Al Tir'a Avdi Ya'akov

אל תירא עבדי יעקב

This pizmon is traditionally sung after Havdalah (or at Melaveh Malka), appearing in both Ashkenazi and Sephardi prayer books. Each line is a verse or verse fragment indicating God's love for Jacob (and by extension the whole House of Jacob).

Melody 1: S&P

This melody is from the Spanish and Portuguese community of Bordeaux. (Source Gilbert Léom via Aron Sterk)

Al Tira Avdi Yaakov (Bordeaux S&P)

Melody 2: Ashkenazi

Here is a melody we've been singing in our family for over 25 years. I know we slightly adapted it from a version heard at a friend's place, but we have been singing it this way for so long I can't recall how the original differed.

Al Tira Avdi Yaakov (Ashkenazi)

Note: Since this melody takes four lines, and the total number of lines is 22, the second half of the melody (sung for lines 19 and 20) is repeated for the last two lines.

Melody 3: Hassidic

Here's a Hassidic melody that fits the words well, which we know better as a tune for "Yona Matsa":

Al Tira Avdi Yaakov (Hassidic)

Note: This melody takes eight lines to complete, in the form AABC. Although the recording doesn't get that far, presumably the third time through the second "A" is omitted, to fit the 22 lines.