Reception and Placement

R&P money is used mostly for food/household supplies for the family and to pay for their rent for the first few months (typically 3-4). See the Housing page for more information.

The money comes from the government and is distributed by Lutheran Family Services. If refugees want access to their R&P funds, they must go to their case manager at the LFS downtown office. All of the R&P money is required to be used or distributed to families within the first 90 days.

Reception and Placement (R&P):

Source: The Department of State – BPRM

Amount: Family size: 1 $/person: $1,500

Family size: 2 $/person: $1,300

Family size: 3 $/person: $1,000

Family size: 4+ $/person: $925

Duration: One-time, allocated to the family (usually through housing payments and initial basic needs) over their first 90 days in America

Requirements: None

Use: Housing and personal expenses

Note: R&P varies by agency. LFS may change amounts depending on government contracts.