COE 2015

Dates: Saturday April 18 through Monday April 20

Whose going? Esther Berndt, Leslie Leonard, Axel Brachmann, Jym Clendenin, Chuck and Isobel Fox (1st night only). There's still an outside chance that Martin Berndt will be able to go.

Cooking: Use 3 micro stoves (Esther, Axel, Foxes). Cook in pairs: Esther+Jym, Axel+Leslie, Foxes. (I've paired myself with Esther because I'm use to fixing gluten-free meals). So in principal each person cooks 1 evening meal (except of course the Foxes). Stove owners bring the pots. Plan to cook single-pot meals if possible.

Breakfast only hot water for cereal/coffee as usual. (Does anyone want to make filtered coffee, or is instant good enough?) No cooking for lunch.

Depending on time we get out on Monday, stop at restaurant on our way home.

Pump/filter: Axel and Jym

Pre-hydrated alcohol: Make your own choices as to what/how much to bring, but remember Esther doesn't drink and the Foxes are in for only the first night.

No bear barrels.

A warm sleeping bag is essential. If weather prediction is clearly "no rain," you could take chance of not taking a tent (but at least take a tarp to sleep on and if it does rain to cover your sleeping bag).

Transportation - 3 cars: Axel+Esther, Jym+Leslie, Chuck+Isobel. Meet at Esther's by 09:00 AM so we will know everyone is ready to go. Try to stay together on trip to COE. Travel time to southern COE about 1.5 h. Probably no cell signal at the Park.

Directions to southern entrance to COE: Drive to Gilroy on 101. Turn E on Leavesley Rd (at interchange where 152 goes W), then N on New Ave, E on Roop Rd. At the southern end of Coyote L, Roop becomes Gilroy Hot Springs. After about 5 mi o GHS you come to the Hunting Hollow Entrance. Continue on about 2 mi more to the Coyote Ck entrance. Unload backpacks. Drivers take cars back to Hunting Hollow, park them and pay fee: $5 per person per night, $6 per car per night. Drivers then walk back to Coyote Ck entrance.

Day 1. Goal is either Kelly or Coit L

1.a. Suggested trails to Kelly L:

NW on Spike Jones 0.3

NE&W Grizzly Gulch Tr 2.2

NE on Dexter Tr 0.6

NW on Wasno Rd 0.2

NE on Kelly L Tr 1.0 4.3 (+2230', -1470')

1.b. Suggested trails to continue to southern Coit L:

Same as 1.a 4.3

N on Coit Rd 1.2

NW on unnamed rd 0.2 5.7

1.c. Suggested trails to continue to northern Coit L:

Same as 1.a 4.3

NE on Coit Rd 0.9

NW on Willow Ridge Rd 0.6

E on unnamed rd 0.4 6.8

Day 2. Hike to Willson Camp

2.a. Suggested trails fm Kelly L:

E on Kelly L Tr 2.0

S on Wagon Rd 4.1 6.0

2.b. Suggested trails fm southern Coit L:

SE on unnamed rd 0.2

SW on Coit Rd 0.3

SE on Crest Tr 1.1

S on Wagon Rd 4.1 5.7

2.c. Suggested trails fm northern Coit L:

W on unnamed rd 0.4

SE on Willow Ridge Rd 0.6

SE on Crest Tr 1.1

S on Wagon Rd 4.1 6.2

Day 3. Hike to Hunting Hollow Entrance

3.a. Shortest/quickest route:

NW on Steer Ridge Rd 0.8

SW on Willson Ridge Tr 2.6

W on Hunting Hollow Rd 0.7 4.1 (+1350', -190')

3.b. Slightly tougher route (more climbing):

NW on Steer Ridge Rd 0.8

SW on Willson Ridge Tr 0.5

NW on Bowl Trail 1.2

SW on Middle Steer Ridge Tr 1.4

W on Hunting Hollow Rd 0.7 4.6

3.c. Medium-longer route:

S on Wagon Rd 2.3

W on Phegley Ridge Rd 2.4 (Stop at Redfern Pond for lunch?)

(or Redfern Tr)

W on Hunting Hollow Rd 1.8 6.5

If you have a COE map, please bring it.

An online map for this area is at .

Probably we will find water only at Kelly and Coit Lakes and at Willson Camp. Also these 3 locations each have an outhouse.