After Meals

There are several traditional ways of signalling to the participants in a Shabbat or festive meal that the meal is over and Grace After Meals is about to be recited.

Among Ashkenazim and many Sephardim, Psalm 126 (Shir Hama'alot) is used. The hymn Tsur Mishelo is also often used, or else sung immediately before Shir Hama'alot.

Among the S&P (Western Sephardim), other cues used are En Kelohenu and Bendigamos.

Some opinions hold that neither Tsur Mishelo nor Bendigamos should be sung immediately before Grace after Meals, as they both contain content very similar to it, and therefore introduce doubt as to whether they themselves fulfill the obligation. These opinions sing these hymns only after grace. This is not the halacha.

PS. Mayim Acharonim is not my custom, but if it's yours, why not consider using an elegant antique English creamer (see illustration) instead of the ubiquitous, kitchy, tasteless sets that seem to have become obligatory these days?