Viking Age Scandinavian Clothing

First up, when I am asked to teach a class on Viking Age Scandinavian Clothing, the first 10 minutes of my class is "this is the definition of a hypothesis"

I am kinda defined by research. That is who I am. Sorry?

Anyway. Go look at this first:

I am not going to repeat what Hilde Thunem has done. She has done an AMAZING job, just go read her pages.

In VERY short, women wore a linen layer against the skin, sometimes with a wool tunic layer over that, and most of the time with an aprondress over that. Exceptions abound.

Here is my (very long) justification for my specific linen tunic choices:

Likewise, men were likely wearing a linen "shirt", then a wool tunic. They also had pants, of various types.

Everybody had a cloak/shawl thing, and a coat-thing. And socks and shoes, mittens, hood, etc.

Apparently belts were fairly common for men, but had strong social connotations for women (see: