
יפוצו אויביך

This majestic pizmon is first found in an Italian siddur dating from 1544 (5305), ascribed to Yoav (son of Yehiel?) of Rome (and a few years later in the 1598 Sephardi siddur "Temunoth Te'hinot Tephilot Sepharad" from Venice). It echoes the traditional Ashkenazi verses sung when the Sefer Torah is removed from the Ark on Shabbat.

The Italians traditionally sing this on Simchat Torah, and on the occasion of consecrating a new Sefer Torah.


The pizmon was discovered by my friend and neighbour (from nearby Kibbutz Saad) Elihu Shannon, and was sung in this recording by myself, Eliyahu Krauss, and Yonatan Hizkiya, accompanied by other guests on the occasion of the completion of the writing of the Shannon Sefer Torah in June 2011.