Bulletin 2

Hi All!

The time has come to revive our thoughts for the August hike: there are ten of us so we need to do a little more preliminary planning than we are used to. Here is my invitation to all of you to review the information below and offer suggestions and add your sauce.

Goal: Evolution Valley/Wilderness

Location: Kings Canyon National Park

Trailhead: John Muir Wilderness/Florence Lake

Dates: Leave Bay Area 8/6/12, return 8/13/12

Begin hike: 8/7/12

Base Camp: Florence Lake

Access: horrible from Huntington Lake on, unpaved, part is on the Edison Lake road which we all love.

The Florence Lake Resort facilities are primitive, there is a small store, (no restaurant), a Forest Service camp ground (Jackass Meadow campground, reservations recommended), if the campground is full, one can drive a bit along a jeep road and find plenty of space. The only problem is water which is easily solved with my 5 gallon can. It will travel with us. There is a ferry service across the lake which saves oodles of hiking. The ferry times are not exactly according to our hiking timetable but with ten customers they may make a separate trip. Costs $12.00 one way.

Think about the following:

# Vehicles/Drivers


Base camp dinner(s) & appetizers, or just appetizers(!)?

Base camp refreshments

Do you want me to bring the usual "cocktail mix" for the hike? For how many? Remember, you have to carry some of it

Trail food, cooking arrangements on trail, pot discussions, sharing arrangements

Stoves and fuel bottles (I have enough fresh fuel for everybody)


Where we establish our trail camps will depend on how we move and where we find a campsite for the ten of us. For the return leg it would be nice if we could camp near the lake to catch a reasonably early ferry and begin the drive home at a reasonable hour. The Evolution Region offers a wide spectrum of fabulous day hikes or we could even establish another camp at one of the McGee Lakes if we are energetic enough. Hence no plans for now.


15 minute: Tom Harrison Maps, Mono Divide High Country, Bishop Pass

7.5 minute, USGS: Eastern end: Mt Henry quad, Western end plus Evolution Basin: Mt Darwin quad.


Some suggestions based on past experience in this region.

Most lower creeks are bridged but we will have to wade across Evolution Creek several times. Wading shoes advised for tender feet.

For lake swimming, swim suits.

We may want to augment my ice axe with a couple of scoops, there are ten of us!

Need competent camera operators, am planning a different approach to the story.

Feedback desired/needed! And yes, we will plan to have one or more "planning session" at Zots.

