Basketball Skills

Basketball Skills Assessment Name: _________________________

Total Score ________ out of 25


_________ out of 8 points

1. Flex at the knees.

2. Keep weight on the balls of the feet in the forward stride position.

3. Bend forward at the waist to be in a crouch position.

4. Keep head up; don't look at the ball.

5. Keep wrist limp and cup hand slightly.

6. Dribble with the finger pads, not the palm


7. Never bounce the ball higher than the waist.

8. Use the non-dribbling arm and hand to protect yourself from defenders while



_________ out of 5 Points

1. Distribute weight evenly over the balls of the feet with the shooting-side leg and foot

slightly forward in the stance.

2. Hold the ball about level with the shooting side shoulder.

3. Place the left hand under and to the left of the ball while the right hand is behind and

slightly under the ball and right wrist is cocked.

4. Extend the body upward and push the ball upward using the legs to produce most of

the force.

5. Follow through with a gentle wrist snap in the direction of the intended flight.


_______ Out of seven points.

1. Approach the basket at an angle.

2. Carry the ball with the left hand in front and under the ball.

3. Place the right hand on top and slightly behind the ball.

4. Carry the ball to shoulder and head height as the left (inside) foot pushes off the floor.

5. Lift the body with the right (outside) knee.

6. Place the ball rather than throwing it against the backboard.

7. Follow through with the palm of the right (outside) hand high in the direction of the

intended flight. Reverse hands for left handed players.

Chest Pass

__________ Out of 5 points

1. Hands gripping ball on either side.

2: Extend arms from chest fully

3. Step Toward target

4. Hands extend outward

5. Palms face away.