Family Favourites

Our family love singing together.

Since we usually do this on Shabbat, recording is not possible, and even on weekdays, with my simple headset recording more than one voice results in tons of background noise. So one evening not long ago (Nov 2013), my five children and I arranged to get together midweek at the Jerusalem home of my good friend Hazzan Daniel Halfon, who has professional recording equipment.

As there was a lot to cover and only limited time, we agreed in advance to do just a single "take" of each piece, without going back except in the case of a major error (of which there were just one or two). We managed to record sixteen songs in two hours!

Our appreciation to Daniel for enabling us to do this, and for lovingly adding a slight echo that makes all the difference.

So here are the results of our two-hour jam session:

Previous jam session:

When sifting through my sound files I came across recordings of many of these pizmonim from a much older (and less professional) jam session some 20 years back, when my children were kindergarten age. Cohen Jam 1993...