The display

Post date: May 26, 2015 7:37:46 AM


Display on a 16x2 LCD screen the following:

Temperature :

Temp1 Max1 Low1

Temp2 Max2 Low2


Screen 1:

Lux reading

Max Lux Min Lux

Screen 2:

Light Condition

Day/night counting


Screen 1

Alarm start


Screen 2

Alarm status

Alarm Stop

You can navigate through the different screen Temperature, Light, Alarm by pressing the Switch1. The switch is debounced using the bounce2 library.

The LCD screen is using the LCD Screen library provided with IDE.

The Back light of the LCD screen is switched off after 1 minute.

To reactivate the LCD back light must shake the board to activate the tilt switch.

Any alarm must switch on the LCD back light and display the alarm screen.

Flow chart:

I will publish the code for the display on my next post.

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