

Snowflake 373 accommodates Antisnowflake 151


Ordinal Greek "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH" (Matthew 24:35) = 151

Ordinal Greek "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH" (Mark 13:31) = 151

Ordinal Greek "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH" (Luke 21:33) = 151

God SPOKE creation into being

Standard Greek "WORD" (LOGOS) = 373

I showed how the Standard Greek value of "TEMPLE", derived from the first book in the New Testament, appears in the G-base of the Genesis 1:1 Triangle, which is derived from the first book in the Old Testament. Incredibly, this value forms a geometric Star that precisely accommodates the Snowflake of 373 that we just saw. Therefore, I present to you: "The Temple Star Of Genesis 1:1"


Genesis 1:1 = T73

G-base of T73 = 925

925 forms a Star through the self-intersection of the 22nd Centered Triangle

This Star of 925 counters accommodates Snowflake 373

Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73

Matthew 12:5
"Or have ye not read in the law, how that on the sabbath days the priest in the TEMPLE (925) profane the sabbath, and are blameless?"

Standard Greek "TEMPLE" = 925

Acts 7:48
"Howbeit the most high dwelleth not in TEMPLES made with hands"

Acts 17:24
"God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of HEAVEN AND EARTH, and dwelleth not in TEMPLES made with hands"

Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning God created THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH"

Isaiah 66:1
"THE HEAVEN is my throne, AND THE EARTH is my footstool"

Standard Hebrew value = 1080

1/1080 = .000925925925925 … to infinity

1/1080 = TEMPLE, TEMPLE, TEMPLE … to infinity 

I found further evidence of this convergence between the geometry of the Genesis 1:1 Triangle, the Triple Olivet discourse, and the Biblical theme of God not dwelling in temples made with human hands, in my work on the Pi codes. I present to you: "The Temple Of Pi"


Pi = The ratio between the circumference/diameter of a Circle

Genesis 1:1 = T73 = 2701

T73 embodies three Standing Triangles of 666

The FIRST appearance of 2701 in the decimal expansion of Pi (after the decimal point) falls on the 165th, 166th, 167th and 168th digits
(see here: Pi Position Calculator)

165 + 166 + 167 + 168 = 666

G-base of T73 = 925

Standard Greek "TEMPLE" = 925

The FIRST appearance of 925 in the decimal expansion of Pi (after the decimal point) falls on the 336th, 337th and 338th digits
(see here: Pi Position Calculator)

336 + 337 + 338 = 1011


Standard Greek "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH" (Matthew 24:35) = 1011

Standard Greek "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH" (Mark 13:31) = 1011

Standard Greek "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH" (Luke 21:33) = 1011

Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning God created THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH"

Standard sum of THREE odd Genesis 1:1 word values = 1011:

913 - 203 - 86 - 401 - 395 - 407 - 296

203 + 401 + 407 = 1011

I showed how the Standard Greek value of "TEMPLE" (from Matthew 12:5) yields the G-base of the Genesis 1:1 Triangle and forms a Star that accommodates Snowflake 373. This now leads to another hidden identity I uncovered in this very same Greek word, which is this: The Ordinal Greek value of "TEMPLE" (Matthew 12:5) = 64. Why is this significant? Because the 64th Triangle is the precise Triangle that accommodates the Star of 925!


Matthew 12:5
"Or have ye not read in the law, how that on the sabbath days the priests in the TEMPLE (64/925) profane the sabbath, and are blameless?"

Ordinal Greek "TEMPLE" = 64

Standard Greek "TEMPLE" = 925

T64 accommodates Star 925

Snowflake 373 embodies the Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 (37 and 73). I have uncovered a similar union of values that is coded within T64. The Bible teaches that the body is the TEMPLE of the spirit. The number 64 is the Standard Hebrew value of "Adam" + "Eve" (45 + 19 = 64). Since the Standard Hebrew value of "Adam" is also a Triangular number, I wondered what would happen if the Triangles of Adam were sectioned off from the three points of T64. This takes us to my discovery of "The Temple Of Man/Woman (T64)"


Standard Hebrew "ADAM" = 45
Standard Hebrew "EVE" = 19

45 + 19 = 64

Ordinal Greek "TEMPLE" = 64
Standard Greek "TEMPLE" = 925

T64 accommodates Star 925

T64 reveals 1945 counters when Triple Triangles of Adam are removed:

T64 - (45 + 45 + 45) = 1945

1945 = The CONCATENATION of "Eve" and "Adam"

The number 925 forms a natural Trapezium that accommodates T24, with T24 being the Standard Hebrew value of "The Spirit Of God". This takes us to another discovery I made within T64, which further confirms the relationship here between Adam/Eve and the TEMPLE:


