Attiny85 Programmer With arduino as ISP

Post date: Jul 04, 2020 7:51:34 AM


Program the Arduino uno as ISP:

The Arduino UNO needs to be programmed to work as a ICSP. This is done very easily using the ArduinoISP example sketch.

When you have connected your ATTiny85 to the UNO according to the previous step, the next stage is programming the UNO.

  1. Open the sketch File > Examples > ArduinoISP

  2. Make sure the UNO is the target board Tools > Board > Arduino UNO

  3. Make sure the UNO is using the right programmer Tools > Programmer > AVR ISP

  4. Verify the sketch (not 100% necessary, but always a good practice) Sketch > Verify/Compile

  5. Upload the ArduinoISP sketch to the board File > Upload

Now, at this stage, you will probably get the perennial false negative warning about the AVRDUDE - PAGEL BS2. You can ignore that warning if you like ... or you can fix it ... forever. I found the solution to this problem a while back and I wrote an article on my blog about how to resolve the warning. Go check out the solution on my blog here. It's a bit tricky because you have to edit the avrdude.conf file and make changes to it ... anyway, back to the instructable.

The Arduino UNO is now ready to be used to program the ATTiny85.

Programming the Attiny85:

In your Arduino IDE, open up the blink sketch (File > Examples > 01. Basics > Blink)

Change the pin in the sketch to pin 0.

The example sketch uses pin 13 and, since the ATTiny85 doesn't have one, we need to use a compatible pin. Pin 0 will do nicely.

You now need to tell the IDE that the ATTiny85 is the target board by selecting Tools > Boards > ATTiny85 (internal 1MHz clock)

Next, you need to tell the IDE that you are using ArduinoISP as the programmer by selecting Tools > Programmer > Arduino as ISP

Make sure that you have an ATTiny85 chip (correctly oriented) in the DIL on your board.

Verify the sketch (Sketch > Verify/Upload)

Upload the sketch (File > Upload Using Programmer)

Your blue LED should flicker as the program is uploaded to the ATTiny85.