Goodale Pass 2010

Last updated: August 1, 2010 (Post trip comments 8-11-2010)

This is a Web site to keep track of plans for the Goodale Pass hike Aug 3-10, 2010.


1. Esther Berndt

2. Martha Berndt

3. Martin Berndt

4. Axel Brachmann

5. Nancy Brink (dropped out)

6. Jym Clendenin

7. Leslie Leonard (dropped out)

8. Steve St. Lorant

9. Eric Tse

Jym and Steve will go one day early (Aug 2) to enjoy the pleasures of Vermilion Meadows for an extra day.

See the Bulletins for latest information from Steve.

Each participant must carry a Bear Barrel. Please make arrangements (buy, rent or borrow) for yours ASAP. All of our food plus toothpaste, sun screen, hand lotion, etc. must go in the barrels.*

*The Vermilion Meadows campsite HAS bear lockers, so the food for the 1st day on the trail need not go in our bear barrels.

Note: We also cannot leave any food or food-like items in the cars for any of the nights we are there, including the first night. We don't want to have our cars broken into!!!!

Transportation plans (more to come)

Steve will go with Jym in Jym's Camry.

Eric will go with Axel in Axel's wagon.

Martin and Martha will go with Esther in Esther's Fit.

Note to drivers: Before leaving home, be sure to remove from your car any food-like items (like hand cream) that you don't plan to put in your bear barrel for the hike.

Cooking plans:

The basic idea is to have 2 cooking/eating groups:

Group 1. Steve, Jym, Axel, Eric

Group 2. Martin, Esther, Martha, Nancy

For Tuesday night's meal at Vermilion Meadows: Jym will prepare chicken and veggie package in foil that Axel will bring up in a cooler--to be cooked in charcoal fire. Berndts will bring salad. We will need about 3 bottles of wine. So Steve and Jym will take a couple bottles (for 2 nights), Axel and Eric should bring one bottle, Berndts one bottle.

Steve to bring bag of charcoal (Steve note!) as well as can of fuel.

We do not plan to carry alcohol on the hike. (Some plans just don't work out!)

Coffee drinkers: Martha, Martin, Axel, Jym, Steve. Jym will bring 2 pounds of Peet's coarsely ground. At Peet's, course is #9 or 10, Miletta is #6, espresso is #3. For this trip, Jym has purchased 2 lbs of French Roast #10. We will prepare the coffee hobo style--no cone, no filter. (Hobo coffee turned out to be messy and mostly unsatisfactory. We only used 1 lb of the coffee.)

Some ideas for meals from previous trips.

We will plan to heat water each morning for cereal and coffee. No stoves for lunch.

Fuel: We will need about 1 RSI canister per 10 people-meals. (For Mono 02 there were 5 of us cooking 6 nights, we used a little less than 3 canisters of fuel.) On the trail there will be a total of 42 people-meals. So 4 canisters should be sufficient. (In terms of meals, we actually were only 5 days, so 25 people meals which by the above relationship implies we'd need 2.5 canisters of fuel. We actually used about 2.25 canisters.)

Status: Jym bring 3 canisters; Martin bring 1.

Steve will bring the fuel to Vermilion Meadows in a single large can (also a funnel). The individual canisters will be filled Wednesday morning before departing on the hike.

Shared equipment:

As a minimum we will need:

3 Dragon Flies, 2 pump/filters, 4 pots with lids at least 3 of which are 4-qt. (Midway 2 of the Dragon Flies failed, leaving only 1working stove.)


Dragon Flys: Jym (1), Martin B. (1) + (1) borrowed (w/o canister) from Martin D.

Canisters: Jym (3), Martin (1)

Pump/filters: Steve (1), Axel (1)

Pots 4-qt: Jym (1), Steve (1), more from 2nd group. (Second group also brought 2 4-qt pots. All these pots were useful since we used them to for washing and for pumping as well as for cooking.)

Expect mosquitoes! (Yes, mosquitoes!)