STM32 USB Bootloader Upgrade:

Post date: Jul 04, 2020 8:7:37 AM


  • Step7: Connect your serial adapter to your computer

  • Step8: Position the jumper of the blue pill board to programming mode and reset the board.

  • Step9: Open Stm32Cubeprogrammer and connect to the board via UART

  • Step10: Click on the programming icon on the left side and select the file \stm32_binaries\F103\low_and_medium_density\hid_generic_pc13.bin from the downloaded file.

  • Step11: Click "Start Programming".

  • Step12: Move back the jumper on the blue pill board to "0" position before you remove power or restart the board

Programming the board via USB:

  • Step1: Select the board STM321 series from the board menu

  • Step2: Select Blue pill U{S)ART support to Enebal (Generic Serial)

  • Step3: Set USB Support to CDC (Generic Serial supersededU(S)ART)

  • Step4: Set Upload method to HID Bootloader 2.2

  • Step5: Click Upload