Medicaid Alternatives

NOTE: This is for informational purposes only. PLEASE DO NOT try to register a refugee family for any of these programs or change any aspect of their health coverage.

Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+): For children age 18 and under and pregnant women age 19 and over. Must have a household income of less than 250% of the federal poverty guideline. Must not be eligible for Medicaid.

CHP+ fact sheet: PDF

Colorado Indigent Care Program (CICP): For Colorado residents who do not qualify for Medicaid or CHP+. Must have a household income of less than 250% of the federal poverty guideline. (not actually a health insurance plan)

CICP fact sheet: PDF

CICP Provider Directory: PDF

Denver Health Financial Assistance Program (DFAP): For Denver County residents who do not qualify for Medicaid, CHP+, or CICP. Assistance depends on family size, income and resources. (not actually a health insurance plan)

Old Age Pension Health and Medical Care Program: