yoga unit dox

Yoga Daily Rubric

Daily Points/Participation

· Students will be graded in one to seven different categories on any given day. (each category is worth the amount that there is bullets)

· Students will be given credit based on the “all” or “none” grading system. If the students completes the requirement perfectly then they will receive full credit. Failure to complete the requirement will result in no credit for that specific component. Example – a student must be focused the entire period to receive credit.


1. Warm Up

a. Completes sun salutations

b. Uses time to focus

2. Activity

a. Active participation

b. Cooperation with others

3. Poses

a. Identifies and demonstrates poses

4. Focus

a. Stays on task

b. Does not disrupt others

c. Is not disrupted by others

5. Alignment

a. Demonstrates proper alignment

6. Discussion

a. Participates in discussion

b. Makes connections between content and experiences

7. Flow

a. Is able to follow teacher instructions


Each student will complete a daily entry log for each day of the yoga unit

Journals/Assignments Rubric

Each Student will complete a Teaching Assignment in class

Cite: Wilson SD and LBHS