Gifts and Assistance for New Peers

Often when someone is put on vigil, their friends would really love to do something nice for them on their big day!

Their wrangler (the person in charge of their ceremony) does all the official stuff, but there are plenty of little things that they will remember forever.

For example, my friends made my sushi lunch the day before, and brought it to me formally, knowing I would love it :)

With this in mind, we are compiling lists of little gifts that make a new Peers life easier and better.

In general, these are grouped into:

-Extra regalia (very useful to have a spare in case you need to do something where the possibility of losing your very-best-lots-of-history one. Also, less fancy spurs, non pokey medallions, etc)

-Things with the symbol of the order on it that are not formal regalia (Pelican BAG! Laurel bucket!)

-Things they'll need for this (chair and cup for council, notebook for their vigil, cushion to kneel for long ceremonies)

For those who are members of more than one order, combination regalia is always appreciated! Knights, Laurels, Pelicans, White Scarves, Grey Goose shaft, etc!

Everyone always appreciates food and drink (please be aware of allergies), supplies and equipment for their chosen area or craft (rattan, marshaling staff, medieval tools, etc)

Often new Peers have just gotten one really impressive set of clothing, but can always use dress accessories (relevant to their persona), camp items (banners, pitchers, etc), and supplies. Becoming a Peer means that expectations of accomplishment and appearance rise, so helping a friend with these goals is a welcome gift.

I've made up three pintrest pages, one for each Peerage, with some examples of the things I list above. These are only suggestions, and include not only items currently for sale, but examples of things people have made in the past, and also some historical items.

We are also working on a way to post the likes, dislikes, and "registry" of known candidates who are on vigil, so we'll keep you posted on that!