Staying healthy and safe at work: A review

Post date: Jan 15, 2021 8:13:52 PM

Captain Martin Sanders makes it a point to regularly share his vast knowledge and expertise in the realm of occupational health and safety via his series of blogs. He has done this for quite some time now and provides readers with various tips and chunks of helpful advice on how everyone can stay healthy and safe in countless different situations. In today's blog, Martin Sanders puts together a short review on how people can stay healthy and safe at work. First, people have to realize that the companies they work for are legally obligated to ensure everyone's health and safety. Business owners and management, for their part, must know that people's health and safety is directly related to productivity and the success of the company. And when Martin Sanders mentions health, he does not just mean physical health, but mental and emotional health as well.

Through occupational health and safety measures, companies protect their employees and ensure everyone's health and safety in the workplace environment. To ensure this, the U.S. has implemented the Occupational Safety and Health Act and has since seen a tremendous decrease in workplace deaths and illnesses. According to Martin Sanders, the outlook seems quite positive in workplace health and safety since most companies have taken it upon themselves to prioritize these goals and support their employees' efforts to make their work environments a healthier and safer place. Captain Martin Sanders has more than 10 years of service in the occupational safety and health sector. He possesses extensive experience in biological defense activities and infectious disease outbreak investigation. For similar reads, subscribe to his blog. Disclaimer: This site was prepared by Martin Sanders in his personal capacity. The opinions expressed are the author's own and do not reflect the views of the USPHS, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Homeland Security, or the United States Government.