Sailing Team Dry Suit and Equipment Needs

Every Sailor must have the following to sail:


Each sailor is required to have a dry suit. The temperature of the water during our season is just above 32 degrees and would cause hypothermia so for the safety of the individual, as well as the supervision of the entire team, every sailor must wear a dry suit until the coach states otherwise.

Dry Suits are available from the following retailers with a discount.

Sound Boatworks 800-459-3886 (20% discount before Jan 31st)

Zim Sailing 401-237-6117 (Ask for HS Sailor Discount)

APS (410) 268-3676 (Ask for 15%HS Sailor Discount )

2. Coast Guard approved PFD.

3. Sailors will need appropriate footwear, such as Dinghy boots or sneakers.

4. Sailing Gloves: Winter and regular gloves are recommended