Echad Ata

אחד אתה אל

This is for Rosh HaShanah, from the siddur of Rabbi Aharon Luzzi of Padua (Italy), adopted by Rabbi Giuseppe Sabato Basevi, who was Rabbi of Padua from 1823-1884, from a piyyut by Rabbi Yitzhak HaShiniri b. Yehudah b. Netanel (12-13C).

אחד אתה אל

מחסה מכל צרה

אתה צור ישראל

ולך נשיר זמרה

אתה אב הרחמן

מושיע אין בלתך

חוסה נא על עם נאמן

ובך תמיד נבטח

אנא, אנא הושיע נא. אמן

Singular are you, oh God,

Shelter from our every woe,

You are the Rock of Israel,

And unto you our song does flow.

Oh Parent with great mercy filled,

We have no saviour else but You,

Have mercy on your faithful folk

In You we trust in all we do:

Please, please save us! Amen.

The Ark at Padua Synagogue (where, sadly, a curtain rail has been screwed in over the ornate door by modern zealots with no respect for or appreciation of ancient tradition).

Ehad Ata El

Recording based on one in Shirè Miqdash: I canti del Tempio da Roma a Padova, Fabrizio Durlo, (Padua, 2016)

My thanks to Prof. Marc Michael Epstein for showing me this.