

Is there life after retirement?

Jym retired from SLAC National Accelerator Labortory on April 1, 2008. Yes, on April Fool's Day! Jym first came to SLAC as a Research Associate ("post-doc") under Professor Vernon Hughes, Yale Physics Department, to work on a major high energy physics experiment. He subsequently joined the SLAC staff in June, 1979. Those were good years. Now he is exploring retired life.

Experiments in Retirement

#1 Afternoon trip to San Francisco via Caltrain (April 17, 2008)

#2 Wining through Oregon (April 29-May 6, 2008)

In June, 2008, we moved to a nearby apartment while our house was being remodeled. We moved back in May, 2009, and then spent most of the rest of the summer and fall finishing details, getting resettled, etc. We did meet with HS friends in NYC for a long weekend of theater and fine dining in October--lots of photos but so far no write up.

#3 Dining in SF (March 23, 2010)