Standard Hebrew "ADAM" = 45
Standard Hebrew "EVE" = 19

45 + 19 = 64

Ordinal Greek "TEMPLE" = 64
Standard Greek "TEMPLE" = 925

T64 accommodates Star 925

925 forms a natural Trapezium that accommodates T24

Standard Hebrew "THE SPIRIT OF GOD" = T24

T24 + 925 = T49

When this Triangle is inscribed inside of T64, it yields a surrounding frame of 45 × 19 counters:

"ADAM" × "EVE"

Standard Greek "THE HOLY SPIRIT" = 1080

1/1080 = .000925925925925 … to infinity

1/1080 = TEMPLE, TEMPLE, TEMPLE … to infinity 

I showed how the Ordinal/Standard Greek values of "TEMPLE" are tied to the coded mathematics of Adam/Eve within T64. Amazingly, the very Trapezium of 925 that I showed hidden within T64 forms a natural section of the Genesis 1:1 Hexagon and sections off three Triangles of T24! I present to you: "The Temple Triangle Of Genesis 1:1 (T73)"


Genesis 1:1 = T73

G-base of T73 = 925

Standard Greek "TEMPLE" = 925

925 forms a natural section of the Hexagon accommodated by T73

This Hexagon sections off THREE Standing Triangles of T24:

Standard Hebrew "THE SPIRIT OF GOD" = T24

Standard Greek "THE HOLY SPIRIT" = 1080

1/1080 = .000925925925925 … to infinity 

We see that the number 925 is Biblically tied to the Temple of God (created without human hands), the Spirit of God and the bodily Temple of man/woman. I will now demonstrate another alphanumeric relationship between the Temple and the Spirit, which comes from 1 Corinthians 3:16. I present to you: "The Triune Temple"


1 Corinthians 3:16
"Know ye not that ye are the TEMPLE of God, and the SPIRIT (24^2) of God dwelleth in you?"

Total Standard Greek value = 74^2

This is the ONLY verse in the Bible with this numerical value

T74 embodies a Triple union of the Trapezium of 925 counters:
925 + 925 + 925

Standard Greek "TEMPLE" (Matthew 12:5) = 925:

74th Prime number = Snowflake 373
Star 925 accommodates Snowflake 373

Each of the Triple Trapeziums of 925 accommodate T24:
T24 + T24 + T24

Standard Hebrew "THE SPIRIT OF GOD" = T24
Standard Greek "SPIRIT" = 24^2

1 Corinthians 3:16
"And THE SPIRIT OF GOD DWELLETH (115) in you?"

Standard Greek "DWELLETH" = 115
Ordinal Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 115

Standard Greek "THE HOLY SPIRIT" = 1080

1/1080 = .000925925925925 … to infinity

1/1080 = TEMPLE, TEMPLE, TEMPLE … to infinity


Genesis 1:1 highlights the creation of the heavens and the earth. My research demonstrates that this semantic theme of Genesis 1:1 is an actual map to hidden geometric codes in the Bible (what I call "The H/E Theorem"). An example of this can be seen in a powerful code I found in Isaiah 42:5, which is clearly tied to the coded mathematics of Genesis 1:1. I now present to you: "The Self-referencing Triangles Of Genesis 1:1/Isaiah 42:5 (T73/T28)"


Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning God created THE HEAVENS and THE EARTH"

Standard Genesis 1:1 = T73

913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 = T73

Isaiah 42:5
"Thus saith God the LORD, he that created THE HEAVENS, and stretched them out; he that spread forth THE EARTH, and that which cometh out of it; he that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein"

Ordinal Isaiah 42:5 = T37

16 + 34 + 18 + 26 + 29 + 62 + 63 + 55 + 44 + 59 + 50 + 53 + 41 + 43 + 40 + 63 + 7 = T37

T73 accommodates T37

Standard Genesis 1:1 accommodates Ordinal Isaiah 42:5

T37 sections off three Standing Triangles of 666 within T73

Standard Hebrew "He that spread forth THE EARTH" (Isaiah 42:5) = 666

370 + 296 = 666

Isaiah 42:5
"Thus saith God the LORD, he that created THE HEAVENS, and stretched them out; he that spread forth THE EARTH, and that which cometh out of it"

Ordinal Hebrew value of this phrase = T28 (406)

16 + 34 + 18 + 26 + 29 + 62 + 63 + 55 + 44 + 59 = T28

Ordinal Genesis 1:1 = 298

76 + 23 + 41 + 23 + 62 + 29 + 44 = 298

T28 accommodates TRIPLE DIAMONDS of 298 counters

Ordinal semantic division of Isaiah 42:5 accommodates Ordinal Genesis 1:1

Battalion Of Christ,
Leo Tavares

Copyright 2024, All rights reserved, Leo Tavares