
Interactive maps and Margarita

“Our” (Margarita’s and mine) interactive maps are used every day to learn geography by thousands of students throughout Spain and in the “wide world".

My daughter Margarita helped me over the years in the design and preparation of these maps.

All the graphic design - colours, type styles, sizes, the layout of the elements on the screen - is her contribution, as well as an endless series of ideas and suggestions on other aspects and details.

I have received many very beautiful e-mails of condolences for the death of my daughter, from all parts of Spain and the world.

From among them all I have chosen the following, sent by a teacher who uses "our maps" with his students, and I reproduce it with his permission.


Dear Mr. Alonso:

My name is A. F. and I am a Secondary School teacher on the Social Sciences side. For several years I have been using your flash maps as indispensable resources for teaching geography to First Year students, the preparation of these maps being in the examination (as well as theoretical questions).

Today we went into your page, and I have read of the tragic death of your daughter Margarita. I remembered the accident, but I did not know that one of those involved was your daughter. I am deeply affected (I promise you the tears welled in my eyes) by these news. Deep down, you are a kind of friend of mine and, thanks to your generosity and work, my classes are more entertaining.

I send you my most sincere sympathy, and I want you to know that just now the computer room is free, since the students are practising with their maps, and so I have been able to read about your daughter Margarita...

Thanks to your efforts it is all much more fun and very instructive.

Laughter fills the classroom… It has not been a work in vain, my dear Enrique.

You say that Margarita is a star, the most beautiful in the sky. At this moment she is also shining in the smiles of these students.

Thank you, Professor Alonso. I wish you strength to be able to go on in your daily tasks…

May your daughter shine on you and your family with sufficient energy to keep going.